Mother! Your ¢hild isn't natural ly cross and peevish. See if tongue is coated; this is & sure sign the lit- tle stomagh, liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. When lisiless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naptrally, has stom- ach-ache,. diarrhoes, remember, a gentle liver and bowel cleansing should always be the first treatment given. - Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's ills; give a teaspoonful, and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and fer- menting food ghich is clogged in . the bowels passes out of the system, Paiand you haye a well and playful child again. All children love this harm- less, delicious "Tryit laxative," and "it never fails to effect a good "inside" el \ Directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are plainly on the bottle. Keep it handy in the home. A little given today saves a sick child tomortow, but. get the genuine. Ask |af your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California. Syrup of Figs" then see "that it fx made by the 'California Fig 8yrip Company.' AN INTERESTING OUCASION, Handsome Gifts Were Made to Rev, 4. 4. and Mrs. Moms, Carieton Place, Feb, 9.--At the close of the mid-week service in St, Andrew's schoolroom the, iadies ex: tended an invitation for al to re- main, when an address of apprecia- tion was read to Rev, and Mra . 4. A; Burgess, and ~~ Mrs, Monds was presented with a | handsome seal coat and muff and Mr. Monds with a pair of fur geuntiets In 'which was encloied a wheque for a handsome sum. The reciplents were taken by surprise, but the pastor made an. appropriate acknowledge- ment, whilst his wife responded by singing a couple of Scotch songs. Re- wf ments werp served by the ladies and a very pleasant. social hour was "Yes, and you city fellows buy a suod deat of swamp iands. 1 guess) here--at Dunbury? are about even. Kansas]: ¥| the port to of me. fy fame Is Smith" "You are Sir Glare's son, "Yes; Peter Monk." "I'm afraid you thought 1 was star ing at you just then" Vanessa said .« "The truth is, you re- sind me very much of somebody, and I can't think of whom." "Ob, 1 spy. | hope it's someone nice," exclaimed Peter, with a boyish' attempt at gallantry, "Can't you.really remember who it fs?" Vanessa shook her héad, and lobked at her machine. Peter, however, seemed inclined to linger. The more he looked at her the prettier he thought she was, But she discouraged further conver: sation by telling him simply that she had a good many letters fo tyve which must. be ready. before Sir Glare came back from the board meeting After that he could do nothing but go AWAY, : But the next evening, when he earde down to the drawing room before din- ner at Dunbury, he found. to his sur prise, and certalaly not to bis dis pleasure, that the pretty browit-haired 58 Smith was sitting In a chair by the "open 'window, talking "to his father, who was standing up in front Wa ; - Peter did pot understand it In the least. His father was the last person on earth to maké friepds le 88 an of his em- Miss guest. ed ald' Monk. Jacote here?" said the great man some- Ol § know, sir; but why--" "Bech she Is coming to live here, iE ait au . here?" Peter's expression of amazement was almost comic. "Yes, to live here" Monk passed his son. : why om earth" cried the young man. #*You can't' mean to live "That is p what ¥ mean, my + You , Miss Smith is a girl LE 'Interest in. She is to. exclaimed Peter. "Why I before?" . know why. " te him a letter," he Bel CHAPTER XX. - Greeri Eyes : tered. leisurely down » sqnapicuous 'as he. did in London. ie H 4 a raing in late September. - He did not look quite. so | i Jp £ [i % ¢ % i 5 fa i i a i i i i i : £8 iE §¢ 5 igs 1 41 he ! i L £ i i i kt 5 tf i ff al i sg is : it § it £ i i i 5 § Fg" f HH i eiblh $8 EE ged but] it the big wi - | well-dr "{ the room, And thenk p ithe beautiful violets. They - oY honllotr, You Know 1 never y, g& so. frivolous flow: ts in Kf a. Van Ost bowed over the small firb hand with an exaggerated courtesy and murmured a string of flatterin '& me, have you 'anything o interest that brings you over here? the Comtesse asked. : "And how ft ear' country of West Africa aiid to go.ont for the last 3 know, wy - begins have been Jat it, a TTTTTIIn Tm \ 1S refreshing. § nourishment than beef" Walter Baker & Co. Limited MONTREAL.CANADA | + For. either brain or muscle Bakers Cocoa SLU LL TL LLL LEAT EE a tains e I 4 cont mor: «0 LL TT LE @ ESTABLISHED 1780 = DORCHESTER, MASS. OEE THT LEE FE Eg ed] FLIER ELE IIEREREERE GRIM TRAGEDY AT PARTY Rivalry of Cotton Man Culminates in Double Shooting. New York, Feb. 10.---Grim tragedy "| was the guest at ohe of the diner Jarties on. the east side of Fifth avenue, in the exclusive neighbor. 100d where live the "four-hundred leaders on Thursday night. Just as the guefts were arriving te-stone mansion at 8 East 80th street, occupied by Sol. Friedmann, multi-millionaire, retir- ed cotton goods manufacture, of this sity and with connections in all of the larger cities of the U.S and Can- ads, af 7.46 o'clock that evening, a man entered the house and reques immediate auodience #ith Mr, Friedmann. Mr. Friedmann wag seen to enter and ten minutes had scancely elapsed when tie servants and the guests, who were arriving to attend the dinner darty, were stars tled by two loud reports. Servants rushed to the rcom, and as they reached the door, Mr. Fried- mann staggered out, blood pouring 3] from a bullet wound in his right .§ breast, The servants found the un- known man stretehed upen the floor, a bullet wound in his forehead and a still-smoking revolver clutched in his band. He died before assistance could arrive. He was later identified as B. B. Cantrell, of 2567 Eighteenth street, Brooklyn, a rival in the ¢otton goods market, of Mr. Friedmann, but who recently failed, Friedmann is expected to recover. Swit Over & WIL, Toronto Feb. 10.---The ~uiterpre- 'ation of the will of tie late Miss deler 'Mary Orr, of Bobcaygeon, who eft an estate of $200,000, was ar- zued. yesterday at Osgoode Hall estate for the promotidn of Christian Science, and stipulated that the resi- due was to 'be used. for Ged only," i. F. Hellmuth, K.C., argued that a Eift of $10,000 to be used in. the in- terests of the Mother Church at Bos- ton was of as much benefit as if left to St, James' Cathedral E. D, Ar- y the will as. being : y. indefinite. Every man erving God in his © own way, he thought, would be entitled to make claim op the estate. ; Zhe smart man - knows when to iguis the game, but the fool keeps 1.5. Jeverlastingly at it until He 'succeeds a | when, * 'Watch on ; g the "Was announved ay' > vorvices Himing, ct in advertising his fail ee Miss Orr left the greater-part of herd: Constant Headaches vr i 3 Indicate Kidney Trouble Thers is always a cause for a-hesdache. Constant hedduchel are often the result of Kidney or Bladder trouble--a warning of worse evils to come if the remedy is not found. Gin Pilly have re moved the cause in a great many cases of this kind by healing and soothing the Kidneys and restoring the normal function. 4 bid am 1 nPills FoR KIDNEYS Do not let your kidneys go from side, swollen joints or ankles, uyinscy bad ) eatache. OF Datketne, or 5 the Sample free on Seqnest to : Nativnal Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Toronto; Ont. 3 U. 8. Address Na-Dro.Go., 208 Min Si Bulls, MX. 0.0 4 HURRAH For the Weese Photo Studia, Photos All Sizes and Styles, FRAMES Weene's in the spot for good wo New Designs, Quick Deliveries. RIGHT PRICES D. A. WEESE 148 PRINCESS STREET Fhotos, Frames, Plctures, Pianos. a tN: Ea