Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1917, p. 11

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cer ess PR sree Frontenac eingivannct GLENDO Feb. 6.--Mr. Austin BATH ROAD. Feb. Lorne Ryd filling P. Ferris received the the contract of ed by wv. Mr. Mrs. Dier and son, ing her sister, Mrs. returned home, Feb, 5.--Mrs. visiting friends at Parks mad Wednesdiy. auling hay. Mr. ander Rutherford, visiting at 1y, spent the Ww Cottage, Jason Orser; have accompanied by Mrs. Orser and daughter Gertrude. erm PINE SHADE. A.D. Zealand, Herbert and trom Alberta, re Thomas therford's. Miss Lena Ferguson, ook ames eat wood for AA his gasoline _ yeturned to hi after spending. $ untle. Mrs. Thomas Ralph Garrett home at Silver few days Garrett is visit- ing her mother, Mrs, son, who has over a year. for two of Pine ng bachelors in Hugh Millar new house at Shade's the near future. Biphin, &s he to retire. Visitors: Mr © uson's. ------------ . VILLE. Feb, 6.00 account KERLER mency of the the tac were Moore is operating machine smog Caird has all the the school, Many ed the band concert Friday night and with the. mme. come to eaten the , jor Jackson. red mail carrier has made thstanding the bad weather. and Mrs. good natu good time, tw and Bow = Apring. friends at C ushendal the young people were entertained by and Pauline Anglin James Clark a of 1 o's Misses Mildred Saturday night. Miss ere at Oharles Robb and John s Bay Thursday n Masonic Lodge meeting. -- Feb. brother William, their youn Fan gently." Miss Mabel a few days at Mrs, Alexander's, Ar- den. T. H. Flynn, Saskatchewan, is -.penewing uainta fter . H. y #nd J, B. Price fil Martha Clark, grandfather's, enjoyed An oe and ope at A. Cronk's Price is t han, Mrs. Margare sons Claude and John at A. A, Ferg- ) tor two his farmers. Erwin wood delivered ati, , at MOUNTAIN GROVE. §.~The Misses Gree and Havelock, R. Flymn. last week. Ra of Mount Crel- end at Pine Shade went ight to attend neces here Wood and daughter Fern have re- turned after visiting friends in New York state. Mrs. D. Youmans Was called to the bedside of her mother, who is il} at Verona. Mr. and Mrs. Peters, Switzerville, spent the week- end at D. J. Cronk's. George and Everett Price left to-day to visit at Sydenham and Westbrook. Rev. A. Webster conducted sacramental sers vice on nday. The Quarterly Board and Ladies' Ald met Satur- y, the usual tea being served in the evening. Miss Leslie, Sharbot goed | Lake, was a recent guest of Mrs. J. D. Clark. - | was up to seé Freeman er has taken | Green Bros. CHARLESTON, Fob. 6.~Mr. and Mrs. 8. Godtin entertained 8 few friends on Monday evening in honor of their daughter, Miss Mar pirthday. Miss s Point, with her cousin, Mrs. M. gh. Mr. and Mrs. W. Halliday spent the past wek in Ballacanoe. A B from here at- ded the Tuners! of the late Mrs. Jackson at Athens on Monday. . was a sister of Mr. Halliday? R. Foster was in Brockuile on Wed- Mr. and . William Flood, Bbes a pumber of triends on Friday evening. The event was a sort of family reunion, as Mr, Flood's eldest brother, James, and ter are visiing him from Rush Lake, Sask. Miss Flossie Hef- ferman recently visited friends at Hard Island. . Ferguson is trip to Elphin Mrs. Snow with WESTPORT. Feb. 5.~Ben Bryan is seriously ill at present of rhetmatism. Alexander Blair, who has been confined to the house with grippe, is able to be out again. 3. Teggart and daugh- ter, Helen, in with his tes building a intends 4 y on the siek list. The . Donald Bud {assembly beid in the Oddtellows' hall on Friday evening under the aus: plees of the Chosen Friends was a great success, The proceeds gmount- od in 3199. Percey Mastim-dnd sist ? Belleville, are » ,B.G: in Kingston. Mrs. 8. Conklin hore on Tuesday for Kifigston to visit 'Batterses Jost |™ sister, Mrs. W. Murch : MORTON, Feb. §.~Baby White is on the sick list, with Dr. Bracken, Elgin, in at- tendance. J. O. Willis has returned ding a couple of weeks t at Addison and Mal- e school | lorytown. Artie Rountree, Mal- Mamie | lorytown, | with her mother, Mrs. Estella Sly spent a co! Lake. | ast week t west of . Dean, Jones' C. R.~Willis has gone to sponds few days with his sister, Mrs. vis, Addison. Miss Jennie Henderson has gone to 8 a few days with friends in Brockville. samuel Taber, wh has been spending nd | the past month with his mother, Mrs. John Sieeth Willis. Miss e of days the on Saturday last. is spending 4, few days), Taber, left on Friday for his home Calgary. B. , who has spent remed past va "Toronts, rejirg PAGE ELEVEN Tir TASTES GREAT GRAS ANOTHER ONE §-- LOETIONSIN THAT TICKLING INTHE THROAT CAN BE QUICKLY CURED BY . s Norway Pine Syrup his trouble is most distressing '| and is caused by & coldf settling in hard dry eough tickling, irritating keeps you from ens joying your night's rest. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which is ecom-< of the most soothing and heal- orant her! and with of the world-famous Norway pine tree, will give almost instant re- let in all eases of this nature. Mrs, Alex. Durward, . Que., writes: «] have mused Dr. Wood's Norway Pine rup for & number of years, and find it the only will help me when 1 have it helps the soreness, ling sensation in my throat, which is so irritating. 1 always pee it for both myselt and the children, and would not be without it in the house." The thou s of testimonials we have received during the past twen- tyfive years prove that Dr. Woed's excellent the throat. 'The causes that aasty, sensation and bs com the lung healing vir- y see that you get QOD. Nelson 4a ill of Mr. Fetterley, of has been ill of on Monday. A Wesley Reveler, is re- spending a tew days there. An oyster ding [supper was hi at the home of H. Shaver on 'Mo! evening in homor of A. Shaver snd daughter, who left on Tuesday for their home in Win- nipeg. Mrs. BE. L. Muabarvey spent Monday in Ottawa. Mr. and 'Ball, Chesterville, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs A. McConnell on Tuesday. The Ladies' Ald met at the home of Mrs. Frederick Reveler dy gu Teena C ten Witt be held at rs. Melville <Marcellus on Friday Mrs. James Bogart, Mr. Orland have ail been ill Mrs. Henry Smirle is very mirie, Russell, is wi Mrs, | Feb. 6. typhoid fever. Chesterville, Whe The pneumonia, d at [daughter, Mrs. are at after W. H. C presen t nursing BE. chester Springs, were guests at A. B. Allison's recently. Mrs. Roy Fetter ley Js visiting friends at Osnabrooke Cent A number of young people .{trew to train. James '| pentix died in France. Red church here ome of {and M: L heh of od to dinner their home on Satur- J ev. D. in : G r were visitors eer. you ask for it 1t is put up in a yellow Wrapper. mark, pricé three pine trees the trade 25¢ and S0¢c, at all dealers, Manufactured only by The T. Mi- dura Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Bia attended a party at the home of Mr. |4 Tuesday even- and Mrs. ; J. McGregor: Miss. Fielding on Muriel and {he week-end attending the me- jal service held there on Sunday naon for John McMillan, who re- Rey, Mr. and Mrs. Gollan were also present; a Mr. Gollan preached the memorial seryice. Service in the Presbyterian was withdraws. Mr. rs. Amon McConnell entertain- D. and Mrs. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs, Mary Mun- Mr. and Mrs, J Shaver, Munharyer, Erpest and e Connell's birthday. McConnell is visiting friends in Hall D. McGregor and Miss Edna Me- to Ottawa this ------ MALLORYTOWN. Feb. 6.--Pte. James Cosgove and Pte, Clarence Root have gone to Ren- Guild is under doctor's care. Mrs. Clifford Gibson and daughter, Gene, have returned home after a few days' visit at the jams of Alexander Gibson, Younge ills. The Methodist anniversary services are on Feb. 11th and 12th. The speakers for Monday evening are to be Rev. G. S. Clendennin, Kingston, and W. J. Carins, Brock- ville. Fortune Brothers are drawing wood to Mallorytown A pleasant - Mrs. William Board of Mallory- was er' Tuesday at the home lin. Mr. Franklin members were fond of he had an unlimited sup- Mallory is enjoying . William eg "enjoyed by the Me- Fhomas Frank s0 it is best to keep on the C) Gibson was home week. barks | It and found the ing. Mt Edith McGregor, Miss Eva Me- {lian and C. Cameron were in Finch | over nd | day e occasion was Mrs. Mer and of | of for a vouple} TEDICIs te! hurt. Wilmer Tye visited at Sand Bay last week. Miss M. Fair, War- burton, Was a guest at D. Towns- end's the pas week-end. Miss Made- line O'Connor has returned from Charleston, where she was the guest of Mrs. M. J. week. Mrs, Horace Slack, Short Point, spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. P. Kelsey, who was ill with grippe. attended the party at Ellisville last night. - Much sympathy is felt for Daniel MoConnell, Ellisville, who suffered loss by fire on Monday night. The cause of the fire is not known. was discovered about 5.30 p.m. when the hired girl went out to milk barn in flames. The alarm was given by telephone, and every man from here, as well as Ellisville, turned out and with much difficulty the, other buildings were saved. The barn had been erected about three years go. The amount of insurance is very small compared to the value of the building and con tents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Single- ton visited at Lansdowne last week. Joseph Bevens spent Friday at Sand Bay. James Burns visited at Sweet's Corner on Sunday. Recent visitors: A. Snider, Lansdowne, at J. Burns'; Mr. and Mrs. T. Bevens, Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. E. Griffin, Gananoque, at H Bevins'; Miss W. Steacey, War- burton, at J. Bryan's; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Green, Oak Leaf, at R. Single ton's; P. Flood, Delta, Moses Kavan- agh and Lawrence Botsford, Charles- ton, at C. J. O'Commor's; Mrs. w urns, Elgin, at Mrs. Kavanagh the past) A number from here}; ! the sick list are re- covering. Miss Estella Doyle and brother, who ,have been visiting friends have returned home on Mon- day. all who were on once. tin, drawing six James McKeever, drawing six of sand; $8.64, John Quinn, 12 loads of sand, $6, and 13 hours' work loading sand; $1, James Curl, rebate dog tax; $24.50, Hanson, Crozier Kerr, registering 87 births, marria- ges and deaths; $10, Dr, Ww. Wilkin, Edgar, printing; $17.40; Thomas A medical attendance Mrs. William Smith. Council adjourned to meet in Harrowsmith, Monday, March 6th, id PORTLAND. Feb. b5.--Members present. Minutes of last meeting Verona, ARe You CAREFUL. about the sort of ointment you use for your children? Po you know that an ointment applied to the skin enters the system just as surely a8 a remedy that is swallowed? That {s why you should use only the pur bstance, and the purest ob is Zam-Buk, which is » coarse ointment. is dus to the composed entirely of s and herbal extracts and that it contains noe of the ani- mal fat or poisonous and irritating mineral drugs found in ordinary ointments. It Is therefore suitable for the most sensitive skin---even the skin of a baby. i Mothers who have once used Zam- Buk say they could not do without it and children who have once had Zam-Buk applied will cry for It again because it ends their pain. As a " first ald " Zam-Buk 1s wou derful--it ends pain and heals so ~ quickly. Being germicidal it pre vents all danger of festering. Zam-Buk is also unequalled for. eczema, pimples, blood-poieoning., ulcers, plies, cuts, burns, chiiblaios, chapped hande, frost bites and all skin diseases. All dr sts and stores, or Zam-Buk Co. nto. ROCERIES, and PROVISIONS C.H. PICKERING 490-492 Princess Street. hone 530 Cured by VENO'S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE. / As a remedy for Catarrh in all its various forms, Veno's Lightning Cough Cure is fncomparable. The healing principles in Veno's soothe the irritated surfaces of the air pas- sages, and restore the mucous mem- brane to healthy, natural action. Then the stopped up feeling, the morning cough, and constant clearing of the throat, so characteristic of nasal and adopted. A petition was presented | 8¢ 1 p.m., or at call of reeve signed by 71 electors protesting against granting of a pool table license in Verona, asked by William Burnett. Moved, Storms-Smith, that before a license is granted William Burnett should present a petition signed by the maj of Parts 1 and 2 of sub-division No. 5 of the last revised voters' list, ask- ing the granting of said license, Car- "8ary & Practical Gow Dresr Making Lersons ' Prepared Specially for This Newspaper aw Feb, 8.--"It is reported Tre in connection with the Canadian army boots that an order for 275. 000 pairs has been placed with an| English firm," says a London cable to the Evening Telegram from its special correspondent. ,- nd H. Black's; rge Steary, Lyndhurst, at w. Warren's. ------------------ ------ Feb. 6.--Quarterly service was held in the Methodist church on Sun- the sick list. tin entertained Mr. and Mrs. B. Mar- a few of their friends cas and daughter home after visiting friends in Kings- ton and Sunbury, Mrs. B. Martin son spent & few days with friends 'at Thurlow, Visitors: Mrs. Campbell at Rev. Mr. Cook's; Mr. and Mrs. S. File at P. L. Amey's; By Pictorial Review V4 For Masly Little Men. jed by side-closing trousers and has the fropt and back cut in two sec: tions which ate joined under the belts seams and pre wrists except for two bu material. 3 For a boy. of eight Ji the suit requires 2% yards -G4-ineh serge. There sre man plese to the necessary e so that it wil home sewer to study th fully in perfectly. This is omy of material appearance of the First the serge is The lower and upper on 8 of seld- folded in half. back of the coat wise fold of Miss Barnum at A. Lummon's; Mrs. K. Weege at A. Amoild's. > ERINSVILLE, Feb. §.~The late Mrs, Mulholland who was found dead from heart fail- ute is survived by two brothers, Johh Mullen, Minnesots, and James, residing 'n Spokane, Mrs. P. Hart, Stoco, was a recent visitor at the Commercial House. A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the Ro- man Catholic church on Tuesday. contracting parties were Miss Ella M. Kearns and BE. Clair. They were assisted by Miss perite Kearns, sister of the bride, and Charles Clair. After the wedding a sumptuous wedding breakfast was served at the home the bride's parents, Michael Kearns, They were the recipients of ts, Among the back, with rforations on & Next, in the or oke, collar with the the up- e jacket, the , pockets, yoke, trousers. All of these on the serge 80 that perforations rest on uppe lape sections are their large "O0"' s lengthwise The uppe facing, the There is very little Aidt, cost, however, specially buttons we to making 8 specialty of throat catarrh, are soon overcome and cure follows, more or less rapidly according to the severity of the case. Prices 30 cents and 60 cents, from drug- gists and stores throughout Canada. DR. DeYAN'S FRENCH PILLS YS Pll for Women. $8 a box OF three Bhp ot oh bn price. Bass abe ., 8% Ontario. , Vimand 'grey 1for Negve and Brain; increases : dra up. Awo Al 'of 3 » Pata Co.. CIS A ERAN City Arr. City 12.67 a.m. Lve. . 12.20 am. "an sage; Sefonitase gd SnEE » 8 1.38 p.m. 0. 28 Local , .. .. 48 pom. 1.22pm. Nos. 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run dally. Other trains daily except Sunday. route to Toronto, Paterboro, Buffalo, London, Detroit CHy, Saginaw, Quebec, Portland, St. fax, on and New York For Pullman Accommodation, ther information, kets, and all © » J.P. BANLEY, AGENT. - " and Ontario Streets om, Ont. - Tie- apply AGENCY FOR STREAM. SHIP oe a eat RTT OIA RY. HALIFAX to LONDON passengers) (Callipg Falmowth to and » Wor patticulars of sailings apply to Local Agents or to The Robert Reford Co, Limited, General Agents, 50 King Street East, Toronto. and rates, Count fifty! Your cold in head or catarrh disappears. Your clo nostrils will open, the air passages of will clear and you can breathe freely. No more spuftling. hawking, mucous discharge, dryness headache; no struggling for breath

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