Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1917, p. 2

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Paar ur A ----ry PRONTENAC CHAPTER DAUGH- TER OF EMPIRE RAISED $1,107.15 Al olf Which Has Been Devoted to Carrying on Patriotic Work--The Officers = Eloited at the Asinual At the annual meeting of Fronten- ag Chapter, Daughters of the Em- pire, which was held at the residence of Mrs. John B. McKay on Tuesday evening the 'election of officers for 1917 resulted as follows: Regent, Mrs. T. GC. Smith; first vice-regent, Mrs. D. GG. Laidlaw; second vice-regent, Mrs. J. B. Me- Kay; secretary, Mrs, Arthur Ellis; treasurer, Mra. W. W, Gfbson; cor- responding secretary, Mrs.: George Mahood; standard bearer, Miss Crothers. The retiring secretary, Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, read the annual report, which showed a year of active ser- vice in patriotic work, There are fifty members on the roll of this chapter, but quite s number are in England at presenf, and two have left the city to reside elsewhere, Ten regular and three emergency meet- inesthave been held during the year, with® fiverage attendance twenty. (The -tréasurer, Mrs. Gibson, read the financial report for the year, which showed the total receipts for the year to be $1,107.15, all of which goes to patriotic work. The Regent, ina short address, thanked the members for their hearty co-operation in all the work hd 1 and urged upon them '| the néed of continued self-sacrificing | effort on behalf oi our brave soldiers who are doinb so much, .- x meeting closed with the na- tional anthem, after which light re. I} treshments were served and a social i halt hour enjoyed. l| FEPNOW REPORTED NOW DEAD | Pay fe ------ gia gic Lance-Corp. Bouchard Was Blown to Pléces With His Gun. Word has been received to the ef- fect that Lance Corporal Emmanhel Boucharda, well-known member of the 21st Battalion, missing since the fighting at Courcelette on Sept. 16th to 17th, 'was blown to pieces with his gin, His parents, who reside at Aylmer, Quebec, have received offi- cial fiotice to this effect, He met his 'death close to the sugar refinery at Courcelette, wont Soldiers writing home pay a warm tribute to the bravery of the young Alymer soldier, who was well known to many Kingstonians. ¥ */ Changes tn CO. N. R. Time. 'Beginning Feb, 12th train will leave Kingston for Ottawa and east, also Toronto and west at 2.20 p.m., arrive in Ottawd 7 pm, arrive fn Toronto 9.50 p.m. ~ Leavig Ottawa 12.30 p.m., arrive Kingston 4.26 p.m." Toronto 9.50 pm, 3 For particulars apply to J. E. Ivey, station agent, ar €. Dunn, Hf eity agent, 171 Wel ngton street; telephone 887. 2 Valentine Bo i ; See our line of specially beribboned oks for Valentine gifts. Illustrat- Y the . oP Col- Ro | sima_Sunday. class at 3 pam, | CHURCH SERVICES St. Paul's--Morning prayer, ' 11 Soper. Predoher, Rev. Canon me Gefald, M:A. Sunday school; 3 p.m.} Evening prayer, 7 o'clock. Preacher, | Ganon FitzGerald, M.A, Zion Church--26th anniversary. | | Telegram," a.m. Dr, Bruce Tayler, of St. Paul's, operators; 7 Dr. 1. Wallace, of Queen's, at 11 Montreat, at 7 p.m. Dr. Taylor is by common consent one of the foremost preachers of Canada, 's Church--Rev. J, W. 'Bt. 4 Stephen, ministed. Services at 11am.' andl 7 p.m. Sunday school and Bible ed to all the services. and Barrie stbeets-- At 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Mr. Wedder- burn wil preach. Sunday school at 2.45 p.m.; prayer meeting, Tuesday, at 8 p.m.; Y.PSCE, Friday, at 8 p.m. A cordial welcome to all. Princess Street Methodist Church, corner of Princess and Albert streets ---Rey H., E, Curry, pastor. Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, conducted by the pastor, Sunday school, 2.45 pm,; Epworth League, Monday, 8 pm.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. A cordial invitation to all. f Bethel corner Johnson | Religion," 3 having? These are messages fo:meet Hj | them, The nrinister will] preach at both services. Strangers, % Illy invit-| students and soldiers cordially [Rev. George 8. Clendinnen, pastor. { Residence, 247 johnson sireet. An: Church, | p.m, iC. A, 8.30 p.m.; on Monda. :a tred Brown will give a missionary ad-} Congregational Church-- Pastor, Rev. T. De Courcey Rayner; iH Ser- HH residence, 224 Johnson street. vices, 11 am. and 7 pm; Sunday J tschool and Bible classes, 3 p.m. Thej} | pastor will preach at both services, his topics being: 11 am., "The Sky} | with full instructions to p.m., "The Anchor: The Real Test of a Man's Is your religion worth the modern need. You need to hear .Pirst Churca---the church with a welcome for you. All seats are free. g Brock Street Methodist corner Brock and Montreal Streets-- niversary services will be con by the pastor, former pastor, will preach at sorvices. Morning theme: "Humilia- tion and Exaltation"; 'evening, "The Educational Temple." | nusical service hah been a | Miss Nesbitt for both mo: evening. = Speclay session' day sfhical and Bible clastes at 0 ng service in YM. y Rev. dress to the young people at 8 p.an.; | Ladles* Ald Society, Tuesday, 8 p.m; prayer service, Wednesday, $8 pm.; Boys' Club, Thursday evening. A -d Il Soul's! {i ced Rev. John. Webster, H both |] ot ison and Sydepham for the Worst": Monday, Christian . St. James' Chiireh, Corner 'Union id Litany. vice, Prof. H. Michell, Queen's Uni- cordial welcome to all. Come and help us celebrate 'our 30th birthday. AE ; -- i First Chitreh of Christ, Scientist, | Johnson street, between Bagot #nd | Wellington streets. Sunday school, | 9.45 a.m.; seryice, 11 a.m, subject | FA "Spirit, Wednesday eyening, tes-| timonial meeting. Public reading | room same address, open every al-! The ternoor, except Sunday, 3 tO 6! o'clock. All are cordially invited tol the services and the reading room. Demand for Workers Will Be Very Heavy This Summer, First Baptist Church, corner Johni-| Farmers will have to pay far streets--Rev. | jearer for their hélp this summer, Douglas Laing, pastor, will preach at | 7 p.m. Bible School and organized | ymmigration department, Who Was Bible classes at 2.45 p.m. YOumg|in tne city on Saturday on a tour of People's meeting, Monday, at 8 D.| inspection, - He has a large number m Mid-weed prayer service, Wed-| of requests from farmers for help, nesday, 8 p.m. . Students, strangers|and says that he believes that they and soldiers cordially Invited to all| will have to pay double the amount the services. they paid last summer for help. a -- Mr. Aylesworth, whose Home is at , EBSA, Olass--NMeets for Bible | Newburgh, has two & fighting at study in 1.B.S.A! Hall (entrance Over | the front. Sargent's drug store, Montreal tpn street). Sunday, 3 p.m., topic, Tab- HAD TO PAY A FINE, erndcle Shadows-- 'What Was Re- - \ presented by the Golden Table and | For Neglecting to Send His Boy to Shew Bréad"--"'The Golden Candle-| School : " " 3 stick"---The Golden Altar." 7.300 4 police Court Saturday, William p.m, topic, "God's Stone Witness," | nd gull ject Dm oD 5. 30. All bible students | Clark was fosed EOL of neglecting welcome to send his boy to school, and was : I |fined $2 and costs. Thomas Lambert, who appeared in khaki, was gathered in Friday night by Constable Lesslie Armstrong, on a charge of being drunk, and was fined $10 and costs. He said he got the liquor in Montreal. Chalmers, Barrie and Earl streets --Rev. M, Macgillivray, D.D,, minis. ter. Services: 11 a.n., "Some Mat- ters of Eminent Moment These Days'; 7 p.m, the Rev. H. 8. Laut- trell," B. A, of hi id China. ~ Sunday sch and Bible | : w class, 3 p.m. 'Annual meeting of | Stopped Dumping Snow. the congregation, Wednesday, €.30! At the last meeting of the City p.m. , Students and strangers cordi- | Council authority was given for snow ally thvited to all services. to be dumped on side streets ad- --- jacent to the main thoroughfares. On Friday much snow was dumped from the street railway lines onto lower meeting, 10 4.m.; preaching services. Princess street. Residents raised ob- 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school, | jection on the ground that the snow Adult Bible class and Young Men's was full of dirt and that it blocked Club, 2.45 p.m. The' pastor will| traffic. , Accordingly the dumping preach in the morning, topic, "Qir- | there was stopped and the snow con- cumstances For and Against God's veyed to Victoria Park, It costs Children." Rev. W. J. Smith, To- about as much to dump snow on side ronto, _ secretary of Social Service, | streets as to take it on a long haul to will preach in the evening. Seats | a park, as one the side streets it had free. Everybody welcome. to be levelled, IB -- AANA SNE Rev. J. D. Ellis, pastor. Experjence Calvary Church, corner Bagot and Charles streets-- 11 am. "The Coruuation of the Nondeseript"'; 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible class; 7 p.m. 'Salvation Endeavor and Cross Brigade; Wednesday. 8 p.m, lecture by pastor, on "Mary Slessor, the Scotch Milli} Girl, Who Was in the Apostolic Suc- cession," All are heartily welcome to these services, Rev. John Lyall, pastor, 266 Rideau street. and Arch streets--AIl seats free, Rev, /T. W. Savary, BJA, rector, the rectory, 152 Barrie street. 3 8 p.m, Holy Com- munion; 11 a.m. morning prayer and Social Ser- versity. 8 pw. Su school; 7 p.m., evening prayer and sermon, Sermon subject, "The Giving of the i teh i Such is the opinion of Mr. Ayles- 11 a.m, and T. S. Cole, Toronto, al | worth, one of the inspectors tor- the Tonight THE COLLEGE-BOOK VALENTINES--Wednesday, February 14th is St. Valentine's Day. Christmas for exchanging friendly greetings. STORE, Now recognized ss important as You will find here the largest and best as- sortruent in whieh are included the famaus Gibson Art Line and Volland productions, fond the only store ih Kingston showing the 1817 goods. PRAGMENTS FROM FRANCE, by Bruce Bairnsfather. No. copies have been sold In the last three days. the U. 8. at Valentine time. . MUSIC--Latest popular music( 2 for 25c. 8 of this famous series. These will be appreciated by your friends in COSMOPOLTAN , and other March magazines, together with am ple su All the latest Standard and More than 300 pply of all weekly papers. Operatic Music, see SRE RTT ES Store rr FOR SHREWD SHOPPERS ERE HOSE .-. a . MILL ENDS WHITE FLANNELETTE, 15¢c and 18c quality for .. .... .. 123 DOUBLE BED SIZE FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, white or grey . .. $1.39 Co i nA A CLEAN UP IN LADIES FANCY WAISTS, at about half price . . $1.50 a min Arn $4.95 WOOL SERGE SKIR colors, for .. .. y . f fr AAA AA Ae A AAA eA et Letters To The Editor oo WHITE BROAD CLOTH for collars, per yard .. oases 0 eevee Wie PICTORIAL QUARTERLY" for SPRING Newman & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. RR vr HARD COAL Weé have for sale a few cars of hard | CLOSING OF MAILS British mail crises jrregularly. Information pated at P.O. Lobby from time to time. d States, daily 11.30 am. and 11.30 pa. Trunk, going east, vA 7 11.30 am, and 1L30 pom. Grand Trunk, Torogto. and west, including Western Slates ix sox ves sve 1.00 pa, Grand Truvk and all west f City, 230 p.m and F180 pm. CPR, .. 10.45 a.m. and 5.00 pan, CNR. iy ae ivr ae. SO lit RY Would Like the Names. Kingston, Feb. 10.--(The Edi- tor) :--if the writer of the letter whicli appeared ingours of Februdry "Citizen," will be mie have the na led 4hrough military to work, and who mor any men service and ' p SE A -------------------- % At 9.48 o'clock .blaxe occurred at 28 the home of 3 University raise' a)' For Special Work, igning or * Remodeling - Keepsakes altered 'to 'modern, SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians. This Week We Offer New Dwellings, Modern, in the different locations, at

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