ART 1 ng am STR Ay werden yer "THE I v BRIT] N b ESDAY, FEBRU RY 7,917. pees) SED BY RED CRORS FLAG of Tod In - JLo <i Shortness of Breath. ] 3 ESTING STORY OF wRnOUE | It you want tok Hair in op POUR 3 g > 1.) you to keep your n RES When the heart becomes affected, T good condition, be careful what you|ls Told by Dikran Andieasian, there ensues a feeling of a choking t wash 1 with. tor of An Armenian Protestant | sensation, 8 shortness of hreath, pai- ¥ i pa § + vse prepared shampoos of! niuch--A Gallant Fight Against | pitation. throbbing, irregular best- i £60444 anything else, that contains ho Tarte ing,. smothering sensation, dizziness, hd 1 much alkali. This dries the scalp, Turk 4 and a Wwedk, sinking, all-gone feel| The Misses Waldron, Ange makes the hair brittle, and 1s very| The story of how & Red Cross fag | ing of oppression and anxiety. Hace," received on Thesday afi acon. | saved four thousand people, fs 10ld | The nerves become' mhstrung, you|noon WEED Mrs. Stanley Waldron lin an interesting murrative by DIf-|dread to bé alone, have a horror of| WAs with them. The many visitors > kin Andreasian, serving as the pas-|gociety, start at the least noise and | who called to welcome this bride tor of the Armenian Protestant gre fa were looked efter by Miss Isabel On the first sign of the heart be-| Waldron and Miss Brown, whe were or the nerves un-| in' charge of the tea. : 's Heart and Nerve nok en. They are just] Miss Flora -Abernethy, Albert i re at this time. They | street, entertained at the tea hour on late & stimulate the = heart,| Tuesday afternoon in hotor of Miss A and restore the whole [Ruth Campbell, Miss Edna Box and } 1 Miss Ferna Halliday. heir guests: "MM. Cormier, Bictouche,| included many of the younger set. N.B., writes: "Since two years ago I : FANT was trodbled with A horines of Mrs. James: Cappon, Mrs. W, EH. breath, and sometimes I conld hardly] McNeill, Mrs. J. F. Macdonald and breathe. 1 went to see sevéral doe-| Mm. Cuthbert F. Gummer wil be the tors: and they sald it was from my} patronesses at the Arts Dance on Fri- 8 | heart-and nerves, but they did not| day evening. ' AL seeny to do me any good. One day ow. 8 I got one of your B.B.B. Almanacs Miss Alma Price; Sydenham street, and read of a case similar to mine. entertained st the tea hour this af- "I Bought & box of "Milburns Heart] tersioon in honor of Miss Ferna Hal snd Nerve Pills, and affer taking it 1} 1ide 3 : noticed such a change that I kept on 7 AT Ee & them until I had used four more E when I was cured." - Miss Jeanie Phillips, Johnson through the moun- urns Heart and Nerve Pills \ arel street, was hostess at a delightful ns, soms nobteast toward Kouin, | Seaters or three baxes Tor N12 ii af | tea on Seturday afternoon, some southeast toward the hot and |price by The T. Milburn Co. Limited, unhealthy phaing of Mesopotamia, oranto, Ont. The Bridge Club met at Miss Phy- #gowing that it would be impos- 1lis Knight's, Alice street, on Tues- Frat SRA Haat siblp to depend the villages in the THE OF VERONA day evening, d h , ; : o fothills, 1 aata's. rake, East wi In spite of the difficulties of ocean transportation, We¢ have been a---- : , Cle re - . . : : : SHE LATE BENJAMIN: SCALES|tertainta nt her, iy alee able to secure our imported embroideries when ordered for----and just | = AGED RIGHTY-FIVE. noon. at a time when most needed. The sale prices we guote represent a . . - Voroul Young People Come to Busk| LiMLS. R. ©. Swestey, Union strett saving of 50% off t 's prices. See our ranges of and shot gums, With thres times that] gq Colles in nrboy bl Rea| Xl be hostess at the Bridge Club on 8 2 % . off oday pr ou g 3 Awmber of old flint-locks and horse . Monday. 3 s y pistols, It was very hard for. the Cross Society Members Are Doing ! on. 2 BEADINGS INSERTIONS SKIRTINGS people to leave their old homies, but Good Work. Mrs. J. M. Sutherland, 84 Lower - . they had hopes that while they were| Verona, Feb. 3.-=Benjamin calesi| Union street, will réceive on Friday 'EDGINGS F LOUNCINGS i ALLOVERS Sghitng xh Turks the Datdunelios passed pencetully away on Sati\dayy| afternoon for ihe first time singe ' ; m! ore an eliveranca | Jan , at the advanced age of} comin to Kingstol 8 vi a 8 i come to the country. eighty-five years. He was an .old 5 Ba On Sale Tomorrow at 9 O'clock. The attack ° commenced, and for Land much esteemed pioneer, Hving| Migs Mildred Clow, Princess street, : wo hs rmenian army held off the in the north of the township for a| went to Toronto on Tuesday and will v) i when the latter were routed pimber of years, but within a year| be the guest of Miss Annfe Davidson th a gallant attack in ch they of his demise has resided in Verona,| for the mext two weeks, {lost two hundred men. There was Ha is survived by three brothers, all] Mrs. T. 8. Scott, Kingston, is viait- no ign ofa remewal of fighting for well advanced in years; three sons|isg Mrs. J. G» MacPhail, Ottawa. @ few days, when the whole Moham- and three danghters. One son, Eli Her son; Harry Seott, who accom- medan population, a horde of 3.000, Eh Aiate tn he og Bats panied fier, will leave shortly for ound ousu | +& ; 4 England. i rd : he oh place Tuesday to the eg 8. BG. Wright, Maitland t church; where a fine ad- p "Ao t 3 { {s on a visit to bis brother, Rev. J: $e Pree given by the pastor. Rev.|dep, Wright, Kingston. On Satur- |= = faid for . escape by . Freeborn. The repaing were| gy he goes to Halifax. PEMBROKE MOURNI { passed, and not even a sail was seen. placed in the vault, %y Miss Lena Tobin, and Miss Mar- - ING x Dar had reduced the coastwise |y There 18 class, Of seven' Young | gare Kallangher, Westport, visiting DEATH OF A. MOFFAT | higping so a minimum, Noy 'ana girs wit ure Siiptoving| §ir"und sr. Heber Speier, 1o-| Ltt aye ¥ a whieh was printed, ~Ohriae sending the BuEatn Co mornin tual home ou. Wednostay.___ Link With Early Hays Is Blok: Py Distress, Rescue." The flags] oo They go down in'the morning | yr ang Mrs, B, Noble Steacy, Barrie en--Deceased Was First sstened (otal saplings, ands gn Ihe ra a on "at Sveming. | street. , 'Local Postmaster: match was spt. The Turks made an-{ seat 5 . be a other attack; but after a hard fight OO ani Wite, Collins Bay, | , Cot and 'Mrs, Reynolds arrived | Pembroke, Feb. 1,~--Pembroke is driven off. By thisitime the! were callers in the village Tuesday. trom Halifax this week, ard are the| mourning the death of ome of its commenced to get very low. Anx- | Mrs. Laidley is somewhat fmproved guests of the Rev. and Mrs. J. O.| most prominent citizens, Alex Moffat, fous days and long nights tollowed. | |n health. Crisp, Portsmouth, | | who passed away Sunday In his One Sunday morning, the wy Charles Reynolds came. Home on H. P. Raud, Russia, is the guest of | eighty-eighth year. y of the defence, a batglesh} Friday froin the General Hospital, Mrs. A, Van Straubenzie, Beverley | The late MF, Moffat came to Pem- was sighted. It proved .to the | Kingston, where he has been ander | street, » broke. with his father in 1842. French erulser "Guichen." cater, a treatment for the(last month. He is Mrs N. C. Polson and her wee Shortly "after their arrival here his wirelops was shat to thp Admiral of | very much improved in health and daughter, - Virginia, will leave on | father engaged in the milling busi- the, t, and before @ great while | cheerful, though minus one leg. Tuesday next for Florida, where they | ness which he continued until he peared hip 'St. Jeanne d'Are" ap-| The willing workers of the Red | will spend the next few months. was appointed first Postmaster of on the horizon, followed by | Cross Society are working with a will » . 9 | Pembroke, In this position the late other French battleships. The Ad-| these days making garments and Miss May Macdonnell will be hos- | Mr. Moffat succeeded his father re- airal gke words of cheer, and gave bandages and knitting gocks. They| ters at the Reading Club on Thurs- tiring in 1908, when the position A : & thy orderd by $081 in the coin- | expect to wake a good showing with passed in turn to his son, W. A. | i 4.| their report om their - anniversary, capt, Colin Hamilton came down Moffat the present postmaster. . i - : vy which will be » this month. from Belleville this week and spent| The lgté Mr. Moffat wag held in 11 SETS OF DINERS eo Freé Methodists are holding 4 a couple of days with his mother, | very hight regird and his, death " Ju either Golden or Famed Oak Finish, Upholstered in Fine this{ Mrs. C. M. Hamilton, Bar street, bresks another of the links ednnect- . of Dirk Green Leather. : Series of meetings in the church t all arrived at Port Said, | Week. i i ing Pembroke with the early days, 4 Srey al, The Biypt, and were settled (n'a perm C. 3 York, who has had his store Mrs. A. W, Brown, Barrie street, | His wite predeceased him by' ten 00, tor of pent camp provided by the" British temalsile ome good im fore. left foday for Beanipton, where Lhe years. He leaves three daughters OBR thorit : " terior, « Joseph will be st of her parents, Rev. Maho vl me Wilkins, Port Master, has returned|and Mrs, Welsh, . and. two Sols, trom visiting his son, Dr, W. Wilkins} Glen. Dupuls, Brockville; spent a WON HIGH HONORS Deserpnto. few days in town this week. The winter road through the!' The Reading Club, which met af | Carleton Place Boy Brings Down swamp is now available for travel and| Mrg, Evans on Monday, will meet at 'Wenth Hun Pl teams are hanling wood through 10] Mrs Francis King's nest week Se, nd KE WT | opti enki ei Mrs, T. Huffman, High Falls, is re- : 3 : ceiving some good letters from her Whig ry ggg and extra clasp, the "Croix de ihn, & pivate in, the 146th Bat-| Ais esl Smith at "The Welling: | nonors, second nighest or French talion in England, In the one shel son a honors, and Now recommen for + received last which pleased' hor! Mio Wiison, « Belleville is the the Military Cross in Britain for the most, Was to hear he had joined guest of Mrs. Constantine ® Bat! services rendered. in the Royal Naval . = . - the Salvation there, and that} c . ' Ate Service, Flight Lieut. MUITAY | putelmmmiidvieissaiey WA ro ' Be ehie of thé Methodist church horiw Galbraith Sas. a0 ot Ar TR A SPECIAL IN M The chelr of tha M ist churc { on y an T. EXTRA ? '1 is improving nicely under their new K and Mrs. R. A, Galbraith, is estab 1 SPECIAL VALUES IN MEN' S orgauist, Mrs. T. Quinn. : . = lishing a neme for Chnada, himself : OVERCOA : Hing 0 he this vicinity Son. are sponding i and Hie fying corps by ble massit-|§ g30, 00 Coats, now 'amang. the : a. vicinity : ; 5 | cent. work in rove LER ves . Perey sold | Woodstock the guests of the former's | Writing home says: "I have : si he middla of ep the y g ' got. ten Huns now and five ohservirs Coats, how . . wale pent some » = . y bine aE A 7 Ie doine_Leaniy.0ue caf loads. an A -- : sommendtd von Pian Coats, now .. .. : « +: "Sty new bus is Jeane' sad sho le JOHN TWEDDELL ot "believe me. 1 Am in Eng- ro Jand for & Test NOW. "1k Civil and Military Tailor £ 131 Princess St. -------------- 25¢ For Heagy Ribbed Wool Stocks <4 A 8 en a We are selling 'heavy Hiubed all . 1 in favor of Feb, : 7. fur | wool swoekings worth to-duy 60¢ na. In the evening a carnival pain, for 36¢, v held gb the pink, Which drew: ¢ : ¥ oro . b » ---- Corrigan's. i ii The ath ook wifes Suter bt 3 Yor some. N is « fyi well- Ww, Jarvis, : ig @ bonus oft All| ynown resident of Brockville, at =f