Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1917, p. 4

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disputable evidende will yet be ven] < to the public--timre are but few Hi} crimes of black dishonor andl shame- § less villainy 'that would mot' have aij} place in the indictments against him | H§ and the staff of specialists in intrigue {I} and criminality which have been at- |i} tached; in one way 'or another 103} the German Embassy. Murder and Hii} incendisrism and explosions are per- iy haps the most spectacular put by wo Hi} means the most heinous of their Ji} erimes, and Capt. Boy-Ed and Von|HH Papen were only a little more con- Hi spicuous than others us criminally |} involved as they. = But the head and frit of ts who were new men. Then, a great many men who en- listed failed to fill out the necessary cards for their separation allowances and assigned pay. Quite a number enlisted 8s single men who Were really married, but who were afraid to say thaf they were married be- cause they thought they would not be accepted. These matters have oteasioned some trouble, but we are them rectified. . Whe fdable mistakes occur, de -- metimes, and ; being tinged in a political way, with | the usual results, It is simply de- , that wheh appeals gre being C4 ople to unite for a made to the an ) IF 50 when 3 rought to thd 'attention of one pranches that a. woman is not: ing her assigned pay or separation allowances through some reason, mot explained, she need not 8 'becduse the Patriotic Fund in y her all the money she needs until' the rectification is made, ¥ ------------_ ternational relations | i or wo nations, civilized or savage, is|if You n g Men's Shoes this polished master of scientificiiiy deviltry, 'who is dignified by beingiH Sizes 5 to 10. Patents, tans and blacks; button and blucher style. Regular $5 value for given passports by .the Govérnment Hi $3.50 at Washington. . The only passportiiiy Von Bernetorft has earned since he lH} eel ---- = evils of partisanship | ¥ must Tead to a rebel it and with some show |, = 3 ie ney] ody. An election with all its BORDEN GOVERN- 2 #MENT CALLED DOWN set foot in Washington -would be for {I a one-way trip to. a felon's cell. { ' a > > counfetiance the worst form |= conduct of this war. | Torente W rid, Biol i Naki Firecior 0 sie oH - is accumulating that Absolutely nothing has come out ti m the time bas come, not only for a of 'all the talk about Setting SWC iT gE ea itaataetes i recruits to supply the wastage at the Deas wtsossdosiaanssesan change of governinent, but a change | front among Canadian troops, - The "Yin the conditions of government, for men who are giving their lives ave Ld . Be in ety the formation of boards and comm!s- A Pais rural ) writing home to 'their friends and » 0 can institute reforms of Jour: sions that year, our, SITUATION THAT IS NOW INTOLERABLE -- A Sale of Men's First Quality Overshoes One buckle, sale i es 5 9 and 30. | Toronto Bar. : There is seething discontent in the [HH Army Medical Corps in this Military iy District, which may, break out at 1 any moment in such a manner as to | HN compel the attention of the Militta ih Department and the Government ati} Ottawa. The resignation of Col. Mar- low, Director of Medical Service, is foreshadowed. In fact it is well telling them what they think. A the most necessary kind. society has been formed of the .sol- diers' kin and they are taking. up / Mr. Pardee forced one when he de- a ch in the manner in the questions in which soldiers and 1diers' dependents and relatives which returned soldiers were being \ vided for, a change td which the Aad PD are interested. Ope soldier, writing from the front, said: "It will not be good for the politicians or the people who Se ra VE Ann $1.50 EE ober: FRONT 1 eter St. eo eRe Fifth Ave. iL {Hie down Wid premier readily assen as if weary of his experience with. Incomplete and incompetent methods that had been followed in dealing with a seri- ous question. just mow Is & nQn litical and effi- cient administration of all its war departments, the people will not walt long for a reckoning: with the government unless improvement is vopchsafed without further delay. ere What Canada wants reftise to help us out here when we get k, if we ever do." The tardl- ness of the government about taking action; the reluctance to do anything efféetive or ugeful; the plaintive walls of the premier over the fact that $6,000,000 were spent in send- ing unfit men across the ocear, all indicate an unintelligible . inability to appreciate the situation, Had proper means of recruiting been adopted, or the Militia Act been put in ferce, those 6000 unfit men would never have been sent known that there are very few of- ficers who hayes been so, plain spoken th the their. positions had they indulged in the straight talk handed out by the Colonel, Wnless good grounds exibted for the language. It is declared hy friends of the Army Medical Corps, that-the work 'ing with the care and repatriation of returned soldiers, is incompetent, inadequate and that politics have interfered; as indicated ' by gradual flitta Department, and 1 very few officers could have retained [HH of the Hespitals Commission in deal-1H oo Ls $2.00 TRE 1 pecial values, Two, three and four buckles; sale price . . oy See Bibbys English Caps; silk lined; beauties for . . Smart Suits and Overcoats; new pinch back style; $12.50, $15.00 and $18.00. re » : Young Men's : % 4 : 's EDITORIAL NOTES. Prince Tarsowski, the Austrian ambassador to the United States, will probably have to return home. His plight is that of Begnstorff's, and he is getting away from the United States as fast as he can. > sion forward, and the six millions would not have been wasted. The govern- ment have sat as lazy spiders do at the centre of an ineffective web wait- ing for stray flies to buzz in, The wretched 'inefficiency of the Crimean 'war 'arrangements has not been ab- sohitely paralleled in the Canadian management of the war, but it is the only similar affair that readily occurs to mind. The, fatuous resolution to spend $2,000,000 more on rifles, which will be of no use at the front, and are cer- tainly not required at home, is on a par. with other governmental acts and. policies. - Any company that can hold up the government of Canada for. $2,000,000 useless expenditure must have "'strong medicine" to 0p- erate with. And of what avail are entreaties on the part of the government far the people to be ecotiomical, when thig gov ppt itself Js 8 ing naler oun in this"way?® re So wonder the people ask an eflie- jent government, by whatever name it be.called, a ---------------- THE ! The comment of a the Toronto Star upon for natlo eryment, and. appar- } ,Awlis'that he saw no in Canada who could and take for his aim "atficioncy of tlie govern ment. The remark is perfectly true. There is (not among the Younger members of the ministry, or of the ho, 'having experi: n of public affairs, and a vision in connection peculiarly, his ows, ! 'preach a doctrine + will 'eledtrity. the people. At / Jeast no one with the ability and the tremendous energy which' the occa r makes any sign of life, take form. in K day, a aay There his to be the the government under present: condi- tions 1a not right, apd that it can never be made right with hie parties There has to be a motion. towards & change, gathering momentum from transfer of work from the Army; Medical Corps. to the Hospitals Com- mission. There is a feeling in the Army Medical Corps that the biggest medical problem which Canada has to face has begn given by the Govern- ment to a "bunch of Jaymen.'" Even it officers overseas had tq be brought back from overseas they would have |}1)t to come back through the Army Medical Corps. i Much friction ig caused by the fact that a greaf number of officers have been. desirous of going overseas for some time. Therp are a great num- ber of doctors in Canada qualified as officers who are willing to place their services at the disposal of the Army Medical Corps. Bul how, can they be of use when the great work of the Army Medical Corps in Canada is be- ing taken over by the 'Hospitals Com- mission, laymen and politicians? 1t is well knogny state, those who know, that wh organization there f& at the present Line #s the raantt o work done by the. Army Medical Corps. When the order-fii-couweil was passed craating 'the Hospitals Commission the only work for jhem to takefover was the work the district. Since then the Atmy Medi- cal Corps is smarting under a con- dition which makes it dcigally re- sponsible for the treatment of re- turned soldiers, snd gives it no say in the work which ig done in this con- nection. ing {horoughly dlssatiss fied with the work of caring 'for re- turned soldiers at present, and the or od Is Hass, Io a i e! Models. Speci $5.00 and $6.00 values $2.50. The director-general of National Service in Britaigiwill not stand for any man or woman Joking on while others are in We strgista dt the war. Would that the Dan general took ; ... A colored siiyor may csuse the United States to enter the war. The United States has shed much blood Already over the ARE" race, who are quite as much entitled to the protec tion implied. as Way other citizens. realisation that] "A. L. Davidson, M.D, is posing as sent a statesmdn. His claim to this dis- tinction lies in the fact that he dis- 'missed 'an old. public 'servant in the 'sounty of Annapolis who had tailed to bow the knee to him. A states] = man, is this jhe way be scts? A RAW PEN PICTURE 5 A California - preacher gathered OF BE five hundred social sinners into his | Lops . Va shurch and asked them 'the cause of fo be thelr dowsfall. They undnimouslyp Oe {nothing was @scred, nei some declared by's show of hands that they | ther truth nor honor nor any of the elt from grace, because before the courtesies of civilized lite. If the Army Medical Corps is determined fail they could not earn a living Is whole story: were ld--and the in- to end an intolerable situation. this a true bil? 4 - " PS -------------------------------- The United States is providing « *} vocational training; for its young people, beginning with the boys in} 'the public school, and 'at' a cost of about $32,000,000 a year. The more one thinks of Ct, the more he regrets that Canada did not embark in this movement when Dr. Robertson re- ported arpon it over five years ago. ----_-- 'The Orangemen . of - Kington are splendidly housedin their new quart- ere on Prigces street, The chamber for the gatherings is spacious, well] ventilated, chaicely decorated and ornamented. It is free of debt, a fine iing these days. Auspicious as was J Se opening it will be the aim of the y to propogate their doc- 90 that the hall will constant- rendezvous of Kingstonians | with lofty convictions of -------------------- We are showing the most complete and up-to-date line of electric fixtures in eastern ( 10 Sob 2 FESENN ~ HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE JNSURANCE "Head Office, Royal Insurance Bldg. MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. FRAEON Th ERAPISN as reson, IN No.3. tues VITAL WEAKNESS op w Soviet PRER ST, 1917 be left at house unless bottle AFTER FEB. 1 Milk will not Its either. rd * Random Reels "wif Shoss and Ships and Sealing Wax, of Qabbages and Kings" 47 2} yp lol] art. Phone 845 - Price's 3 THE H ANOTHER SNAP IN BOLL AND, PRIND BUTTER 43c per lb. nothing is going to stop him so long as his breath keeps coming. Some of the gréatest fortunes in this-coun- wy have been made by men who ran out of money several times, but al: ways. had "a reliable, ball-bearing | brand: of native (gumption = to fall{ upor. Many 'a father who had fought and olawed his way to the top with the ald. of OTHE good old Scoteh AMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKETS 'gumptioh Was tot able to leave any S Jagge wom TD 0h aceounts Jos the WE DO ALD KINDS OF TIRE AND rge 1 of two-legged vacuums |, : who would rather play got and suck} can in and wet Vora ' Chartteiise tHrotgh a straw than] elsewhere. First keep ' sonable io business from sliding down " F. J. Pearson & Co. ¥ Gumption Gumption is a mild explosive which acts like # bottle of straw- Derry pop With a. tack hammer," It ix one of the most useful ingredients man can have in his system, unless it is allowed to ferment too rapidly, when it becomes more dangerous than the sinuous hind leg of an ag- grieved mule, w "No man ever took the count in usiness life until He ran out of mption, . The young man who : ut with nothing but the pro- ceeds of his father's farm will not a 'good OLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS, ope. Age oms No up' rhe x 3 CHRD. NW. LONDON, SEE THAT TRADE MARKED D * THERAPION * IS ON BEIT, GOVT. ST ye i ~ . } 4 rn AT hefore . work and res- Di} haekward. THE BON MARCHE eacliers tlk a good deal about Phone 1844 the importance. of Tove in marriage, y but love which fa not | hooked wp ; with on on both sides 1s a niment than a od telephone operator. Ii is the case that a wife will | the gumption there is in the house, while her husband will be too 'upner to do anything but sit on a rock and fish, 'This teaches us that the of man over th with a bole in it. % § Cor. King and Earl.' "Caverly and Bradsh Lee greater edly tongu v leat Save a

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