There Ample Accommodation Aor. © Farmers. y In securing a for ti ference held at the Board o rooms on W ' 0 Mayor Hughes some inf "mation in addition to that of at the meeting was not eon-| of ling, b cerned iu this, so did pot take op "the mater. i a "The one subject Tew isi that of i} stablng for the {armel Hi] two conferences have # been & great "among citizens regards who are very anxious to how the sitnation stands and w 'or not fit 1s the case ! scarcity' of accpmmodath farmers. Hl erecting a building to Hl horses of he farmers." Il caxpayer to the Whig on F certainly would be oppo! tw city paying out any money for this. I Our taxes are going to be Pr high The war has" i} pears that it will be imposs | keep down the tax rate, and 1 IM test very strongly against the(people i} being taxed for a building, such as ll has been mentioged. I think that' with the hotel stables we have 'there should be ample accommodation, and IH it the charges were made so that the proposition' would be a paying e I tor the hatehman I do not think that there would be any trouble. | gourse, what we firat want to know Bik 1s as to whethér oF bot we have MY ample accommodation. Then, if we have the decommodation. why spend money in erecting a building. BILLIE BURKE IN "PRGGY" 1 J ene IE Coming to Strand in a Masterpiece in 1 Right Reels. "Peggy" was especially written to give free play to the eapecial gifts of Billie Burke. It is a comedy, be _cansh that is Miss Burke's undoubted field. But "Peggy" also" contains good sound drama, It tells in effect a consistent and logical story of an ili American girl, whose vivacious spirits are transferred across the ocean to the down 'settings of the Scotland Highlands, ' "Peggy'™' opens on a I! luxurious estate near New York city. 1! | Mies Burke is discovered standing in | guntain spraying without fear or if tavor the house party guests who have' dared hér to do "something dif. ll ferent." 'There comes a letter from v uncle and guardian in Scotland. {He dagands that she leave America and {he do-nothing s=% in Which she fa Being ienred and herceforth make er home with him, his wife ghd fon Scotland. She protests and fain a vivid picture of the contrast between Inher hoyduish freedom and: the re- strictions she fears will be placed up- on her #8 her new environment. But in the end she goes, and there among the rugged Scots, the rough edges of her character are tempered, and ad tahe es a real woman. Second only in importance to seeing Billie Burke in "Peggy" 1 the desire of all lovers of the photoplay, particularly women; te see the wonderful cos- fumes she wears. And ueh a varie A' small mountain of trunks needed 'to convey the many are tistic models of the modistes of New York and Paris to the Ince studio, near Los Angeles. "Peggy" will show! wa the first three days of next 'week. ; i ------------------ CONVALESCENTS ARRIVING, Another Bunch of Returned Soldiers __Arvivifig in City at Noon Sanday. Corgl. T. Mason, Richmond; Gr. G. Carter, Wallington; Pte. C. Ries) Maynooth; Pte. P. Gravel, Rocion- illo; Pte J. Finlayson, Brockville; J. Holiday, Cornwall; Pte. L. Brady, Lancaster. Pte, R. Cl A Carrying Place; Pte. C. Moore, Belle- fie: Pte. J. Munrie, A. Pegg, A : G. Chattew, Sergt. H. Wat- voit Pte. A. Pipe, 8. ; "Kingston, will arrive on Sun- aL noon. of Trade 12d wilil that favorite screen star, Fanny Je oF be 3 At the be| Wito 'want to go' {6 France Ina ve They came to Canada At Griffin's. : It was a very large and weil pleas- led audience that attended at Griffin's jest night to see that wonderful ser- in photo play form "ldie Judgitg from the opinions ressed by large numbers of those present, it created a mild sensation is no doubt If up to the ad- 'in connection "Js beyond al "1 a elas by itself it only for bn is conveys to every think- ._ 10 addition to the above : ure: the management has so bie of those high-class Lasky "The Years of the Locust," Jeading role. This sub- completa even- The balance of bill, which consists of an "Shield place 1 list of features will be shown to-day And Saturday, m#tineet and evening. Capacity business last night at this theatre greeted the presentation of the latest Triangle play, "The Weak- er Sex." which has Dorothy Daiton, Caarles Ray and Louise Glaum as af tri-star combination; If @ woman has won a place fw the business or pro- fessional world does her marriage mean that 'she' must necessarily re- linguish it to become mistress of her household? Thit is the quettion raised in "The Weaker Sex." The play answers, the question and the answer proves satisfactory to most of the women 'who 'see the picture. Other good' reels, a mile of keystone fun and froMc and Ray and Wilson in a harmony singing act complete & wel] balanced programme that will be shown again to-night and Satur- day. \ Lp -------- Coming: The Miracle of Love, AN URGENT OALL COMES FROM ENGLAND Railway Men Wanted--257th Battalion fo Stop Re- cruiting. An urgent ¢éall has come trom Eng- {and te militia headquarters, Otiawa, for rac. way constrétion mem In this connéktion Lieut 3Col, L. T\ Martin, officer, commanding 'the 237th Rail- way Ccnstractron Battalion, has been paid 4 zignal coftiplimant. by head- duarters, He has been specially re- quested to finish reeraiting wis bat- talion 'Sefore the end of this month to be ready to shswer' this urgent call. The authorities at Ottawa must hate great faith mht. Col Martin's K ability a8 a réctd¥ter, "but the facts about. this battali¥in are of a kind to} justify this confidénde. Lido). Martie'! began active re- craiting for' the 37th on Jan. 11th. Complete reports © received to date show uver 800 méh on the strength of the. hattalion.® Thi: leaves some 200 men to complete establishment. This active and pdpular conps ibveer- {ain to be up to full strength. of two weeks. Onders ar®ito. 16 tinue recruiting-dtiithat UUme: short time, must; therefore; join the 257th Battalion &t once. The present call for recruits is the ast one. t.4Col. Martin will issue It the 257th is sent to France this 'nionth in answer 40 the urgent. call for railway builders just received trom England; it will constitute the Capt. Herbert Mairray Recovering. The central registry branch of the department of militia dod defence, Ottawa, was the scene of a presenta- tion,~Wwhen 'Joseph Messinger, and Oliver Shaw, were the recipients of} military wrist watches, donated by | members of the . siaff in honor of their enlistment in the 72nd "Queen's University Battery. fi Complaints having been received thst persons have masqueraded as British officers in the United of 'America, the following insl tions have been Issued: Any office proceeding to er through New York, {oF any purpose, is to report himself on. arrival to the British Naval At- tache at that place. No officer is 2 proceed to the United States of erica on leave in uniforms - y of-| fieer proceading to the United | ot America, either on leave = on duty is 'to call upon the Hritishk Con- sal on arrival at his destination and | establish his identity. In the event of 'there being no Consular Office at that particular piace, he is to write and inform the nearest British Cen- | sul of his arrival and the duration of his. stay. | E. Tredeau, L. Patry (Ottawa), A; H. HarradNe, Vv. MeDonald, G. ka- Flamme, H. Marrell and J. Gilmore hye been taken on the strength of | the: 263rd Queen's University High-| landers. 3 ©. Knowles 253rd, has been pro- vistonally promoted to be sergeant. | ------ -~ -, A large namber of soldiers were, the guests of the Guild of St, Pauls Anglican church at the military Y. M. C. A. held last evening. The men entered quite freely into the 'hand- shaking contest and everyone got well acquainted. Following this was a drawing contest in which the men were asked to sketch the face of any lady. The results were mosi amus- ing: . A choice musical programmey was also given by the Misaes Suther- land, Misses Weir and Grady, Miss Vv. Saunders, elocutionist, and Sergt. Milne, pianist. The chairman Wass Canon FitzGerwid. The "chairman spoke very highly of the work of the military Y.M.C.A. and of the very kind and generous assistance of the jad es in connection with the enter- tainment for the soldiers. The lad- jes of. the gully served refreshments, Another fine social evening is arrang- ed for Saturday evening. On! Tuesday evening, the 13th, a St. Valentine's social will be given at the military Y.MJC.A. D. BE. Murray has received word that his brother, Capt. Herbert Mur- ray, of No. 7 (Queen's) Canadian Hospital overseas, is recovering from a very serious Jliness.of blood poison- ing. Capt. Murray has been in hos pital in England for trelitment, C.RO., was and leaves on that the larger cent have been Ar 830 O'Clock. Tomorrow. we. yill offer the fol- lowing very special t hi cured, at prices much'be present day values, and every wo- man should see these. just se: w their well combed for eligibld men. He is nding next week al Aylmer, pineauville, Buckingham and the county of Labelle in Quebec, where special efforts will be directed to- wards recruiting for the Forestry and Railway Construction: units. # <|:"He spent the past. webk at Mille Roches, Wales, Aultsvilie and sur rounding places addressing meetings that had been arranged by Sergt.- Major Frésman. The public in these places Is anxious to co-operste, and he found wil the audiences very en- thusiastic. Ipapt. T. Mellroy, Queen's Field Ambulance, left on Friday for Brock- record for quick. action in the rais- ing and departure of a complete bat- talion the war began. mai wi Organ Recital and Safred Concert, Will be held in St. Lake's church Sunday evening at-8.30. Process, "Onward, Christian Sold ers" tative and solos, J. D. Ba them, "Hark, Hark, My Soul." 'Wilson 'and eho'r; Graves, Nile Horton; violin solo, noes; em, 11i Not Let Me Go," ©. Graves and "dutt, Messrs. J. D. Bankier ders; solo, D. Coup- Father Cheer Our on and choir; re- Love. Watch for it. "of the Ontario Association in ville to examine recruits for the Lieut.<Col. G. H. Gillespie leaves on Saturday for Tofonto, where he will be*Bn a board of officers on a military matter concern:ng military district No. 2. . ; The court of inquiry into forgery charges against Pay-Sergt. Nelson, Service Company, has com- 4s work and is making a re- port to Brig. «Gen: T. D. R, Hemming, G.0.C. Those on the court Were Lieut, -Col. G. H. Gillespi~ president, and Capts. Kidd and Billings, mem- bers. : ' ei February 14th, Everyone expécts a Valentine. The Gibson Art Line priced from 1¢ fo $1.00 is shown in 1917 goods only at The College Book Store. ------ a ---- _ The Taste's the Test. | After tasting Carnovsky's Blue are the best in town. i 650 PAIRS WHITE TURKISH TOWELS Size 42 inches Yong, wide: 'considered: exceptiona good value at 60c a pair, SPECIAL TOMORROW 19¢ EACH, OR 2 PAIR FOR 75c. & 4 ga 3 900 YARDS LINEN CRASH ROLLER TOWELLING * This is an excellent quality 'of Union towelling, 16 inches wide, and worth today |8c. TOMORROW 12}c YARD. bike y 20 inches lly wad 125 PAIR FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Soft and warm, white with blue border, white with P grey with pink or a rge size, 68 in wide; 76 in. Special Tomorrow, $1.65 a Pair. ink border, lue border; long. r Point Oysters yon will say that they -