Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1917, p. 7

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Keép your sayings in The Bank of Toronto and watch your grow through your regular deposits and the The financial strength of this jong established Institn for your money. : F R SALE Six room frame dwelling, large lot and heating, $500 stable, $100 cash required. Nine room brick, hot water will handle this. University Ave, $4400-- Lower Union St., nine room brick, all mod- ern. This is in a particularly good locality. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones: Office wx 1 A --C You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- : tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have ourselves as experts, Will you come in and be convigeed? 7 I i } Phone 1994 124-198 Clarence St. Free inspection of any This is the W necessary balance by the Bank. ensures safety 68; Res. 874 Comidg, The Miracle of Love. Ki nm has more snow than she really knows what do wiv' Anthony 'Rankin, SLP.P. spent several days in Toromto 'ais week. H. Cunningham, plane turner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store. Work of repairs on some of the lo- eal coal schooners laid up in Kings- ton has been commenced." Delivery men are finding = much difficwity in handling supplies owing to the immense quantities of snow. , The M of Love. Quite & number from Kingston al- "| tended the borse races held at Cape Vincent on Tuesday, Wednesday and pial. a A 'o comply with demands of boards, socjeties, institutions and committees some $206,000 would be neceasary for the ingreases asked. H. C. Hoeken, editor of the Orange Sentinel, is a Tine apeaker and knows his subject thoroughly, write with intensified vigor. Coming, The Miracle of Loxp. Hon. W. D. McPherson, provincial secretary, returned to Toronto last night, He gaid he wis so busy he could not spare a day. Sr J. 8. Bibbit, of Kingston, was elected a director at the annual meeting of the Ontario Fall Fairs Association, held in. Toronto. The Miracle of Love, What is it? The saow storm of Thursday night kept e street railway employees busy slearing of thé line. The broom and snow p were on the rounds all day Friday, F. McCue, late of the Windsor Ho- tel, has left for Rochester, N. Y., where he fakes over an hotel. His family will not go: until May. The Mimele of Love. Watch for it. A public service bulletin issued from Toronto shows that Rockwood Hospital here has forty-eight mem- bers of the staff overseas on active service, The bigmest thing in years. The Miracle of Love, £ : A jwatérfront In a stove at the home of John McGrath, 55 Earl street, exploded Thursday night, and the firemen were called. No fire re. sulted, the damage being confined to the stove. 2 A house on Lower Princess street was badly flooded Friday morning when & water pipe burst, A mother and seven children had a very un- comfortable time. The Miracle of Love, What js it? Mrs. Ro Boyes died in Nap- anee. on Thursday aged eightv-one years. She was mother of C. H. Boyes, Kingston, and J. L. Beves, Napanee, to whom sincerest sym- pathy will be extended, The biggest thing in years. The Miracle of Love, The president of Board 'of Trade wishes to 1 edge the receipt of the following do- tions for the Belgian Relief Fund: rock = Street Methodist Sunday school, $12; Young People's Club of Godfrey, $10. the y \ ---- / (Special to the Whik) New York, Feb. 9.--The freighter But he can} acknowl |' Vaudeville Feature Photopiny DOROTHY DALTON, CHAS. RAY asd LOUISE GLAWN, is "THE WEAKER SEX" x - # >a Three Great Stars in a Great Play Tre Tees EVENING, 100. 100 NEXT WEEK MONDAY, TUBSDAY & WEDNESDAY VAUDEVILLE S.iart Master Pleture 6 Burke eggy" EVENING 20e, MATINEE 15¢ . NO BR FINEST FANCY SEEDED RAISINS are packed in CARTONS, Insist on the RED Ly AVOTION SALE Saturday, February 10th, at 1.30 p.m. Corner King and Princess Streets Taylor Safe, large refrigerator, sot-| fee grinder, met cutter, cash register, show oases, tables, stools, chairs, GENERAL nbd "w Jerk. Apply y. Brook. street. SERVANT, PLAIN COOK, washing; good wages. dopl after 7 o'clock to Mrs. Merrick, 139 William street. ecm RSE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. ™ Siete. Once, 26¢; Ae Mines. $00; one week, $1.00. POR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NovELTY 8, toys, see Frank W. Ceo Clarence street. ------------------ RECORD CABINET, HOLD 50 REC. ord®; good as new; cheap, Apply & 46 Charles atreet: riesgo or bread case, desk, clock, heater, gros FARM OF 100 ACRES, POUR MILES from ston. Apply céries, etc. WM, MURRAY, Auctioneer, HORSES WANTED Pablie Taspection. Lge 3 Windsor Hotel Saturday, Feb. 10th. Pon RAE ISL ARS Bet For further in tion appl: Brice. y ©. and, Wolfe Inland. IA ANN ANNA Store. COVERED RINK sng JUNIOR OLA, CHAMMONSHIP PETERBORO vs. KINGSTON JuNions. She Not w i H pou : 41 AND street, § rome and BRI USES 0) TG iruet; modern; meas King 0. Gib- eon, R.R. No, 1, Cataraqui, Ont «a DIV. each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- fon street. | ARTE AND Ee 1. a C, W. Et fine. whers desiro at AR, APPLY. Me HORSE, . FIFTEEN quarter Hands high, eit exceptionally. €ood for: any Jind of work AND ihree. bro- 0 sesn Bt 382 Alfred street. ---- tsmtry ie Brock street, © RESIDENCE, ven rooms; in Orst class ©o! jon, &nd &11 mod improvements Posses BRICK STORE AND STORENOUSE, IN smart count village; at Saray and arge lon i condi m $1000, 10 'W tate, quick. G. A. Batema treet, -------------------------------------- ". As B, "OUNNINGHRAMN, BARRISTER Juioding Wer ie via] = Get aan Sand hn din May lat, Apply 1 vision appoluiment. Srp ------------------ sum y street. Owner may ha be + calling at 106 Patrick Hi, a prov A PO sum Idroh's Store. A Woot ® ¥ TESTAMENT, , Earl st Tuesday. Owner may have same ai Whig Office. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE A GOLD BRACELET, SET WITH pearls, Princess, Brock or Clergy streets. Finder kindly leave at Wihig Office and receive reward: ceive reward. GOLD RING, SET WITH ANETHYST hetween St. James' church and Hoslery Mill, by way of Arch, George and O'Kill streets, on Tued- day. Finder return to 84 Arch St and receive reward. T0 LET FURNISHED BED ROOMS A 2061 Princess strdet, over ldeal eatre. eee do Era ADDLY SoA Bn rs. Apply . n Narance stdeet. SIX ROOMED #RICK "HOUSE ON Pine Street, above Division, G. A. Bateman, 67 rence FURNISHER ROOMS, ALSO ROOMS for ngnt housekeeping, 396 Prin cess, between Barrie and Division, INITURR,' N, Aly rooms; your own rook and key. Frost's City Storage, in Queen street. Phons 536; res. 989. JENNIE ©. SHAW 'WILL QPEN classes in all kinds of pal h embroidery, snd art work. Stud $3 Clergy street; open from 2 to Monday, 'Wednesday and y, DENTAL gi A. BR. ee ------------ satus KNAPP Ofte, 358 Prisceis Girast. Pion 3 ARD W. 3 EAE NAAR TONY, Phone 636. : -------------------------------- DR! SPARKS AND 8 ARIS, ho) gr 7 169 Sh x street, Lo DDE, 8. h Phone 34 ARCHITECT a eto. mess, S07 1 Ton » Cunningham, OFFICE ON WELLING , wecupled by Mr. GF prey, two ms, eleotpie ght' and hot wa. ohsession Phone $087" <°, LEGAL, Moltor, - Law office, 79 Clar- and gol Kingston ence street, 0 B ws SONS, Patents, t BOARD AND ROOMS ABCOCK 8 Stab, 171. 4 . erly Pa Examiner. his eve A ARE) tal oe free. 3 teetiow' 3 ton: Apply 24% Brock street. Branches rence # -- een foo Manas of new an i +) k ture. oa A 'sleeping porch end *rtperee * -- a, GERRACHNE, Toe all modern cons car de- 147 748. veniences. Good dine, Terms easy. A focation near iE * an BON nol Bt. South. Phone EACYS WANT Thrée: bright, intelligent girls, Those wishing steady employ=

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