Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1917, p. 2

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E. H. Cor. Charles and Phone lh dontreal Sts. Smarr Hitected to make all the necessary ar- } atister, of Kingston, lof representatives 1 And Also For Those Bugged in Work of the Young People's So- cities--To be Held Under Auspices of Synod of Torofito and Kingston. On Thesdav at a meeting of the Presbyterian ministers and laymen of the eity in Queen's University it was decided to hold 8 summer school for the training of Sunday school and young people' societies' workers. The School will be held from July 2nd to Sth at Queen's University, and wil be under the auspices of the Synod Lot Toronto and Kingston. ~The morning will be « devoted to Classes in Bible study, Sundaggechool and mission work, and the a ernoon will be given up to recreation, nies, ete. In the evening popular lectures will be given under he Aus. of the Presbyterian thurch. Young p ple of all d {nations {will be welcome to attend. The Presbyterian church has had three of these sehools in operation, one at Leamington, one at Grimsby anf the third at Geneva Park. <3 nool to be opened in Kings- ed to meet the needs of Bastern Ontario. Rew. E. R. McLean, pastor of Cooke's church, was elected chairman of the local committee se: rangements, and. Rev. J. M. Mac- was elected sec- insionaries will in a recent session at Grimsby, which proved to be a most successful affair, Clearing Sale, rock street, fins made a n in price of ready- gent's. furnish- + also the order work depart- s o- make room for spring and ummer goods. There is a good as pie i x r BY GRAND MASTER EV A¥ LEAN. na To Bé Prepared by the Arts Society Sgeiety Held a Do bate on Wednesday Afternoon. The Arts Society met on Wednes- day afternoon. with J. H. Bissons in the chair, A committee consisting from each yedr, was appointed to prepare 2 list of all the Arts mien of Queen's who are in military or naysl service at the pres ent time. A committee, consisting of JH. Sissons, G. ¥. Kelly, P. M. Me. ugall, G. E. Wood and E. H. May, was appéinted to copsider the gues: tioh of allowing members of the 80- cloty to smoke In the new Arts club rooms. A Notable Event New Hall on Princess Street. Grand Master (Captain) Hamilton Mclean, with the ¢ legisiat! committee of the Grand Lodge pritish America, and the officers sje Grand Lodge of Ontario, tarnvon dedicated the new Oran hall commodation = of the Orange members for this eity it is on tie street between streels. . The new lodge building Is one in the eity Therewwas a large attendance atgt the meeting of the Levans Society ong Wednesday afternooft. A debate 'on; other Orange the subject that Queen's University { country has should provide a conrse of instruc- § even the bast of them. tion in domestic science as an qetion ly craditable to the on the course leading to degree of | King bachelor of arts took place. The af- | terprising enough firmative was upheld by Miss M. Me- | splendid meeting Arten and Miss Michael, of Arts "20, The building, and the negative by Miss Meadows | jimensions of and Miss B. Farrell, of Arts '17. The | ninety feet, is of brick discussion was most interesting, and | r5undation the judges, Mrs. ©. D. Skelton, Mrs. * W. C. Clark and Mrs. J. F., Macdon- ald, complimented the speakers. features that place, which forty-four feet that there ar stores that may be used 1. H. Talbot, a final year student of the lodge room entrance in Arts, leaves on Friday for his home in Dorchester, Ont., preparatory 10 going: overseas to join the Royal Flying Corps. 'sembly, room five feet, which cad also be rented a reading room or for meetings various kinds. Provision is made the basement for gas sinks, so that, refershments can made and served to guests gather in the assembly room. The upper flat is tirely for lodge purposes. stairway ends in an Arts "18 was to have mat Arts '20 in the basketball schedule on \ed- nesday afternoon, but defaulted. In an exciting game. full of interest and good plays, the city Y. MC A deteated © Arts '17 on Wednesday evening. in. Queen's gymnasium by a geore of 22 to 21. -------------- NOTABLE CAST SEEN IN "IDLE WIVES" FEATURE Big Universal Photoplay at Griffin's Features Galaxy = of Stars. tory-and the lodge litter is thirty-five walls are done with contrasting with the white. The ceiling with staff work, as pice and frieze around the room. Rach palaster there is 2 shield a the coat-of-prms of Pominion, The regalia palasters "Idle Wives," the Universal pro- room at the rear duction based on the dangers of in- wolenee in society, which tomes to Griffin's is unique in that it shows a picture within a picture. There I¢ a quadruple parallel in the picture which brings its lesson home in con- vincing style. y : The opening reels reveal a man and wife estranged, a young girl who: hag gone out with her "question- able" beau against the wishes of her mother, and a workingman's family the. purpose. E. R. Beckwith was architect the building, and deserves the gre est credit, the 1#4tn Regiment Guard. sly and willingly which ] sortinent to choose from at extreme ly prices. ; in ini sli 3 Ohildren Have Driving Party. The Young Peoplé's Misson Band of Queen Street Church Meld a suc- if cesstul driving party around the city, followed by refreshments, on Thurs day evening. Miss. F. Donaldson, president of the band, and Miss B. Bassam' accompanied the children on the drive and during their absence Mrs, Lavell, Mrs, Sparks and other Jadies made hments, Valentines. Not only Valentines for the young man to send to his lady love, but with greetings appropri- ate for friend or relation are featur- ed in charming forms in the Gibson 'Art Line for 1917 shown only at the k Open n uday 'hee | YOURE eR As arrangements for the re- mon which is on the varge of disruption because of the limitations of the hap- piness of its members, which poverty entails, All thres sets of characters drift inte the cinema theatre of a small town. 'The picture which is screened for their entertainment not only con- veys a moral to each one of the three Sots of characters, but in sdditian Fy 'B ome" to the aydiences which , nde packed the Maxine Elliott Theatre in Kingston's FIR New , York four times daily for } 4 ths B, ater on to ask for the doing. Most men would than be caught Coming, The rather Miracle of Love. a Fur Store. IF Lois Weber, Ben Phillips Smalley, 'Mary Mac- Wilson, Maud George, taren and Neva' Gerber lay the principal roles in the film, Which 1s a magnificiently staked and well-act- ed piece of work. ¥ "idle Wives' is based on a novel by James Oppenhatin, who shows the disgontent which causes misunder- standings and leads to the divorce mill in some cases and the downfall of young girls in other SH The Now Is the 1 ime to Cold Weather Ahead picture ls & powerful-sermon head- strong girls who are dissatisfied with their lives aft howe and a warking to hose methods of living are a Menace to suctety, gp < Owing the the unusual length of our programme. there will be only one show each matinee and evening. BILLA BURKE IN "PEGGY." * Attraction, For the past three days of noxt week the amusement loving public will have a chapce to see "Billie in 'an eight part master pic- ,'* a Thomas C. Sl Those who are tak- ing advantage of our big annual clearing | sale are not only en- | joying the real com- ll they also appreciate | the big saving in | price. ! otch et and" topsy-turvy. But, of things in the -- Here on Thursday | il Fragme 'More than one hundred which has been built for the ac-| lodge and district. | south side of Princess Barrie and Division perhaps better than any other used for that purpose in this country. The walls are lined with lockers complete | with drawers, etc, specially made for} He is now on service with FERRER Many men do those things willfal- they expect the Lord to forgive borrow pegging or stealing. Buy Furs--Plenty of NCE HALL DEDCATION | Afternoon--A Description of the ¥ Evan} Bowinanville, | ve {i of | of | ge | of | | of | 14. is certain- local followers ot} william that they ghould be én-| to have such a { i has outside by | én a stoné! 'and is covered with an {¥en The ground floor is laid, {ndependent- 1 At tha back of the stores js a large as-j thirty-five feet by forty-| as | of | in stoves and be | od | taken over en-| The main | ante-room, { which has .an entrance to the lava- | room proper. This | by sixty-five feet, and Is most peautifully finished. The a sand finish, of is ornamented {gs also the cor-| On | nd a province of the is of } at- i i A ------------ ! If you want the new stock is five times Jnrger and cards, priced from AY, FEBRUARY S, 1917. ____ r------------------ Valentine Books, | | i | alentines 1917 Gibson Art Line and the Volland Line you can only get them here. than is shown in all othe r stores . Dainty hand Se to $1.00. at special prices. 5 From France dq " Beautiful Valentine Gift Books, Mustrated by Harrison Fisher, Clarence Underwood' Coles Phillips, and Christy, 3 No.3 » Jd by in this store combi { ; | copies 'uf this book wel all who have seen it to be equal to the | 'Greetings to your friends, i other two num Pr a The stylist ewma . THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. ¢ i S ° : or. pring A that all well dressed ladies fol- Book and pattern for low. 25¢c. | and i od Ro made into useful SMITH BROS ui Send this with Valentine wearable, useful articles. Mounting watches | wrist watches, === Jewelers and Opticians. Tasuers of Marrigge Licenses. » raw & i ~ Highest cash prices paid for all kinds of &Shaw [| fort of their Furs 1 win pose BUILDERS RUPPLING owen gages oh tates, dail runk, CLOSING OF MAILS 3 -- British mall closes - arly Information ed at P. ©. Lobby trom time to time, L134 po. aaaNEE PE EAE 1.30 nm. » rink, solog in ot Wen oti and ail" | Ta 1.00 p.m Higs ad LUMBER Haul the Lumber for that House or Barn on Snow Roads, and be ready for 8 ring building. We Modern, ae fase SEITE The Late A. Logan. Archibald Logan an dent, died in = local institution * on ednesday alg sr Ottawa resi- Baptist in re- Division St. Frontenac St, , 4. +: x Cor sow sas Ae Ligh and List Your Property With Us This Week "We Ofter New Dwellings, in the different locations, at the following prices: 3 Beverl, evarything you : / em sien ¥ need in this lhe. ' Street ooo ame www sd Division 539 and 1436, W.F. Gourdier ' 80 Brock Street - 'Phone 700. 1950 'and $5000 $4000 $4500 vv ass BADOO Son a ght at the age of forty to Exchange Broom Business For Those of Farmer, = At the conference bétween the { Bosra of Trade and country repre- es Over accommodation in the city for the farmers at the Bourd of Trade on Wednesday Willing -

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