Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1917, p. 11

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14 ¢ =f WA © WAGNESIA st ge s it 8 to jindis~ criminately dose the stomach with ines is often Bot real . It seem; sim ach walls, grets a ing: dt is the early stages when indi- estion, dyspe hems thus, us . indicates excessive acidity d fermentation of food . t should be taken. Drugs and medicines are un- suitable and often dangerous-they have little or no infushes, Upan the acid, and that is w octors Da them and advising suf. ferers from indigestion .and st mach get vid of the dangerous acid and th e food land And sweet by taking g Mttle pure 7 ated magnesia insteag: Bis Cod Mua rpre x nesia Is an absolut ¥ wihich can be readily obtained from an Arug gtore. It 1s Absolutely harm! , practically tasteless and a teaspoonful tafton-in a Hitle warm or cold! water after meals, Will usually be found quite sufficient to 2 neutral excessive acidity of the stomach an prevent all possibility of the food fer. menting. ' 3 trouble 1t SECRET T0 NRA BAR Lustre with Tea LADIES! Bélng Back Its Color and Grandma's Bage Recipe. . Common, garden sage brewed into a hedvy tes, with sulphur &nd alco- ho! added, will turn gray, streaked and faded Nair beautifully dark and luxuriant. xing the Sage Tea and Sulphur pb at Hom®, thougl, is troublesome. An easfef way is to get out 50 cefits a e rug stores, known Aas ¥ and Sulphur Com- hl s avoiding a Tot of muss. gray, hair is not sin- ful, a ouird to retain out youth- ful appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your bair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no'onejy can tell, it it so natur- ally, so @ . dampen a pe h with "it and, draw tls tr, taking one 5 at a time; by morn- ing ay aa nave disapoekTen.| Alte another application or re your r Ibe dark, ¥, soft 8 ¥ bint tn ou Sens yea Wyeth' . a Campons is a dohignt tollot requisite. It is not' 'ntonded, jor the cure, mitigation or preven- on h 3 "PARADIS GARAGE i -- E. PARADIS, Pro. spd lone | asking for a position on the publ! | BOARD OF EDNGCATION FAVORS PETITION OF LEAGUE. h a-- | ; "1 To Require Pupils" lo Take Military prill and Provide for Proper Training of Female Teachers to Teach Work--Reports of Three Committees Adopted. «That the chairman and secretary be apthorized to sign the petition received from the Canadian Defence League, which requests'the Minister of Education, to modify the School Regulations, so that they' will re- quire all boys and young men in the public schools, schools, and collegiate Institutes, to take military drill, and provide for the roper training of female teachers mil- {tary drill, so that all present cer- tified teachers shall become duly Z| qualified to teach the Work, and that in future, no certificates of any grade be Issued to teachers who do hot es a satisfactory examinations in physical culture and military drill* The foregoing recommendation, presented to the Board of Education, at a meeting held on Thursday night by the Management Committee was adopted, and following this the Board also passed a second recom- mendation of the same committee which reads as follows: "The resolution adopted by the board, with respect to providing means Yor the physical development ot pupils of the Public Schools, sheh as RY tics, drills, etc., was given due eration by your committee, and it Was deemed advisable to re- commend that action be delayed for the p t, owing to the unusually heavy nds being made on the finances in nearly every department of the board's work." ustes Macnee spoke regarding the reselutfons, pointihg out that Swing 10 the many demands made on the rd this year, it had been de- cided to delay action in" regard to the physical: development of the pu- pills, - He miso read a letter from ing the matter, In Ww fch It was pointed out that compulsory traln- ing would be a good thing. Refer- ence was also made to arrangements that sould be made for military in- structors and the letter will be left with the management committee. The Boara decided to get to work at once, in prepafing the estimates for the year, so that they will be' 'the hands of the Clty Council at the: proper time. The various commit- tees will convene during the next téw days, and prepare the budget. The chairman, J. R. Henderson, presided at the meeting, 'and other memibers present were Trus- tees Craig, Anglin, Godwin, en, Farrell, Renton, Magnee, Metcalfe, Bateman and 'Monk. "The etary rted that during the yes This, here ore 245 cases ft / reported, dnd 238 notices given to parents, Three children | were to be working; and one was ordered back to school. T™wo te, Se vioh be. repisiered registéred In ? A report was also presented by the goeretary, which showed that during the months of December and January, the schol pupils had con- tributed $209.05 to patriotic pur es. A report was received [from In- spector Albert Leake, of the house- Nola science department, in which; he Fetomfjended the re<introduction df manual trafiing in the collégiate institute. Mistes Amy V. MacDonald and Zeta Wodlard, of Peterboro, wrota STAN. Cit rk, "acting for the Sounsil, asked the Board to have r estima ready for a meeting af thé ¢ ive Pibanco Committee not Tater than Feb. 15th, - Council wil gtrike the tax rate on Fed, 26th. oql teaching jean, Sweet and | "fresh Every Day | Drink a. glass of real hot" water out polsons. only | permitted td take 1 , fasty breath, a stomach, Tr . of the system and flushing whole of the : Committed: 9 ps ty received from the " department for 'for the manual training and domestic lasses. Reports vare presented by J. M. Chalrman of the Manage- i ittee; tsaac Cohen, chair. 'ot the Finance Comite, wand nk ghairman of the Property and ull were adopted; without discussion. To Take Manual Training. The following regommendations he report of the Man: niiittee; In addition to boys ofthe Senior III classes, "in the Public Schools, be anual trainifig he Inspector to ments. men 'under Mr, Hatel, engage substitute 'teachers to tak arge of classes when he considers it would be in the interest of the pupils, that the ' regular teachers should attend other classes in the city of the same grades for imstruce tional purposes. That the request of the Humane Society, to in hits 5 3 2 Totreets. As Frontenac School is sit- uated on the corner of Adelaide and Lieut. Col, George Gillespie, regard- Pp the'} Prac sach © test distress 1s, a copy of the Body. le, be ted. basket an inflating BS ---------- Cowdy streets, with the growth of the city in that section, this street must become necessary as & thor- oughftre to pupils residing on Mon- treal street, in that vicinity "Your Committee fouhd it neces- sary lo Proceed at once, ith fur- ther improvements on the heating ystems of onald and Central Schools. In the former, the air line begus-isst year bad to be continued through the whole system, and most of the steam' pipes in the basement and fresh air chambers covered in order to secure satisfactory results. The improvement ls marked, and it jooks as it thére would be no more complaints regarding h ventilation from this school. cost, $2569.87, we ' récommend The be a. "in the Central School, a separate flue from each of the two boilers was put into the ventilating shaft, the tile chimney in which having be- come dilapidated at the bottom, had broken and tumbled down. This change improved the draft and there is now no difficulty in raising the requisite steam for heating purposes. 'At thé same time it deprives four rooms of & pertion of the usual ven- tilation, and necessitates the use of windows for this purpose. . J"The matter of vel tion will receive the prompt attention of your Committee, so that an improvement in this respect can be effected during the supimer vacation." In addition to a batch of accounts the Fimhnce Committee reported as follows: "Phat the tender of Hanson, Cros- fer & Edgar, for the Board's print- ing, for the year, 1917, being the lowest, be accepted." "That the secretary be authorized to pay the account of Uglow & Co. tor pupils' supplies in accordance with the terms of the coniract, which §tate that he be paid ffte days after the goods are delivered." Reports of Officers. Inspector J. Russell Stuart re- orted on the attendence at the public schools for the month of Jan- wary, as follows: Grade clases, enrollment, 2,540; averige attendance, 2,208; Kinder- garten, enrollment, 152; average at- 'tandande, 105; Orphans" Home, en- rollthent, 54; average attendance 49: total enrollment, 2,748; aver- age attendance, 2,862. The total {ncrease in the enrollment over last month was 35, or 165 over that of - January 1916, and 312 over January 1915. The daily attendance was somewhat '10w on account of pre- vdlling' sickness, Fire drill 'was ticed all the schools. {Principal E. O. Sliter, of the Col- legiate Institute, reported on . the attendance for January. The enroll- Rout was 441, which was three less n a year ago, with an average at- téhdance of 409, Which was 35 above a year ago. In January there was lnuth sickness. The attendance in January comprised 200 boys and 241 girls, Mr, Sliter reported as follows on the attendance since lie took charge of the Collegiate. 5 1911, 394° 'pupils; 1912, 374; 1913, 417; 1914, 433; 1915, 467; 1916, 444; 1917, 441, The school nurse, Miss Jean Mec- Callum, also submitted a report Tor January. She reported three cases ot scarlet fever, with a tew cases of mumps, whooping gs J chickenpox. en pupils were given treatment for tonsfiltis; 4 for thelr eyesight, while 18 udderwent dental treatment. During the month, Miss MoCallum Inspected * 640 pupils; consulations and instructions to par- fo| ents, 27; Dome visits made 31 -- er AIRMAN'S BOMB SANK, + The German Submarine Deutchland, Passengers Say. ! New York, Feb. 9.--Nothwith= standing a Berlin despatch to the newspapers _ stating that the mer chant Submarine Deutschland had never left Bremen, several passen- gers oh the ite Star liner Lapland which arriv here yesterday, said that the Submersible had been sunk in the Nortl'sea by ai aviator who | descended within 400 feet of the surface before he dr the bomb. force of the explosion Was so that it turned = the' alfplane completely over, they sald, and drop- the pilot and the gynner into the , but they were both rescued. The aviators did not know - it was the Deutschland they had sunk untit they noted the great bulk of the sub- mersible as she was blown inte A NNN . 'For Ten Years Would Nearly Smother. There is nothing that brings with it such fear of impending death as to night with that awful sense of smothering. The uncertain and irregular leart action causes the | y of both mind and eatffic and | oe PR, ' Sun Life of Canada Sets New Records 1 ESULTS secured during the year 1016. re-affirm the iti of the Sun Life Assurance Com y of Canada as the leading be po Sion dn the Dorgition or. Companies r a e . ach of ie Sinte Tt Touts hs field amung ane oer Largest New Business. { Business in Force. ~~ Lan . Largest Surplus Earnings. Largest. Net Surplus. Largest Income. : Largest Distribution of Life Assurance Benefits. THE YEAR'S RESULTS The following large and uniform increases registered during the year 1916 clearly demonstrate" the' strength of the Company's position and the confidence and prestige it enjoys in the public mind : a 1916 $ 82,948,996 18,499,131 1,110,900 8,509,865 7,578,016 1915 $74,326,423 15,072,672 Assets as at December 31st. "vw Cashipeome . + + + oe" 0 o Surplus paid or allotted to Pelicyholders. Net Surplus as st December 31st. . , . Total Payments te Policyholders. _. Assurances Issued and Paid for in Cash . 42,772,296 Assurances inForce + « . . 281,434,700 Coincident with the above increases, the Company succeeded during the seuc in effecting . 'substantial and important reduction in the ratio of expense, a feature Ww FONT affects earnings on policyholders' account. | LIFE ASSURANCES ASSETS | "IN FORCE | 96,481.95 1,573,027.10 6,388, 144,66 94,292,692.65 82,948,996.06 [© 1,084,350.00 | 9413,358.07 38,196,890.92 102,586,398.10 281,434,699.94 6,212,615.02 1,886,258.00 18,499,131.62 SUIRAINCIE JANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL T. B. MACAULAY, President, 1871 GEO. A, BATEMAN, Local Agent, y Kingston, Ont. 8. FREDENBURG, District Agent. ' Kingston, Ont. W. LYLE REID, ¥. Manager Eastern Ontario Division, Sun Life Building, Otiawa, Ont. -o TYGER | am c Our Stock is Like a River ; ¢ BLE ; : Trunks, | JUST.RECEIVED | --Always Moving, Ever | Changing, Always Fresh. Canned Fish Flakes. 3 | Canned Clam Chowder. Have You Tried Our Sultana Cake, Cholee at 30c per 1b. Canned Hawaiian Pinéapple. Canned Asparagus Tips. Pure Clover Honey in sections, 20c. : Plum Cake, 80c each. Cocopnut Crisp, 15¢ doz. / Short COuke, 15¢ doz. I he I hompson Rock Cookies. Imperial Cookies, # 204 Princess Street Plain Cookies, 12¢ doz. 'P.H. Baker & (Co. Phone 141 Lad Nd WEST © Lve. City Arr. City ve 12,20 am. 12.51 a.m. No. 19 Mall .. . N 268 am. 3.3% 0. 13 Express . .. 0.37 Tiocal ¢ .. .. o. 1 Intern'l Ltd. No. 7 Mall aers | N M Grocery 0.18 Mall . . { No.1¢ Bxpress . .. Phone 387 0. Mall... No. 5 re Lad. 40 a. .m. : 20 p.m. pm. ) - Wo . ---------------------- No. 28 Locsl . .. .. 643pm. T. y CANN ME Nos. 1, 6 7,13 14, 16, 15, 19 ran dally, 1 Other trains Sunday. 4 A Na TY ieago tral OE 00 NAN VA A nd, Bt, LL - alu / HURRAH For the Weese Photo Studio. Photos All Sizes and Styles. FRAMES Weese's Is _the spot for good work, New'Designs, Quick Deliveries. RIGHT PRICES 8302 K| ng St. ston For "Aecommodstion, Tic- kota, and all other information, apply 0 $= 3 J. P. BANLEY, AGENT. . and tarfo Stréets, Kingston, Ont,' AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. SHIP LINES, °° Open Day and Night Telephone 99 If a man wants to show off he has certain advantages away from home. erty nips mafiy a budding gen- hy the bad, BO R i b HALIFAX to LC (Callfag 1'almouth to {and pane For particulars of sailings and r apply to Local Agents or to The Robes | D. A. WEESE Reford Co., Limited, General Agents, 50 King Street East Toronto { 165 PRINCESS STREET A | Photos, Frames, Pletures, Planes. Things may come to the man who Somehow, we seem to think we are waits, "but the man who goes after | honored by taking: off our hats to them generally gets served first. © weulth, no miftey how acjuired. '. A The man may go back to the gut- ter, but the Lord gives you credit for helping him out the first time. -- Keep your feet warm and dry. Wear Low Fares and Through Tickets and thePacificCoast Elect ba Li hied and C bly Equipped Trai To obtain the lowest fare mt the most convenient routing ¥ v apply to M. C. Dunn, City t, or J. E. lvey, Sta- tion Agent, or write to R. L. Fairbairn, General Pas- senger : 68 King St. E., Toronto. VIA CANADIAN NORTHERN

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