vitish Whig [=> isin LAST EDITION ee ----p = ee : ' |B1a HUN DEFENCES he 55. Gl EE ee AL A BLLION Works Under Construction Are CSE TOBITTON SSE CHT FOR WR. -~ ---- London, Feb. §.--General Haig's Amsterdam, Feb, 8.--According to, { well informed trontier correspondents : La troops have gained an important BRA : ; dR a Wil Mot Permit im 10 Leave TH Gu on i "hore, Bovine captored . : A the-Loss of [Ife May Reaeh 41, itor the various I wish newspapers. HSE of Commons Passes Third Read » » ; toget ' ° ence works ch the Ger- : toes Given About Bermstort. ith a defensive Tk. adjoining it. " RoeQuigNY i is Reported. rir are constructing along the o Bil ] Quick Order. % -- The' British advance on Grand- {Dutet border are assuming steadily ------ greater proportions. Thousands of Boy : d court and Miraumont, two fortresses : : " | J ous, hounds a ; : cove i ume ffom the west, has : : troops are conce! - , WASHINGTON IS ASTONISHED ss messy sromrscins tr te] fom ar sou) AGUNK WITHOUT WARNING = Sema rom shcice {THE HOUSE HAS ADJOURNED 0 dali ' . past few days. The capture of Grand-| ~ cits a Many people Mving in the vieinity | ie court village, which the British offi- i are packing up their belongings in} {AND INDIGNANT AT THE ACTION Si) statement says Is now entirely in - 4 HY A SUBMARINE OFF COAST OF preparation for &n untoward emer-| yng, THE 10TH DAY OF APRIL And The Capture of Grandoourt ls Announced Great Im= io portance. on, is regarded as of : a geney. | OF GERMANY. -- "fsoniderable importav.ce, The British . ' Vast IRELAND. The unrest is dally increasing | } NEXT. B afin ite wre tropps now iy threaten the SFRICOURT : = among the people on th German | ~ the 88. Californiaistrong German position at at = frontier, and the unrest fs largely Minister of Noval Service May Take an Overt Act Transloy, o : Passengers--The mixed with Tear of u continuation of | Up With British Admiralty the President | " MARICOURT the Boat Which Picked Up the the terrible privations which the! possibility of Substituting Halifax Xi i ESP 5420050 440000000084 a = : , Titanic's Sarvigrs. border people are Suffering. * © | gor Neuitl Lines to 8 davis. * . : i AND WOMEN An * EB , ¢ HeEPEEIEIEIIEISIIEININNS | BRITISH OAPTURE | Ottawa, Feb, 8.--The Dominion's ods. @ ' , * he Whik.) : t is officially s®le ~ DROWNED BY halt-billion-dolla; } . GRANDCOURT LA ~ y war appropriation that the German * SUNK WITHOUT WARNING. - VILLAGE bill, the greatest Ae - 2 £ hs : "le (Special telthe Whig) # : : 5 mgt permit Merl New Popial tjshe ® ¥) tne ¢ TN ™ Washington, Feb, 8.--The #| Canadians Have Made Seven "enctioned by Parliament, received Gerard, s ofl 4 Bripsh consulate here. ms + = : : 15 Th & loss of life with the steamer Big Ralds in Past Nine its third reading and was passed ten | minutes after the House assembled S244 20099 in Bmbasey, Americans received word that three bables #| Re -- 2 Ne | |* California may 41 She vhpaper correspondents or Ameri # and seven other ehildron and & : + was sunk by a subpfirine withi- ys. % eltizens to leave Germany until|® women Were lost when the # # out warning, say the captain. ie yoaturday altirpomn Hou. Dr. Pugs o. te con-| ® Anchor. liner California was # NEWS & The list of dead is not yet re- (Special to the Whig.) ¥, just. prior © passing of the information that ¢ & sunk by a submarine without # L 4 ported. : London, Feb. 8.~-The British have, bill, asked whether any portion of geiuted Gorusn Am: 4 warning yesterday, oo» 3 * wpated the Yilnge of Gramcoun, the money would be used for the / _- - . 5 n nt near e nere . . . Tid From All Over old In THSEINNININS eased River. or | purchase or building of war vessels, 8 - . a Pithy and Pointed > Washington, Feb, 8.--Sinking of| The Canadians have made seven [Such as submarines, etc. The Prime . Way the British passenger liner Cali- big Iads 1 mine days, " { Minister considered it irjudicious to A ' . ' tornia,: New York for. Glasgow, off on. John ge, Minister of | give any public statements on that * otisens ¢ te \ X Labor, says the Allies had reached ] declar States > af | 0 "after a cessatio Says Sir James Carruthers, of Montreal, the coast of Ireland, was reported t0|, "4oiermination to end the war vie [ysastion, but ed_himselt ready of diplomatic. relations : i ' . L has subscribed 40,000 pounds sterling the State Department late yesterday |ioriously this summer. { {to communicate any information tions in which to adit $.--1n Pariament| Of Merchantmen Carrying Munitions And| to the British, Sar lost tough the|in & despatch from Consul Frost at| In the House of Commons it was | which he' promise? to the leader of y Ambassador i on the Army Medi- Sunpits for the Entéate Als. London-office of the Dominion Bank. 'Queenstown. atfnounced the Admiralty would meet | the Opposition. that ho would not led a s : | Major George Ballard Sue J Ham New York, Feb. 8.--The line re- and end the U-boat warfare shortly. Sir Robert Borden then moved wel iW Sas er rugby player, has returned home| ceived: a cable message saying that that ile follpwing members be ap TWENTY IVE SHIPS SAIL for, the Pl dime since the-out-| there were 160 survivors of the call- OLD RESIDENT DEAD an of Be ean of brfak pf the war. -------- 2 Accdrding to Les Nouvelles, of Joruia out of a total of 216 souls On| soe, Clarence Atchison Taken the SILLA auaivetiary of-Codtegers 8 facts will Have. to coms outs. m-- «Ta Maestricht, Holland, a dynamite fac | "O00 California _ sailed from New Withont Warning. P. Graham etal Hughes ry M Mr, w to ki it tory at Schlebusch, inear Cologne, 4 e dt ; - Mi : Non. r-Sam had hard from ody Drup- FROM VIRGINIAN 78 UNDER| wed blown up on January 27th, caus. | York January 297K, with thirty-one dots Bat Nios Mar be go gaia, Clatanes Jamieson, Hor. mond on the hospital question. ~ A CAREFUL GUARD, ing the death of 200 persons, mostly DA 0 Non ot Ateticans, Garvan and Miss Charlotte Wade Col m De a a Hon EY "Yes," he answered, 'but I am not ---- + | womens" ¥ 8 @ line here. | onc geventy-th i f rok 3 " t ' a. "| She carried @& crew of 184, and was y-thred years of age, are | Murphy, 1gi BWRTE that Lady Drummond has | Other Ships Following in the Wake| There seems little prospect of ob-| Tor wo Ged by Capt. John LH ®| dead at thelr homes here. Miss Gar-| The following committee was ap- : boen chartered Lf nC 'of the Warshitps--Austria Falls 10 jaining 1h Jejoase ot Grehanes son. Cape. Jak a oy a n Survived by three sisters, pointed to consider the whole ques- gd other hanging the edge" of Lon: __Endordement of Ger-| magter-General in the Laurier Ad- ------ He eaves her nephew, Albert | tion of Jha Jetarned soldiers. and to er city. 1 have nothing to say| mARY'S Submarine, War. | ministration, snd now s prisoner of Armed With One Gun. A third death that of Joseph Clar ment: Gi er Amen A oan: Baptié save that he is a (Speclai to, the Whig) war in Germany. ye New York; Feb. 8--The California {ence Atchison, son of Robert. Atehi- | nett, W. 8 diddieboro, Hon bit prehistoric. The trouble 'with Norfolk, Va.. Feb. 8--Loaded to Flat declaration that Germany has | was armed .with one gun mounted | con. is also arsed Mrs. Atchison Marcil "Hon, "Charles Murph bim and Sir George Perley 1s" that | the gunwales with war, munitions, no chance whatever to starve out|estern, when she laft here. She was had bee mk : : re 1 n ailing for some time but Pardee, Duncan Ro#s, Donald Suth- the V.A.D. Hospitals. cotton and géneral supplies for the England by, Ror submasifle ACIS ls a Glasgow A 19%, frm was about the house as usual a few |eriend, F. B. McCurdy. ;The commit- they were dgetually labelled ma~| Entente Allies, a fleet of twenty-five| wednesday afternoon by the Chanceje] 470 feet in length 3 minutes befate hs sath Tour sisters em meet during _ the . a01oUrA: Why, trimonial bureau No. 1 or No. 2, ete. . 'Phe result'is this: -we sre Day- British, French and Italian ghips, | lor of the Exchequer, Andrew Bonar Th a iy 3 four b others, two. of the latter Be Aichison, In the trenches Bir wat must have been sunk to the north of |r a hand holding. I have | up and will copvoy them., ? svookss Jp cauvaioN Ireland. | Canadian girls to get the elon a Said tn shipping glreles to- * AGAIN 3} The sfcial) § didnot: by on Apri " ; ay t the Allies have adopted the x --, eve re Were any Americans in a a n o Bone, plan pf conveying cargo boats in|® london. Feb._¥.--Secogding | the crew. FRIGID WEATHER IN GERMANY, sultable Interval 10 Slowed hetwssn Only Patrol] _ jaquadrons of ten or more hereafter. # the 'address in reply The California carried a large gen- |, y 1 Tt is reported 'that one of the Encounters, Several Danish, Dutch and Swedish | Speech from the pplies for the use€ of adam. Observatory Recorder weutions which Hon, J: D. Hagen Pacis sist, to the. Whig.) ships/g@re keeping close trail behind | 4 House of Commons yesterday,\& ernment, including 26 Degrees Below Zero. ro Jos of Naval 86 vice. will take , Feb. 8.--Patrol encounters he guarding warships. + Admiral Sit Hedworth ~ Meux, \#| munitions, it was said at the line's | Berlin, Feb. 8. Frigid weather a talty, is th we only fighting activity on the ------ ¢ Unlonist member from Ports # | offices. continues to prevail throughout Gor- up with the British Admiralty ' the : of | western front reported fo-day Ia the British Steamers Sunk. # mouth, said: 51° The California's passenger list in-| many. Tio temperatures taken | possibifity of substituting Halifax for Dba 0 statement. : I (Special to the Whig.) % "We have every reason -to ® cluded the following: Second cabin: generally have broken all fecords | hentral lines to Scandinavis, This bors Rib priy ¢h forces captured a German| London Feb. 8. The British|& hope the same success which #| Mrs. A. Smith,' Mrs. J. Kidd and|dince these have been kept. The Would alimingte, Nel, pone ome were roputsed; * patrol near Bonzes. in fhe région of | steamer Hollinside, 2,000 tons. has|# attended Se ruction of Zep- #| Edith Smith (infhat), Calgary, Adta. [lowest temperature yet recorded was ous oremiér Borden rapa : i erdun. : been sunk. Her captain was safely|# pelins is fair way of being #} e two Toronto passen-|by the Potsdam observatory Sunday Re, & v Cm Casualties. ama landed. ~The crew took to the boats. ® realized to counter the submar- #/| gers on the California--Miss Annlp | hight, when, 26 degrees below 29r0, r . : 4 US. Dismisses Germans, Two lives were lost in the sinking | # ine trouble." &| Forbes, 112 Laughton avenue, ail | Fahrenheit, were recorded. 'At Zeh- 24000050 000000 SO00000 9009 Killed In sction--=W. E. Bryant, (Special to the Whi.) of the British . steamer Dauntless, » , @! Mrs: Madge Robertson. lendortt, a suburb of Berlin, the-ther Te Rent Ws Washington, Feb. §.---All German [2,000 tons, reported to-day. Six of THLE ERI EE IFIRIIIEIINN -- mometer registered 30 degrees be- 3: E. Davis, Merrickviue. enlisted men on vessels of the United | the crew were t ashore and The California was the steamerijow, in Berlin 9 degrees below, and | 4 ny. Ih Dickson, Pak States coastguard service were dis-|{gken to the hospital where two sub- which came into prominence at the at Kassel 30 degrees below. The |g » * ing separation allowance to scores ot | sail'and 'steam left Virginia ports to-| Law. - : : girls who picked up with our Cana: day: 'Twenty-five miles off shore Al-1" -------- io " fig Tor a result of this brow [led warships picked the cargo boats SEPPLIFIIIINT FHI $04 line, the officials believe (hat she nce, and Pte; Henry Atchison of | when the House adjourned it stand the 240th overseas battalion. adjourned until x pt aster § year, PIRACY SEEN, #| The officials said: tifey did not be 1 8th. and it was missed Tuesday, | | . EBEC WINS CASE. . - mime Taming, wes eareed | soquenly det ___ quismw wives case. | Hmerot the Tari Ger, The ser sree? SMELL, LIS EPO el sa monroe re ree S00 SL Ne EE En PEGE i br Lr the primary and first grades of Sar-| \ Washington, Feb. 8.--Austria thus| = oo he0 Feb, 8--Th . tA ne California was the last of 'the | sary to close public itutions, sand freighters are Jostpol n- pia publie schools are reported by | far has failed to give any indications + S8€ ob. 8. The Court of AD-|inree boats built by the Anchor Line. | schools and places of A | a quttutely, because the Govern: | relax her endorsement ge has delivered its decision _-- The others were the Caledonia and . of 1t 'was of: ee lace a nas) the Cameron. SAN. UYS ISLAND, waters to llssne exclusive Wisheriss BROOKLYN HAN B : . permit. e cour , with Jus _SeventeeinDanes Killed. Williams Gets Nicholl's Island Three hundred persons suffered (Special to the Whig) - tice Cross alone dissenting, that Que (Special to the Whig) LB Near Bay death by drowniig of freezing on the Kew York, Feb. 8.--<The ascanis, | Dee Province had without contest the| Copenhagen, Feb. §.--Seventeen B Fob. 83. A Japanese steamer Hankaka. which of the Anchor dine ships, ar- right to issue exclusive permits for | Danish satiors wero killed when the| Alexandria BAY "0 3 ed Ion aground during terrific snow- rived to-day with 56 passengers from fisheries in tidal waters. Danish steamer Lars Kruse was tor- Williams of Brooklyn has i ased | {orm near Che FoO. « G She is three days late, due The case will be taken by the Fed- i pedoed and sunk by a German sub- the beautifwl island Jarmely owned SI weal) ad 8 soundabout eral Government to the Privy Coun- marine on Feb. 6th. The word re-|P Prof, Nicholls. Ths istand ea Just DAILY course taken on her Way, over. cil. wi Solved here to-day declared that the | short distagce No " Glanite » AILY, MEMORANDUM li hing was known of the sinking of TT eaptain etitered ihe Mgr . zane" 5-4 Be hyd SRS: he. Orange Caer ot, er Il the alitornia till she wrrived. | PIFTH CANADIAN DIVISION. |} Berlin. .Aa eereed (MOBLISHL, ous 36,000. It 1s under-{ Wand at Palco SSE tonight. : x on E made Rtood that Mr. Williams will make} and st Covered Rink tonight. Five Sunk on Thursday. fas Been Put Under Command of tensive improvements to the cot-| Cherniavekys, City Mall, 8.15. ee aking ot] Major-General Garnet Hughes. Fired on U. 8. Ship. tage as soon as the 'weather permits | dee top of page 3, right hand corner Castl : {Special : ( and will spend the summer on the] for probabilities. aN mer vating 8 aud 3 is. Sotticially Rio De Jan 8 is EN - need that Garnet Hughes, aged erican stes! Evelyn was. fired up- -- THE DAILY BRIT : ---------- + making a total pir) ted toon by the Brasition battleship Mine- of the agaracs on secont of BiH ee Known is on Sale at the Following Olty here # ment will give no protection. : to signals, it became known nadian Division. ---------------------- to-da: » 2 : FT " Alera, Jowemh Ir Bucknell's News Depot ke. 4. Wy &C0 .. ¢« k Stare