« 'The, Baily British Whig | "= YEAR 84, N ; KINGSTON4 ONTARIO, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 8, 1917 \ lines with their| BRITAIN HAS TAKEN : : : 5 Fasult That there as Rerfert inunda-| time = fairs been only available too much to say that the operation | back in our own #3 on. of German officials everywhers. even for infants, in the form of skim- may be characterized as a speci { prisoners and their spoils. The Turkish military bave absolutely | med milk." : Yap. hated machine A Spegiall The following incident of the raid OVER 200 SUBMARINES J ® | will serve to illustrate Wow patient -------- British Navy More Than Able no voice in directing affairs, the Ger- My informant said there so far has though this, of course, in no way de y | and indulgent our men can be to- mans Feldwebel, or Sergeant having | been no open rebellion against the i ' ' P tracts from t e t p higher power than a Turkish Captain. conditions, and this Is quite impos- tracts from the ptaise due o all the|T 0, heir enemies once they have to Cope With Submarine The Turkish soldiers are only kept sible under the rule of the German For the ten days immediately pre- | them well beaten: One of our of- m in order by vigorous, vicious and con- | police, who keep order in the city ceding thé operation our artillery | ficers ~¥ith a handful of bombers enace. L : S------ SALE ------ stant corporal punishment for 'any| with iron despotism, but deep rage stood dee - . 3 t » p -1® at the mouth of a p dug 2 and every alleged offence. and discontent are universal. Lr and teenes mortaty had been Mead, out crowded with. Bosches. In his Newnty. Ja. 3~Ooandtnte nt ae i » | .| Great Britain W suffer but little : stions along a front of betwee: best German, such as it was, he or ] Make Turks Reinforce. Constantinople Starvin The Erisede al leas Was Replete Wilh! Soot p "| trom the submarine campaign OT . 4 gs. v '| dered them to come out and surren e paig Callies. three and four thousand yards. The p thé lined by Germany, in so far as the SECOND SECTION -------- Reisforcements. "There is an unceasing demand on 1 asked him for a general impres- actual raid was to be made on I der, as he was going lo blow u { Armies Supplied vin the part of the Germans for Turkish | sion of conditions in Constantinople. Many front of some 750 or 800 yards, but dugout, starving of England is concerned, reinforcements to fill gaps from | He then gave me the following A voice replied In excellent Eng-| Was expressed today by Rev. Dr. dha a ---- the Germans were i losses in the armies wherever the| gloomy picture: A oF the were kept in fousion a lish: "Yes, we're coming." william Dawson, one of the most CONSTANTINOPLE SUFFERING Turks are ntment demands) Cons certainty 4 i AN ATTACK IN DAYLIGHT the blow would fall.) The wire here He waited, but no one appearing, | prominent clergy ~in Newark, always create resentment and anger where very certainly dozens of poor was very heavy and deep but it was he repeated the order more emphati- | upon nis arrival home from several tn Turkish military circles, where the creatures perish every day, and 2 . foiifid everywhere completely blown cally. He got the answer: "Yes, yes; | months' visit in England. view is strongly held that 'Purkey| where for a year and half typhus, to pieces, so well had our gunners one minute, please." a =f know positively that the Brit PROM A VERY SERIOUS SHORT. {should primeris Uo iy hat Parkes | 8 era and plague have never been | BUT THE GEEN/N' WERE THOR- | done their work. Again he waited and still no ote | ish TEV has taken over 200 of tho AGE OF FOOD, the affairs of Asia, where her forces |absent as epidemics. Constantinople] oUuGHLY TAKEN BY SURPRISE. We exploded a mine ..and imme. came forth, but time was short' and | German submarines within the past rg ure sirendy weakened ahd seanty. Is diny. and over on hangs the terri- i diately put up a furious barrage be-| he had more work to do. Once again Jest, ue have bien brought into The Food Bad-- uestion Was about muni-} fying spectre of famine, which also - d . |nind it. Immediate he summoned them, adding that his | Enghis ris and are now cing - the Have Is Bat | ona, to which the traveller replied: } threatens nearly all Turkey In An'"Incident Which Shows How Ba which al iy our tuding next summons would be a bomb in|used against their former owners, 1 id Germatiy sends large quantities. | Europe Patient and Indulgent the Cana-{iheir trenches for the result of this] their midst. Then at last, and just and you must know that this num= from Hunger Every Day. but the Turks are now making much "One sees Turkish soldiers, very dians Are Once They Defeat the | manoeuvre, sprang out and darted | in time, the Bosches came clambering | ber does Mot include the U-boats {ondon, Feb. 7.-An Amsterdam more in their own factories than at batdy dressed, with worn-out boots,| Enemy. across their zone of "No Man's Land" out, obviously much relieved and in a| which have been sunk by the English the commencement of the war. |ramblin along the street tie i y A Finally ap- trol bo ht in th jen le: e {ly Chronicle * & g the streets with a 5 "The practically without o osition. great hurry to surrender. nally ap-|patro ats or caught in the undes Sanmaich to. The Dally ! Work is Incensnn: in the national fae- Sead-bent air. Turkish losses up to Landen, ha hs Tue Sojlewing pp peared their officer with dignity and | sea nets and so sent to the bottom 2 * or under rman foréemen sent] now ave been very heavy. I heard communication is issuec hy the Cana- Taken by 8 deliberation. " a it There has arrived in Holland #) ll, Krupp's at Essen. Many new| sevory) v0 0 in a position to form | dian War Records Office; It was wo 745 ed broad] "1 had to wait to burn my papers," tar fy the the heft a gentleman who holds a very respon- factories have beth, erected hut fhe a tarliy_acturate estimate put them The very successfur raid of the|daylight, but the Germans, who had] he explained apologetical y. Thelthe pfemen, the two DIE: erchant sible position of & commercial 80d}, 00 p 8 ory | at a million and a half men. Canadians upon the German trenches been prevented from showing a head | Canadian glared at nim indignantly. submarines, will ever be seen under financial character in one of the : a-- "rhe man who believes that t above their parapets by a continnous then ie_iace relaxed in approval. the German flag again in an Ameri- ? F eves tha wo . sheet of machine-gun fire, were thor- "All right," said he, "we'll c4 can port. Both of these ships are largest business hogses in Constan y Food Bad and Scarce. can live as cheap as one never haa | for a more extended description than| ,uenly taken by ping Our men | square, but two seconds more and | now in British harbors, Be Deutsch tinople. He broug t- with him the] "As to finances all is disorganized | to reckon with milliners and dress- it has hitherto received. It was one were into their trenches and around you'd have been in kingdom come." | land having been taken shortly af- very latest fmpressions from that to anprehy. fatiatal and 2 ate makers, of the most brilliantly planned and | the doors of their dugouts with bay- tor the first of January, while on if heavily and a Versely ' executed of these operations, of | onets and hand grenades before they TT her third trip to the United State city, and the picture he gives me is » affected. Food is more often than i ie \ . _! could organize any effective resis- ENGINEER ENLISTS \ The Bremen was taken before which the Canadians are the invent One hundred and one prison- di she left the English Channel while PRERENDER BC a by no means a cheerful one, Private-i not dangerous Meat is scarce and, tance ; . ly 1 send you his name and position, ! bad and very dear. A wretched sort } To emove Dandruff ors, and in which they peculiarly ex-lers were gathered in, and our par-| Belleville Man Signs Up and Goes | on her maiden trip to this country ; he merchant so that in giving publicity to his of hread. mage Jrom potate misiure cel, and it possessed certain novel | ties set themselves to the work of After Recruit The crews of both of t statements you need not 'doubt their dis} i us a 1d ie ate a - features to the manner in which the | blowing up the trenches, dugouts and { er i, a men are now in British concentra- anit a i and is imposs 0 gest. Rije et a 25-cent bottle of Danderine machine-gun emplacements In this Belleville, Feb, 8.--Sergt. o un- hi th detained genuineness and ser lousnens. costs five, shillings a pound. Tea |at any drug store, pour a little into several forms of barrage smoke, BAS: | oi they were not disturbed as the | derwood, a well-known G.T.R. en- non camps, x re She are ian " He sald to me: costs Br A" obtainable about five|your hand and rub well into L7e Se lery and machine-gun fire were |area in which they sturbed, 8% ing] gineer, who resides in this €iy, | a1ong with other German Sie/E io control of the Surkish Sovereign for one pound, The de- jealp with the finger tips. By morn- worked in combination. This bar-| was enclosed by the steady '"'car- signed up with the first section of tee arm ras been assume y the Ger- ge In rations of potatoes [ing most, it not all, of this awful|rage was continuous and in tremend- rumpingy of our howitzers along the skilled railway 'employes' unit of To- mans. All the highest and higher caused a desperate situation among seurf will have disappeared. Two or ue volume, and it effectually w led | German communication trenches. | rento and is now recruiting in this The man who is thoroughly im- commands are filled "with 'Gerthans, the hard/working masses in the fac- | three applications will destroy every ous volume, anf ectuplly wa The time allotted them for the job| district for this branch of the service. | bued with the idea that a public of- also the administration of national | tories, But the most trying is the|bit of dandruff; stop scalp itching up all the intervals between the| was just an hour, angDit was suf-| Already a number of recruits have | fice isa private snap doesn't believe aftairs-is-in German hands, with the! scarcity of milk, for which a long:and falling hair, bursting of shells. It is perhaps not | ficient. At 8.56 our men were all| been secured in this city. in investigating committees. : » Bin DIS WY, nen thal before Lens on January 17th cally I NI aa hatha a A App ot We Certainly Are Busy | ON YOUR WAY DOWN STEP IN AND During This INVESTIGATE. I ACRI E---- BUT NEVER T00 BUSY TO HANDLE A FEW MORE CUSTOMERS. THIS SALE HAS SURPRISED US THIS TIME ON THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE TAKEN | ADVANTAGE OF OUR GREAT REMARKABLE SACRIFICE SALE. JUST LOOK OVER THESE SALE ITEMS. \ \ . BOYS' BLOOMERS ye Qu . . ; Regier, $1.75 nd 32400, Seis Meg's Sls and Ovetcuas Ww Boys Noth Sue $12.00 Regular $5 Mow Ja $3.38 PUCE «» .: ox via wire 2 1.39 . 2 21 Bloomer Pants. Regular .00. egular $5 an _ Sacrifice price $3. Regular $1.50. Sacrifice price . . .. 98¢ Regular $25.00. Sacrifice price $13.9 1s J488 | Regular $3.50 and 84. Sacrifice price Regular $1.25. Sacrifice price . . . 88¢c Regular $20.00. Sacrifice price $10.98 Regular $10.00. Sacrifice price . . $5.45 SEE $2.48 =. VERALLS = Regular $15.00. Sacrifice price $8.98 Regular P30 Suctifice price . . us Regular $2.75 and $3. Sacrifice rive Good he weigh 1 pri 1.50. : u 50. Sacrifice price .. $9. ey wal wala pet GAAS id Deo ae price $ 1.09 Regular $12.50 and $13.50. Sacrifice The ite are the very latest; beauti- | Regular $2 and $2.50. Soseiice Pris CONSIDER THESE PRICES rote. - Serre 3048 ful patterns to choose from. fem ea A as .... $1.45 4 LIVELY TIMES IN OUR FURNISHING DEPARTMENT TO CLEAR AWAY LOTS OF SEASONABLE FURNISHINGS. 'One or two of this and a few of that are in broken lines, in' some odd sizes; all of these reliable and seasonable, and value, and full lots must go; and here are many things you need to be closed out at low prices, in our ishi department. Goodness will make things lively. \ . n-- WE HAVEN'T SUFFICIENT SPACE T0 QUOTE PRICES -- COMEIN AND INVESTIGATE Mes Boos. | ladies Bats Boots and Shoes Children's Shoes. Sut Cases . Patent, gun metal, box calf, button or : : In box calf, gun metal, button or lace. lace. We have a great variety of all styles at Regular $2 and $2.50. Sacrifice price Regular $6 and $6.50. Sacrifice price | Ladies' high cut boot, regular $6. Sacri- Sacrifice'prices. SgUar ve an . : «ne --~.. $3.98 pa Sooprice . «ot boot; ¥ i 0.48 Rebers and Overshers to ft £17Fyone . Sl ee 137 44 : i ~~ Ladies: medium cut boot; regular 9°. t greatly reduc prices. ©... i : Regie $3 Seon ri $298 | | Sofi Soin pic Many mn ar MOLE Suis rie AL . # . ar . . cr ce . . a we ak an aang Chea Sas CHAE As sa eu ea gE $2.48 Many Other Styles at Sacrifice Prices. =. Lovin an S98 fos Tew sulin nels a a CONE IN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS. If you would save 'money you should select a year's supply ine "gon Filth Auiaus] Sacrifice Sale.