a j : ---- Helleville, Workman Accidentally Stpped Into Hopper. Belleville, Feb 1.~--Russell Burt, an employee at the Canada Cement plant at Port Asn was the vietim of 3 fatal accident on Tuesday. He was £ al © i lot 5 s EE in keeping & large hopper or Wo ¥ 7 NOT 1 g ' New 'York, Feb, T---Discussing the fide free from cement: when he acci- : : Ry NA fle dX AB question as to whether the entrance ntally slipped into the $b 3 AN H R {of the United: States into the war was carried to a large in s . 5 7 soo! BAAN C i would result in the gurtiiiment of He. was unable to extricate himself}: 4 ' \ : wo 1 aR Ay Rr ' war supplies to the te Allies and before fellow-workmen could| . 3 it ; 0 > Lg 4 ; the Evening Sun says. : render assistance the unfortunate \ : 8) v Ay \- * It is to be hoped that in framing man was suffocated. The remains AY AN \ \ E 7 efficiency plans for our own forces in were brought to this city, where an : 7 AR Bg nF a case war be forced upon us, the au- ugst Was opened last evening be- 2 \ hh 0 ? ¥ thorities at 'Washington will make no five years of age and. : X , 3 AA Zs RN such serious blunder as crippling thel. "o_o CYS Years of 28 sme Cg RY |: -, I AS \ No campaign of the Entente powers by | AT THE OPENING OF THE PAR. " 1 iA 3 QR MR -- curtailing their supply of munition LIAMENTARY SESSION. 5 3 X : 4 ; > ¢ war from American factories. It} > { ust be borne in mind that in case Represented : 2 | 3 A A Id 3 of our, being dragged into the contest Well Oger : H Ns / As the Allies will 2 our Allies; their British Ships Sent to the Bottom. tack on Government. : ; : 3 : i battle will be our battle: their néeds 2 ( to the Whig.) Ottawa, Feb. 7.--W. M. Geran, - : r | g , our needs, and their victories our New pect Feb. 7.--The total of Welland, made 8 vigorous attack . . y ny . 1 A victories. (Special to the 8.) . k amber of ships which have fallen vi the Government for Jalling 10 Seat - . ee Ue ' N Fo v5 "On akepunt of prissity they are| London, Feb. 7.--"No possible ~ ; igore with - . = oe 2 AE : m 1 victims to Germany's untiriddled sub- dreds of thousands of dollars in A -- mi; ue he United rf = mill. basi of pense was contained " marine campaign since February lst |moediossly refaining In England thou- | " "» q|tary ftness. They have of ak | JerImARY 8 recent proffer," King was increased to more than forty of officers who would never get shall it be, will he cling to the interests" or----ocare for me? ay, drilled, hardened, skilled, ih | George declared to-day in his speech day with the news that Your more td Ihe front. = He Saciared that the Shall I ly WW mem TT " SEES the ways of the trench and the geld. | in the House of Lords, m king the vessels had been sunk. Sixtgen livesithe A aphasard a a - : NTERN EVERY HUN AR oy De keep on Sgting opening of Parliamen{. "The enemy Nave so far been lost fu the sinkings. | policy of the Governmerit. ? IN UNITED STATES Ad aa Douala i ade certain overtures with a view e total of tonage represented 'it Shortly attgr midnight the, war 05 ip For these stores they rely in no small to opening peace negotiations," His «\ thes hips destroyed by the O ue Yo was una ay ohrried The E i ; x degree upon this. country and for | Majesty asserted. "Their tenor is now well over 90,000 since Febru-|ment a . ue gf aurye our Government to compel them to | however, indicated no possible basis ary Int. Sr . gy Pia et mark time for mente while Je of peace." . E lied and equipped a great expedi-| « . LA Laon, abi a he Dei "WELL GOTHE WAY Lp ae . ton to the theatre of war would be rsh people thegughont the ¢ re: : a WE HA CHOSEN adon, (Feb. T~--There are a to play the game of Germany and 10 | rast) 1680 le were officially reported sunk to-day. ie © humber of Americans in London, turn American resentment against ast 4nd. unatimousiy. itsgiin] ~ » } 3 . . A hile retaining their citizenship, frightfulness into respite and per- i Peruvian Vessel Sunk Germany's Secretary 'of 'State i the past and guarantees for the fu- { - . Decl ay Machinery. ¢ . haps salvation from the disaster | ture, which we re ard as essential i N London: Fob to the Ne ey i Is No 4 which now impends over the Kaiser's | to the progress IR iaation " Ris) statement announced the si rally Way Back. and who have the views of experts = tL. |standards. King continued. . EE ihe Sinking In 7 ET On the assumption that America and {Standards sney, our credit, our Te-| "lu response to the invitation of Peruvian sailin ship Lort e 8 e Berlin, via file, Feb, 5.~--(de- will come to grips, some of sources all sorts should be theirs | the President of ihe United States bho 8 hip 10h rah layed -- There fs mo way back for ricans have sought me out as well as ours the moment we are | we have outlined, as far as possible ' submarined. goon us; we shall go the way which we arrayed upon .the same firing line [at present, our general objects and to note simul-{ Mave ehdien to the end and are oR" with a common purpose and a com- aims. : vinced that neutrals later on will be after Germany 'and. th THAT 6,352 MEN WERE SENT|plon cause, the cause of civilisation | "Threats of further outrages of Gorman | thankful to us for this," the official moment the whistle blows, BACK TO CANADA By liberty against the lust of warll| public law and of the common rights : press agency quotes Stata Secretary A * wlio have had actual} domination." of humanity will only serve to steel: mown in thé interests o sideration Heilferich as declaring in 4% mter- : Ew tea our determination." = view on the submarine policy. : : h i. | WOMAN PAYS FINE OF The King spoke of the great The interview, it was said, was Officlals--Orders 3 x : THREATEN achievements of the Allied armies granted s Norwegian newspaper ¢ t NING AUSTRIAN and navies during the winter months, bmarine operations. and said: "I trust their united efforts man: "We consider the su many. ' ' : 4 tion. : rap ; Warfare an efficient means to ¢h Washington, Feb. Every one trom. Colonel ThOrRIOR, , velations| Ottawa. Fob. 4. ote. Roborty Bord: | Settles With Gourt for Evca | will carry the successes already won - tho Var ad k oe all Dk tared of seventeen war-bound German mer-| which exist between the United States|en informed the House yesterday pade of Man Who Tried to to Eston! pag SORIROT_ ni im- Secretary. Hellferich. Aeriainty nou-| chant ships examined by American |and Germany justify consideration ot| afternoon that 'he intended moving Use Knife. ° perial Conference, he said:. "1 have trals will have to suffer in gome re: officials at Philippine ports since the Dec meni 2a the pan to-day for the formation Gf & cOm-| py Te Leute i 5 invited reprosehiatiy of the Dom! submarine r, but » _ 7.--~Louls Kouman-|ipions an ndian mpire, Whic es dy suffer? Nan -- he --~ ¥ rnd has. been 80|the German Government jhas forseen mittee ut the Commois to 4 agile der, the Austrian eo attempted to | hive borne so gloricas a share in the be sure that the s caused y dama| y her crew that six of & break and will not|and repo upon the ger ques use a knife on several fellow-employ- struggle, to confer with my Minis- [to your gountry " (Norway) by our months or more would be required gral teet. of caring for returned soldiers auring| es dt the local brewery a couple of | ters on important questions of com- submarine war Bill de little compar-| to make any of then! seaworthy. Anji. oh part the adjournment. The committee | wobks ago, as wall as Chief of Police | mon interest relating to the war, od to those ceused by England." - official report yesterday said that of maT will consist of four members. of the Smyth when that officer was ealled | Which step. & trust, will result in the 1 p---- the "twenty-three vessels tied up in and five fro the Govern- to Spent Mm, was on Mobday morn Yeoman gloser relations - : . a : . Tg . hea NP g senten to a fine o An D ¢ / | | PRISE FOR GERARD, thet islands all but six had been in-|¢ hy ich : os $o8ts or thres mouths by] War purris gh. ob the FE ---- spected, and one had been found nored ; Police Magistrate Danis. - A womén proceedings. The King and Queen Paper Neougnises His Good | which could be put into copdition from. Montreal, said to. be an Aus. journey fo the Parliament opening, \ two countries, i addition of several members of the| trian, was here. and after Kouman-| Which took place at hoon sharp, in pu without a large expenditure of time|something of the me Senate to 'consider the question of|der bad spent "a few ef K in jail |& plain coach . drawn by. six black London, Feb. 7. o srt indy and 'money. spies and agents, I! think it is ex-| suitabily gelebrating the 50th anni-| she paid his fine, amounting in all | horses. There were thé usual escorts, frequently expressed by ri So widespread and thorough has tremely important that full precau-| versary of Confederation. The Prime} to $67:45, and he was liberated but a war touch was furnished in newspapers in the past for the Work | peer the concerted disabling of Ger- tionary measures be adopted in good| Minister did not contemplate on such 77 nh at meme 4 squads of moynied officers represent done by James W. Gerard, the Am-| myn' ships in American that time to protect the interests of the| celebration any very considerable ex- " tng the army ot each of England's bassador at Berlin, in be-l ome officials think it could De ex-| United Staes. penditure of public moneys. SHELLS WERE FIRED Dominions and colomes Four hun- {renewed in prospect of his depar- "It is suggested that such in- inerning, as soon as it can be done, Inexcusable Waste. AT AMERICAN BOAT om. pled ihe hota of he ture for his own country. structions might have gone f ard | every (German and, it possible, Ger-1 ~ Over six million dollars has been ana Royal Gallery. The Morning Post, After WAFM| early in the war, or might even have man . sympathizer, in America. THe| wasted through the sending = over- The Westwega Allowed Lo Pro- Civilians and diplomats all wore Fecognilion of his services, says: ' | been issued as a standing order be regular armynitate militia and local| seas of Canadian" soldiers who were ceed After Giving Sub- mutt instead of the usual court goo a geod me Groat Brin will the war to cover such an exig: police could readily take care of such | later declared medically unfit and re- regalia. . 3 reel wey pri 3 oge of mAKINg | ericy as now has arisen. There has (8 task. turned to Cangda, The Prime Minls- marine Some Oil. ---- to Mr, : an enduring memorial | pogn no indication, however, hat the This may sound agbitrary,"but|ter informed the Hause that during ---- War Tidings, | which 'shal testily | the world th\ | American Government has authentic hostile aliens have no individual] 1915, 2,701 meu had been returned| london, Feb. 1.--The German sub-} qu, capture of soveral hundred 2 | nation's gratitude." mation ob the subject. + ~*~ |L Sts where the safety of a nation ist to Canada as medically unfit. 1 marine 'U-46 stopped the America| qyrkg with machine guns and stores, J i -- . 3 . at stake, and an ounce of 'prevention 1916, 3,661 were sent back for [steamer Westwega and only permit-| 05 ay advance along & three, mile Canadian Casnalties, Big Liner Useless. is worth several pounds of cure--the similar reasons, It costs $1,000 per |ted her to proceed without sinkin® {oe one § ng Brivsh of Missing--Lieut. D. J. MoRae, Pres-| The refugee German 'teamér | Only safe German is ane (hat is lock-| year per man. when that vessel acceded to ihe ant, a atnoubeed |b Bie cott. Kronpringessin = Cecille, built at'a ed up." I Such inefficiency in medical inspec- German commander's demand fbr ™ ith nr reamdf Ade) id - 'Wounded--Ismel Soulljer, Pem- Gost of 4,500,000, has been render- S_-- {ion, said B. M. MacDonald, was in- | three barrels of lubricating oil. 8 000 a ly ot nk i" At ald broke. od useless for months by the dis-| pRUSSIANS CANNOT excusable and a heavy burden on the| The Amerigan consul at Liverpool | vain" ten' 8 An yn % | abling of her engines, it was discon: ' Srcasury. Om permanent base duty reported these circum: ajances to the | 08 on ot. | Ninel Accept Bookings for Liners. | ered yesterday A by Capt. JObS R. "STARVE BRITAIN in Bagland Dr. Brace Ha0 roported | American embassy here yestorCey rR ummian steamer Corera was London, 'Feb, 7.--The American Coyle, r of the United ------ there were 866 men who should pever | An Admiralty statement councern-j o iy Th n or Sarere i fine to-day announced that'it was ac- States Coast po Lord = ne have been enlisted st all. Such a con: ing She same ineident_ declared. that BR . ® a Avec Geran |topting bookings for 'the steamers , ; dition of things, sald the member for |the % vetshells at the West Siabebad mecedatel Sail erican ambass: halt of British prisoners, has been plained rr by a blanket order from "This ean only be accomplished Sy and Finland. was absolutely incompre- | Wego, but failed to score & hit. . Dr. The US, C on Tuesday ig eg liogether Dr. Bru voted ten millions for naval addi- the Canadian medical service. BERNSTORFI'S DEPARTURE | tions. . 5 KILLED IN EXPLOSION. ' German Envoy to 'Sail to the Nor The German submarine Deutsche ---- . wegian Capital. time at New Ana the Majority of Ther Were Wo-| washington, Feb, 7.--Count von | London, Conn., and will not be inter- Bergstorft, former + minister to thé | ferred with by the Ui States, 3 js Cracked. revalu sail from N on th eandin Piston Meads ; orld revolution |, riving here trom ow York-on the Scandin-| DAILY MEMORANDUM New York, Feb, 7.--Machinery in ure generations: will |, El tatoments the report that Svian Mer Frederick VILL for gang st Paince Rusk towiEhi. I of the smatior steamebipe in the 8s | ro hundred persons, mostly women, Christiania, X ai SC food rill OTE XC 3, right hand corner mercantile vessels 5 : were killed And many injured ip an gent ou the granting of safe conduct pro < ~~ explosion of th dynamite works by Great Britain sud France, for ® near Cologne, Germany. which this Goveryment has asked: | - no Panic in Spain, will be accompanied by Cous- |SFRATL,] oa dui. tess von Bernstarff, Prince von Hats th Fr. Tracey, Mary Madrid, Feb, 7.~~There is a panic iM alt=]: by the Bev. Tt 3 : of teldt, inister Haneil yon E 5 Sosa Spats, £ 1 . * . . 4 Non _oh Fe will be extended to |' Eeatin. dearly their g ; pment on