g : a A HEALTHY BODY rT 7. C. Kirby, general manager pf the Montreal Automobile Trade As- sociation. has 8 series of "Don'ts for automobile drivers." -- out first making sure that Is is free from dirt and int - 't race the engine when it Is drawing the car. There is no 'worse sbuse. Don't neglect to keep the ralliator | {filled with water. Also use & good 78 Lees Ave., Ottawa, Out, August 9th, 1916 "1 think it my duty to tell you what "Prult-a-tives" bas dope for me. Three years ago, } n to feel run. dotvn and tired, and suffered very much from Liver and Kidaey Trouble, Having read of * Fruit-a-tives", 1 thought T would try them. The result wus surprising. During the 2} years past, T have taken them regularly and anti-freeze solution in cold water. Don't neglect Sour tires, wee the 'pressure gauge and maintain 70 and 80 pounds pressure. Don't fail to inspect the level of Mguid in the storage battery every two weeks. Don't drive with your feet on the | clutch or, brake 4 pedals. % Don't let your ear stand with head Tights full on," It is annecessary, and ft runs your battery down. Dow't drive fast on slippery tréfets, ' . Don't drive with sully retarted spark. . ' «Don't start motor with wide open throttle or advanced spark, Don't neglect the lubrication of your car, - Watch your pressure gauge. ; Don't drive fast around turns or over rough roads. Don't apply brakes suddealy, ex. Don't put ofl In the engine with-1§ td Don't allow your clutch to engage suddenly, ? Don't tamper with your carbura- tor unless you know it is out of ad- ustment, and not even then unless you know just what you are doing. Don't attempt to start motor with any of the transmission. gears in mesh. Have gear shift lever in neu- tral, Don't leave your ignition switch on when motor is not running. Don't leave your ignition switch on when motor is not running. Don't fail to tighten up spring ip puts st end of 800 or 1,000 les, Don't think the street is solely for your convenience, Don't imagine that every pedes- trian has acquired mumbleness in getting out of the way--a few have rheumatism or sciaties, and = upset your, calculations as to their speed. "Don't forget when coming to a crowded corner to "stop, look, listen." Don't think that your motor car conyeys to you a privilege of making people scatter out of the way like 2 flock of chickens, . Don't talk while driving the speed Jimit or in the congested district of the city. Give your whole attention to the machine and to the street. Don't forget that carelessness or DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATUR "TIE LATEST DON'TS. Not Especially New, But They Are Always Timely and Impressive. bodily imjury, a police court fine, or a healthy pummelling from some pedestrian whom you have contempt- uously disregarded. Don't drive leisurely in the middle of the street. If you do, you are 8 "street hog." N of. Don't forget that the "Young nuis- ance"---the child on the street whom you take chances of running dows, is "somebody's darling, so young and so fair." . dma---- To The Potato, #£t, John's Newd Twinkle, twinkle, little spud, As up among the clouds yott feud; You are doubt feeling gay, Chasing round th milk way; You have reached to such a height You are surely out of sight, Like a diamond now you seem in your price--and that's no dream. Twinkle on another twink, But you'll drive us all to drink Ag we chase for needful chink. You are sailing rather high, As you wink yo shriveled eye Up there somewnere in the sky. As a flyer, you're a bird, Spud so mig ty, tho' so small, You make diggers of all: Farmers dig you with 4 hoe, While we have (0 dig for dough. If you keep on. I'll be bound, You'll bring bullion pound for pound You'll fulfill the adage old That you're worth your weight 'in gold. \ Tuber, since the coop you flew, We have only jonged for you; That our fireside you forsook Broke our heart and pocketbook. Never felt how Wwe could love Till you left and went above; Never felt how dear you were, ARY 10, 1917. Hi Hh | |. Electric Lights, ll Electric Starter, Il « Oil and-Gasoline I I Safety Lock Switch, | 3 Speeds Ahead and Reverse, | 112-in. Wheel Base, Large, Comfortable Rear Seat, One Man Top, Tilted "Wind Shield, Timken Axles and Full Cantilever Rear Springs. THE CAR WITH THE "ALWAYS READY' For Comfort, Convenience, and Pleasure, Ride in a SAXON. reckiessness will get you sooner or farer into trouble--either a smashed machine, an action for damages, cept in cases of emcrgency. Don't attempt to shift into reverse 'Phe car that is made right, constructed of materials that will give service and such as found only in the higher priced cars. This is the time to selegt your car for the coming season and this SAXON is the car you should select. The New Model 8-4" is Just what you want. A big roomy b= passenger, six cylinder, car, {th power sufficient for all emergencies. 3 < THE SAXON is the dar that runs every day--rain, snow, or sunshine. Few cars can pull through snow, slush, and below zero weather. The SAXON owned by Davis has run every day but two, nearly 6000 miles, since July 27th. This is proof of the substantial power and construction of Saxon Cars. . Do not wait until spring; but allow the undersigned to demonstrate the Saxon "Tis for you alone we yearn, make no mistake, as riding in a Saxon is like riding on a road with satin finish, parling 'tajer, please return. steady motion, but smooth and easy. - ot EE Catalogue explains fully. - od sy ht JOHN H. DAVIS, Distributor, Kingston, Ont. 9 Price: Touring, 6 cylinder, $1175.00, F.0.B. Windsor. 2A Runabout, 6 cylinder, $1175.00, F.O.B. Windsor. Roadster, 4 cylinder, $665.00, F.O.B Windsor. wosld Bok shange for soything. 1 hae an 7's sickness since 1 - menced using rut tres™. rl gear whea going, head. kaw now: what I haven't known for | ofr rmnaasas 8 good many years that is, the blessing C - of 'a healthy body and clear thinking praia". * 'WALTER J. MARRIOTT. - . Some Ottawa Glimpses. 80¢. a biox, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25. Correspondence by H. F. Gadsby. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, : x : Sometimes where nature did not quite complete the job of fool-mak- ing, the work was finished by edu- vation, Till we pid three dollars per, Smal] potate, please come back, In our small lives there's such 'a lack; : d For your presence we so pine, That oug. stomach nits our spine, 40% are tired of eatng greens, Stewed _ prunes, sauerkraut beans, \ - and now. You will No jerk or un- Plesity of Phones. There are telephones enough In the United States for every ten per- sons to have One. Specidl Nib r Hn J bec and say, "See what they did tof Mr. Sevigny .ghen he spoke of helps Country." Mr, Sev- ny's election naturally prevents this ghastly trick from being pullell off with any chante of success, iYes, the game was all framed up for & racial campaign of great bit- terness, in which Quebec was tof be played against"the rest of Canada. That Mr. Sevigny should have won rather takes the edge off these mis- chievous intentions. For the last year the whole policy of the Gov- ernment has looked toward a general election that would put a solid Que- bec for 'Laurier against the rest of Canada, The. idea was to stir up the English provinces by sweeping claims that Quebec was disloyal, To this, end tended the agitation in cer- tain Ontario newspapers with their Ottawa, Feb. 10.--Never were vie- tors more doleful than those who have just emerged from the Dor. chester fight. As Hannibal, or some -1person equally famous, pirmarked, | One more yietory like t and. my goose is cooked." The Conservative | party in the House of Commons looks Mr. Seviguy's victory Judt they were Seviny bi -{ convérse must be true, Mr. ' ny's victory shows the Borden (0y- ernment just where it stands in' Que- bec, he Borden Government Cabinet Minig-|. . ps 1 ", : 2 "WA : : Fv > oo 3 I Wee W Jif SW win fora only tour or five months Fpoin t anyway. oh : ed. A ' *d Ever since the war began the Bor- 7 * den Government: has been Steparing : y : : . LQ ITT : Quebéde ofl fo} this baneful k ' . ey Revénue could have: jogged The simple habitants have been iold quite comfortably for a while! that their duty wes to stay at home "any political head--but the [and crops, Three Nationalists wanted to test out feel- | have kept in the Borden Cabin- #0 it sent Mr. Sevigny jet living guarantees of the fact The result of | that the Bordem Government loves p those who would shoot holes in the nfon Jagks Moreover, In the mid- ot Mr. Sevigny's campaign Mr. the electors "of Dor- election--it is the Department of along. wi / t HE BRISCOE is not a é % new car. It was con- PP ceived in the mind of sas Benjamin Briscoe, one of the founders of the automobile industry, away back in 1904. hia the climax of milion experitenty-the final outcome of an unconquerable determination to make the automobile valu: of a dollar greater under the Briscoe n anywhere else in the mdustry. Three ago, been identified with the construction of