Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1917, p. 4

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contol of the goveri- Sam Hughes talks of heen remiss in its duty, especial- | Germans being interested in them . nd T fy with regard io recruiting financially. All the interest _ ihe. . er Sa many more though san Hy in (British munition fae : y ® fect. » tout he +} ot time one could 2 dy ' | " yernment Is to calls » 4 3) jn H. Stratford's op are the! Ih 40 py pls in nis, $5 heads of the largest species of Senn {1 of the people, but that does not J pose of 'the question, The rs Varions commissions have beer! Chnadian forests. | refsFendiim has been effective; it has created for patriotic purposes, put] A latse number of jarmers Tro 1 € tive; £ men Who in th this district hyve left fof the United {i i# cannot be ignored. a ls ie States in asst of work. . oll . < Th St t K t to bluff eir engagement rgnk J. Hoag, manager 0 «| Hi e ore Tha eeps the Pr ces Do apt " ] fo the effi- city drug store, received his diploma ijl Fa Wh. for his final pharmacy examination. |} ¢ 3 Mr. Hoag will launch into business for himself. i dew Bergaford wants a more ; . ' - ; THE CHEAPEST AND , : fain. Sir Charles should have THE BEST ble fof the|peen made the first lord of the ad: 4 finreourt. Hi : "mendce-would have been a oats; which stands H0st 0) il - : g " e list, is given a mar Q | : That is the inference one takes Ro S11 the otiers figured in proportion. ve naval poMey on the part r00DS cometly When | jiraity. Then the German subiar-{prof. The Toronts refers to thel presence in Ottawa for & day of EL Phus, according Lo this basis of con i} : : : il x aa Es ¥ - i Sssagae Dr Brees Toronto men of jatiuence. They | reeeeseressesessssmve tet] parison, i xolied GR be piven aif The highest priced tailor in the land doesn't did' ; were interviewing the leaders of the p lug Of bd in the. (iguring, should > artistic: tailoring i aC ee er patiotal Bor PUBLIC OPINION, § > tos used LO 5, pend 58.0, chose + know how to put more artistic tailoring into: gar- ernment. The World says a goall rresimreteerenet | 10:3, El SLY 13.5 and ogks sii : ments that we show in our line of Spring Suits. ba : tion government may ir out-| Only On the After. [stands highest in the list of foodhijiy aki come, Really : ly _ Ry : » : s Wax J - 3 given, one dollar spent on this § | . ' 1 : : A AT TO BUY 3a you hear Ryone Heking about ici give us full yalue, oF 100, an |i} i '. 2 the high cost of pleasure? equal amount of money spent on flour I ay Vv & OW ou £5 offices gh * ye ' . ra » rpasting in interest any docu wil' furnish only 93.8 per cent. asiy Su ment of the kind which has been fhe One Conclusion. elr: steak 13.5 per cent. and ogEs{j} : I printed, and supplying data of the 1¢ Hon. RIontD nr Survives the | 5:2 per oo. a = only 5.2 cents worbh | iH j¢ value, Is the rn eggs proc e, e-| Judge" Galt report he will demon- LAE pe compared with wren ygomiy : : : = port of Prof. Hareourt, of the De-|straic that 1 is impossible for a Cone{T, To 1q a pared 3 nd . YOUNG MEN'S REGENT SUITS, $15.00, $18.00 : | partment of Agriculture in Ontario, | sepvative to commit political sulelde. | Cor coont on rolled oats, which is -- Tts preface Is somewhat technical in : _lonly about one-twentieth the ngturns jij 1s" character, and the average con-[™ Hamilton's Fire Tecord. for the money. hd | --r and $20.00. Or that one dollar onijy : oY. hy (Hamilton Spectator) | ? i WERE : {sumer of foods may not understand Chief Tén Eyek will be satisfied Oatmeal, cornmeal, wheat farinas, : < J Normron. £8 PU Ata Cisemn | 1 0 Giro ume To nderstand the| ith 8 ath sin 08 LCL has he 40% 'of buying th cheapest Toe os ntti ' 'a PINCH BACH : 1. R Northrup, WAR CRIBEO Le Ry ihemkth? needs of his rtment this year. g the bred oods in| IH : is ena at the best Jot et the best ob compari or one food with another he total ip Sun 'last year was |package is well illustrated. 'When ij} : : YOUNG MEN S PINCH BA K SUITS, $12.50, : po ing oMcea in Canal and learn thelr relstive worth in Fei $311,248 By-and-by it may cost rolled sala sre boughtiin Jackass ve tH! I5 S i . : ; fat, soluble carbon-|more to ran he brigade than that {only get' | cents' worth for the dol-{H and ash, and caused by the "devouring element." {17 One-fifth of the dollar is spent Hl -$18.00, $15.00, $20.00 and $22.50. : : on the package. In the case of wheat | Hil 3 -f ' . k iin i the part these play in the formation Effects in Canada. farinas, which are" prepared from 1H AAA AANA of bone, tissue and blood, ° (Sir Bamund Walker) approximately the same part of thei , The extract from the pamphlet, "+n the event of the United States {wheat kernel as the high patent flour, ¥ entering the war it is not likely that {and are sold under: the name of {iii Ff . » ' : Bi bb x bl " s : HA 7 {and with regard to the quality and Y / M Ee Mr. Pardec's arraignment of the quantity bt ods which One CD BUY |r vwar securities' fn {RAL COURtrY.|wheatarysiol. eto. the difference in If oung viens govirnment, for the inadequacy "ot|for a dollar, appears in an adjofning| But to what extent the le Of these |price is even more foarked. Lx. | Shoes its plans in the intardst of the return- colimn, It should be read darefully| securities: would be curtailed would {ehasing these goods we obtain 90.41} most powertul one. by everywhousewife. She should depend -on the progress of the war." |cents' warth of food for the dollar, 1917 Models ing soldiers, was & . x 3 ier taking rolled oats in bu | ~ facts. 1t was vot difficult have, indeed, a copy of the report in St rd, and that ds shrun Sei $5.00 and $6.00. be able to dispose of |eream of "wheat, meat of wheat, Young Men's Hats, 1917. ' Models. Special : $2.50 He had the to collect them. fdll and study it for the information) ; r the package, from the front, maimee, which it contains. As a result there TP TO CANADIAN _§$Adoubttul if wo get. anything else for the occupations ip which they were may be & pretty general abandonment PENSION BOARD: the thenéy, The goods put, int f them with]of the foods that are marketed inf} . package are no different to those, some of and ho nd that the! linto the barrel. qui the ground Mr. ONver, M.P., in Commons. The prepyged breakfast foods £ au By ome Last year the Prussian Board djs- stands much ower in the jist thas giving, vént to their feelings. which can be avoided a hat r|cusded a suggestion or arrangement | the oat, W eat and corn meals. These r.of foods that the succession of the pension to | réeady-to-serve foods are put up in The promise to all those who en gost. depres IIS 2 int the gervice pay should be sufomatic; | neat packages and that the goods tered the king's service, who re- ? * od that is to.say, that the service pay |have a clean, appetizing appearance. sponded to the call to arms, and with The Banas". a Tus Hiagraph that lO thus" unti] the pension | There is no SXPOCEy incurred in their painful effects personally, was that outside, have their, ctiveness;| begins. That suggestion was dis- & table. But they|, y ' RT , , The state would take gare bt them: | amasingly to the cost 6f| cussed, but on representations being [105 [PC Toasted corn flakes We are showing the most : and made | t- would n advisable : ¥ atid when they found living and can be dispensed With uni, "on oe: such apd shredded wheat only 26 cent : a helpless predicament on £1) at least prices have become nor --a that the worth' fof the dolar, taking oatmeal complete and, up-to-date STORE " ine srrangements for mal'again, ellar can 50 the| ses that provision was. left-open, 00 | 80 (1%, standard, What it costs to WIRING t line of electric fixtures LIGHTING ' "form went in the pur- recommenda wag mhde. S60k. gatmesl is Jad to sstimate; i in . 4 ! My information is that there have much will depend upon whether & eastern Ontario: ' polntment pitiful Jauguege. foods, been many cases in which the gervice special fire has to be kept going for Lamson poy -- ; : efitielum, 18. gE re of Mr. dee The United States is likely fo com: | pay has stopped and the pension has Ee ition of brekd 1a" fhe table wi . ow as Very pera Having $um-| jnand conscription in. order to yaise | DOL -bagun for months with the reli. interesting. The bread, lke the med up the situation as he under-| ine army she requires + The slacker Bult that the men have been strand- : prepared breakfast foodd,«is ready to stood if, buttressed by many vivid] yn, fet this, country to cape mini | 35: In Fairness and justice, it is Ob-lyarve; and one dollar, even & 4 d : ~ even at 18 a, ligatory- upon the Pension Board to | cents for the large loaf, will purchase {lustrations, he proceeded to outline} ary service had patter get to it see that that condition does not | approximately twice as much ac i Th - » i tual e Leading Electric Shop op. |» remdy. Possible,and play the man. | exist, 1 submit, that ihe suggestion | 10 te if spent on these prepared This was to propos the appoint=} --------------SSe that there are ny difficulties in the 0 » of THE 15 DESERVED. - | way, is not sufficient answer to such nareals. od Je stanfy Jn wr lst a case ag this. It is a matter inno th ote . : |'which the honour and the future of pion ont a Ranks with the Stranger Ra are concerned, particularly [03.4 cents' worth of food materi, HUDSON BAY 3 . 1 ' 19 ' 'bottle the future of Canada's partic'pation bread only sup lies 58.6. The 4il- in the war, and that no excuse Isjference Bl ably {s what i costy Insurance Company ; Milk will not be left at house unl acceptable for such a condition, to make and deliver the bread. . : : yor the, FIRE INSURANCE is at door. X wens | [§ Head OMce Royal insurance Bide. Jf It is either get our bottles back or milk : Random : Reels : aad AREY J: SUI crunte up to 10c per quart. vee W. H. GODWIN & SONS & wot Shace and Ships aid eiing Wes. of Cutbegss Sad FIER AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ Phone. ----d 3 THE BUTTON SHOR _ store whit begin to shiink as soon a8 = : The button shoe is a popular ar- they are exposed to the out door air. rH *R FRENOM REMEDY. J ticle tA dies wiles 2 harder to get When the wae tries to squeeze into 1 HE ALISON cus, 0. : : off than a evening gown them the next morning he will be Jeo of the general forty-two hooks and 'eyes. greeted by three or four sickening ex- HER Pl N ay 5 : § inventor of, the. button shoe plosions, caused by the-buttons fiylug i RAP VITAL WEARNE \ IN ROLL AND PRINT has béén shown that the rifle is Nas never been discovered, but if he oft and FOMIRE wader the 'cHIfTORIET. | est nan attrem ours sires north ; : : 1s ever found he will have one of the The buttons are then put back on by ice co uailiy In YO BS do Ro op ae "to change; that Sir Charles _and successful demises A machine Which locates them: in a | SEFC I, MARKED WORD *THERAPION, 0 'B UT TE R to accept amended nd utton shoe was) new spot, wiiere they can bite 4 bole Re Gove sine sonst TOLL SE ; AA Aer Ar) i . man could dress fu the iu the owner's ankle at every step. |, Steam Vul Ci 43c. : Ib. i canizing ; oper Ib. . his wife was getting After the button shoe has been on started, and by the the market long enough to expose]; WE BO, ALL KINDS OF TIRE AND ged in two or three its treacherous chaigcter some mud- | csit In ane VULCAN for going : a AT and shoveled the ding genius patented 'the lace shoe, | elsewhere. First class work usa res. boy 4 : alk he would be which is aboutaseasytoputiogetheras sonible priced. \ adh / . to breakfast and which 1s about as easy to put together ne THE: BON MARCHE' pile of wheat cakes to as a gasoline engine. A nimble wo Phone ] This was because man can take a pair of high lace a Cor. King and Re Reateh AN 1844 shoes immediately after tha dinner . Caverly amd Rh hour and by working rapidly with the \ abit assistance of a tapable maid can have them fully asge od in time for the thea unless she breaks a lace. Shoe never break, however, un- han til there is nothing in the house that Yooks like one except the cigthesline or the stores have been closed for the i.

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