Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1917, p. 11

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$7.10, in bags, frack, Toronte, or a! $6.90, bulk, sea ' 4 e grade. . : Q at John Curls on Friday; Miss Had- Millfeed -- Car lots, delivered, Toy with Miss Myrtle Connolly. Mr | Montel Ll Cove: meth : | Montreal; shorts, $39: b : To 60 On Taking "Fruli-a-fives" and Mrs. W. Ui and Mr. and Mrs. $10; good. 18 to 8s to us. 3 teed flour, per od + 30 hada i § 4 5 shih a a Ap > 3 . : > y . 2 $7.75; 50. ATchie Dens, slsb some, Kingston |to #9: ' Hay--Baled, No. 1 ron-| § rs' bulls, cholée, $8.50 to} ¥ hy . 1, track, Tol E : . Because They Did Her Good - . i risads gf Nn Mr ts: He good, #8 to $8.50; medium, to, best grade new hay, car lots, $13;| ¥ == remember to P,Q. Tis, Ath, 1915. . enterta r 8 Satur-| 30-50" 5 $8; eotmon, §7 to 528 No. 2, $12 to $12.50; mized, $10 to supply of Sun~ "1 suffered for many yeurs with ter. : 2 A. et yd ot Lawrefics Spitils buteher cows, choices, $7.75 to $8.15: $11.50; straw, §9. ; Oranges frons ; viele _wittj spent Friday 5 By ood, $1.25 to §7.15; medium, $6.75] ihe your dealer. Sunkist ars }i | 10°33 Local hc, a to $7.25; common, $6.25 to $6.50; a Winnipeg. he uniformly geod Now. 3, 8 7. 13, 14,28, smn, connére' bulls, $5.50 to $6; canners' | Winai Feb. §.--No. 1 North- : . Other trains daily . : Feb. §. _ 'have pows, $1.50 to $5.25; sheep, $9.50; ern, $1.68%: No. I Northern, §$1.- : Dir Foute 0 Thea tives", 1didso and : i net oh. a r. has tambs, $13 to $13.50; mitk-ted caly-| 55%; No. 3 porthers, $1.60%; No.| | . Chi uo. suep : ia COlling ere Mr. Oe drassfed, $5 w 37. | 4, $1:51%; No. 5, $1.30%: No. 6 to hp pee of my decor bogs ~ tomorrow. | Miles Ba secured a position 1 the | h0 te. $15; good | 31,08%e¢; No. H C.W., 53%i; extra Hogs, © y 4 dy =r panty roti Fa oa moving te newton. No, 1 feed, 52%¢; No. 1 feed, 3 i his i £35! 5 Dwight Frink and J 4.26 to $14.50. Mr, selects, $14. 38 4 Sie; No. 2 feel, 50% ¢c. Barfey--No 1eonsider that I owe my life fo "Fruit. is . Pair-{ 20d Mrs. Montgomery and | Toronto. 3, 81%¢; No, 4 363c; rejected, A ; family have moved to Belleville 0, Feb, 6.--The run of eat 72¢. Fiax--No, 1 NW.C, $2.54%; Toront who | Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Caton, late | o Union Stock Yards to-day |No. 3 C.W., $2.51%. of Syracuse, Have detided to remain | 3. "Yi Ene and prices were stronger. jc thelr farm. Miss Elisa Toomey [quan stock was firm: Hogs steadh : Chicago, A. Trousdale from Water- A os, 1,408 cattle; 183 cuives;| Chiviigo, Feb. Wheat, No.3 S0e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. (and E. 3 -¥. bad 379 hogs, 17 sheep. red, nominal; Ne. 3 red, $1656%; Atalldedlers or sent postpaid by Froif. | WICH JOSE Export cattle, choice, $10 to $11;| No, 2 bard, $1.74 to $1.75; No 3 a-tives Litited, Ottaws. week. A M1 Jow. Ross Jones, |potener cattle, choice, $9.50 tolhard, $1.603% te $1.71. Corn, Ne. 2 Irn L Ouse on i : medium, $7.75 to $8.75: yellow, ellow Jl LE & ; Locomotive | o $6.76 to $7.50; butcher cows, choice, $7.75 to $8.50; butcher ps W. {eaws, choles, $7.75 to 38.50: medium, No. 2, nominal; No. hutch nhe§ 6 50: canners, $4.25 to $4.50; | 3, $1.37 to $1.38. Barley, $1.00 to has gone to her home of gemeral stor hulls, $5.50 to $9: feeding steers,| $1.37. Timothy, $3.50 to 35.50. . Pansy Percy is visit-}goods from W. . and will| $6.76 'to $7.25; stoekers, choices, | Clover, $12.00 to $17.50. Pork, §29.- ing #4 hor grandfather's, J. TL. Perey. | take possession about the 14th Inst. 136.25 to § 60; Jight, $5.50 to 38: 60 . Lard, $18.17. Ribs, §15.00 to Miss Jesale Ball, Parham, is visiting P milkers, choice, each, $50 fo $1001] $15.50. 3 at Rev. C. V. Fairbairn's. STELEA, , $50 100;; sheep, ------ ' Fob. Sues BOSKS teat aman 38.50 10 a i a HALIFAX to LONDO! : : Montreal. WILBUR. played with Parrot's Bay tem on thelculls, $7 to $9; lanibs, $7.50 to 1 asdian (Csiling Folmouth to land passengers) Feb. 5.--A surprise party was iv-| rink here on Thursday. Quite a $ids0; hogs, fed and watred, $13.76 wlan, Feb Nie 3 3, 67c; stioilars of sailings And sates on the young people by Mr. and Mri. | crowd attended. One pléver had his jio $14; calves, 35 to $14. ertra No. 1 feed, 66¢. Barley, Mun. Er eanta or 16 The Rebert Thuriton on Thursddy even-| ose broken, The game was won by maiting, $1.30 Flour : eford Co., Limited, General Agents, 50 ing and an enjoyable time was spent. | the Parrot's Bay team. Pte, Harold Buffalo, Math sping wheat patents, firsts, $9. King Street East, Toronto. A number of the young people from | 31. Wilson; of the Queen's Ambulance| Bast Buffalo, Feb. 6.--Cattle: Re| 69; seconds, $9.10; strong bakers,' A Lavant attended it rs. Danford Corps, who _ had lis leg broken d|ceipts 2,600; active; sl stetrs,| $8.90° Winter patents, choles, §9.- { as u Ta the on ro fing short time , Is recovering rapidly. } $8.50 to $11.75; butchers, $7.25. to] 25. straight rollers, $8.50 to $8.80; ¢ FOR a ne a Bits Rich tv. is] Jonn Miller has efilisted in thé Army Jis0e: heiters, $6 to $9.50; cows,| go. bags, $4.10 to $4.25. Rolled S nee friends in Kingston. Tamag| Service Corps; Ringston, 3, 1 Bri 4.50 to $8.50 biulls, $5.75 to $9; | outs, barrels, $6.95; do., bags, 90 ba. Posd has RS to Chestywobd. gle has eived s I8tter recently |stockers and feeders, $5.75; fresh| $3.35 Bran, $33 fo 334. Shorts, ; . week. from -his-son; Corp. gd 1.-Prin-| cows and ~ springs, /active, $50 10] 335 to $88. M $38 to $40. : gle, who went overseas about & year| $100. Moutllle, $43 to $48, Hay, No, &, per &go With a Calgiry battalion. He has| _Veals: Receipts 500; active; $5 10] tom, cur lots, $13. : been in France tor ome o that, nl H. | $15.50. ' em------ : 4 Smith is running the stage to 8 Hogs: Receivts 5,000; active; Duluth? Hist Diy pe. inn og -- ton this winter. The annual Sunday| heavy, §12.85 to $12.90; few at $13;| Duluth, Feb. §.--Wheat No. 1 > {d children spent & couple of days school éntertainment of St. Alban's| mixed and yorkers, $12.80 to $12.-l4ard, 1,79%; No. 1 Northern, iting fri at lavamt. The sng Chlirist churches, Emerald, was|90; yorkers; light yorkers, $12 to $1.78%:; No. # Northern, 31.75% to lo Allen. Mis. | eld fu Victoria hall on Friday even-| $12.60; pigs, $11.50 to $18; tought, 71.76%. Linseed to arrive, $2.80%; ad Mré, D. Craw-| ne $11.18 to $11.85; stags, $9.50 to | Mey, $2.83%; uty, $2.88, ; CENTREVILLE. o Sheep and Wiibs: Receipts 4,000; Musneapolis The Canmiian Stee! Company's nen| Fed. 3.--The continual cold weath-| active; lambs, $11 to $15; yearlings, | Minasapol., Feo. 6.--Wheat, May, ; are loading thelr machi nd pre-|of and the exceeding deep snow makes] active; lambs, $11 to $15; yearlings, |§1.73% ; July, $1.73%. Cash, No, 1 sppesrance g to leave I other, fields of|Yery little traffic at present. The | $89.50 to $13.75; wethers, $11.50 to {heed, $1841; 'op 1.60% Ue 1 k sae. Ne Soa . W. J. Boyd farersm have been unable to get up|$11.76: ewes, §6 to $11; mixed | Northern, $1.77% to $1.60%: No. 2 og and , Lvant, spent the week. | Such wood. The ladies of the Red |ghesp, 11 to 11.26. Northern, $1.74% to $1.80%. Corn, a its % ' Jostpe thie Cross Societ: Mrs. W. J. M 4 formér's mother, Mrs, | Cross Society met at Mrs. W. J. F6 et rn . 3 yellow, 97% to 98%. Oats, store a 50-cent oy . Services Were Gonduct- | Gill's recently. They propose having Ohieago. De: 3 white, 52 to 53%¢. Bran, $31 ind at Taven Sunday by 3 Socon on Mares ah Ase ©hiesgo. Feb, §Cattler Re-|to $32. , ¥ ston. ! odist] ceipts 5,000. Market strong. Native} . : ' ; - 4, Elis church joined their friends from Des-] heat 'eattle, $7.85 to §12.15 western New York. Then shall the King say unto them A A A Er ey mond and journeyed to Enterprise on} steers, $7.85 to $10.25; stoekers and] New, York, Feb. ¢.--Fioar steady. . + Jan, A7th, where they spent a social feeders, $5 to $9.25; cows and heil- spring patents, $8.60 tp $8.75; Wiat- on his right hand...... svaning ee A it aad ers, $520 to $10.40; calves, $10.25 for Patents, Hh $3.60 Winter : » MT. coal a 4. alghts, . 0 a8; nsas « Mrs. Kemp with a well-filled purse. to LIS. Receipts 20,000, Market [straights, $8.50 to $8.75. Rye lour Twas an hungered, and ye gave me meat; A gulet wedding was solémnized at "20 to 26 cents up. - Light, dull; fair to good, 37.49 1» $1.70; . | was thirsty, and ye gave me drink....... PORTLAND. the Romén Catholic church here on{gyy 5p to $12.10) mixed, $11.65 10 choice to faniy, § 75 to £2.00. Hay » ! . 5.-- number from here st~| JAN. 2304, hen Leo Fiyun, Eutér-|g1a.06: heavy, $11.70 fo $12.30; steady; No. 1 $1.10; No. 2, $1.00 to naked, and ye clothed me....... tended the tages in Ottawa. The n ise, wc binie alen, at Hino, | 10h, $12.70 to $11.85; pigs, $9.60 $1,065; No: 3, 95 to 97%¢; shipping, sin agora ended he Raine proparations toy Vere ymited in matrimony. The fRIS-1¢o $10.75; bulk of sales, $12 to. $12.- 90 to 95¢. Then shall they answer him, saying-- ral of the late Mrs. James MoGuire,{ qq ---- Strathcona, came on Monday to thel" mi,o: pecefpts 10,000. Market GENERAL TRADE. " when saw we thee an hungered, and fing Roman Catholic church, and her re- Wether, $10.50 to $11.85; SRE fod 2 or thi , and gave i Irink? mains placed in the Ault to await] Straus. ) P-- "| fnterment in the sprisg. A number lambs, mative, $13.10 to $14.75. Montreal, Feb. 6.-Strictly new +..-0r naked, an d clothed thee?" of the young people took fu the ball GRAIN 'QUOTATIONS. 1aigd eggs, 60¢; fali fresh stock, 56¢ :{ ifn Newburgh Friday night. to Be; No. 1 selected stock, 46c; No. . : 1 candied stock, 43¢; No. @ candled And the King shall answer....... ~ VENNACHER, Torofito, Feb. 6.-- Manitoba wheat soc oe or nrkeye choice, " i Jmxvacien, Ne T ade LET Track, 30o: wher, ordinary. 16° To Bs 'Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of fom Bessemer, figs returned tojUay ports; No. 3. $1.89%: No. 3.10 rg holes, 38e 10 B80: thir the least of these my brethren, ye have his home here owing fo illness. $1.56%: No. #, $1.76%; oM crop, | 2% OF! nary, : 4 i a me } wii k to 20¢; geese, 18¢ to 20¢; ucks, 20¢ done it unto me". e es have answered + hel y's call ereot Manitoba oats<Ne. 2 ©. W,|te He . : hood go gountry's call in fin geceams 68%e: No. 3, 64%c; extra No Mheiet Overseas, in ravaged Belgium, more than hy ] . feed, 86%c; No. reed, , al ---- . . &. da ire. 0. 1 teed, 83%¢. 8TH otonto, Feb. 6. Butter. choice « 3,000,000 of "the least of these" are ] u 'at Amible 'on ¢ ! ih nth] Tail . ) ' (A i Aiiorican corn=--No. 2, 64 %c, sub] airy, 42¢ to 45¢; eggs, REY laid, dos..| : : . etd They peng filling 1a Cx 'Pass ord. ject to embargo. % Bbe.to 80c; cheese, Ib., 30c; turkeys, hungry, thirsty, thinly clad--looking to us! | lig thelr piivents and relatives Here. | Ontario oats--Nb, 2 whi, 62¢ to]1b., 2lc to 30c; fowl, Ib, 170 to 10; Have you done what you could for any ley Cofiner mide a bisiess tri $4c; No. 3 white, 61c to 63c. geese, spring, 16¢ to 18¢; ducklings, to thls Ww a Ontario wheat--No. 2 ginter, per ib., 16c to 20¢; spring chikems, 1b, of them? visisting relatives in Denbigh this car lot, $1.68 to $1.70; -No. 3, $1.66 | 20c to 22¢;: apples, Baldwins, bbl, : : i : Z Mo-Y-yeek. "fumes Grant returwed to his > S168: $3.50 to $4.50; do., Spies, bbl. 33,60 Whatever you can give, send your subscription Fadden has heen visiting at Jimes| one hero from J. Gilmour's camp, |, Peas---No. 2 nominal, car lots, {10 $1; do. Greening HOC JS 00,00 weekly, monthly or in one lump sum to Local [Chalks Ow to the illness of the senfer. ustice Sweetman Pinch. $2.25. - 186; do., 6-qt. bkt., 30c to ec; do. » no | "| fonchier, there has been mo school| gu 'Grogk, oo al, Fn | a, BArley--Oood_ malting, $1.13 'to 11-qt. bkt. 50 to 76e; bests. per or Provincial Committees or " 1dr: fiotith, . Misray and Télatives hero S Tor ates $1.20; ¢ barley, al. bag, $1.76; carrots, per bag, $1.36 ' been WO at of Several rs. Mrs. N. J. Ball re t--Nomina!, $1.28, to $1.60; do., 6-qt. bkt., 26¢ to Me y Te 8. N. J. ay yo--~No. 1 Gommercial, nominal; cabbages, each, Sc to 25¢; onions, a Mohn. Conner Val ana, on Fast. » pundle, 5 renewl acquaintances | the 8 th autbon, First patents, 1n Too to 31; 8. Jueksqn| SIENOR, COT CL Saturdu Plex Jors. 39.08; sacond Paton purshipe: nag, $2.86 to $3; turnips men employed i8 | Jo dor Gilmour "aad naa. pier uth, WL strong bakers, "in" Juin LU 0% oc, do, 11-gt. Dit. 30¢™ kend at Long|WAt made & Busiziees. trip to Ardbch "Ontario flour=-New winter, $7 'tol to 3c. The Greatest Relief Work in Hisary, ey |, So 0 "0 reg de In Sl ind of war su Eo Td china err N - was rs. ». y v ng frém one hun-{ only © 9 Jas 4 Euet ot Mrs, NGJ. Ball's ono i por cent, up On the investment, | Eranting the smounY, which is $257.- y ; The Government 'to borrow his} 16. from Mia &t an abnor- fa - DARLINGSIDE DOINGS Lights and Shadows on Our | TO INVESTORS |-- a Triose WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE 'AT PAR. x * DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK | IN SUMS OF $800 OR/ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. ~ ithe ------ Prinsipat repayable tat Qotober, 1919. ; fesrost payable haifeyaarly, st April and. ist October by cheque (frea of xchange »

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