Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1917, p. 5

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Ar ! - = Rs ---------- § « . ; 5 3 : » | A ht - * MADE 70 CHILDREN'S AID INVITES REV. MR. CUBRY FOR Al i : : | ABOUT CHILDREN NEGLECTED. FOURTH YEAR. venin 00 Ww al : | + ---------- Hi Inspéctof Found That Spite Wis at {Bequest of $100 From the Late Mrs. ti I 3 + MM the of Many Reports Made | J. Pundy--The Affairs of ~thellf 1 Ak to Him---4 Leiter From Bishop Church' in Satisfactory Condition. Ji} J ot : The quarterly board of Princess . sireet Methodist church met on Mon~ day evening and transacted business. jj Rev. HE. Curry, pastor, was in the HY chair and P. AL Baker acted as' sec ny That he had investigated several reports made to him about children being neglected, and that he had foufid nothing to the reports outside rotary i ot mere spite on the part of certain . : : X . A resolution Was passed unani- Yeapie was the repost that Inmpéeiof|nousty expreming reeril ts Si Hf of the exectitive pf the Children's Aid ot the jah U3. Tay. 'Society, Neld ia the City Cou | chamver on Tuesday afternoon. The Inspector reported that during Jans wary he had made forty calls in re- gard to his work, and had thirty- | suven interviews, in ition to a | batch of telephone calls! During the | month two children were in foster -homes. 5 The Inspector alsd reported fhat i he had received quite a numbgr of unsigned leters relative to com- plaints. about children, and that he dig not intend to pay any attention to letters of this character. In fu- ! ture, all letters must bear the signa- ! ture of the complaintant to guaran- 'an investigation. x Dean Bidwell replied as follows, to the letter sent to him as a result of the special meeting of the executive : held last week: | "1 haye Teceived you letter con- taining reply of the executive of the Siclety to the petition signed by my- self and other citizens, asWfhg for a gederal meeting to be called for rea- ons which appeared to'us to be ade- guate. I note . that our request, though signed. by cupportersiof the Society for many years before 'the present executive did anything for it at all, is not granted." ". The letter from Bishop Bidwell was filed. The question of office help for In- | spector Jack was considered, and he Ws given power to employ a clerk. The late inspector, W: H. Wyllie, had Ayoung womanas a stenographer fo assist him in hi§ correspondence and to look after the office in his absence. The Inspector has occasion to be out of his office a great deal, sometimes making trips out of the city, and the executive felt that it was only right that he should be given assistance. It transpired at the meeting, that the late inspector, Mr, Wyllie, had been acting in the case-ef Pte. Gor- don Byron, nbw a prisoner of war in Germany, and who has a young son who is being cared. for by Pte.<Ger- don's mother. It wamnstated that he ii had been handling the FOR LADIES: | We offer dressy patents in plain pumps, | also some. with large buckles, kid 'pum and Br eolomials: some with bea ae © prices $5.00, $4.509$4,00. « 7 | $3.00 in black, tory condition. Congregations navel Colored satin pumps at J whité, gold, Blus and pink. in been good, prayer meeting and class (Hf - ' Px 4 J i or men in gun metal meeting have also been well attend- iY and patents, $5.00 and $4.00. { $100 to the church. ij The affairs of the church were shown to be in a generally satisfac Evening -pumps ed. There have been gracious re- vivals and Increase of church mem- |} bership 'under the ministry of the ii} present incumbent. There has also Ji been marked progress financially. | ii Improvements have made. oni} h property and all paid for, whilst $560 of debt have been paldi} off and the board has been able toy add $100 to the pastor's salary. Mr. Curry. was unagimously invited - to return for, a fourth year. R. H. Peters was appointed dele- gate to the district meeting, with H. 2 ~ Gallagher as an alternate. 2 - Cugry replied to the invitation oo : in 45 Take Advantage Of propriate terms and attributed the success to the hearty co-opera- tion of the board and church." The ' Campbell's Annual \ Fur Sale : \ board is looking forward to another yedr of prosperity, and trusts that Men's Choice Quality Fare lined coats, otter collars, Cana- this-ehurch will more and more prove a. potent factor in the mioral and dian rat linings, $75, reduced to $59. satin, satin arid straw combinations. | Candy Fresh Made Every Day. -. Sakell"s Next Grand Opera House * relephone 640 BIG FEBRUARY DON'T FORGET, Od SUR We _ SEE THE WINDOW spiritual welfare of this rising part of the city. ------ CONSIDERED BY THE COMMIT; TEE TUFPSDAY AFTERNOON: pibhably $1.700 More" Than Last Year Will be Required--Addition- al Tungsten lights To Be Placed on the Streets. The civie Fire and Light Commit- Lee dWcussed its estimates for Lae year at yesterday afternoon's meel- ing. It will require $87,000 as com- pared with $85,325 expended Mast year, Salaries for the fire depart- ment last year took $12.2 This year there will have td be"some ad- " Sitional Increasds and the sum of All our Manufactured Furs 13,000 is set down as being fieces- reduced. military { good An addittenal $500 oo rere [f proportionately cheques for the boy, although he had | grad this year for the kéep ofthe . ¥ . 2 : no authority from the Society, as the . All prices from 85¢ youngester is jor a ward of the So- Hordes, . ; pbell Bros, Fire Chief Armstrong, who at pre- ciety. Pay cheques have been arriv- : ing for Mr. Wyllie, but owing to the sent is iu Port Arthur; asked the 3 Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. 260 Princess St. | Telephone "Higher up street, but lower in price." Ee OUR fas oy Ladies' Muskrat Coats, 42 inches long, fine satin, linings, exceptional value at $50; re- duced to $39. gale ag] to vy' . i AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE : Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets, EA . Telephone 41. . latter's' gbaénce," no setiieme had committee for an addition thousand shoe's ahve, to etoBtt Sud inet oc pep, Fhe moe il a sister of Pte, Byron appeared be-!.q 4 jarger amount than has been fore the executive and requested thatly toni jn any one year for a long the money due the Jad be handed |g ne Tne members of the commit over fo the guardian. 'The executive | yo, thought that it would be false ordered that the money now to thé ¥e,qnomy to purchase léss. Kingston eredit of the boy pe handed over 10 | pay heen lucky for some years with +f the boy's guargion, and that the DaY-| jis small fire lomses, but a time may masFs oflet of the Ea con Lote wien ¥ latgge demand thn an 0 the case, tipicated will be made for hose. Chief Armstrong also asked for The necessary steps Will be taken |, "yy rohase of four mew chemical to place one of the wards of the 80-| ou inpnishers. The Ones at present ciety, who has been cared for in the in uae by the. depa S are of ol Orphans' Home fon; two years, in 8} egign and not ¥ pedi Biro ox home for incurables at Toronto, The | 1ineuishers are = ised at. all. small lad hag been ret at a local hos-| poo ' pital m time te time, but his con- > > dition' warrants his removal to-the a mamas. Swine Toronto institution. to the Chief's absence, but will -do Dr. A. W,. Richardson presided at 50 its next meeting {le Meeting, and those aléo present! = onyjrman Polron and Ald. New- were D. A. Givens, City Solicitor 3. | nan reported ss fo the happy result W. Bradshaw, S. R. Bailey, Dr. Hunt- : (Brand) YELLOW PEACHES | ~ or. F. Welch, J. F, McEwen an a0: 1. of heir visit to the Utilities Com- (In Heavy Syrap) -- ant Graham, : mission, which has promised to do We have no hesitation in recom | 4 wo \ ® alt fo mi bal 55 mes neon f Blakemore Studio In Three and Five Piece Mahogan and Tapestry and Leather Coyghes an Special Sale | MT ----" James Reid HYGEIAN The Buisy Store With the Large Parlor Setts, Arm Chairs tions. ~The likelihood is that the ) < Copying: committee may not have to provide berg | Commercial Photogea| Enlarging and mois thas Stor spt the present. Sale Price $1.60 per doz. telah Ej Utapbye Photo Stadio, All work guaranteed. | number of Street ts. Tae com- \ Over Bank Chambers mittee would like {p give more light Pig Ha apens In Sucellent shape: 1180 Wellington Btroet, : : Royal . to various sections of the ecify and |gue n eR Au will ask for an additional appropri-|. Ae ation of $500 tar twenty ve addi- ~ la: tional tungsten lights. It was agreed See Windo Dis } that there might be'a very effective { w Pp y Henderson'sGrocery re-arrangement of the presen lights 59-61 Brock St. Phone 279 Received Another Lot of $1.60 Silk Waists, We redeived to-day another lot of sifk waists, fancy ffonts trim- med Irish, and are selling them at $1.69. Tiiese waists are as good as lots of $3.00 waists, Corrigan's. a L Cartoonist nm. A. G. Racey, the cartoonist, who has been forced to postpone the date of his gppearance in Kingston owing severe attack of throat trouble, present the "War in Cartoon' at ture date for the benefit of a pat- riotic association. jo ¢ dre N pei so that the same number might serve a larger area... This matter will be dealt with later: . In attendance at the meet'ng were Alds, Polson (chairman), Bell, Mil- lan, Newman and Simmons, ---------- # » HARROWSMITH HAPPENINGS, ~ | The way to make a woman happy is to make her believe that she is making a man very unhappy. NURSKES' CHAPTER MEETS. i ug Addressed by ghe School Nurse, Miss dead MaoOul Thé Kingston = Chapter ef the The Dramatic Club Has Four En. gagements Ahead. Harrowsmith, Feb. 5.--Owing to Graduate Nurses' ion of On- Hftaric met on Tuesday "afternoon in with twenty-five members pre- ent. © Nursing Sister Gussie Wright | presided, and announced her plans of work for: the year. The chapter is going to be & very activé organiza. tion. * Among other things decided upon was that each member wonid ; comfort bags. for the Red Cross. An Sxreffent address * "3choo) Nurging" was given MacCa) on by Miss Jean wm, the Kingston @ 88100! nurse, Lox a {the nurses' residence, General Hos- yepy Cha with his the heavy wind of Saturday evening, the north and south roads are ina bad shape again, R. E. Deline has 'his teams hauling wood to the village from actoss Knowlton Lake. The Dramatic Club is making pre- parations for entertainments to held at Inverary, Odessa and Har rowsmith in the near future. Mrs. ¥. D. Knapp arrived home from Toronto on Monday after an absence of two, weeks. Miss, Adp M. e week-end with her ther. very 1H again for a Tew roved. Mra. C. IF FOOD - DRINK When food Hes{like Jond in the stom- AdH and you ha that uncomfortable, distend Testing." it is becmuse of In- sufficient blood EUBRIY to the #t combined with a and food ferm . tion, In such céises ry the F I huwed in many hospithls afd by many endnent phy nes of taking & tedspoontal of pute blsuraten mi in half a glass wat . comfortably drink it. . The er, ag hot asil

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