mamas Tm Coming, "The Miracle of Love." TJ. Rigney is confined io his i: home through illness. : 4 . : * H. cunningham, plano turner, 21 : Keep your savings in e Banik of Toronto and walch your balance | King street. Leave orders at McAul- 3 ow through your regular deposits and the interest added by the Bank.: ey's Book Store, ye financial strength' of this long established institution eysures safety] Mr. and Mrs. Leo Flynn, Tam- : > worth, spent a day recently visitng ay her sister, Mrs. M. J. Cunningham, Hi SEEDED : : ' | comers Kingston. 2 A POCKETBOOK CONTAINING JOKES, PU AND NOYELEY ae biggest. iting in years: "The Bs . er may have sume RL W. Cooke, 3 Miracle o ve," i 5 rtm - f, \ BROCK ee ---------------------- ~ Dr. Donald Fee. formerly of Kings. GENERAL ¥ RVANE. Ape LY, HAT One may 100 ACREX. Foun MILES ton and Sharbot Lake, is returning | 2 -------------------------- hg at John- 1 . poly Geo. Gib- to Canada from England owing to SMART BOY AVITH FRICCLATION une og, Bross lf son RR Bo 1 Catiiaw. 30 ill-health, ; gc Crows Dug Store. : A PURSH CONTAINING SMALL DOUBLE DWELLING, #1 rh wo ES awn of money. Owner apply islon street, & C, In each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- Mr. and Mrs. David Baker, of . eT ih0T GOOD COOK. gum | HOV EMA RD, ALSO" GooD 00 aldron's Store. Kingston Junction, attended the a etter & pn. Monday et 3H A POCKET TESTAMENT, = © jon street. . funeral of Mr. Baker's mother at rd Carton. . Apply | at. Tuesday. Ernesttown on Tuesday. J Embly SUOESL en | BA ee samenat Wiis . ||| cesuang VIOTROLA® AND Tom The new military Stables have! A HOUSEMAID, PUREE IN wa) ' mOUND SILVER CAS Bl sek Sach A $1.00 ph week been erected in record time by the : Ed Ingen. Rogal Military or | Rimerivan Express Oice. indsay. Tad, 13 Be 4 : . K HOUSES ON Vi HHH FOR SALE Kingston Construction Company. Me efephone $0 h Te : {ywWo BRIC CTORT They were urgently needed, and the sm : FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- |i Oa modern' near Union at AES . TISED line, Owners d selling : - oa i ot Leo: ; 3 Jan ' $850 Six room frame dwelling, large lot and| ass Sile ms SoA vey tel npn (|| 85 er . ; 0 e receive : i ; i ae ¥ : stable, $1 00 cash required. ak : these gums for the Belgian Relief ermiavs ; t mihahle her at; opce, G a 3 Aaa pA ma; | fe : | » >.) ~ 8 The | VASDEWATER | HOESK, VERON rae chs | i for your money. a : > : Fund: H. C. Nickle, $20; J. R. , N : ¥ . $4000 Nine ropm brick, hot water heating, $500 Laidlaw, $2: Archdeacon Dobbs, SEP ELEEPPIEE ERR first class stand, splendid de] ill handle this. University Ave. $10; Mrs. D. D. Rogers, Pittsbush| Vigkinist Pianist 'Cellist | GFRERAL SERVANT, PLAIN COW ir U - S w - b . d township, $5. $ 10! "Tho washing: good wages. sopiy'] water Verona, Ont. $4400-- Lower Union St., nine room rick, all mod-! Coming, "The Miracle of Love." en Ni after Twctack wn Mee MrT s eB B lore an WTR. AND T. R. Ensby has-been sent to the Appearing at : HRI ree wma ; \hres-quarter hands SEEN Hy Dro: tw i aa------ Kem J tionally good horse : ern. This isin a'particularly good locality. | penieuiiary trom Brockville for for big He left if: . $ {ome Kk ht gr for kind Can b years for RIY. © a. wife go 4 work an § A GOLD FILLED WATCH AND FOB, or any i be THE 5 K. CARROLL AGENCY and three children in Hernson, N.Y. z it all gp tnvalld ol a gon, fas . K- on the harbor, sunday afternoon | sesn au 382 Alfred street. and on Nov.'14th last magried Miss \ 9 a H.R. Nov 1, Wolke Island, Finder please recive 30 Pem-| soLiD \ BRICK RESIDENCE. 43 ] Ty -- Brock street, eléven ms: in { mad : 56 Brock St. A Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 | va Tanney, Brockville, | Ont. " . - y b ---- - r The annual meeting of the Doni. * rember Tel » AR + " i o : A CF ern improvements ogsession infon Marine Association Marine A Thursda Februa Y re A aan BRACKLEY | Say dat a DS Division St sociation wilt be held at King Ed- ' an. wanted: ome $i srests. Finder kingly leave at} TT Me -------- TT = r ward Hotel, Toronto, on Feb. 15th, | Advance Sale. Feb. Sth ot UEiow's Wie mee and receive reward. | purox sromE AND sTonusoUsE, IN | Meek Store, Bion rin : ) Whig Office RDO 0 eee and it will be attended by quite a Hook Store. Son $1.00, The, : _N Ee : smart country willage; store 2- large number of local marine men, without BROWN SABLE FUR NEOKLET, ON| J, 00 and large cellar; all first "Th = 0 wood and Victoria Streets. Pleas Seturday night, between: Coiling e Miracle of Love." Watch rk & ARe. mo Vicia streets. Th class condition. $1000, $o wind up ¢ od d : fr: TeluEn 10 oIHngwvd. an ~| §7 Clarence street, Eston. i i { first class condition, - Ae an estate, qu LA, Bateman, ceive reward. for it. = What are the tal authorities ba . poeial 3 © CHOICE STOCK OF RA ~ Ee cis ll : a eerie doing to meet the demands of busi- , . BROWN SABLE FUR NECKLET, ON HEATERS, - ness men for a winter mall service EOF OVE TING A PLAIN ROUND Saturday, iL ig het Colling » Ju gud il kings oF We a HA from Cape Vincent, N. Y., to Kings- hand ING A ihe and for er-| 'Yovurn to 169 Colugwood and re- oped to huy eyer Sg on tr] ton, ving easy aad quick acces to || ys coMING let or, Som, SIR, PlgbR | ¢ fuive reward Bitten keer Pian 100. © " 3 --] J A . wo . » - . le ew Tory state points? The call i. at work. © Pelson 00. Ontario N street. 3 : The biggest thing in years: "The Bn --- ve" #2 DAILY EASILY BARMED AT ery JHIL Ie AY i Miracle of Love: WANTED GENERAL Dh Auto-Knitters making Hosters a,b twa, of jAren, rington and Lot 13 in 11th Con. of |" ) Three more returned soldiers have | Se -------------- War Socks, experiences UNNECceSSATY, any. | Find 4 S sald Township. For price and SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, Jose th ay. Finder réturn to 84 Arch St. terms apply to Issac Holder or been appointed to. Government posi-|"~ "sor cash or in part payment of new distance ymmaterial Eno nse thos and receive reward. Seorge Holdem Box 06; Hatterses, tions here. Pte. Penfold becomes pianos and Victrolas, C. W. Lind- cent ET rh *Knitte Co ET A mamma Ont. caretaker of the Inland Revenue of-| say, Limited, 121 Princess street. Jorn ret. oto, des . 70 LET . fices: Pte. Bellaringer clerk in the . . re h | LARGE STOCK OF DRESSERS, 00U. EXPERIENCED FARMER WANTS TO 2 | ches, stoves men's clothing, fur post office, and Pte, D. J. Gallivan rent one hundred &cre farm with OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST, CHAM. | lined coats. also new Upho stored guard in the penitentiary. ver without seek and Tn hers, Apply to AB. Cunningham, | chalibs; military harness, and led; or I r iP 'S. 'ess Clarence street, } ther straps. e uy A nds. oO ita of Red. Hanrewsmih, 3 Box 31 Whalg Ofice. 22a, Sar a. 14 yours eo RooOMED BRICK HOUSE _ ON ROOMED BRICK HOUSE oy new and' second hand furniture. ] - mr ---------------- EL of age and upw CAR s ME IC } N | 8. Shapira, 45 F es "street, Committee, was in the city on Wed- HOUSE, 8 OR 9 ROOMS ON 18ST MAY, 2 Pine Street, above Division. a Al y caro employment at the Cotton} Bateman, 67 Clarence street. | Phone 0%. : in a good locality, modern .conveli- nesday on business in connection fences, for small family, no chili Mills, Cataraqui street. Good - nners. Apply || FURNISHER ROOMS, ALSO noows |{ { with the iterations to the Court ren. State rent and full particu- wages paid to begh House' and' other repairs to the same Jars. :MeCann, 83 Brock St, at office Pomition Textile Co., for light housekeeping, 3§6 Prin-} Slotel for saler Int clos, well buflding, + | m---- mere ce y i cess, between Barrie and jvision. | uipped, to-diite, oxo 4B « NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR Cataraqul street. ' | ep eee reeemts. | oy ue ie bicycle repaired, cleaned and stors - | rooms; money maker. Widow od for winter, All orders prompte - THREE GOOD SIZED UNFURNISHED | wants (0 retire. No danger of lo- TAKING OVER HOSPITALS. = attended fo. IH flo 2033. or call 2 roams; also uss of kitchen: posses. | ol option, Jnuwire, - + Livi : Goo. Muller, ng St. § sion immediately. Apply 450 vise | ston, o oS gdens * Militia Dept. Carrying Out Centrali- NAL | POSITION WANTED. Jon atrest. Lond Feb. TA BAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHWARKY YOUNG atta he mien school; AN, UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, '| ndon, Feb. 7.~-Arrangements and all growths And skin blem- business, desires position in office large rooms, all modern equipment. | ' . ard being completed for the taking, shes removed permanently, with- or store. Apply Box 25 Whig Of- jdeal 'Tocation, pessession immedi | PATENTS Lover and running of all Canadian . out soar; 30 years' experience. Dr. fice, . ' ately. Apply Box 10, Whig Office. | om ---------------------------------- {gy Elmer J. eo, Hye, Bar, Noms iT BABCOCK+ & SONS, Patents, trade Red Cross hospitals by the Militia "Throat 'and kin Specialist, 254 ' marks, designs. Estab. 1879, Department, as part of the, centraliz- Bagot street FURNITURE FINISHING STORAGE FOR PURNITURE, CLEAN, | erly Patent Ofilce Examiner. : ation scheme, It is expected to re- FF HANDORAFT ee ---------------------------------- gr Ar 2 Sor Joe and of Patent Law a a tent Fro t x 0 ia 0! e. 3 - sult In great saving, especially as re- : P. DRISCOLL, as Finn. Queen, street. /Phona 626; res. 989. real. Branches: Ottawa, Washington. gards rationing and also working of JENNIE C. SHAW WILL _OFEN street w y : ed do BN . J A a ambulance. . - | classes in ail kinds of Jalnung. re TS ee -------------------- oidery, art Work. udio, " 3 ; 53 Clergy street; open from 2 to 5. BUSINESS CHANCES. © Monday, dnesday and Friday. he Ev Ta Tv 7 Wiad ' NG DON'T INVEST story BOARD AND ROOMS INVESTORS WA roa : Binife Bus nf WP until DY Bucassafu / Ra e e, in 'Weggy, you, u eB ga ET ; complete in eight reels, coming Mon- PTRST CLASS BOARD AND SEASS BOARD. AND pre Gre mie learn how fortunes . p {day. Tuesday and Wednesday; Feb. evry convenience: Soni oon $ E18 Subscription. Sucoeny 12th, 13th, ith, i tion. Apply 243 Brock stfeet. fal Pinanocs, 608 Dearborn _ -» - 4 a . » ; : 3 DAIRY FARM FOR SALE, CORSIST- « GOLD RING, SET WITH AMETHYST, RY T0300 acres. being Th ween' St. James church abd Bair of Lot 13 in 10th Con. Of Stor. -- LENTAL a oA HORSES WANTED | -- rrr : rims: | A Smet AR eine LDS Bion FINANCIAL e------t-----------so--S-----m=----_m x \ - ; Windsor Hotel Di J. 1 ARD WALSH, DENTIST, $n nd lier amounts Seon A. For clean, light work; highest wages while turday, Feb. 10th. "I fire wd tae reek) ery ap nvm (| learning. Those wishing steady, employ- |e Tor ale go alno large horaes. OSs 100, Wi ot ign ceirest PEN. bt 3 lo por F : i. ment, apply at « price will be paid. Dever, D. Sssistant. x } ne hy 3 land, . mun A etd TENDERS «| Ren taser Eats "0 : a For Road Oil For Oiling Wo EN Smt 0 20H y howds. "EC oosimieht | KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. Streets. | rtm ---------- NDe8 AND - cely ¢ the w > z > * 3 ? EET SA ig rea ye ATE security 3 De nqted Yeanifty Si pee, EE, 42 andutstged u | nosdiay, Feb. 21st, 1917, for ' 28,000 IMPERIAL NS, MORE LBGAL. ; 5: FOR OILING TT CUNNINGRAN, DARRISTER posal] Ly Tone' be delivered fn tank cars FOB. oa Sapeitor. Law omoe, ocr | Bs trom Sirange & Bu 0, ence. street, Kingston Age ts. Phone y ha = requiped, duty and tax paid, Tenderer to submit with, tender, lone, analysis and : 2 ii Ga 4 5 of the oil he proposes | : g fur- | - | aes uct Ba agent CRIECIN'S.. ) sno cd: | . 'For Sheet Iron Work. a GRIFFIN S--Tuestay 2 Mednestay , Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. | N o gineeér. 1 . § ari . : : Femi nein] Goin Fenn vinRon, J] RATAN OPO VECO, ; S Wander Picwe JU° im ag be Fie,