Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1917, p. 8

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* | gg x | (VERT ACT the Strand | T. ¢.'Lapp, late foreman of the | NO as €v er y. woman looks, but as | at Er Belleville Ontario. job department, is| .every woman would like to Re 5 Por the Jest threw days of this weok| in Kingston fo pursue 8 course of | look _ that is } 1 ? : | i mm-- La well balanced programme has been Study at the officers' training school " selected 'by the management of this! to qualify for the position of ser-| od with the Sinking of California May Likely Dii¥G | sopalar plaghotee. Dorothy Dalton, | geant in the 235th Battalion. i } 2 United States Into War . | Charies Kay and Louise Glaum will] ro -- { ) ot be seen in the latest Trigngle play.l Among Canadians invested with | ---- "The Weaker Sex," 3 Sirong, 'big. | honors By the King at Buckingham | virile, big-hearted play dealing with Tonos Lient.-Col. Elmer W.} : i i 1 the big modern question. "is a wite's| Jonesy Brockville, who received the |S 2 place-in the home?" "The story of a Distin nished® ServicefOrder. | | : R= - real woman who disproyes the i to * lowcaker" ¢harge. It rings true. it! 3ra Fragments from France now l' 5v THE DASTARDLY ACT OF THE 1s fall of incident, PF a! full of Mot, full! ready at College Book .Store. Open | of character, a capital story, mir-} nights, ? ] GEHMANS. i ably presented; - Dorothy .Dalten, -- ¢ -- Charles Ray and Louise Glaum in{ Four men of the 254th BaMalion | Merely a Fortunate Accident That No! "The Weaker Sex! are three greatiare in Kingston to attend. the School, Those Wha stard | in a great lay. 2 Reyaione of P.T. & B. I i } Perished -- President Awaiting | comedy. 0 her g reels and polite -- * i MAPS. EB! randeville complete a high-class pro- J. Lynch has been appointed pro-. : Fuller Particul 3 gramme. s visional quartermagter-arEant i Washington, Feb. 8. ~The steady! "BE" Company, 253rd Q. U. H . stream of reports telling of the de- At Griffin's. strucjion of merchant ships by Ger The beautiful wedding vell worn va. A. Kennedy. i oy Ah N| A v ! | by Fannie Ward in the, Jesse bi. nan; C. Edmunds, and | man submarines Wis hroggit 19 84 production "The Years of thel A. W. Padcoe, Regina, Sask. have] climax last, night b¥ a eablegram 10 Locus Albert - Payson Terhune's heen taken on as recruits In the | the State Department from Consull toe {hat will bg seen at: the Grif- 263rd Q. U. H. { Frost at Queenstown announcing that| rin's on Thursday; Friday and Sat we \ i li tiie British passenger liner California | urday, is made of Brussels applique M A On ors --_ n) gery a Hil nat been torpedoed without warning | lage. Hand made, and nearly two hun-| Cok tng in the near future f oF | 5 : dred years old. = It was formerly { CO ng In the near future fof OVET Hl sia that an Americah citizen wasi ,.. Gng dawned by o AcS-duchess{eas with' the Beaver Battalion of {among the survivors. , Whether this | jsahella of Austria, Abo before she | Toronto. Christépher is now at the} HH} wilt prove to be the overt act' to was atsassinated, gave it to her sis: front with 2 RS re draft. Serst | {drive the Uhited States into war no|ter the Countess Sortramont, who | 2 nent soldiers in Canada, having | 2 presented it to Miss Ward in Londbn. ; i} one would attempt to say to-day. iter witnessing her performance in Sedo tn uniform for well over shirt vive { | The President tindoubtedly will Walt] pp, Mariage of Williant Ashe," the for complete reports on the disaster | gramatization of Mrs. Humphrey - ---- a creme Ss ae 0 TE) DS ah Hl nas come tor him tp go to Congress mer Mjss Ward and became great| oo au Hid BE re | to ask authorfly to Suse any Mepns friends. Upon the eve of the star's sale at The { ege Boo re. may be necessary Jor the pro- dding to Joe Lewis,' the "South . es od ot: of our seamen and our peo-j African Diamond King," 4he sous Atri ae Be he by OF * "| tess presented her With the veil, an A tmy Service Corps : i k Ln Be tat ne Selx Aviacioan by a coincidence, the wedding Qress guarters of el Tt Taetruction N od Ip y "a thee Reent ed in which she was married to Mr.}gom Quebec, Que. 10 Toronto, and . and style are Hoy © Lp. degree 5 exeils . Eas Lewis is the one worn in the picture. | Lieut. Col. Dodge, A.D. ot 8 & T,, of ked . ¢ It is realized that if imo citizen of |ihat Suothier coluChiLneS is ha, Tet this district is to assume)the duties] 1a 1 wor mn 0 l | that e story '"The Years t mandant. ~ : wm tne United States was ERONE NY cl | Locust," Miss Ward, though first of commana ag every par. Hib dent, and that it can be only 8 matter [Hri6d tus scheming peomathe, fu: Trevor McGuire, now in the ou. an assurance of satisfaction | ¢ + | ally is happily wed to a Sof ri-| ployment of the Government. . . Lk abhours before Auction of went | 213 1 LL ind King. in thls Para- soon receive & distinguished Ra in every purchase. Thereare Hl]! sels. >" | mount picture, : hedal to replace one . erroneously a number of models for, dim ii The California is the first big pas-| a a given to Pte. Terencé MM e . ¢ Il ccngir steamer to be destroyed since Coming: The Miracle of Love, Brockville, whq was recomie ded figures, for medium figures, ! & da Me- eso tor | the Honors, but which - : poy the Arabi¢ 'was torpe oed in the Me a . for full figures 3 diterranean months #go: Her sink-| i mendations was iol Sing an, oti J A time or money here for your Hj Hag hs allow Jute: amay A : - 3 Trevor. MeGuire that the medal will Ta y leading styles, the best values Hii} atter 'all would allow, pagsenger- arrive in a few days. | \ : > vs : { j service--no man ex- . fll} carriers to escap? in an effort to avoid wa { : . To phasize the Hl} ariving the United States to. hostili-} | of 3 Have you seen the new Fragments | 3 moderately pric and HHH ties. : i Bh Ga France, by Bairnsiather, now on sale 1 ce ed they are ex- finer i} The message from Consul Frost £3 at the College Book Store. 3 ti Il 4 | Hime at the close of another day ge i ¥ Pek dot - Round Rusaisn ; 3 Ce ionally t- vo to energetic preparations. for F 1 » a ¥ 5 : 4 es 0 N the war regarded as virtually inevita- R. ok Er quite recently Sa tractive m sty e. Learn how 8g i ble and to guarding against any, act > was engy ip evangelistic work ; comfortable you will be in a ; 3 , ! S pita by the United States which might 1 | among Ahe ps in the Russian fir- pt sis y y ing line, gaye a short address ai the ,. new French Model" Corset. : r : | titities. i precipitate hostile S37 fast night. Mr. Se Mili 'A little out of the way but it will pay you to walk." 1 [iis | graphically déscribed the wonderful a oe 5 ' helpful message. ' Took it to England. . ws Buig.Gen. T. D. R. Hemming, Major G. R. Hall, who will be re- G.0.C., returned at noon on Thursday : membered by Kingston ans ns hav- |trom Brockville and Prescott Col. ¢ werd ing commanded tae 26th Battery, a : G. 'Hunter Ogilvie, A.A.G, was in which was raised here in 1918, ar- : eg command during the absence of the rived at headquarters on Thursday as| pre 0. H. COblog") ALLEN, KING- | general Y one of jnany officers who have been " STON, : 4 : sent fiom England. It Will be| , Wh the fist Batuaiion, Killed mses] Gow J A, (Cameron, 253d) & : =| remembered that thé 26th Battery a -- - -- + }Q.U.H., was in the city on Wedbnes- § El was raised here with the 35th Bat: _- day. D tery of 'Ottawa, and afterwards with is IN FRENCH HOSPITAL, i an ammun tion column commanded orn \ Anothiet company of re-inforce- by Major W. Harty made the 7th Ar-| EighteensYear-Old Boy May Not Re- [gents is being raised #t Ottawa, This 5 tillery Brigade co! nded by Lieut.- turn to Front. sotrpany will be for the 38th Bat- Col, Stewart, Calgary. When Major- Howard ~Satsbdry, son of ¥ J.|talion at the front, 3 : aE ~ l'masor a. R.HALL © No ri walon is being done bg : sili > mr ---- © WAS HERE THURSDAY. tl has also done valifible WOER AOD ee : ; : i 24 : E Russian troo ting on other bat- npn : : Commanded 26th Kingston | | Jl [Ruse roo he re ers very : : p ! : : Battery Raised Here and | | warm nm their appreciation: of his Ae ' y ws Gen, Morrisof™ took' over the coj- : -- Eimand of the 2nd Canadian Divisidn, ay a I AFD, An Pte. 1. Adams, late 207th, has been fhe Snaiam, ho replaced all 0 rio heumation which may |iGfal in th ont few. by bringing capta ns of thé first mare it impossible [for nim to do ay aod allowances ch hon hi -- division" back: from: BF This further work at the front, Although Pp WE resulted in Major Hall and _many auly_ Sisitec Re hos heen doing Lieut Col. G. Roy. left-on Wednes- a . . . others being thrown out of their pdsi- op i alin pI nes on day for Halifax on duty. A little new material, a little wit =liions. The major was in France in -- . E| February, however, and up to that and at Courcelette tor lis work a Capt. Ba MH. McLean, payniaster and a new Spring BUT TERICK : tho A arsed Important: staff duf-J = Tuuner: the From tien to the rankis3sih Battalion, Helleville, is here as i. Ls His services are now available of Yance-coporal came to him. Algrand master of the Orange Lodge at! PAT TERN to jon smart fashion, § as commander of a depot battery i month ago Lance-corpl. Salsbury was § | oy ae district. pot. bakery 1a | BORE 480 Lach oe pinto0ns Hall cation: of, the (new Orange) and a limited amount of money. 'On the same boat w th Major Hall who had-gone overssas whith the - -- Nr Na Sas ato Lieut-Col- J, 8 N. &inalunil Since then everyone else Report on Stabling. i | Lesclte, returning to take commaqa | if NEL platoon-his been moved aWAZ. | Constable Samuel «Arnie visited ' ' Hof the R.C.H.A. here' Col. Lesslic is | Atter_ spending Christmas leave inl4 0 various hotels in the cify, and at = in the ¢ity to-days(Thurs- England he was attacked by rheumi=|,, soquest of Mayor Hughes 'made | y from Montreal, where he has atism on His retury, to France, out 3 report as regards the stabling been spending. a few days. : accommodation that coyld be provid- -- = GE Lieut. Col. Turnbull, & Hamilton} eq at . : J. 8. Sibbut, Pittsburg township. officer, who has seen service at the EL len Rotel at at : bas, been choten a director of 'the front, replaces Lieut.-Col. Burleigh | ihe frente held in the Board of | 0 i aw 1 on Ofttario Fall Fairs' Association, as 'head of the Welland Canal forte. | Trade' rooms on Wednesday after- ; noon. 4 gh - i J An improved highway between * ot fiamiiton and the United States' boundary is proposed. Toronto backyards should produce vi worth $1,000,000, the Thrift Committee thigks.

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