Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1917, p. 12

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SSC - I : I 3 . . a wena. ATM | Get Back of a Milo Dreary February Nights - [f= | Sit tho New You ih by amin NOT OLDEST | MUST GET IN LINE 'MILO Cigars. You will enjoy every one. Bia LEAGUE VETERAN | SPORTING NOTES. 1 "OR GET BLACKLISTED Made in Kingston. Bobby Wallace Three Years Major League Owners Will le- © G. A. McGOWAN, y | | . Senior to Toronto ® Charles ("Heinte") - ~ Wagner, | { . : coach of the Boston American | players. { 2 Manufacturer, Kingston. League Baseball Club, sent his sign-| | i : ' ut| ed contract to President H. H. Fra-| While all of the club owners in the! : %t Napoleon Lajole to zee, « { National and American Leagues will ronto and the minor leagues and Fk 3 ee {treat with their respective players as Honus Wagner and Eddie Plank have California paid out $60,000 in |individuals, it is known that the own- Or some of our good been heralded continually as players bounties for mountain lions at $20 lers have agreed that there is to be records™ of great endurance, but there is an each during 1916. Statistics show [no leniency in dealing with the situa- of grea: endurance bat Hn ¢ into |that a mountain fon will kill 50 tion; that the demands of the players For Life Insurance {are to be met only so far as they are loasiaered reasonable, and that the S. ROUGHTON $15.00, $21.00, : the major league discards vio wil deers a year, \ get much less praise than he ' : -- 4 ; $33.00, $50.00, 18 serves. - ; Portland, Ore., is the only city in |threatened strike is not to be con- : hone Hg is none other than Bobby Wal- | the United States that has-a trophy |sidered in the guise of a club to make 60 Brock St., Kingston. P 610 $65.00 Jace, who has played big. league ball competition in which only 2U-gauge |the owners accede to the demands of | around St. Louis as long as the suns are allowed. the Jlayems, LL are of the opinio { f oun nerat] 11 fans pu n| $38.10 with 12 selec~ Jou gor SeDETY ion of baseball fan It is claimed that the 1918 bag |that the contracts they have offered tions Lajole served nineteen years iii the of rabbits in Pennsylvania will ex- {the ball players are fair, and that the big leagues. Honus Wagner is strat- ceed 4,000,000, thirty-fivegmuskrats terms stated therein are as fair as ing his nineteenth season. Wallace | Were trapped in Winconsin¥n 1916. Shey ean go Jn paging salaries uhder . : sting conditions. ey have de- r wl fy Sultting B{tes C4 enty tw years as Ad. "Brennan, veteran pitcher and termined to put it squarely up to the twenty consecutive yeirs as a player | [ormer Bison, who was with Auanta players--4her ean either avcept them in Cleveland and St. Louis last season, broke his right arm in or leave them. : 10 with 12 ey Dh ty Wallace 88 automobile accident near lola, Boi is further understood that all $56. selec ataus In 18 er for Pat Tebeaw's{ Kan. the other day. Note-Ahat:it|players who are not im line when the tions team when Cleveland was in the Na-| "28 his right, and that Brennan is and league Seasons OpeE ui Apt 12 . \ tional League. He pitched for three |? southpaw. > ro Be gh i Mgr gd : i we e Here are a few good years and then became a third base: riptam Abstein, of St. Louis, vet- blacklisted. Of course, club owners ones vol man, In 1889, when St. Louis got will not make statement h - like harm you ought to the Cleveland team, Wallace went eran first baseman, has been named oll To TT RS _. Ro that ef Acts a C A in have in your home: along as shortstop. After 1901 Wal- manager of the Hartford. team, of thor tention. RHOE lace went to the Browns and he is the Eastern League. Fe 3 be ena A and is the oaly just finishing up with that club. get several young players [rom the | ub. | St. Louis Cardinals for his team. | THE O. H SONTE: q * Twelve years of crack short-stopping| | : 3 0, H. A. CONTESTS HO A for the Brownies is the record that Bill formerly played for Providence, | ine Specific in LER and in the old eastern days, {Are Now at Most Interesting Stage Wallace can point to with just pride. of 56 fects Ason. . During his career in the majors, | py. pageman Clarence Fraft, last : DYSENTERY. Wallace has been a manager, (00. | The Toronto Telegram says: The . : ly year with Milwaukee, has been sold | , 8: Under a Peaceful Sky; New Colonial March, Prince's he Bally sate rs managerial to the Wilkesbarre club, - Kraft was Tespeclive FUSED _ FrahoA series Checke and ar OUP ola fatal discaser-- Band - Bobby, who is forty-three years ola, wits BN iymers Jauisvitle club | interesting stage and from now until The best Remedy ksows for COUGHS. COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, v , Casey Doctor, Comie says bis playing days are over and yp Ani : the end of the season the fans Effectunily cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. 1886- Cased 4¢ the Dentist's, Casey as a DOCTOR, "a adults Beis sowing. up. He Way | Grouchy Gus says: You can't throughout the province wif jo busy va be oaly palliative ia NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE ~~ + vo» E { become & scout for some g league | : i watching e work of the various i in drops, grad: ted according fo the malady. chub, and whether he remains in| blame some ball players for wanting og en. = With the exception of the ge Shoredyme fs RE ron Doin roates & calm refreshing sleep | CC M.OT-H-E- Nev as Nearer Heaven ¢ tn 8 h Pt] ork ilo call a strike, . They've had so 8 , itad the nervous system when all other remedies fail. 1809 o Fo ER Al. Bare), 1 Never Was Neare Yen Sagsbull Inaup eapasiiy We Wil Have many strikes called on em by: um- senior geries, the group winners have alleys and can 04 Vahen When no other IM" | been practically all decided and ives that they want to see how it 4 a lot of money and has been smart p . ntatiy second-round games are down T ON 0 {enough to lay the large end of it feels to call one themselves. NSIS HAVIN for decision this week, In the sen- away for the time when his ball play- | -- _|for series it will be about three ing career came to an end. - ---- Sans Te I on weeks before the winners are de- - { z clared, Riversides are certain to get 1978---Wake! Up America, 'Good-Bye, G WILL CALL OFF STRIKE from Governor Whitman his belief}, "0 J gra) but who their oppon- You . + : 85¢ that a bill to repeal the Frawley box. ents will be is problematical, Local 5 In the Event of the United States ing ow In New York Sale would | rans look for Dentals to oppose the 2051--0ld Black Joe, When the Corn Is Waving, Annie Entering War, > not mean 4 champions, but they must first win a their gro a the: Dear, (Quartette) The war cloud has brought about | gTTAWA ICE RACES orl and te i dispose of a decided lull in the impending base- rad ha HAVE SUDDEN OLOSE final. Eastern fans look for the ball strike situation. time," said President Tener of the Depot Battery team of Kingston to -- ' th , National League "when we are all |The Club Would Not Continue |go a long way in the intermediate, 2963--Cohen's Recruiting Speech, Cohen at the Tallor's, 85¢ concerned with greater things than Them With a Losing Pro- white Kitchener are| being counted baseoall." position. upon to provide the competition in ; 4000----Good-Bye Mother Dear, Our Hearts Go Out to Yeu President David L. Fultz of the the west: In the junior series Share Canada . + « Players' Fraternity repeated what ter meet- | 3T¢ many good teams, an tis a : : he said on Saturday night--that the ey eat a ee? yory oyen question. _Aurg Lee will Wholesale Agents, Jyman Bros, Co., Limited, Tofonto Hundreds of other good ones to choose from, and they strike issue would be shelved in the |pfonday. Though it had been ad- not have the easy time they had play on any disc machine event of a national crisis, vertised as a six-day meeting to con- last year, and it would not be at all ; : -- ude Wednesday, officials of the surprising if the junior title left Ten Seconds for Safety., Hull Driving Club announced that Toronto, The rand runs Railway System it closed with the free-for-all this is displaying in prominent places in | afternoon, explaining that the new CAGAN ( their stations, shops and other places | jaws passed by the Province of Que- TOM FLANAGAN AT FRONT. -Can be made just like spring time if you have 1882 1914--Secobd Regiment National Guards, Washington Post, Marches, Prince's Band 850 2047---8he Is the Sunshine of Virginia, Moonshine Sally, 85¢ ro 1 conspicuous notices calling public at-| pee, which tayed harness meetings | vi Your Head Down and 'Be j R E A D G O ] D tention to the neceseity ot taking heavily, made it impossible to con- OD Trench Warning ety precautions in crossing rall- . safety 8 tinue, 'They will have a.defieit of | 0 Co ant Tom C. Fana- ay tracks or in being around in any / way 8 about $15,000 on the meeting. One| = IS0C0 CO Ch 180th Sports- e. capacity a railway. - If people would | ¢ the directors said the decision of ! : ortin % 0 take but 10 seconds of forethought |ine Quebec Government to collect men, was received in Toronto from : 9 many an accident would be diverted. | (he new tax meant the death of trot- the genial Irishman yesterday. It is Attention fis called to the fact that|ting and pacing-in the Province, as dated France, Jan. 22nd. He writes: : i " .! 2 3,300 motor drivers were reported |; impossible under present con- Just a line to let you know that 88 Princess St., Kingston. Telephone 529 0 ar 'as haviag run over rall-| icons fo Ix I am still onthe job, I got over here diti to install pari-mutuel ma- 4 7 bd ways at reckless speed, and 11,815 na o » a few days ago. Remember me to all 5 wh people did not take Hee at prone Ee ha DoT ate warning: Koop Four : o look in r dir a I. O° 'OUNDED. : crossings, thus bringing sorrow. and LIEUT, O'HARA WO! head down and be careful. suffering to many homes. Ten sec- |p Ball Pla; is in an Ei h Suds of ok would avert | FO Hospiéal. i ot is Brolin ot Hed, ne { mapy an aceldent, 3 Lieut. "Bill" O'Hara, formerly of | out and a lot of th ' . * . , e small breeders the Toronto Baseball Club, Was| have quit business in England be- We are now:showing the new spring ECONOMY AND EDDY'S MATCHES [ll io pal} uct mike tro Toronto Baseball Club, ep | hans, Stns demands of the wa. sc-{| styles of Low Heel Walking Boots in B y must make good with |idly recovering, according to a letter | cording to Philip Chinn, the Ken- ste Dit he dooen't there 1s small | received by President J: J. MCCAL | tucky breeder OE Navaeman. ho Kid, Black Calf and Dark Brown Calf Lea- B . h ch icle i . h chance of his ever getting another |rery, the Toronto baseball magnate.|hag returned from the British Isles ' uying the cheapest article 1s often the 350.000 guarantee. He has promis-| Writing from the Westeliffe Hos |after buying thirty horses from John thers. : . po rest econom ed Grant Hugh Browne that he will | pital at Folkestone, the baseball] A Drake, seven mares for R. T, Wil- : poo! y. - : | Sox again in three weeks if he is suc- | bomber says - that he was knocked | gon and two 2-year-olds for nis own [J] + \ 1917 : We do net claim to make the cheapest cessful against MoCoy, and Browne lout by a blow on the back of the| stable. The indications are for few- These shoes are the new spring : . . has practically agreed to guarantee |head which affected his eyes; but! ar rgeings days in England this year d 1 d . ht t the minute in style matches, but we do claim to give Das Dre 0.000 right over again | that after two weeks in the hospital with tests restricted to Newmarket models and right up to i to meet either Dillion, Miske or Gib- lhe is pretty nearly [it again to re-| yeath, probably 50 days in extent and qualit . pons. Darcy will tight Gibbons some | turn to France. . He also mentions ' : q d Yr k ~ The Most of the Best sweet day, but from present indica- | that he was cut about the face, but In Petenco of Boxing. ~~ For the Least Money. tions he wants to clean up a few of {does not tell how he sustained his| mown In New York State there is $6.50, $7.00 and $8.00. the lesser lights first. Gibbons and | wounds. While in the hospital O'-| 01k of repealin i L g the bill which per- Darcy will always be the attraction, | Hara was visited by Col. "Dick | mf xi to--i h Therefore, Always, Everywhere, Buy no matter when they decide to box. [Greer and Captain Tom Flanagan, TO os ae ds. CL ------------------------ reece of the defunct Sportsmen's Battalion.| yt doesn't require legislation to kill Sport," "Bill" likes the life and he is eager|yhe hoxi * EDDY'S MATCHES Out in Vancouver; a [to get back on the firing line. Be a The iors 4 > 5 S strange sight to see Chinese boys and managers will kill it themselves, { : taking the same piace in sports as Welsh Suspended. without any legislative assistance. : the white Jads." The champion public| Freddie Welsh, lightweight cham-| What New York State does need ls nd8n s school football team of Vancouver pion. boxer, was suspended from par-|a real commission, composed of re- ' . : for the past season had five Celestials | ticipating. in bouts in Wisconsin for { sponsible, honest and cdfnpetent men Driving 33 Years Then Wins. classified race. Humphries, who is as playing members and one of them | One year, the maximum punishment SD imid and control ps adminis- THE HOME OF GOOD S The harness races on the Ottawa a man about 55 years of age, has was captain of theteam. PerHaps| under the State law. He was charg- | ter boxing--for the" great old Mitt River brought out a unique record been driving harness racers for about the time is not far distant when the] ed with "shamming and stalling" ingame undoubtedly has a distinct last Friday. Driver Humphries, who 33 years and Friday he piloted home Chinese will be taking part in every his recent bout with Ritchie Mitchell | place in sportdom, in New York and the reins when R.O. wou the his first winner. line of Canadian sport. . lin Milwaukee. elsewhere. BRINGING UP FATHER = © IR NY 3 1 i n # i" + By GEORGE SIR ILL HAVE BY GOLLY "ILL BET THEY wOoN'T YOU COME I - ON THINKIN '™ MILITARY HAIR TEETH ; WANT HIM TO BITE i oe 1M AN OFFICER BRUSHES WHY EETH ARE | FINE , THE ENEMY ~ AREN'T. OU FihTin NOT 400D- ; mm

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