HEE Fi i ; : : E : Ha sik: i Hin 5 : a ; 0 ar The confidénce doctors hte in our abllity to propety Iohenae their prescriptions ul justifies the careful ser- today. |i li sodie Hongroise No, 6" by Liszt, ly 1 night we are "on the job," and | take thy utmost care to give our custymers the service which has so helped to huild up our business. We are now com- mencing our thirteenth year, which we hope will surpass last your, and that means we'll be going some: # : {by David Hof the notes and the theme, TE CORNISH REGIE IN THE CITY HALL THURSDAY Visit Kingston and Thrill the Lov- ers of the Music Masters, Music lovers filled the City Hal on Thursday night when the three Chernlaysky brothers, Lee, Jan and Mischel, gave @ recital. These fam- lous ns afe no strangems to the + and are ever assured of a hearty welcome on the part of music loving tonians. The programme on Thursday might was for the most part of a light nat- ure, with Russian and Polish musie predominating. In the first trio In D minor by Arensky, which was per- haps one of the most melodious and harmonious pieces played during the whole evening, the skill of the bro- thers. was clearly shown. One of another, for each has attained a fine musical sense, which, with their re- souragément aad enthusiastic praise »ach so justly deserves. On the violincello Mischel Chernla- vaky won mueh applause by his 1- ful render! of "At the Fountain" and the sonorous melody of "Summerpight," by Sulzer, and the gentle swing of the "Mennett," by: Haydn, made their mark on the {i audience. In the "Nocturna" (Chopin), played on Mg plaro Jan Cherniavsky, one could distinctly feel the beauty Ina more valiant attempt a "Valse" of Chopin was manipulated with its lH deep sounding base notes and diffi- cult fingering with as much skill as was shown in the favorite *'Rhap- Leo aveky played on: the violin two Russiah pieces by Wienia- waky with an evident feeling that he had entered inte their spirit, and also a "Nocturne" of Chapin, which was done with his usual grace and beauty. In the last trio three shart pieces, including the "Slav - Dance" of Dvorak, were rendered, but perhaps ood's | nomeack iH §t markable technique, has won the en-|#¢R , 2 13E iF nothing was more pleasant than the : Russian National Anthem, La Mar. seillaise and the British anthem, which were the concluding numbers. HELPED BY THE BLUE CROSS. The boys of ciety of this city ha received a let rer under date of Jannary 24th from Major F. Walsh, A.D,V.S,, Canadisn training division, Shornclitle, in which he states that he received two parcels of and knitted sponges a Tew days ago from this s0~ ciety and adds: x where bas been considerable de- lay in these parcels Soming forward, as yet I have not received the parcels that you sent me at Christmas: The bandages, as you sli know, have al ways been most useful. = the sponges, coming at this time of the year, are also & most useful article, and everyone tothe very. best of use, and the them cannot be taken as superior to grooms and drivers are all very well pleased {o have one, and any t tome while I am in Englal will be forwarded to the different divisions at tie front." % Major Walsh remarks that the work he is now engaged in is most interesting, but that he would like to be back with his old division at the front. However, as he is not able to ride a horse owing to a recent accel dent he will have to remain at Shorn- cite for some time yet Letters To The Editor ---- Are. Cases in Kingston. Kingston, Feb, 9.--(To the Edi- tor): 1 noticed your cartoon on the front page of the Whig last night. You don't have to go outside of this city to find men disabled through military service, unable to work, and getting neither pay or pension. 1 think the least the authorities could do should be the keeping of the wives and children (as promised by the state) until the men are able to do some kind of work. --CITIZEN. QUIET WITH POLICE; i. TWO OASES IN A WEEK This Has Been Quietest Week Since the City Went This has been am exceedingly quiet week in. police circles, the quietest the Kingston ctstodians of the law fiave experienced since prohibition was put into effect, There was no session of the Police Court on Friday morning. There was a session on day and there will be one on Saturday, as one Bas been booked, but two cases for the entire week is the record, which is certainly & good one for any city, And at that neither of the tases are ligor cases. One is for theft and the other for neglecting to send' ® boy to school. INVALID SOLDIER MISSING. Pte. McDonald of Belleville Was in 4 Kingston For a Time. Where is Pte. Frank McDonald, of Belleville, an -invelided soldier re- cently home from thé front, and a son of William - McDonald of that ? re. McDonald was. in a convales- in Kingston until sent home, but since Sunday morning, when he attended mass at St. Mie- hael's church in Belleville he has been missing. He is eighteen years old, tall and well built. He suffered from shell . shock and nervous trouble, : Died at Bongard's. "The death oceurred on Fob. 4th al 's of Mrs. James Bradley. Deceased was seventy-eight years. of age, and suffered from paralysis and failure, Her naaiden name was Kemp. She was a Method on, and wal beloved by a .of foiends and acquaint i i FRSEE Eid that was sent was put This great annual event should prove more fact we are offering the highest quality mercha SALE STARTS SATURDAY AT9 A.M. CO interesting than ever before because 'of the f ndise at less than today's wholesale cost. NTINUING MONDAY. BE HERE! FRENCH MODEL CORSETS 600 pair fine French coutil cotsets with re-enforced front satin trimmed; the celebrated D. & A., La Parisian and to $1.75, in all sizes. Sale price . . WHITE SHAKER--3000 yards, best Eng- lish and American mills flannefette; fine soft, fleecy makes that are most difficult to secure, on sale as-follows: 57 inch English shaker, reg. 18c. Sale 36 inch American shaker, reg. 25¢. Sale price. . .. Taipei ols 36 ' inch Horrockses famous English make; worth 35¢ a yard. Sale price, 23¢ ¥ Buy for your future , costs, TABLE. DAMASK "600, yards bleached table damask, full 62 1 give the utmost in satisfaction. This'is a splendid wearing quality that wil and 90c a yard. Sale price . . . $2.25 a yard. Sale price .. wo LIX LINEN 1100-yards white Lix-Linen, full yatd wide, * * linen finish, especially suitable for nurses' cost Regular 37icayard. Sale price .. SHEETING "800. yards "Special" sheeting, made of a fine round thread yarn, absolutely from dressing -- the retail price of thig' quality in Toronto wide. Sale price . . CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON 2710 yards ; annual event at Sale prices ...... FRENCH NAINSOOK 1250 'yards fine soft lingerie nainsook, a yards Sale price Ete a ad eb ME N 'S PAJA MAS--10 doz. fine make of white fannelette pajamas; full sized; Reg. $2.25, Sale price... .. ... $1.95 MEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR-=5:' doz. Pehiman's heavy wool shirts; the elastic ribbed style worth up to $1.50 4 gar ment. Saleprice .. .. :. ..., $1.00 10 doz. Scotch wool shirts a d drawers; next fall. Sale price . . WHITE' COTTON \ ' - s, aluminum steels, lace 'and E.T. from $1.50 .. .. $1.00 and UNDERWEAR makes; worth CAMBRIC--1800 yards extra fine un- filled cotton; reg. 1500 yards XXX I5¢. Sale price 124c¢ fine cotton cambrie; a very special value today at ,17c. Sale price . 2250 yan beautifal J niches wide; with six patterns to choose from. } fine white pillow cottons-in all the wanted . - 'widths a specially oe ee is 50c a yard. . .. 13e ds fine underwear cotton; a, soft even finished cloth; the : new price ig 22c a yard. Sale price us 17e TARLE DAMASK, DRESS LINON, SHEETING, PILLOW COTTON and NAINSOOK ! needs at the prices here quoted. - They represent present day mill Regular 85¢ 69¢ ie ea MLN ART ONY a WER H aT aa darai ah 480 yards pure linen double satin damask, full 2 yards wide at today's valuation worth an excellent wearing material, with a fine umes, children's wear, skirts and middies. ure and free ull 72 inches' ite 38 "ln priced for this 25¢; 29¢ and 35¢ full yard wide; at today's valuation worth $22¢ . i ass Ru ERNE WHITE LACE CURTAINS -- 360 pair, bought full 18 months ago and arriving only this week these . 60 pai 60 pair, : - Other $1.50 and oy ; the prices we quote for a saving of full 50%. , reg. 50c. Sale price . Ss 38e EE Cag '75¢. Sale price... i: reg. 85¢c to $1.15. Sale price $1.25. Saleprice |. . special values at 90c, $1.00, $ nd $1.75. ee ui 48c 59¢ . 75¢ * 1.25 FS ae a G4