Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1917, p. 1

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EINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 19i7 Duke of Devonshire; Official Portrait. re -------------------- 1 |SHORTAGE OF RAW THE ; : MATERIAL IS ACUTE Leather Interests Appeal to OF SIDER REE "Commerce for Ald. aA, Feb. 10.--Cashdian in- ' stry and vitimately lan con- 4 } | sumers, are facing an acute situation 8 Tw Factors in the Defeat o the Ontario's Proposals Are Outlined L te. in the shortages of a number of com- by Cormans. ! = Hon. G. Howard Ferguson. modities needed in production by this a------ : country. 'The latest to be heard from ' w-- } : "x in this connection are the leather ; mn, who waited on the Government F , yeterday to ask that something be ) : done to meet the scarcity of hides. A 5 situation almost equally serious ex- -------- or ists with reg: to wool, while there HER ISCIPLINE KEEP. §0 AS TO BRING THE HOLDERS; 515 a growing scarcity of machine BUT T RE 18 DISH UP B parts, tool steel, tin sheets, wire rope s ------ and a number of other uch articles. ser : A¢ Expiration of Five Years the Set-| poco were formerly obtained from |The Length of the War Depends Up- tier Will Receive a Crown Patent| England and their import has been| onthe Ability of Germany to Re- Facilities for Co-operative Mar- stopped by the English restriction of | gist Attack on Her Manhood. 4 eXROIS. London, Feb, 10---The military cor- Toronto, Feb, 10.--In a memor- ge and ool, Howevap, ate ob respondent of the Birmingham Post, andum to Sir Robert Borden with re-|jand, Here again restrictions of ex-| Edgar Wallate, credited as being erence to facilities for settling re-|ports is the 'cause of Canada's peeds, | one of the shrewdest of military ob- turned soldiers on the land, Hon. O.|the Antipodes countries havidg Te-|gervers in England, says that the -- | Berlin, Feb. 9, Jia London, Rah: 1 10.--A specia i train c® ng Tr. oi United States Gerard and his staff will leave Ber- a 0 het lin nay evening at 8.10 o'clock cS for Switzerland by way of Basei aad ' © -- Pernc. The party will then travel to : . Spain. where Mr. Gerard will embark - on the first available steamer for the i vk United States. The Jformer Am-) Y . bassadog whl be accompanied by ------ : rg all the Jmbasy _sserétaviee 4 VERN: [* atttaches members of the , THIS IS WHAT THE GOVERN-| ois; service in Germany--except i : CLOSE TOGETHER. a few ordered to Scandisavia or Hol land, and by most of the American newspaper correspondents. The train will earty in all some 300 persons| from the, German Soh. Iv Is / presentatives 0 the Foreign on the Burden of WAE Gh Germany: will accompany the train to the bord. (Special To er; which X; ¢ rea Wahi! ee The | Ad: |S hieh le stjtcted ba 2 ministration, fearing that ultimately it will be war or & "'state of war" ------ Leaving for Berne, cently taken such a step. with 'Germany is ankious ®to keep alive the martial spirit in America.' 1t wishes to guard against sapping the influences of an undue sense of security. On the other hand there (Special to the Whig) rhe Hague Feb, 10--Two hun- dred and two Amdéricans will leave Berlin with Ambassador Gerard for Berne, Switzerland, to-day. | Howard Ferguson explains Ontario's proposals, some of woich © may be DID U. 8. BANDSMEN PARADE AT WINDSOR? Some Marched in mentioned. Farms. containing hot more than 80 acres will be laid out in such manner as to bring the dif- ferent farm houses as close together two bigjtactors {i the war are-attri- tion a the German food supply. Attrition may be expressed in slow but' persistent nibbling or by sweep- ing offensivés; all other phenomena are subsidiary to the main objective. + The second factor, the internal con- Uniform--New York Pre- "dicts an Enquiry. dition of Germany, may be judged from the kuown rations, three New York, Feb.\10.--An Associat-| pounds of potatoes per head. per . | 3 acres. un Ry des; teh from Dis week, half a pound of meat per head, As soon as a soldier desires to go ch., says: embers of the 32nd| three ounces of butter, ste, His Excellency the Governor-General has placed his ap=|upon a farm and work for himself an Regiment band, of the Michigan Na-| A number of skilled workmen States and Germany. It finds much & Canadian ship be permitted to proval on this photo. ; eighty-acre lot with a ten-acre clear-| tional Guard, who are being muster-| from Holland, who had been working . mn & Jeave Canada without a license, 4 ed out here at Fort Wayne, partici-|on munitions in Germany at high of the neutral shipping ordinarily ply- ¢ and only when it is established 4 ! | ing the Atlantic shivering in home 4 that the trip- will be of useful # ports. Germany has slain ships and ($ service. * \ apparently indis-|& has as possible. Thé work of the men 9a w : will be directed to clearing on the RG eS » 3 front of each farm an area of ten is no manifest move to raise an army for actual war though there 3 GOVERNMENT ISSUES 3 has been some progress toward naval . © NEW ORDER. and economic preparedngss. This b. 10.-A new epitomizes the Government's position : et Pe aon brought to-day at the close of one week of & about by the German submar- broken relations between the United & ine warfare demands that no IIA SLPS PPS ing will be alloted to him, The eighty acres with ten acres of pated yesterday in a parade of Ca-| wages, recently retwsmed to Holland, clearing Will be given the settler free nadlan troops at Windsor, Ont. Some and the change in their appearance of charge. or each day's work that|of the Guardsmen were in uniform, | was startling. is done from the time be enters the and some played musical .instro-| Yet these men, being in munition training school at Monteith until he ments, ;according to reports received | works, were very well paid, and in J x ] A : oes upon his clearing he will be by officers at Fort Wayne, quantity at least were very i fod. oi aid a reasonable et ns : The Michigan soldiers were off | They had their butter Tuba x An advance up to $500 will be duty at the time, and it was said at| and their meat soup substitutes; they made to cover the cost of stock ims Fort Wayne that they probably join-| had their war bread, their coffee sub- Se : . oh 4 3 ---------- a °pspjp plements, equipment sud any assist- ed in the parade "for a lark." stitutes and occasionally they had ft 1s understood that an investi-| cheese. Th bad, in fact, as much as they wanfed--in quantity, but so poor was the quality and so valueless from the nutritive point of view that the men came back to Holland in a : a eh pais A he Sire gation will be made for ch a lien wi en Aga . . Over (he Policy ; Adopted By he United President Wilson Will Not Ask CORIBSS | For Yrikier's holding and chattels. er ec 'States President. : for a War Declaration. The lien will he repayable in| WHS A VALUABLE CAPTURE twenty vears at six per cent, but- no Fra 3 : A---- -------- 2 payment on account of either princi-| Germany Claims 114 Autos on Yar- | condition bordering on starvation. ard Loss captw ong ng A pal or interest shall be required un- rowdale; Now Transports, I is no ony ra Ho, that § germany . BE. Fishenden, : til after the expiration of three years. Berlin, Feb. 10.--For several da; is hungry, the other , Ger {ported in the casualties as killed tn THE SPIRIT OF THE HUNS 10 ASK ONLY SUCH MEANS At the expiration of = five Yearsi now Autie a umber 3 huge ene many is well disciplined snd has a action. . : " i trom 'the settler locating upon hislfreight autos have been searching certain machine-made patriotisaf be- Allan Studhiolme, speaking to the x ~~ |1and, and upon the due performance hrough Berlin's snow-piled streets neath the florid turgeséénes Which Labor Sart; Sriticized government! yy FEADILY WANING, BRITISH OF "PROTECTING AMERICANS of certaln Sonditlons in the mean | wore thelr foreign Appearance at. | has charg lerised Jas. speech, mews. soldiers. FFICERS ) ; N HIGH SEAS. time, he Ww en p recive 4 ¢ tention. paper ~ 8 Sir Mehaurne 'Tait. former chief on 8 DROLARE ON MiG 8 patent from the Crown. | aots much attention, HI Rue. | German publicists. The length of e dicd early on Sat- There are also facilities for co-0p- the war is, therefore, determi ards Quebec The Evacuation of Grandcourt With | Workiten i Minnesota en . sian army authorities, There were to} X37. Hartley s president and G. L. ks y 12 | erative marketing. \ ne Wufldred and fourteen of them | the ability of the German nation Inytand secretary-tregsurer of the to out And Resistance Is But One In- Strike if War Is Declared For Any resist the armed attack whic will dication of Their Morale. Other Reason Than Tuvasion, on the Yarrowdale, which was Cab |pe made upon her Manhoad in the tured and taken to a German iE With" the ~British Armies in the Washington, Feb. 10.=President ; in Great fold, Feb, 10.--The German troops'| Wilson has determined upon 'his ) Motor Company. | cub 'of' pessimism is overflowing at)course of action should ~ Germany Barchaten Sanuk the possibility of the United States commit the "overt act" calling for "been bungled, "8: | enterltig the war British officers de-| new tnd still more grogsive ste MP, to the Horse Breeders'| cure . a pn " tio: h rom this country. : bulldog shape and in color very lke | "U0 to oy wounding elvilh . s Patriotic ~ Fund cam-| There is a noticeable discourage-| ~The President 'will not ask Con+| Napanee, Feb. 10.-~Pte. Frank the German field uniform and were he ah have' made further ; § salgn aiming at $160,000 in three| ment to be seen in the attitude of gress for a declaration of war as his | McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-| found provided with many duplicite | oop0., on the Ancre and consolt- than | concluded with $158,000 0b- | recently taken German prisoners. first move. s liam McDonald, of Belleville, who | pieces of machinery. "Their cost dared aew positions, J vam 3 had been missig from his home in| estimated at $4,000 each. In Ber : Aaa] 00 tugboalts Theif general viewpoint is: "What He will follow out to the letter the U. 8. capital was much relieved by 2,7 : . Crant & Son have a sang ot shout . reo © nt is Vhat's 0 8 Belleville since Sunday last, was lo-{lin they are employed in carrying |. "co Clit: ambassador Gerard gaged hs transpo ifteen men getting ou ber of : and will ask only such means enormous booty, ciplur- These prisoners declare that news| oi "vi empower him to 'proetect" cated in Napanee, where he had been | much needed coal and supplying th old Walloridge property, / Glen staying since Sunday afternoon. _It|dealers with flour, potatoes, heets Bud stan will leave Berlin Saturday ed by the Germans in Ru- Jilawis. £5 of America's break with thelr Gov-| 40 tic rn seamen and American | SPRESTS he loft the church where he! and other provisions, Dusseldorf al- ght, a up the "River That Ottawa's contribution to the ernment filtered through to the front people engaged in legitimatropur- was attending service before it wastiso got some of these cars. ' : ; Wireless on Brasil Coast. X . tan Patriotic | ] very slowly, without any details be- over and was not seen afterwards. -------------- German Danube fo Austro-Hun- A_will_exoee $500,000, i youd the bara announcement. suit of their business on the RIBR| py, recently been invalided home STANDARDIZE EGGS. Rio Janiero, Feb, 10,---AL the sub- guy snd Gefmuny, the fcers deglate the German | **'n) suffering from shell shock and was u said to-day. Shoes of the cars proceeded to. Ber-| 10d eel wpon. the nation Bahied the oi on ro hey arrived just in time] MannOO. to relieve the annoying difculties of transport caused by the intense cold and showfall, These American prize cars are of ---- War Tidings. I pwenty"five lives were Jost In the sinking. of the steamer Vedamore. The Germans ed Stanis- substance of his last address to Con i ---------------- Switzerland hs taken over Gers spirit is steadily waning. The evacu- The entire INaIRASiONAY ator for a time at the Convalescent Home! Protection to Consumer and Guard. a a ar Bio oe man interests. in Japan, which was of Grandcourt without any|a.c in a meeting which was short in Kingston. His disappearance had ing of Export Reputation. there was discovered & wireless ales & for by the United States before fightlug by them is a surprising ex-| .n4 entirely devoid of tense atmos- used his nts and friends &| Ouiawa; Feb. 10.--A large deputa- | STON station which was ah with i "*iample of this sort of decreasing phere and dramatic moments. that good desl of anxiety before he was| yon regresenting-the Canadian Pro-| 0 communicate with German ships, arrived in Trenton | morale. 'marked the session held just a week Jocated here by the chief constable, | 4,0, Association, comprising both which are being detained in the hare ome day last week| +o ott i ago when the President told his ad- 'who, had been ped te make In| 4 cers and Wholesalers of food- | DOF : day looking over the : Vises he Had practically determined | Quiries-X t him, stuffs, urged upon the Government frente > te. British. forces are now. astride the to sever diplomatic relations with Ew through the Minister of Agriculture On February 7th George Alva Mey- {ii make al Ancre, and are steadily pushing on|germany, SEVEN VESSELS SUNK. the mecessity of legislation providing | TS 16d to the Altar his bride, in the Tv and | toward * Miramont. Since Tuesday -- ; | for the standardization sud { person of Miss Lottie Jackson, both 0B Ls sh na aes 101% 101% reaten General Strike. A British Destroyer Hit Mine----Five P & Ohio ... 15% Brainerd, Minn. Feb. 10.--Work-{ . Lost. they have taken 1,200 yards of Ger- ™ tion dep _ {of Trenton, a . + man-held. territory with a consifrr- Won af Sega. _ The as tation ma Renfrew will have nominations for POR aie beh 152 v 3 able number of prisoners and 9~{inst| men at f mass meeting here adopted NF CG «oars aos 93! > Y remarkably little opposition. msi orwarded to Presi- BES +. a wa vs es 28 pc ST open. an amter a 134 (Special to the Whix.) councillors on Feb, 19th. resolutions te be f London, Feb, 10.---Seven" vessels ay should as. determining (aetor A year agp ae a mand' Would | genh Wilson threatening a general |in all were sunk yesterday; only one ogg business and thy pe have dispn fly such an ats as & protest against war for| was British. expart usin ore| Ses to3 ot i by British forces. 3 A British destroyer was sunk by Government inspection r pro 0. {Driscnes \ mit, fhe ------ om a mine in the English channel. All| 454 stating of gms, in ordes to in- . : x ; > foves much lower than : 3 sure ate protectio the con- | HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ot Prt tse Rorihod er : Rr dectare. Thos Brit: CONFERENCE "AT MADRID. the officers and all except five men| oo "ony : he Su MH {sh system of contiunous raids the [trade on 8 | oo on Safe at the Following Clty times and places--each' one Stores. | policy of sudden attacks at unex- : Y poiit in style and execution--an Buenos Aires . 19 : : Ahern, dr... B01 al meri of {paper La Prensa announces th ' 4 i Dm Brcknolie Fe ne MEMORANDUM gases right hand Somer any cause except to resist invasion. tish artillery ba 1 told heavi- ; have a tore + + --twa Grocery Then came the FS merica 'entering with | 8. Naon, x ; pe

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