Saturday Advange Showing of the Ve 'Latest Ideas for Spring, Rel New Spring Suits, New Spring Coats, New Spring Dresses, New Waists, New Skirts, 'New Neckwear, New Hats, All at Remarkably Low Prices. A pleasure to show whether buying - looking. Any garment placed uying or to suit your convenience. ALL WINTER GARMENTS i At Less Than Manufacturer's Prices. It will pay you to buy now for next year. ¢ Sead y T.J. J.O'Connor 260 Princess St." cher sire, lover i pc." ILY BRITISH WHIG, Il wire MUon T ORREMONY 7 THURSDAY AFTERNOON. ON With all the ceremony and ritual of the Orange Order, the new Drange hall on P.incess street was dedica- ted tg the order on Thursday after: noon when a large number of mem- bers. of the highest orders of the 'lodge were progent. The new hall was fairly well filled with members for the event, Grand Master Capt, E. H. McLean, Grand Master of Ontario East offici- ated. He was gssisted by H..C. Hoc- ken, Grand Master of Ontario West, and ex-mayor 'of Toronto; E. T. Es- sery, K.C., London, Past Grand Mas ter of Ontario West; Dufican Mun- roe, Cornwall, Past Grand Master of Ontario Bast; Judge Seott, Perth, Past Grand Master of British Ameri- ea; BE, F. Clarke, Belleville, Grand Secretary of Ontario East; William E. Lee, Toronto, Grand Secretary of British America; '+B, Kirk, Toronto, Grand Master: of Young Britons; William Banks, Toronto, Secretary of the Legislature Committee, and Past Grand Master of Ontario West; A. A. Gray, Toronto, County Master of York County; Willlam FitzGerald, Toronto, and Capt, William Craw- ford, Toronto, Concert in Evening. A concert and addresses by promi- nent citizens of the city and district and high officers of the Orange Order were given on Thursday evening. Th# musical numbers were of as high an order as~ the addreises which were by some 81 the best speakers in the Douniinion. W. F. Nickle, M, P., opened the meeting with a few appropriaie words, Mayor J. M. Hughes presided and introduced the speakers, Charles Webster said the trustees had turned ithe hall over free of debt and with a good rent roll. rio ng oo SPECIAL VALUES IN MEN'S ' OVERCOATS. : . $30.00 Coats, now . /,. «. Jee 0. $25.00 $20.00 Conte or |. ain $22.00 Coats, now ra 0 JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Miliary Tailor 131 Princes St. = |of Sir Richard Cartwright Bro, H. C. Hocken, Toronto, Grand Master of Ontario West knows fie ambitions and objects of the Orange order probably better than most of its members, and in his rem he showed the way in which the ation is befng built up. He stated that the Orange association is really the only Canada institution which is féaching Protestantism. This is a duty which has nat been taken up by the 'churches, In opening he congratulated the Orangemen of Kingston cn their en- terprise in making such a fine home for the Orange order possible. He sald that he knew of some of the Orange buildings through this cogn- try, but none were any. better than the" local edifice." He congratulated the architect on his spendid sense of proportion and design... The beauty of the building is bound to bring an inereased membership, Mr. Hocken then turnfy his at- gion to the bases on Which the ge order. has been bulit ub. "The Orange order is one of sincerity and tolerance," he said. The memoirs showed: this when it was sald the Orangemen bave long memories, but could not be bought. Orange Order Not Intolerant, ThesOrange order in Canada had at times been grossly misrepresent ed, the speaker said. This was mani- festly wrong, The tase of Mrs. Dar- eil of Quebec proved that point. The Orange onder has already spent $7. 00, and were prepared to spent $7,- 00 more to prove that the civil law is higher than the ectlesiastial 1aws. This woman is a Roman Catholic, A hh' Canadian Roman Catholic V7 | returned 1 Hocken, has a right 16 worship his God as hel} vt ganization some of 'the principles' farmer of Rockland; » near Ottawa, had his Tarm rescued from a priest he was trying to foreclose a mort- gage, This was done by the Orang order, which is tolerant declared Mr. It believes that évety man pldases, It holds, however, that in its .| opinion the Protestant religion fs the bést form and was prepared to teach that doctrine. On political grounds it intends to defend the Interests of the public schools and the wellare of all boys and of the province.and holds that al} should be in one set of schools. In 1908 the Orangemen of Ontario East and Ontario West. de cided that two sets of schools in On- tario were enough and prepared themselves to fight against French schools. ~ They have successfully fought so far and will continue to fight until every Ontario child gets an English education. In a demo- Orangemen are fighting: for educa- tion and a united Canada Mr. Hocken then said, Landry does not stop thls agitation against the principles which the Orange order stand for, 1 can tel yon that-he runs a grave danger of having even thé separate schocls wiped out." 4 Mr. Hocken added that he did not mean it as a threat or a plan of ae tion, but in a significant manner he showed that the British North Am- erica Act was not like the laws of the Medes and the Perisians, He closed his speech by eulcgizing Canada, It 'will be a country of 175 millions, and he hoped it would -be- come the greatest part of the' great British Empire, Dr. J. W. Edwards, M. P, Dr. J. W. Edwards, in referring to the Orange order, said that no other order or organization in the Domin- fon of Canada had done so mich' to uphold the principles for which men are dying in France and Flanders, "Any person," sajd the speaker, "who runs up against certain = of- ficials or dignitaries of a different re- ligious view will be labelled as nar- row-minded and bigoted. = I speak from bitter experience." He added that any member of the Orange order had muhe to be proud of.: Every per- son, either Protestant or Roman Catholic, has much to be grateful to the Orange order for. It is the or- that is big enough to stand up for certain principles which are threatened to, be turned asite. One of those cases was the Manitoba School question. Here was a case of a change of government created by the Orange Association. Every per- son, when they pray, If they do, has reason to thank G and the Orange order for many thin The samé may be said of residen i of the Unit. ed States, if théy ever raise their eyes from their 'moupey-bags long enough to pray and thank God for the British navy. That navy has kept the seas clear. In regard to the part that Canada and parts of Canada had played in the war he sald: "Ontario has al- ready subscribed 96 per cent. of its allotment of 'the 500,000 men Pre- mier Borden promised Great Britain. The Maritime Provin have given 60 per cent; Manitoba, Saskatche- wan, Alberta and British Columbia over 100 per cent. but Quebec has given less than 30 per cent. Quebec province had as much at stake but instead of ek owieging their debt they have put a burden on the rising generation." The bilingual question cotild have 'been settled long ago, before it at- tained its present porportions but for political cowardice, said the speaker, who took objection to Junketing trips between the provinces of Ontario and Quebec by university professors, whether they call them- selves the Bonne Entente or anything else. The Orange order should unite to put any government out of power when it compromises on the French question. , + Hon. W. D. Macpherson. Hon. W. D. Macpherson, provincial secretary, first referred to the im- mensity of the workithat the officials in Toronto were now engaged in and the nearness that had come to mak- ing his visit impossible. In regard to the Orange order, he mentioned the pride he took in be- ing a member, apd what. other mem- bers had a right to be. pron of, He congratulaied ihe city and county on having such es as W. F, Nickle, Dr. J. W. Edwargs, A, M. nkin and Tol. A. £. Ross; referring st some' jenith to the latter's recent reayemen 2a IDAY, F FEBRU RY ¢ eracy such as Canada isgthe dangers Iii of illiteracy is the greatest of all, The {Jill "If Senator | IN FINE FURS An manufactured furs at great- Iy reduced prices, and every article marked in plain figures, Ladies' Hudson Seal "Coa 42 inches long, choice quality, Newest design. Sale Price $115. Ladies' Muskrat Coat Made from selected skins, lined with Skinner's guaranteed line ing, 45 inches long, Sale Price, $63. Neck pieces anil muffs, in the popular furs, at big reductions. SEE OUR WINDOWS. Campbell Bros, Kingston's Oldest - Fur Store. 7 Cauliflowers y Oranges -- Lemons FOR LADIES We offer dressy patents in in pum also some with large buckles, J PnE, A . and kid colonials; some with beaded varnps; A prices $5.00,-$4.50, $4.00. EE : Colored satin pumps at $3. 00 in black; white, gold, blue and pink. Evening pumps for men in gun "metal and patents, $5. 00 and $4.00. : Fresh Made Every Day. Sakell's ri In Three and Five Piece Mahogany Parlor Setts; and Tapestry and Leather Couches and Arm Chairs AT | James Reid Florida Celery | Applés -- Grapes Cranberries Henderson' Sy 59.61 Brock Street. On hall. of the returned he appealed: to his audience to do everything possible for them. 'It is our bounden duty to stand up for the soldier," 'said the speaker. The Soldiers' Aid Commission want- ed help, and be would request that all paler be made so that full Justice could be done, Mr. Macphersox then turned fo of the Orange Dr. Halls "The Busy Store With the Large|Stock. en in NOTHING LIKE A GOOD HOT WATER: BOTTLE» Pe he vik roa All prices from -85¢ 1093.00. ~~ "AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE, Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets. : Telephone 41,