i Higgs, fresh, doz. . RE » 3 Cod, steak, 1b. . . .. : h t "> | Eels, ane ow 10 3 .r g Miclprial Review, February, 1817, mE aamNHTS, 4 11510: No.6, SLIM No. 4, PoC tL = arid, bus... larger Ratt iid thal We ge oe ave #To0Q MARRY §1.05%e; No. 3 CW. 63%4; extrs|pinnan Haddie, Ib. Turnips, bush. ... .. sect-pieces thant 'we' got with small . Toromte. \ No. dJond, 52 Ne: No, 1 feed, 51-I Hake, Ibi: .. ao -- seed potatoes Qurp ractise fs to se- ; 9 ces Stronger. 3 NO. ' . fresh, ter e finest potatoes for seed Taranto, Pe, 3. Prices stronger.) Nes 00, F Nor 4; 8634e:/ rejected | Halibat 337] ides ana Shina--John MKAY. "| Cut these tn hal: If WO wish to have rr choice, $10 to $11; (7%. Flax--No. 1 NW.C, $2.54 % ; | Kippers, Limited very early potatves--and' we always maa go Si 4 ¥ PEEEEG ? 5 Hil § an rk. 0 a "30 | several weeks before the garden sea- For Pollmsn node tioe. Tie New York. «+ $2.00 son and transplant them when it is kets, and all other. information. apply to New York, , 9.~~Flour y 1b. § (mane and tafl warm enough. We cut the seed, dest IP, RANLEY, AGENT, Spring patents, $8.50 to $8.75; . 15 on), each .. -. ++ -+ «+ .. 8.00] the cut surface with powdered sulfur Car. Jenuaan and dutarte er patents, $8.25 to $8.50; Winter | Tilefish, 1b. ..... le Sheep (fresh take off), each 2.50 to prevent evaporation of moisture . 15, Kanata t, . Tallow (reudered), ibs. .. .. .08| from the seed, and put them "in wet : AGENCY FOR ALL N STRAN. ur : -- sand, e Pp & box of sand in the Open Telephone to $1.70: }. h) 1 io Tattic for this purpose, and all that Sok i Bay Set = $8.00. Hay & 1b. ng - we, have to do is to cut, dust, and : 3100 io ar -- w= plant the seed-pleces and moisten sh im) CHOPPED STUFF the sand, which should be remoisten- to $ 3 : Apples, RK are 's 0 8 ed from Gme to time and kept where ! + hog { Apples Joo. 6.00 i as it is not too cold. By planting-time to $14; ' Duluth, Bananas, doz, ... .s 30 the potatoes will have rots several ! ; Duluth, eFb, 9---Wheat No. 1|Ce ry a 5 05 He who would have a fertile farm | inches long. They can be lifted from 'Montreal. No. 1 Northern, i, enc 10 in years to come will retain his live | the sand and set out in the potato Montreal, Feb. 9.---Cholce steers, . 2 Northern, $1.75% to stock now. rOw in the garden. Sprouting them $10; good, 39 to $9.76; medium, $8/%1.7¢%. Linseed 1. arrive, 32.80%; ohne The silo will solve the problem of | in this way takes very little time and n 49; , $7.20 to $7.76: | Mey, $282%; 'fuiv, $2.80 , Malaga, Ib. . the successful feeding of cattle for | gives us potatoes two or three weeks : J h butehe Ro $8.50 to n. 0 08, Best on high-priced and, a hi Sashies than we can get them other- Large i $8.76; good, $8 to $8.50; medium, a : s rty-one Shires realized $13,- | wise. ! y 4750 14 $3, tonmon, $7 to $7.60; | Minneapolis, Feb 9.-- Wheat, May, : Servi HALIF [FAX to LONDON ; 780, an average of $443, in the sale . butehier 4 choles, $7.75 to $8.15; [31.73% : July, $1.73%. Cash, No, 1 to 1ond 3 3 s 5 : tol No. 3 C.W., $2.51%, Oysters, 1 Cow Hides (green), lbs. ... .20 | do--we start our potatbes In sand sisi Perch, . . "e ranges, dos... . 20 hy McCray & Fowler at Danville, Ill. 3 um, $6.76 [h+rd, $1841 to 1.50%. Ho. 1] Potatoes, sweet, 1b During the past five years the total] The surest way to meet American | » . For partieilars of sailings and rates, $6.95 to $6.50; | Northern, $1.77% to $1.80%; No. 2) Tomatoes, 1b; .... " number of hogs in Canada has de-| competition in the British bacon ic? apply 10 Local ARents or to The Robert $5.50 to $6: canners'{ Northern, §1.74% to §1.80%. Corn,| ° CUE p-- creased by almost one million head. | Market is by producing the real ; : Retard Cou 14miled; Geral Agents, 50 to $5.25; sheep, $2.50:|No. 3 yellow, 87% to 98%. Oats} ° Grain. : 'A little charcoal or wood ashes in | bacon type. This the United States 3 " * milk-fed calv-| No. 3 white, 52 1 53%e. Bran, $31|Barley, bush. .... 1.00 the reed of ¥he brood sow will tend | is not' doing. The system both of L grassfed, $6 to $7. [to $32. ; 'Buckwheat, bush . as . to prevent a development of pig-| breeding and feeding across the line (= - selects, $15; good Corn, eracked, cwt, i eating. Is oy agains i dae Siatalit a v FOR 50, Soin sell , owt... oe Greater Nability to disease, insect e. L. "4, ¥ , Sik a, 2 GENERAL TRADE, Corr, yellow feed and or injury , sai aS i lef Sask., was killed in action on Sep- JUST RECEIVED \ DRleage Toronto uh Ln rd son of A. E. Partridge, who was lon * Fresh Stock of : 1 a y 0 was : Yeb. - 8.--Cattle: Re- Toronto. Flodr, cwt, first . ; vitality, E1 Canned Wish Flakes. 00 dangers from using seed of low tember 15th, Pte. Partridge is a Chicago. ; celpts 6,000. Market strong. Native| Toronto, Feb. 9.--Butter, choice Pade yi os ie "" Rose of Glenside & dual purpose | indentified with the Saskatchewan A oar ! $2.86 to 12,16 western | dairy, 43¢ to 45¢c; eggs, new laid, doz.,| Flour, Wt, second 1 Shorthorn, has a record of [18.076 Grain Growers' Association. Canned Sian Chonath, Ts stedrs, $7.85 to $10.25; atockers and 6c to 80c; cheese, ib,, 80e; turkeys! grade .. .. .. oa ibs. of milk containing 625 lbs fay - oo A 3 i 1 ri; Ib; 17¢ to 19¢; asd, ry ng a2 ' to her credit in a year. * There fs more Catarrh in this section P ned A n Honey is ips. 4 20¢. "to $9.26; cows nelt:| 1h 37 to 30c J Ve $10.49; wives, $103 Y 288 to. ie duckinge, The gérms causing tuberculosis in of the country than all other diseases 5 \ put together, And for years it was suv to . 23° sa cattle are usually taken into the sys- 5 . iq Rovuipie 20,000. Market | 20¢ to 22¢; . | Oats, "18 | tem by means of the resplatory and Berisha eal eid dna 37 C5 pr¢-| "The Thompson Grocery P. WALSH J cents up. ht, J ag ax digestive passages. ng to ours W i L 294 Pri Street Phone $11.50 to $12.10; mixed, $1165 $7: do., Greenings, bbl. id - Some dairymen object to the cost | Pronounced ie incurable A rl. Phone 100 Barrack St. $1 i. Heavy $11 wo of pasteurizing whey even though it|stitutional conditions and therefore re- po y 1170 jo Increases the feeding value amd les- | quires constitutional treatment. Haig \. . J "bulk Song Sanger of carrying disease. ¢ - Feld atarrh Cure, manufactured bY : ? ledo, oy Is t ita Canada hag now the opportunity of peri ha - . Ten to twelve pounds:oofialfa a portunity strated al, Sicakan Is Thro "aioud "on the, Musas hay a day will enable one to reduce | placing herself in a very powerful ; 3 ) 3383 peel Jon, An 'seed may be éxpected to produce a Hundred] the grain ration of horses. approx!-| place in the export bacon business if $1.76¢ erop mud inferior to that from rg Ege RAE fais if oe mately 30 per img ho war 2,000, a Yell considered a de gefmed 'to: $8; turnips, |' Br large, plump seed, i Send for circulars and testimonials, oe betore he tion ot Dl or Spe ative yo y adop! ya FEAL IR, 208 a Pee op gf Fo 1 gn co oo Tolbas, Obla.| 10% 3"} 56 Tnillion lived by agrieul-| Shorthorns are the dominant pounds the cost per pound of pro-| Hai's Fam BS Pills for sonstipation. ture. breed in Argentine cattle herds, duction fs less than it is after the 180 piark has been passed. 'Denmark; before the war the largest factor:in the supply of the 'British bacon market, has allowed a large part of that trade to slip away. Canada now hds a chance to slip in. *® dt is not at all necessary to buy v new seed; in fact, it is more advis- V Tr able for a farmer to use the seed pro- y duced on his own farm, and properly " clean out the weed seeds and light op Is Destitute A potato crop fu és one of i ; F the best preparations of land for the sre Seem i dow) © 8,500,000 Are Wholly or Partially for potatoes --H Kh McConnell, Nor- Depe ent on ty. Es : county. $ b SU : STEP Dufas aL ; i Jrreguiariy ta the Jrodustion ot ~The war goes on, but Belgium stands still, or rather slips back a vai a Qe wR for what is often wrongfully termed over-prodietion, Irregularity breeds dictive as certain defeat s up ahead. Belgian reserves of money a surplus. Regularity distributes to are steadily dwindling, and ovr lly half the population must be fed avoid a surplus. » y Sarefully straining, when ag by charity ot starve. ' awn The she cow, the m Ss ' To the sil : the ic . of i ras me 1p Tomakerhe dunt wee he Bot oe pen ms wat a faquve he bingy : © need as an old story, and to be less generous n giving. Meanwhile giles, but if prices of grains tall be- prices of food are soaring and the money given does not go as far as it did. low a remunerative level for some year to Some. it win rtaaiss ou ! 185-180 ditions _oven more detormiative : : amotint 1.80 2,00 1.50 1.00 # Vests Breeders' Gasette. ? a reductions have to be made the weaker Ladi : ts 3 farmer joined a cow- and the children, on whom Belgium's future depends, testi ation and tested his 17 : i 36 coms." Then he sold seven und adter- be permanently and weakened by want. €00- 72.00 400 - 3.00. Was S§ined mire Prof: from the : Meanwhile Capida as a nation, and we as individuals, are un- #.00- 3.00 ig «3.00 the RR os analy rompers, True. these axe many cole on cur ums, Jul oe ati iE PRES or Lis resent sale Geb Harrison are few of us, i who cannot easily spare enough to feed at least I ASO- 1.00 3.00- 600 300-600 - 200 fo tesn ae Shonhora. Dail pi HE po: Ea j 5.00:18.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 £00 1.50- 3.60 igleader, . Send you subscriptions weekly, monthly or in one lTomp sum to Local ot phil pt Mig Her re 4 : RT pias. Provincial Commillees, or . ; Mat or Sy ~~ The Experimental Farms and the 4 : 2.50- 3.00 1.50- 235 1.00- 1.76 < T¥0- 100 able, skys the 1 hog Treasure 9 ul Relief Fund 135: 2.00 76-126 8-100 C8 tons en Wee . . : 34 EE OF the op The Greatest, Most Efficiently zed Reliet ci ha 25h i oa