tn Brief Form the Breats In The John Cards, Athens, is dead, sights -foue 'years. He was 3 t ist. | At Belleville on Tuesdfy Miss daughter of the late 0, was quietly married to jkls, Front of Sldaey, was the vietim of an attack of poeu- monia, which proved fatal, death re sulting Tuesday, Deceased was J bis sixty-eighth year. °° Fred Denyes, son of H. K. Denyes, has sold his famn in Thurlaw to Larne Brough, ler Settlement, ip. Fath High IN tog Be ather Highls in 5 mony Bsabech Emily, Bur . goyne, daughter of Adolphus Bur- goyne, to George Gauthier. Alexander Baudry, ton, died on Tuesday might. Deceased was born near Tweed in 1844. In Fhnton he niznaged a grist mill. His second wite, five daughters and one son SUT vive, 4 Pdward Hardy, a native of Eng. 1And and resident of BroekVijle for several years, died on Wednesday after an illness extending over the past six months. Deceased was fifty- eight years of age. » EUAN e lamp and valuable jardinete were presented to Cornell and Mrs. Cornell, Athens, by an appreciative neil. Mr. Cornell has filled the position of clerk for upwards of twenty-five years. Though Renfrew County: Council has made & grant of $100,000 to the Patriotic n vew town will probably be as U 1 this year as ever, # needs of the Beiglan and Serbian Relief Funds and the Secours National are before the people Whe local committee. | TIDINGS FROM YARKER. --~TFuel Situation Acute. Yarker Feb) §.--+James Stevenson had his. haid injured insthe wheel factory. ov Yarker Methodist church choir drove to thé home of John Jayne Friday night for their weekly\ prac- nit Mts. Jayne handsome- poe R. E| Newbore, Feb, 7.-~Irvin Lyons, of the R.C.H.A., Kingston, spent a few days at his home here, returning on Wednesday to Kingston. Mrs, Carg- line Vickery died last Sat ate interment in St. Mary's cemetery. The feé houses are being tilled. The fee is of good quality, twenty-six {nehos thick. The thermometer re- istered twenty-two degrees +helow on Thursday morning fast. It is difficult for e farmers to do business in the on aceount of the depth of snow, consequently wood is geatce, Patrick Brady has moved on the home farm at Bedford Mills. James Brady has hired with Felix MeNally and has moved from the homestand. R. O. Leggets has secured the ser- vices of Mr, Day from near Portland Yoi- his farm, leonard Myers is on the sick lst. Jabez Stanton was taken to the hospital at Brookville last week suffering from grippe. Thomas Gray, sr., Clear Lake, is very tow, suffering from asthma and also from shock recelved last week. Miss Collins, Hamiitosl, is demon- strating on dressmaking for the bene- fit of the Women's Institute. They are much pleased with her work. 0G. Ww. Sexton, Deloraihe, Man., was in town calling on some of his old friemds, Between twenty-five and thirty ladies from the town attended an afternoon tea at the e of Mra. Thomas Willis in aid of the Red Cross. Another tea will be held at Mrs. Cheetem's on February 7th. i -------------- AUGUSTA MAN SUICIDES. -- James Meehan, Aged Eighty, Cuts «Fis Throat. Brockville, Feb, 8.--Yesterday morning between 7 and 8 o'cluck James Meehan, of Augusta, diad by his owh hand. The deceased, who had for 35 years made his home with D. Brennan, nes? Maitland, arose at the usual hour and went from the 'house to the horse stable. How long fie was there is fot known, but when Mr, Bregtah went to the stabie he disoo: the lifeless body of the deceased at the ond of a stall on the north side of the building. The man bad eut his throat with an ordinary table knife. He made a gaping 'wound and doubtless died shortly after from shock and loss of blood. No reason # attribu 'or the rash tact other than that he did so in a eon. Jéave for Ottawa to weeks. J. C. Connolly spend afew weeks this J; The sufi of $18.50 is being paid hate for, by both buyers. Saturday night blow A north and south roads, shut ihe churchgoers, §o the attendance bo very small. Roy Skinner, spend- 'a few ye 8. Winter's, left for Ki The coal and wood situa . ton ie acute in the country. pre- shell lit right on the montent of mental aberration. - The late Mr. Mechan was 80 years Liof age and a native of Ireland. Taner Warning Saved Fish. Cobourg, Feb. &.Pte. E. Carr, a West Durham boy, who ls with the 76th Battalion Canadians in France, in writing to a friend says: "An odd accident happened while we were : A man was comfort- on a truck of bat- and Christ boxes, moving out. seated got oft the load and go out, He had just done so when a truck and' t1'seattered everything." Mic.op any case May Stay in Germany. : Berlin, Feb, 7., via Sayville ~The Berlin newspapers say that quiet pre- he vicinity Of the American embassy, and that no signs of excite- ment are noticeable, says Overseas News "1t is supposed that large numbers of Americans who are now residing in Germany intend to remain." i : | DEPOT lover F| visitors in the init {game and the ¢ rn BATTERIES AT PRTERBORO 11 TO 6. ¢ Kingston Curlers Defeated Parry Sound in Governor-General's Com' petition at Toronto--Other Curling A ro 'despatch faye: The 247th Soldiers woh a 11 to $ verdict Depot Batteries, of Kingston, here last night in » second round in- termediate 0. H. A. game that was prominent for the-fast work of the 1 stages of . the periority of the Jocals for the remainder of the con- test. With lighting fast plays in the first period the Artillerymen had the seore four to two, but they didn't last. The locals found themselves after ten minutes of play, and 'tieing the score took ana maintained s comfortable jead. The teams: Kingston--Goal, Tobin; Spence and Tubman; rover, Grimes; centre, Barnett; wings, Roy and Burke. Peterboro---Goal Legros; defence, Thornton afd Halpin; rover, Flana- gan; centre, Armstrong; wings, Evans and Adams, Referee-- Burgoyne. ---- Kingston Curlers Won. ; In the Governor-General's curling competition at Toronto on Wednes- day afternoon Kingston defeated Parry Sound as follows: Kingston. Parry Sound. J. Macdonald. .13 Dr. G Plaxton 19 M.P. Reid... .25 Alex Logan ..12 Totals Totals ....31 Majority tor Kingston, 7 shots. Maple Leafs Won. The Special Service Company hoe- key team went down to defeat on Wednesday night before the Maple} Leafs. The score was 8 to 6. The soldiers played under protest against Swaine, who, it is claimed, is an O. H. A. player, and therefore ineligible. Ten minutes overtime was necessary to break the tie. "Flat" Walsh ref- ereed. -- N. H. A. Scores Wednesday, Torontos 4 228th Batt. .. 8 Wanderers ... Canadiens. ... "Thinks Dentals Better Team, The mien Spectator says: George Vanhorne, who refereed Tuesday night's game at, the Arena is of the opinion that Dentals will de- feat the Riversides' if the two To- ronto teams clagh in the senior fin- als. Van has seen the Riversides play several games this season and they have not had as strong opposi- tion as Dentals have had in their gTOUP. He thinks that the fiversides have 4 better team play' than the Dents, but they lack the speed of the tooth-pullers. He thinks that the 227th has the mater- 1al for a championship team,but that the team lacks combination 'amd would benefit by the advice of & good coach, ---- LOCAL CURLING RESULTS. Afternoon Series. f.. T. Best - 8. G. Calvin W. E. Macphe F. A. Palmer E. W. Henderson P. D. Lyman D. Buchanan W. L. Goodwin (Skip) 12, (Skip) §. Evening Series. W. H. Reld M. C. Dunn J. Macdonald L. A. Zultelt T. Copley B.C. Gildersieeve Mi J. M, Ellibtt (Skip) 18 (Skip) 12 TL. Sleeth, W. Frizzell « W...C. Croster D. A. Shaw J. A. liemmon T. R. Carnovsky C. Sleeth (Skip) 11 (Skip) 6 i D. A. Givens St. Paul's Choir at Cataraqui. The thoir of St. Paul's church to ¢ twenty-five, under the Major - . Fund campaign | Ani. Loco lotic r 000 in three days and THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1017. DEFEATED] defence, | The World Outlook on Church Union '* | By THE REV. ARTHUR J. BROWN, D.D., LLD. P BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS OF JHE PRESSTTERIAN. CHURCH IN THE D.5.A. The diternative 5 CN Anrmon J. Brow. sions and readjusting ' variety of other associations show so as to avoid OveRAppIDE, that Increasing numbers of Chris- ous churches have been tians are resolved to get together in bodily from one communion to an: | Ohristian work, and that as they other by formal agreément between cannot do so through their churches. the 'governing bodies. In Keérea and they will outside of them. 'The India, transfers involying thousands | Hime has passed when Christian men of Cliristians have taken plate pé- | can prudently assume an attitude tween Methodists und Presbyterians. of indifference or pbstruétion to A conference of Tepratsntatiyee of | ward the movement for organic une the Anglican Church go: | lon. While attempting tesavold what clejy's Mission and the they believe to be a danger in union, Presbyterian Board' {a worse thing may befall them and the cause of Christ--a churchless union of laymen who will simply ig withdraw from the Etah District and | bore their ecclesiastical guides, that the Presbyterians should witd- Thé union of the people of God Is draw from an adjacent one, the In- coming. Too many earnest. souls are dian Christians in each case to fall | praying for it, providential indica ander the care of the Mission left | tions too definitely polnt toward it, in sole possession of the field, Simi |the words and mind of our Lord are lar agreements have been fade in |t00 unmistakable to permit doubt. numerous; lostances. It may or may not. come BOW; Prates, especially between Uongre- cone it will, sooner or later. "What gauonalists and Presvyteriang, and trials and delays niust be endured," authorized committees are tryihg to |to quote Dr. Henry Van Dyke, "What fessen the evils of over-churching obstacles and difficulties overcome, {n small communities by envourdg- | what long and perilous journey ac ing feeble congregations to consol: | complished, before the vision is rer date, the denominational affiliation | alized, God only knows. It may be of the consolidated church to be de- that the conflict with evil must tefmined by priority of occupatien | ETOW sharper and more bitter before or preponderance of interest. Christians learn that division means such agreements are jistitiable in !defeat. It may be that the shame of mission fields; why are they not jus- | forsaken temples and a vanishing tifiable elsewhere? It it is proper | Subbath and a system of education to unite in a without religion must grow deeper, men see the fatal conse- disunion, rivalry, and mu- 7 {ual distrust among the disciples ot The necessity for ot 4 fs not |Christ. It may be _that disaster and | wanting, bat on the contrary is ur- | humiliation and weakhess must be- gently | pressing. The reply that | fall the Christian forces and they "conditions are fot ripe" for ofganic | must be driven to some dreadful union confuses the ob with | battlefield of Armageddon to make Providence. Conditions have been | them stand together against the un- & dozen years. It 1s objec: ited powers of darkness and unbe - "We may say{lef. Or it may be. and Cod grant it, V. at|that the lesson will be learned in i | prighter paths and slowly spelled it our minds in syllables of hope. But whether by bright ways or by dark ways, n- | whether through suffering or fte,' what then? Laymen are ing | through rejoicing, God load us to- the answer in significant ways, Or ward the consummation of Christian gan s like the Y.M.CA., the unity in church union; God keep ua W.CA. social settlements and % [obedient to the heavenly vision." feeling. Agincourt: «All things are ready, be 80. the Churches do nn Deutschland in Gérman Port. niin Amsterdatn, Feb. 8.--The Weser The Prices Asked For. the Familiar | Zeitung, of Bremen, says the mer- ! 7 Stocks, chant submarine Deutschland has not started on heg third voyage to Am- erica, and remains in' a German port. ' THE STOCK MARKETS. Canadian Stocks. - Open, 2.30 p.m, Steel of Canada .. .. 69% 59 Cement .. .: +» ++ + 50% 60 Dominion Steel .. .. 61 CP. R ..vis. 1400 Steamships,.. ++ +» + 32 Steamships pfd. .. .. 2 2% 91% War Loan 1981 .. .. 91% 98 War Loan 1826 .. .. 97% Canada Loco. ., .. +. 53% Bid Smelters .. +. os +5 20%, 30 New York Stocks. Atchison .. .: -. LL. 101% Baltimore & Ohio ... 75 ' CPR A ive +s» 101 161% NY. C....n:oo 038 993% Erle Sa. 26% 26 . 1024 102% 60% Flattering to the Original But Imitétions Only Disappoint There are' many imitations of this great treatment for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and whooping cough. \ (HAS ) They usdally Noi have some sale on the merits of the original, but it should 'be remember e G that they are lke it A in name only. Northern Pacific © Pennsylvania .. . Reading +. . Bt. Paul .. gh Union Pacific .. .. + Bethlehem Steel . . Rep. Steel. . a U. 8. Stee! . 'Anaconda . ' ¥oee% A BRITAIN DISCOVERS WAY TO OMECK SUBMARINES Feb, 8. We are .not od sahmatine | 3 | Focute THOMES COPLEY Telephone 987 pairs of Ra prom, ww Queen street. | wanting anyth dome in the | tery lne Eases given on it ew work: also | Haonal Ew] Fr \ in every imaginary This extra supply arrived early for our regular summer wash spit trade, and we will clear at regular For The ~- Early Bir Boys" Wash Suits file and material, sizell from 8 to 7. WHOLESALE PRICES RUYING THESE NOW ° Will Save You 50%. You are invited to call and inspect them at MENDELS 217 Princess St. Opp. Grand Opera House ee} % | "The 1ate G. B. Stevens, who died at Prince George, BJC., was buried at Plum Hollow, his({ormer home, Ee ; Phone U £10 HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED FOR WHEN YOU WECID APPOINTMENT. PHONE 699. GLASSES, PHONE US FOR AN 33 STEWART, OD. Boys' Suits, Men's Freize Overcoats, sizes 36 f _All Men's Overcoats, Cost Price, ~~ . . boa : , worth le price . . Optician and Post Office Phone 609 sizes 30 to 34. Sale price $2.95 to 44, $8 Men's FineiShirts, size 14 to 17. Sele re reduced to less than ~---- Prat AEE A --c---------------------------------- \