Hi o semi-tinal HY Hi 0.5.4, hénors from "the Kingston | Hil! juniors. " | Hl that the locals are IH}! montgomery; MeKay Made -- Lined and Finished in Our Best Way. re 1-- 36 bust, 36 inches long 138 bust, 40 inches long .. sust, 45 inches long . . st, 36 inches long . . 1-=36 bust, 36 inches long . . = 1-3 1-36 bust, 32 inches long ¥ inches long, 1 h s Fur Trimming Alone is w 1--=38 bust, 40 inches long, Caracul 07 i} ' This : tsa Regular Price Sale Price ae ee Ry OR wee PERSIAN CLOTH inches long, trimmed with Sable . trimmed with Coat . . is a Snap. $275.00 for $175.00 Ey for $184.00 310.00 for $195.00 | $275.00 for $175.00 | $275.00 for $175.00 $255.00 for $160.00 . Price Sale Price $60.00 for $25.00 Civet Cat $60.00 for $25.00 orth the price of the Coat. : pg Price Sale Price 25.00 for $65.00 | GIVE SPLENDID MINSTRI * | Well; Vaarand. Th | Poupd, R. | §| feree. I SH WHI, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1917. PrAY JUNIOR oma. camel HERE THIS EVENING. li comes hiere and. tries to overcome a Hl four-goal lead and wia In view of the kind of game are DOL WOrtying.' over the result, confident) expected 88 a victory. "Both teams will ih exactly the same} 'Wity as on the Feterboro. lee Monday, as follows: Bs Gar fiag Sisk Kingston: --Goal, Walsh; right detence, Evans; left defence, Hall; ever, Dimer; centre, ; right wing, Sewell; left wing, Peterboro;---Goal, Murray; defence, McIntyre; left def rover, Cherrett; } tre, Bartley; right Wing, MoFee; wing, Graham, R. Hewiston, Toronto, cen~ leit will referee. + Arts Hockey Game. The game in thé arts hockey ser n Thursday afternoon be- "17 and Arts '19 ended in Phere was some discus. | sion as to an extra goal for Arts "17, but this was ruled out by tbe Te The line-up: 117--Goal, Flanagan; night de | Awde; left Setance, Folger; | right wing "Love; left wing, O'Reilly; rover, Greenlees; centre, Mohr. ] "19--Gosl, Baird; right defence, | Awde; left defence, Folger; right \ wing, Asselstine, replaced by Sexton; {1eft wing, Mcleod; rover, Marshall] | centre, Reynolds. Referee. H. Reynolds. Local Curling Results D, B. Murray A. P, Lothrop H. T. J. Coleman G. B. Hague (Skip) 10 (Skip) 9 J, 8, O'Brien Stone Bailey . M. Baillie (Skip) 7 8, E A. Ss. R. w (Skip) 9 Cape Vincent Races. The races held on Tuesday, Wed- Hl nesday and Thursday at Cape Vip- cent were attended by large crowds, Hl}! including some Kingstonians. Hl! owned by Allison, of Dexter, In the 2.156 class, Shamrock Boy, was Hl first, with Fraok R., owned by E. J. IN SUNDAY SCHOOL HA -- ded Br hs Is Capable and Well Balanced. To a large audience in the Sunda school hall on Thursday evening ministrel show. was given by the g ®| Young Men's Club of Queen Street signature is ow e4ah box. 26c. The show was an Methodist church, jmmenge success, and those takin pant deserve credit for the able wa n which everything was carried 0 ow fi given on Thursday Evening--The Caste Metcalfe, Kingston, ' second; Daisy Dort, owned by Wheeler, of Water- town, third; and Wieno C.. owned by _W. Cole, of Cape Vincent, fourth, | "Inthe free-for-all, Shamrock Boy again took first money, with Frank R. as second; Derby CRmster, owned by Allison, of Dexter, ird; and | Wieno C,, fourth. i In the 2.40 clings, Tango Girl, own- ed by J..N .i Kingston, divided second' and thisd money with Ola Macpherson, owned by McLaughlin, Dexter. 5 Tango Girl also won first in the 2.35 class against four other start- ers. -------------- To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUIN- ¥ | INE Tablets. Druggists refund money 8 if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVES & Coming, The Miracle of Love. The musical numbers were especi-; ally good, The followin: rendered: "Sunshine of i y George Allen; 'My. Mother! y ry," by A. Pettigrew; "Long, | g Trail," by J. Hodge; ' Back the Universe," by J. Saunders; ! "South Sea Isle," by E. Pound and, Good Old Union Jack" by J. hall. The stage director for the event was. Frederick Clow, and the musical ."Bdward Pound, who by 'a musical commit- w, d. Mar- director was tee made up of A. Pett Claxton, J. CE odge and nolds and J. Hoppes; A. Pettigrew, 3 Grisewood, D .. Others also ment nl hawn by (he 1 was as follows: Inter {locutor, G. Allen] endmen, C. Rey- quartette, E. . Marshall and | ton; chorus, W. Kelly, C. H ompson, J. Baun- ders, F. Rogers, J, Hodge, W. Fran- re- of the entertain-| J fact that ar} ve it " the Pitts- |} en etre solos were our Smile," s SE EB AS i Fur Setts | (Stole and Muff) See these ii one of our sho windows: Ry China Lynx Setts at . playing the fans} than is shown in all othe r stoves illips, aud Christy, at ERE { Greetings to your friends, gi ofie hundred coples of this book were all who have seen it to be equal to the other two num alentines If you want the new 1917 Gibson Aft Line and the Volland Line you combined. cans only got them here. Our Dainty hand colored boqgklets Valentine Gift Rooks, illustrated by Harrison Fisher, Clarence meet St er The College Book 160-162 Princess Street. Saturday . . ed up to 38 ONLY LADIES' WAISTS in black and fancy colors; broken lines in sizes 34, 36, 38 only; pric $4.50 each. ---- Saturday . . 48 ONLY LADIES' ALL WOOL SERGE SKIRTS, in navy, brown, sizes up to 30 waist een, black; EE Le en » J 125 YARDS OF CORD can, Pink, Burgun , Copenh , Old Rose and cor shades: the 75¢ quality, on Saturday for VELVET in Tus- a ms 100 PAIRS DOUBLE BED SIZE FLAN: NELETTE BLANKETS; whiteo $1.75 line, ori Saturday . .. i. Pictorial Quarterly For Spring. 4 Sha, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. | Newman { GRADUATES AND CITIZENS IN- 1 "VITED TO CONTRIBUTE a nr -- Articles and Specimens to This New Museum---The = Dmmatic Club Elects Officers for the Year. versity met on Thursday evening in | Rea Fox setts ot § ves S4B.T5 and $28.95 Hi, i tL FENCE POSTS A good stock of ... $1.50 band, $4.95 line, on 50 $139 sold in this store Wi bers combined. { rose BUTLDERS SUPPLING see | ents From France No.3 Send this with Valentine i te Store | Telephone 919. The Osler Club. of Queen's Uni-§