Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1917, p. 2

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cor LHOTION OF VALENTINES 18 "NOW ON SALE IN THE CITY. mete of the Fron (ll tion-ever shown. The Gibson Art Line for 1917 is shown only at jJetter carriers will have yomething | The Tact Cb 4 re overseas is Il} the city, They are being handled members who are overseas have no each of {hese stores have been much 30 Ho were found ti be in food 3 : Many Are Overseas, and a Campatin (Hf 1 . Titi f tense Club was held om Tuesday | | . Next Wednesday, and hi avenink, at which lteen new direct | this store. Still More Bystander (No. 3) bo remind them of ihe big Christmas| SlCr oo ith th ier ||| Smal 5 i rush. interfering with (he iors. took FRAGMENTS FROM FRANCE, by Captain Bruce Bairnsfather. "| ii 4 'ees to pay while . A special 1 he a By the Collese A Store and B.ilees to Biv while amar, Cl Sn the than the other two numbers combined. Send one of these to the admired. Citizens 'who intend "104 oo or : make purchases should pay 8 Visit 104 "yy wag decided that the club could for New Members Wilt Be Started be Si. Valentine's Day, Be elfctal. Kingston this 'Year has the finest jow & Company. The window dis- war tk 0) 'nome mempets tor make il boys at the Front at ONCE. I FECES Es = ee pre dais sane these stores at an early date as POSS 4, pgp to fill @ bi Hi a : A at 3 - gger sphere of in-igy file so. that Shey might EM the ad fluence it an effort was made to en- Ht The Colle B 0 0 k ; vantage of t : farge its membership. A committee HH - 3 ei tS a RT a Nia Admiscion Foor: | . Better make your selection now. The largest and finest selec- by 16 sale of valentines thus fat, the} The fact that a large mumber of kingston (V0 ines ever snipped | evs 10 OVUME UOC diienity. All {i} 42 pages of the most humorous cartoons ort the Front. Better piays and also the inside displays At} "ype deficiency. The finances of Hy But sin Considerable Liquor Is Be.| I may not be generally known, DBLE Loo hpsinted to take this matter ing Shipped Into the City--Liguor from eight io ten thousand valentines up, and the city will be canvassed 1H . at the Bottom of Many Police Court are disposed of in this oity every sea- | Special inducement, that of canes . Cases. ' at Mam Poti son, and this goes to show just HOWE jiu tne ysual admittance fees was fi 160-162 Princess Street. popular old-time custom of sending | 3 abd on for all those who become (Hj ~ a Prohtbition: is certainly - putting [these messages through the mails is | Levy. am erore April 1st A : the Md on in Kiugstos, judging by [in Kingston. The directors elected are: 8. C the numbed of cases "for the Pelice| "The demand for valentines is gél-Loioin WB ito ar W. J Fair. Court. i ey fig to be abaut as great as for cards» og Tq Et ORY: Roy FR Me There has only been one: case be- Hit Christmas time," said one dealer to} yin George Rol ertson,: BE. A fore the Majiitrate this week, and [the Whig on Tuesday. "For many fu tot ol 600k RC Xvolsh. J. there have been mo complints of a [days now the sales have been quite | Lotte MB Siker. AB. Cunuing: serious nature. = heavy, and from now until the day}, ne % 3akeh A BO The closing of the bass has brought |arrives a big rush is looked Jor." ' FP Davis, 8. : about a great change in police duty. In regard to the valentines turned . AR | When the bare were open seldom a lout these days, it must be stated' that MARRIED IN KINGSTON. i Tight passed Without 4 few tpplers they are most beautiful. The old- : Pr | | getting nto trouble, but now seve: time odmics have been ne away a. G Sart] y favs Dass by. and sommes a week, | with, and it 1s to be hoped that they An_ Ottawa Groom Carried Off ul heloze & drunk is arrested. will never return, as they were naver Lady. this record goes to show just very popular, especially to the reel-§ The home of My, and Mrs. 8. Hall, how good prohibition is working out [pients. ; }10 Aberdeen avenue; was to-day the fn Kingston. There has been a re-| "This year the valentines show [scene of'a very interesting event markable falling off in cases, and wonderful work of art, while the when their younger daughter Edna the work of the police has been less- [messages on the cards have been Gladys was united in marriage to Ot- y ened to a considerable t. well ' selected. Citizens should pot io Beere Roberts, Ottawa. The cere-| ¥ - TH The how that strong drink full to ses the window displays in|meny was performed by Rev. A. For Big Shipments of Spring Goods now on was at the bottom of riy all the|Uglow's and at the College Book} Brown. The pretty bride was mars ! a . * trouble that resulted in Pclice CourtiStore. ° . ried in her travelling suit of navy the way, and as a result we aire offering cases. blue sbroadcloth, and 'a large picture A : : lines Whils there has been a falling off hat of gold lace and American some big bargains In many . appre in the number of Police Court cases THEY ] Beauty velvet. The happy couple left this does: not mean that there has WANT THER on the noon train for New York atid -- hegn any liquor coming into the : ST ; Boston where they will spend their | | Taian that people who AMEBICANS IN KINGST honeymoon, ; { , ulging managed to keep I NGSTON UNITS {clear of the police and out of trouble. WANT TO FIGHT FOR USA, ' ' | nets Rong ss quar deihg Naso A " pr a Small Increase in Licenses, | m, but the ve Appealed to merican Con<| Thg special committee appointed | » t Is nothing compared to thei ' sul to Assist Them---Army Reserv- | by the City Council to consider the! | steady flow of " » days T dow arohibtion. stuff" in the ists Are Expecting Call S question of raising the local licenses i ie seas There are a number of Americans fees héld a meeting last evening, é Hall Opening. '| enlisted in the B.C.H.A., and other with' Ald Millan presiding. It was The dedication ceremonies of the units in Kmgston. They have ap- | found that little could be done In the new Orange Hall, Kingston, 'will plied to Ameritan Consul F, 8. S.{¥%% of "increases... 'The theatre take place on Thursday Feb. Sth Johnson to ask for their release in licenses are fixed by statute. It was next. The programme will consist of | Rse the United States declares war decided to raise the restaurant) the . dedication of the building by on Germany and decides to build up license -fee by five dollars, which | Grand Master Evan H. McLean at!an army for itself, In view of the] Would yield $75 increase. ibm, to Shieh every Orangemen is thet that an American, upon being re . vited. e formal opening of the. orn im as a member of the Caha- " y " new hall will take place ats p.m., | diak Expeditionary Force, throws ip oy One. Bre QUININ n fall te 'witich ail. Orangemen and thyr | il claim of protection from the Uni- 0 get the genuine, oN UININE BO ovdlally fnvited. Ad. [ted States -officials, makes i i} name LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, irosees, songs and instrumental|sary for Mr Ee Ce dete ro | Sook far Slenatus of EB. W. GROVE. e. Admission 506. Aho any action. He ted ghd Cures a Cold in One Day. 20c, 9 ng. Jowaygr, that under these | Fr ---- Codey Neujtials. rcumstan e wou . SA quiet marriage ceremony was cede to vou ho Noula Broun ot "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" performed at 876 'Alfred street at! nse his efforts towards their release noon Wednesday by Rev. William! There are in this consular district Craig, when Miss Clara Amey Mar-| 4 {arge number of American arm tin, daughter of Egerton Martin! reservists, ameng whom is a Army Sydenham, became the bride of AM! nent Kingston insurance on whe thur Wilmot Codey, Mirvale. The! way in the 16th National G : NE attonded by Miss P. |New York. These men may be nd The b de, or Sroom ill to' go back and serve their country - = ---- - -- a -- ---- ---- - a A ¥ BA I § $ ¢ in the event of a declaration of war. a -------------------------------- } Sli \ a {hair eymogn with friends Jui consy) Johnson on Wedn 2 : | York state JX morning was officially notified tg dis- "1 deat 2 continue acting in the interests of the 51 | 3 ¥ ¥ i $ * an { Getgan Empire. 'Thig means that he a will] when notified as to the selectioy of a representative, turn over the ! Eo . work to whatever consular agent A : : o whatsver' pasular. agent : THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. the close of the war, Since the war broke out Mr, Johnson has been ma- king: periodical trips to Fort Henry, -- making ipspection and handling ex] wo the Strand: give, ' eotresponden cé about thelr ! \ a "Peggy, ry affairs. This work will all | h : pose BUILDERS SUFPLIRG wwoy resis. a Mo: > transterfed to ome other agent, 3 = f Fe a ty wiss Consul- T Foden, | General at Montreal. il \@ | Sherali [I] WHY NOT ited Siaton, anally ..13.45 poe. {CHANGE OF PLACE. have that . Dining Room or pie Frontenac Liberals Will Meet in Lib- : iE polo Drawing Room made over? It egal Club Rooms, 0g . | a 1m can be greatly improved by "The annual meeting of the Frop- 3 Ef] smeans of panelled walls, & Association was at first 4 J 4 a Ses al beamed ceiling, or an oak col- 3 | onnade. § Have -the work done during the winter. v A AAA NEN ANEN NE Ornamental : Woodwork 1s one of the specialties of our AMHERST ISLAND WEDDING. factory. Nuptials of Miss CO. Beaubien and Ernest Filson, The marrage took place at Am- - Hamber : hebst Island at the home of the biide : loots te Besoton | 7 "mmenine LL 1} daughter © rT. & rs. ph A. ® and Braest Filson; pre Office Phone 66; Factory 1415 and Mrs. Hugh Filson. ! Cumberland performed the ceremony! "The bride wns attended by her }| cousin, Miss Edna Fleming, while the om was supported by his cousin, a aa } : The je was given away by her father. e bridal couple stood un- 1 an Wa of evergreens. ! ¢ I. dressed in a suit of te voll, with a travelling suit to the bride was , to the brides e 5rooms-

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