signed £6 ok ia scr: he me ¢ dar, and rs, Jev ite, he thelr Tp, daughter, W; Hed to. McGregor Eas- oi: I he.gnly aon of Mr. and Mrs. Sine, Bun Frank B. passed away ; a the AE of his mother, Mrs. | x week Si aX n i with Ep If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Bo- , thers, Drink Lots of Water. When your "Xianeys hart and you: back feels sore, don't get goa) SCAT proceed to load your some Jot of drags the tha lrritate the ot Paacroft suffered heavily tl lumberman, People's Society of $ church the annual 2 meet and friends evening. Mrs. Wiggs of the * Riustrated by a line ey, was re-told hy Fe Lennon iu the lecture Grace Church last evening be: large I do aid of the He large and is Union Jaek been presented to the comgrega- a Saw Methodist Church by ® of the ladies of the congrega- n alarm of fire trom the ¢ofner Charles street on Wednes- ernoon brought out the bri- Ae in good time, but the fire, which | the house adjoining Roberis' bakery, had jot eonsiderable headway betore dis- covery, and quite an amount of dam- age was dove to the building and the aged | orogter part of the coptents. The pirce was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Craig, and was owned by Mayor F. J. O'Connor. Michael MoGarry is confined to his "ome on Oak street quite' seriously Mts The local corps of the Salvation Army held quite a dice and well at- tended social at their hall on Garden street on Wednesday evening, Herbert Nelson and George Cur- tain 'have enlisted for oversegs ser- vice with the 72nd Battery this Week. Arthur Bishop was in Kingston 91 vesterday offering his servites for overseas. Tot | BANOGROFT VILLAGE * LOSES HEAVILY BY FIRE Blaze s Several Slores-- Val Parniture De- Stroyed. Bancroft, Feb. 9.--The village of by fire EL Starting about 11 lowen end of the Yellow he fire travelled up the until arrested by a vacant because 'open space, heh alone saved: the rest of the business section, churches and resi- denoces to the sou oi Thode, ho lost averything were: nape) we room and barber Soon. ames Caw, butcher, saved ow . from his stock, and: lost office A stock Of furs, rarnjituré an teen chests of tea, The taraitire le for the Brith American Ho- in. anticipation of the bie in 1860, was destroyed office property, "The People's Telephone poy head pflice was gutted . dsughter of ER 0 hy & re- a Ani | uaed a Th On Mi + Oud N.Y. v. a. HY in marringe Miss Mary ra Allen, Brockville aa Mardon hi | Bao Ge Giles, a wel Vows resident +. passed a n Frid as born, all his lite in thé Township. .~ EE ne, but a feally 'to pre- | p.ou. The! \ use of the fire is at present un a THE [wary Hum u-soaTs eal) SUNK OR CAPTURED fhe Pirates Depend Greatly on ": Their Guns Rather Than Torpedoes. : London, Feb, §--Naval officers #Pe sure the next few days will see an offsetting of the Teutons' grand finale of fireworks. Although 'absolute silence regards submarine. operations is the rule naval 'men, it Is sald that the 's measures are proving ef- Bt toctive and that & fair average of submarines Is being . taptured or It ia impossible © Vo any figures regarding the number of *U-boats now, preying on commerce, but it is [not 300; as ome reports from Scandi havian countries have placed it. For the last week all wireless star tions, cables and telegraph wires have been crammed with reports as 'to the effect of the new submarine activity. All show that the subma- tines now depend greatly on their guns rather than on torpedoes to ace complish the king of ships. Out of seven torpedoes fired at merchant ships not a sin one found its tars get. The vessels either saw the tor- pedoes and managed to evade them or the German markmanship failed. British Navy Saves Shipping. (Special to the Whi New York, Feb. 9 The British navy seems to be getting the sub- marine menace under control, and it is presumed many submarines have been sunk or captured. Only four ships are reported surk to-day up to these wore Norwegian and one Bri- tish. Thd Laté C. Cronin. Catherine Cronin passed away on Thursday evening at the House of Providence, after a lingeridg illness. The deceased came here when very young, and was a servant in Kingston homes, including that of Mrs. J, Walken. She was born in England seveniy~one years ago. :- Changes in O; N. R. Time. Beginning Feb, 12th train will leave Kingston for Ottawa and east, also Toronto and west at 2.20 p.m. arrive in Ottawa 7 pm. arrive in Toronto 9.50 p.m. Leaving Ottawa 12.30 p.m, arfive Kingston 4.25 p.m., Toronto 9.50 "For : particulars apply to J. Bx Ivey, station agent, or M. C. Dunn, city agent, 171 Wellington street; telephone 88g. : Ae . : Magazines ed Today. Mareh issues! -- Coemopolitan, Hearsts, All Stor Weekly, Literary =| Digest. The College Book Store Open Nights, BE x # DAILY BEITISE 2 p.m., New York time. Three of | 8° B.|263rd Q. U. Highland Battalion, [| WHIG, FR RID. Y, AT WAS HELD AT BEUI BEULAH CHURCH, | ; PARHOTS BAY, tn tere ethan Quis jarge rye enthusiastic gathering Eh EE engy.s of Reeve Long-| more of Ca wis the result of | the labors Sion ha members of the Wo. | man's Ingtitu 'district off Thursday evening. The t's a Bort snd was addressed wy Tuifs 1a Mr. Maclear of . 80d Dent t." E,W. Skinner, 263rd Q VU. Highland Battalion, and a varied programme of recitations, ios and instrumental selections! were rendered, by Rev. Mr, and Mrs. | 'Seymour, Miss Parrott, Corp. Sterry yy Piper Fraser. Judge Lavell sfiforced the respon- sib which on every member of the community ip' these strenuous days, and the duty of all, both men and women, to do all that lies in their power to further the greatest national effort the world has seen. Rev. Mr. MacTear showed that the peace which whs so necessary to the prospenity "of the individual could only pe'attained by the readiness of citizen to subordinate his own bie being to that of the community, and to defend his' own and the na- tional interests by serving himself, in person, of by contributing to the support of those whe were able to! Miss Fairfield, 'Secretary of the Women's Institute reported on the work done for the Red Cross and showed the need of more gifts of money and materials, Lieut. E. W, Skinner of the 253rd mn, C.E.F., set forth thé oppor- tanity which the Battalion offered to those who were able to go them- selves. He laid it on the science of those present to enlist if they were physically fit, and if not, that they should stimulate ahd encourage those members of their families who were able to come forward. The meeting was brought to a close by the régimental march of the "The Campbell's are Coming," by Piper Fraser, and the National An- them. 'A.good collection was taken up for the Red Cross. Kingdton Curlers Defeated. M. P. Reid and J. F. Macdonald, of Kingston, were defeated by R. Rice and F. 'BriKerr, of its, Queen City club, by 40 to 23 in the ai-finals' for the. Governor-Gene- al's 'competition in Toronto on Thursday. 45 Will Return, to Kitchener. Kitchener, Féb. §.--The board of Trinity, Methodish church 'has unani- mously. invited: Rev. C. A. Sykes, Battalion oan Thufltay yssiwee 2 & Uno... JEniatingSuisring Addresses Were G8 BR. + «18% bres: carri (Queen's University) 'Highland Bat- |. UARY 9, 1017, Ee -- QUOTATIONS GIVES Of the Stocks Offered on New York Racing . New York § Stocks, 2.30% =. Atchison we we 0 wy. 101% JOT $e Tr » RK 92% {Eri 18 vn mrs 25% BEA PR ss <r «ra Northe Pacific .. .. Pennsylv. ania An th aa Réading . "so. of Collins Bay and (8t. Paul .. .. .. ... | Onion Pacific .. meeting was held at Beulah ebureli, | Bethlehem Steel .. .. Bon Steel vied S.8teel .. .. .. . Hite. Nickel ,. !Amer. Loco. General Electric .. COAL SENT TO TORONTO. sident of Queen ¥. "For God's sake send coal," wrote a resident of Toronto to a Kingston coal dealer. He asked that the coal be sent to him by ex- out, The Toronto aan was called upon to pay $8.25 for his ton of coal, and in addition to this had to cover the charges of the express, which amount ed to $10. vv Bairnsfather's. 3rd Fragments from France is eas- Hy the best ever issued. Over 1560 sold in the first two days. Obtain- able only at the College Store. A spinster, who says she is glad of it may make everybody believe it but herself, I ---------------------------------------- Alkali In'Shampoos .. Bad For Washing Hair Don't use prepared shampoos or anything else, that contains too much alkali, for this is very injuridus, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. mulsified cocoanut oil, pure and entirely greaselese. 'It is very cheap and beats anything else all to pieces. You can get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will Jast the whole family for mnths. ahd rub it in, about a teaspoonful is all that is required. It makes an ab- undance of rich, creamy lather, clean- tses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries guickly snd evemly, and is soff, fresh looking, bright, B.D., to return fora second year at 8 stlary ot 2,250, n_ increase of $350. He sia uot to approval of stationing committee. fluffy, vi and busy to handle. Be- sides it loosens and takes out eVery particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. A Local Dealer Shipped Ton to Ré.| 55 0 Soa) ately, and his wish was E The best thing to use is just plain = for this is|{SS "1 THOMES COPLEY sand Telephone 987 ng ahything done in the line. Estima yen. on repairs and po ETE wood rece! Queen. floors of all ki prompt at street WHEN YOU DECIDE TO HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED FOR GLASSES, PHONE US FOR AN APPOINTMENT. PHONE 690. and STEW T, Opt.D. ORI anchHist, Opp. Post Office Plione 600 e a ton of | == Simply moisten the hair with water {S54 | Time Limit ta February Sale Specials Boys' Suits, sizes 30 to 34. Sale price $2.95 Men's Freize Overcoats, sizes 36 to 44, : Sale price .. .. + $8.50 Boys' Suits, sizes 28 to 34, worth $8 and $9. Sale price . . .. . $5.50 Men's Fine Shirts, size 14 t6 17. Sale ch ol sv avon DBE All Rhice X Overcoats, veduced to less than Cost Price. Efrgarsy > san wh pa sina og dE fink fo Lepind