Souree of Income. LOST TO GALT . 'GRANITES IN To make 39,030.93 out of things | TANKARD COMPETITION. | z= BITUA RY § ' VR been : - Defeated London, Which Rink Then Defanlited AR Other Games-- Chance for the Trophy. The two Kingston rinks which ure - Late James Wallace, Wilton. in Toronto in the Ontario Tankard The death occurred at Wilton on competition won from London by 15{ February 1st of James Wallace, aged points, but lost to Gait Granites by|elghty-three years. He was born in 21 points. It is now Queen City vs, the township of Portland, and is sur- Peterboro, and Owen Sound vs. fhe, vived by one son and five daughters, Galt Granites, in the semi-finals for! his wife having passed awny just & the tankard, the former pair meet month ago." Mr. Wallace wes a ing onthe Granite ice, while the oth-| Methodist fn religion, a kind and er two will.clash at the Victoria. genile father, and was highly esteem- of the The feature of the opening day's u ¥y all who knaw him. In politi 4 ae $ i play was the many ones scores | he was a staunch liberal. The daugh- at minister et call | homes in the different matches, although ters are Mrs. 8. York and Mrs. A. ie. ih Be g en ¥ Y .housew { Owen. Sound had u margin of only | Babeock, Saskatchewan; Mrs, . Belleville council-hag granted $600 al tory two over Parry Sound, riot Topping, Elgin; Miss Alice; at James h to the 335th and 260th Battal béat Brampton by seve Davey's, and Miss Grace who With ' ¥ met with is h fell before Peterboro by four. Thomas is at home. The pall rs ghiehd id, and 4 ster 5000 promises Where was another default yester-jat the funeral held on Saturday, Feb. 'month day, hat hin £ Strustond; ile the 20. were nephews of the Secen sed. : 3 3 rinks, after ng kao @¢ relatives present from & or Mihatend dsars hat th LEP ition, Tr bs | SARS SM, MO the Red Cross motors is even night, and therefore did not take and Mrs, W. GaMagher, of Kingston, otic than that dome by the part in the Governor-General's thisjand W. Topping and' wife, of Elgin, ons workers, Their hours are morning. One dead end was record- The service was conducted by Rev. to 5 p.m., rain or shine ed ¥ that being the first | Mr, hite, of Wilton. Interment Sad (hey Always come in smiling. Played by Macdonald, of Kingston, took place at Wilton. Two other motors are driven by and Hindmarsh, of Londo. wi o3 Shoujd the Peterboro rink knock LL U. 8S. BE PASSIVE, There ariety out Queen: City to-day in the gsemi~ a0 tnd 10 the 3 finals, the final game will be played OR JUMP RIGHT InN? ri as ee ebibliitien of sale, Hags, |at Queen Oity. However, should the] pyay go Lik Japan m : ye Mins Xi ] papers, kitchen utensils, lawn mow- Toronto team win, the commiftee will y ® . yor ay wy 4 4 earest married, was| Kingston for a game in that city On| gry, baby carriages, golf clubs, tennis |7 THLE, the game for some other fee, Raise 2,000,000 "A Debt We Can Never Fully Repay" EU aaa WEARER RRP as \ | ---- ei presented by the staff with a silver | Feb. 13th. : raquets--th The scores: di ant flower vasa... 4.1. Mis. Edwin Johes. Charles stoulii things. the ge are unly a few She "he ompetition. Men. a Sa dame Widdsh isd robbing BW vi readily turns into cash to add to the At Lakeview First Round. Washington, Feb, 7.--It is believ- at was to o r " comfort of the boys who have been Kingston. : London. ed in some circles that if war comes T * ville. He was twice married. Two iiam Salter, Garden street, is confined | wounded in fighting our battles over- J. A. McRae W. Casselman brothers Jive in Belleville. 14 hia ome DY Hinbss. seas. mis "IA. B. CunninghamF. Copeland the part of this Government will be Cardinal has been granted $4,000, Ol re D James Body, of A. N. Mclean A. D. Heffernan merely passive, more passive even ir TBR CAA ros Sey DAT Ms, suas ond Yor, J re EAR mg oa oan, I prc $2 : Goverument, Just, sablished pent Monday with relatives| The Canadian national games, la- a Angeoye x Giimous Ant to speed up its munitions factories | | V 1 ( y T ( ) rR At Alexandria Bay, NY. 'on Feb. ton, and Jett tor their west-| crouse, hockey, and Rugby have |} Gipson Dr. J. A. Wright | for the benefit of the entente trod pr! ~ 3rd, the house known. as the John m at noon yesterday. ee their ciple relatiohesle 0 1h M. P. Reid .. 14 J A; McKay. . 11 aud ships, and furnish money needed D A N C tr bad! maged EE 1. . 2% red T n, © ce, Russia, 2 i avis_boufe Nae Fr by Married at Gasport, the duration of the war, exeept, of Totals il fotals ...a, - Ly. to ph ae war aaThst » ECORD S z s ut $3,000, Napanee, Feb, 6.--At the groom's} course, among the soldiers, the vari- in 15 Germany. - What else ean we do Ee reek appointed | nome Chatles Leslie O'Neil was | ua battalions in Ontario having ro te Lv 2 5 show. is Jestion common heard here § . supe r of the rockville-Belle- . ) ) a ranites a bye. 8 'a question © y h : ' witle- division: of the Grand Frank hited 1 milage te Mis Jesme pri a ne jacsieng. Shi: Ee We rannbi a anything with our Railway, He replaces the Mite John . ar ; ' : Second Round. navy, and We have not any army is , was Rev. R. J. The en ia. also plan to play . kalo as Remderon. © UT ror ha. Horie Hovement | 38827 STANT, vi hele Gag grants. Wingon, | angler RE Tn ashing. Belleville resident, passed away Sun Muses at a os. ae happy ae watersport had aun 1 3 Walker : A.B. Cunningham | ton having some Knowlerge of in- day after rolonged fliness. a. presence 2 . E, Knowles A. N. McLean tefnal politics and the lessons of : April Sot Mast ha met with an acy | 8:quler gathering of triends ahd rol- quently, ioe ghel amang Canadianh, ii. §oKendriek 24). F Macdonald 0 fhistory who contend that if this gov- Fent.. 5 niites the groomaman and brides- ade oad Say thelr J, Buchanan H. Angrove ernment lares that a state of war The vestrymen of St. John's Haid hein the blather and slates of national games, instead of interest, 3 CORE ton ¥ ugh Sxiste with Ser a ee ne . EN a > essio ax » ed to take a Bpiscopal church, Cape Vincent, N.iner wag served. The happy couple {ng themselves In protessioral sport, [3 "iiiameon 21 M. F. Reid... .. | dgnting. One of the best Known Mik th 0 1 lar men who were not bout o jie | intend on & tour to the bride's Baad ge war | has demon- Totals ...:¢.4! Totals '| tary fuoen, who_is not bellicose and ,-Ont. After their re-| strated the place of real sport in ¥ mt has the reputation 'of being level- ihm, they expect to settle down ony ng indicated by A at that Majority - for Galt - Granites, 31{ headed at all times, said to-day that ; rm at Gosport, Ont. commercialized sport is a foreign shots : in his opinion it would be impossible element in the | Canadian national Kingston got'a bye in the Gov-|tor the United States to play & pas: { Accident, life, . The list of heroes of the 'athle- ernor-General's trophy competition. | sive part in the world conflict. He : in Belleville, Feb. 6.--While engaged | tic field who are laying down their Seeuyeneepetn spoke of the likelihood that national 5 dentist, died sawing wood With a buzz saw on | tyes for their counry grows with Local Curling Games. pride would assert itself if the allies ash., on Jan. 16th; Thursday, Jesse Brady of Madoc, | every battle. Canada's honor roii| The results of the games played | called for help in shipsand men, and heart disease, He formerly lived % son of Robert Brady, met with a| contains many names that were fam here on Tuesday were: admitted that popular excitement Capo Vincent, N.Y deceased wife Jintnl nocident, and - what = might ; aging field in the years|J. E. Austin J. H. Seels might become so great as to lead to being Le Re Deen aériovs t not been ' war. Only a few facts |F. H. Day M. G. Johnston the formation of a ldrge army, an The of Miss Edith May need be given to indicate that the | W. H. MontgomeryO Akroyd army of 2,000,000 men. * ® mariage of ie : lie out.| en who take chances in games in|W. Jackson =. H.R Beckwith + 599, Coker HDT : times of peace can bé counted upon (skip) 13 (skip) 4 Fresh Fruits From Florida o . : : young Brady. to respon call of t oun- es : p : WwW V ' on / at Man, $0, 'when, h ; try. Bd ATO ot Jha mémbers F. Lamb w. H, Caldwell See el Grape trl 3 ith a ictrola In your home you The £1 wh ! Argonaut and Tiger J. acdopald A. C. Crozier quats, Fine y AA he 00=4 1 ¢ i Elkanah iia, Eltzabethtown. yet , Rugby who played just before |L. C. Langdon H. McCartney coanuts; at Ghrjoveky's. . cen dance whnene Ver you want. Elmer B, Clarke, Uraigmont, | wound above hig elbow and diring the first war seasons have |G. Hanson W. G. Ferguson : path R CE Se eR ald reme Chief Coroner Johnsofi's jury 4 J Sol, W. ©. = al 2 tty in Galway Janior anda juvenile OE ride LOVES AT FIRST SIGHT. | Ee Sol. W. C. Maeasuall that you want todance pre . Peterbore, Feb, 7.~When George | in Toronto woir- Ontario champion- tes Se \/.} gence at Toronto of the G.T.R, and J. MeKee, of Smith, traded part of | ships. Eleven otit of the fourteen of Man Weds Nurse Who = Oared FOF | the Union Station Company. often. possessio Galway | the men connected with the Beaches Hin at Syracuse, x | Junior Champions and ten out of the | Syracuse, N.Y., Feb, T.--Love af twelve men connected with the St. ; . Luelve men conacted a he or a Seupathiahon" OF threo. wecks POLICEMEN "and clear and in perfect time. turned eighteen the fortune which befell Walter LETTER CARRI ERS ec ein Thee a fom Mh uid ang Come in and hear the latest dance numbers Y ss Be er Jenkins w ¥ 3 rns ho x a put : wety Bae 37 Bow. Dr, Fultoa, iy DRIVERS 3 4 and let us demonstrate the different styles of the. 0 spring, Mr. McKee's old homestead he by go patriotic | unter ran the Visger line of steam-| and "other workers who must Victrola--$21 to $255 Easy terms if desire oy Gabway fs mow owned and ocou- boats on the St. Lawrence river for Anna | pied by ex-Warden Coben. bb many years, fighting the monopoly of have enduring strength, take usual inter-| ~~ Hack From France. ; Escape. ihe Mags Svmganies- He ls thirty in, Wednesday Feb, 1 & The age of miracles has mot yei Be ¥ and good looking. : IEE Waker, 4 orm Soh hn Blam, reservitt of | C. W. LINDSAY LIMITED xnown Brockville and & last: sedn in 121 Princess St. or ; '§ | brother Dr. T. F. Robertson ! Y By Capt. Bruce Bairnstather. Vol. dh S a rived of pecakvilis rider stor | CESS 10 the o the re |11l. just isgued. Nearly 50 pages of |" x most years = from the most mous cartoons of the : 1 Fo a " the fin : ported dead, |war. Nothing under the sun is ap Mrs Mrs, he . » aio rom Sipbera as 4 ae of sud Bake wou ihe ie oe and gi | Ck fC Se, "The Miracle of Love." And it's.such superb dance music N All the newest dances--played loud i, ES 5 0 BE to bald up wed ep up tk INI | h ] tore. 3 + be i En I ET le i eal lo 0 A I Goming, "The Miracle of- Love." 0 Seoth ey -- Out: IS "J | Febr uary Le : 5 . | eel 'Boys' Suits, sides 30 to 34- Sale price $2.95 Men's Freize Overcoats , sizes 36 to 44, : Sale price is $8.50 'Boys' Suits, Men's Fine Shirts, size 14 to 17. All Men's Overcoats,