Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1917, p. 7

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! VAUDEVILLE Coming, The Miracle of Love. Dono are RAntepiny 3G. Meagher, Belleville, had a aha AY aie . a» severe {all on the icy walk and Js laid}. ' ge mt 1 ny | _-- ww - - yy Keep your savings it The Bank of Toronto and watch four balance | "0 i0 consequence. . "The Weaker Sex" : STE -..,.-° ; : : RE aD rn your regular deposits and the interest added by the Bank. | oH Cunal piano tarmer, 21 : FURNITURE FINISHING The Ananclsl strength of this long oxtabiished institution ensures safety King street. "Leave orders at McAul- a utee Great Sears fh 4 Greut piny hint Tyas , Sor your money. eyk Book Store. ay eysione Qomedy & Other Good ay ] shereatier FOUND og DRISCOLL. SURNITUAS TAN, Fon ® vn § \ ar : . James McKenna, Bago street, * 13e, PARCEL OF TOWELS ON KING | gad rep. 8 33 John is visiting her sister, Mrs. lsaae NE : oe . waer may. Have samc Tattle, Sesley's fay, for a couple of XT WEEK Vig ino AL 20 Gore street. ] : weeks, AL ANDRA Ta omANORES. = MONDAY, T1 a : Robert Meek went to Toronto on TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY] MAIDS POR KINGSTON GENERAL 0% ha INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INV be A o Thursday in connection with the work ; Fhospital. by ca rend of Abe Oddfetiows' Relief Associa] . VAUDEVILLE Th na | Siasnee and joa : $ Frontenac Hotel Office. coin, Owner may hive Same su on esda; . w Wedn ' night The feather lable man. Iuside work. Apply sum of mone¥: er apply " ~ "0 - +. poUND ARTICLES FRONTENAC and proving prope Finance and Jearn how foriunes tion. ; -- are and lost § . by calling 8t $02 Johnson St. varnéd very soft during the night 4 . go 3 ; ; and threatened rain. : : : = -. - bs 2 . -- il FROCK ET TESTAMENT. ON ane Miracte of Love. What ja it? Jeeress trees i 3 reet, Tuesday, Omce. XEY TO LOAN, IN sums olf $300, rn : FOR SALE Bay, NY. is not sold by 'private sale * RELIABLE BOY AT ONCE. | ux sLvER CASE ATR 3,000. nd oxher amounts. Gea A. : fr J 1h la it will be put 2 at anction to satisfy % 2 go - teman, $7 Clarence Mrohl 100! " a mortga ol. Staples would like @ ; 5 - ITOPRITYT T LOAN $850 Six room frame dweling, rge lot and |} "ef in tt f oy SEER EEERLIIESY TISED - Flaerton Garon NG 256) 4 - iy. § a priy AT THE A POCKETBOOK CONTAINING by Investors. Kingston fad quite a fail of snow SaPart) Master Pleture ' HAVE A STEADY POSITION FOR] "A PURSE CONTAINING SMALL i wan 4 GEORGE MILLS & CO. American Express Office. AND "stable, $100 cash i i reid a Te stable, $ 00 required. He Miracle of Love: What is it? SMART, BOY Sra MATRICULATION | Anyone Aeon anything and MG. vies tL. W. F. Nie- : a : e president the Board .of to lehrn the Grup business . wie, K.C. issued eit | $4000---Nine room brick, hot water heating, $500 | Trade acknowledges the Teceipt of . © 2% tien WOE. | KS perils, munich 828 "will handle this. University Ave. "7 | $15 for the Belgian Reliet Fund from| yim ASel ELL Cross Drug Store. eRe I} Besctiia bau ||| Sarina ; . iL the Harrowsmith Red Cross Socaty. | . ake. . for juniper cleric. Cp ret al qant ale: deposits recelzes = wer Union St., nine room brick, all mod- |? the Settle Butstow, treasurer. Henderson's Grocery, B terest a! lowed RS Kg. ai . * "3 Yd n 4 > ern. Thisisin a particularly good locality. ~~ |ainecie at Shing tn. youre Tel BONNER"S » | | iavgnrooL, LANDON AND Avaliable THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Bare at Ans, Temple or Ee eumon mumioh, he pa "Fire insrasee Company ANOS J . K. Al the principal speakef at the Temple : FINCY : nome ex| mee in dry ; aris BRACKLEY, Sherer | secu eg doll at} | poss Theatre, Hamilton, on Sunday night, ht young wo Dreets. Finder kindly leave 0 W$ Brock St. 4% Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 under the auspices of the Hamilton SEEDED t rience, but 3 Whig Office and receive reward. M NA --- Recruiting Lesgue and Canadian 30 > ' we "RN LET, ON N RAISINS Jon BROWS SABLE between Colling- Club. ' 3 » = Mrs. William Fuerst and daughter , : » ' ; pac aad Victoria streets. Please] Rosamond, of Toronto; 'Misa Me- age hed In yo to 169 tong, dod and re- i i Causherty, of New York; J. 8. Miller, . of Englehart, and William Sherihag, | GENERAL SERVANT, PLAIN COON, BROWN SABLE FUR gv REE 0 of Bay Centre, are the guests of A.B. CARTONS. ER ashing: 00d Wages. ADL, ; night, between Colling- | ently, Withe Sherman at 247 Montreal street. { after 1\ o'clock to Mrs Merrick, wood and Victoria streets Please | out 7730 years experience Dr, JERR . 439 william street. return td 163 Collingwood and Te« Elmer J. eo, Bye, Bar, av i ¥ a { ee tweet RC celve reward. roat aad skin Specialist, ~3 pm Deus ut Snag: Jedteh,---¢ | : . GIRL OR WOMAN oh pO WOUNE: | =e or WITH AER ST BING, SET WITH THETHYST Bagot street ir v i Bee y a /ith the care ol} NG, SE AME ST, set rent onto, Fe After an illness of work anf, sist re farm Work etween St. James' church and HANDCRAFT. Hosiery Mith hy away of Arch, two years, Justice James Leitch, of aA DT ¢ 300. s oh Ww 4 hv Mrs. Geo. | tie Supreme Court of Ontario, passed Leo Jan Mischel Nn. Noo, Aout Tarand. | George and O'Kill streets, Of Tues- | JESSIE C. SHAW wi away last njght at his residence, 30. : ont. ' vid Gay. Finder return to 34 Arch St. Nolasses in ail Kinds Dunbar - Road; The late Justice 53 Clergy street. 5 " | Leitch was born at South Branch, ; : rr TO LET y Hag dr Sus. ho "ine , thie I | - | en wes ee . Monday, Wednesday and Friday. was the son of the late Willlam 3 {> a bt street, over ldeal Theatre DENTAL Leitch and Nicholas Bryden. He was OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. w=. KNAPP, BA, Is D.D.S, educated at the Williamstown and . ge * . . . emplo] Cornwall high schools. Violinist Pianist Cellist i street. Good TORY poly to A. B. Cunningham, AE KN Prinosis LDS Phone # SS ---- XR to beginners. Apply 79 Clarence 'street. 2 ceive reward. and recetve reward embroidery, and art Dominion Textile Cou || 51x RoOMED BRITE MOUSE ON | oJ. LEONARD WALSIL DENTIST, Pine Street, above Division. corner Princess and Bagot streets, Mra, George MeCulloch, Brockville, Appearing at Cuitaraqui street. i Bateman, §7 Clarence streeb | Phone 636. dled on Tuesday after a brief illness, TN erase cee aged aixty-dine years. Five daugh- . | aw J | : ars and two sons survive. Sho way FURNTSHER. ROOMS, ALSO ROOMS! ee a Presbyterian. 1t a {FURNES Night housekeeping. 398 HOM" | pms. sEAmKS AN SPARKS, TRC. er > ' cess, Dhtween Barrie and Division. | Dewar, D.D.S, De, assistant. Bd James Wackioskey; POSITION WANTED, \ Phone 346 delphia, has been appo t : AN UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, §/ : Bishop: of: Zamboanga, the Vatican ¥ TOUNG LADY WITH HIGH SCHOOL 1arge rooms. all modern equipment, | ant g la education, Bnd some knowledge 0 jdem1 location, possession immed}- ARCHITECT ounce 8. ' business, desires posizion in offic ately. Apply Box 10, Whig mcs. | co VERE DR Advance = Sale, Feb, Sth, at Uglaw'a or Bae. Apply Box 33, Whig OF | . | Wot, NEWLANDS _& SON, Alon h ce. : i toe FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN | TT orp AX I J I N K | 560k store. Prices 31.500 81.00, 730, tle ee | STOR rooms; your own look and | te Ofces, 358 Bagot St. -------- a1 key 299 a: - ; Frost's Clty Storage, & Phone 608. JUNIOR 06, CHAMPIONSHIP AUCNON SALE 4 { FOR SALE ' Ke¥.n street, Pops 536: res. 989. | 3 4 Saturday, February 10th, at TAD: poh i' BORO ve KINGSTON J INTORS, 3 King and Princess Streetn { | poWER & SON, ARCH 4 » EFFECTIVE ADVTS, COST | OFFIOE ON WELLINGTON STREET, | chants Bapk Building. corner i { i FRIDAY, FEBRUARY OT y . o o J PTHESE \ Game Beging Sill ARY ey s, large refrigerate ster Jittle. Once, ¥5¢; three times 00: | 7 occupied by Mr. G. Laturnes ET} Brock and, Wallington streets Admission, Not Taeluding re inbles, Stool, chairs, ®. one week, $1.00. rooms, electric light and hel HAC TNeserved Seats on Sale 10 mm, "desk, clock, heater, Bro- tor heating. Possession 1st March mesday. veries, etic a 3 ~~ FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY | or gaoner if reau red. Apply to C1} PATENTS Soe Not 1 Wa, MURRAY, Auctioneer. toys, see Frank W. Cooke, 39] dAvingston, Brock street. | - -- A Clarence street. { LI SARCOCK & SONS, Patents, trade , Sppointme ' a * : | LEGAL. | marks, 4 b. , Worme < Be wnship of Loughboro mecomn Cazes WOLD Sa TEC-| marks, designe. FEU rer. ords: good as NOW; cheap. APPLY | A. 8, CUNNINGHAM BARRISTER |; 45 Charles street. [A Be sollcitor. Law 'ofce, 79 Clas: phe. , NOTICE | FARM OF 108 ACRES, FOUR MILE | > anos street, KInEAtOA = TE Loughboro Township Connell will from | Kingston. Apply Geo. aib- | page addressed to the un- meet on sont; RR, No. 1, Cataraqul, Ont w rece: up to three a" D 43 » Monday, | ove DWELLING, 41 AN Y { erly ¥ ce Master of Patent Laws. Book "Patent Wo. tection" free. 99 St. James St, Monts real. Nranches: Ottawa, Washington. ders o'vlack, pau, Wednesday, Feb. 2st, 1917 for oHowing materials and sap- ision street. § rooms and W.C.1n ee a by the co -- pe Instead of Monty Marc san; well Tented. Apply 41 Divis mgeton, viz. » . & barrels, more or less, of . R. G. GUESS, ! GENUINE VICTROLA AND 'TWELY i Portland cement, wash jerk. ons; | cout. soft Yomp, 76 tons, more or less: Lo Township Derk, tio on Be FOUL OE OOK. we } AAAI. Hardware LL oa crossings 6c! HORSES WANTED ndsay, Lad. 13) Princess #ires . 3 ' T { fAmestone dust, 160 tons wore or less. wo BRICK HOUS Rubble wtane, for foundations of walks "ds . : v 1 i street; modern; . CAT eee i and road way. rubiie Inspection Tae, Owners eT Apply a' Sam. ERK, pra tor_ ronal sone Sore. * For lian, li I: hi Lil i Server grates. wrought On. © re br Sat 4 vi Feb. 10t} J NDEWATER mouse. VER NA, or clean, ght wor 3 highes t wages w e eps, a " For milithry horse Tas also inrwe oraes. ood Stanhng: water fn ho learning. Those w ishing steady emp loy- ees ed dries SLB WR, | water In ment, apply at mds Wolte Iaitac BLACK MORSE, FI ~ AND " : three-quarter hands high. city bro-} -- PRA ken. An exceptionally good horse = kind of work. can Sewer BIBS ove 'materiafatand suppl fot BOY S33 Alfred street ; ". : po ~STON HOSIERY, . té be furnished according to the spect. ons to be seen at the offices of the SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 438 » undersigned, wheres ail other informa. ' Brock str en rooms; in King Street Wes be first class nh, and all mod . t. tained, be received ufter the ern improv Possession time and date and no May ist. Apply 14 on BL. 2PM. CE dey y Manhole covers, cast from. a Ligh es covers, cast iron. ' free Grates, cawt iron with and with- Wer funhes bs out backs. a y approaches, cast iron. enger carts (3) flea - ; BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, n smart country village; store 2-L storey and rge cellar; all first 3. glass condition, $1000, to wind up n estate, quick. , A. Bate $7 Clarence stree'. Kingston. Motel for sale: ist clasm, well equipped, up-to-date, over 40 | rootast money maker. Jwwants to retire, No a inquire, . Ford $t, Ogdens ---------------------- wa TO RENT FURNISHED : e for three months. Apply to Box 2228, Whig Goce. SEOPND-HAN D UPRIGHT PIANOS, "cash or In part payment of new and Victrolas. C. W. Lind Limited, 121 Princess street. HOUSE, 8 OR » ROOMS ON NST aan ¥. modern i | lenges, Tor small ta re, nn, 83

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