a THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1917. __ TAKE NOTE OF THIS, + if a Liberal Government official was to appear within 'a block of a Liberal Association = meeting "2 great hus and ery would be 'raised in Conservative circles. But it appesrs that a Conservative official of the Government has the privilege of not only attending party meetings but of holding partisan office, Tt will be noted that at Friday night's meet- ing of the Kingston Couservaive As- sociation Dr. R. J. Gardiner, who was last summer appointed medical offi- cer of the Royal ; Military College, wag elected first 'vice-president. ip te EDITORIAL NOTES. The sinking of the California Is Just such an act as the sinking of the Lusitania. ---------- -- without victory" is a policy that Germany flatly rejected in July, 1914, when Britain strongly urged it. chieanest foods and how these MAY be! combined to produce the best results. It is true that palatabilt ableness enter largely Int plem, and that the cheap 4 putritions food is mot the only point to be edusidered which furnish the most nounishment for a given gum of money, leaving the question of palata- bility to be decided by the consumer. | Skim milk and puttermilk at 10 Hy gallon hold a good position in , of common foods, and too giom_ would interfere with the Ger- men troops crossing that couniry in her invasion of France. But Belgium aid fight. The German Foreign Office : would fot believe that Great Britdin would join 1 and Rwssia, but Great Britain did. Without any doubt at ail Count Von Bernstorfl the Ger- ee Sale of Men's and Young Men'sShoes Sizes 5 to 10. Patents, tans and blacks; button and blucher style. Regular $5 value for "$550 form &n diet. It may not be the most | tizifg diet, apd Ii may be too bulky {H for the adult, but it is one that will {i} be 8 ng, Potatoes have been figured at two IH dollars and twenty-five cents a bag, [I an unusually high price, yet hey hold a fairly Bood position in the table. {1} At present prices,' however, the Am- erican practice of substituting rice for potatoes with meats is an eco- {| nemy. : Beans and gumes included in o peas are the only le-| IH phe table. ° They ij do not hold the high place that might |} be expected 'of them. This is owing | J to the fact that they are in great de- I} mand for export and are consequent- |} ly very high in price. The legumes {Hi are frequently referred to as the poor man's beef, but at present prices they do not furnish this constituent any more cheaply than the cereal grains. i} The meats, fish and eggs are evi- dently our most expensive foods. 14 cents per pound 4 he list; but it lacks the cheap heat-producing carbonhy- drates, and,, consequently, does not} furnish as <h heat as can be pur- chased in many forms of cereal foods | Jill for the same money, Neither does it | Ji supply an equal amount of protein. ijl in fact, ugmg its heat-producing | ii | power as the basis for comparison, beef flank is five times more expen- sive than oatmeal. On the same basis smoked and cooked ham costs twelve times as much as oatmeal, sirloin steak about mine times, round steik ---------- And now for a big recruiting re- vival in Canada. Take advantage of the enthusiasm over United States coming into the war. act Is com~ mitted, snd not only that, but the will find the rank and file of this country standing strongly and " | squarely back of the President. Am- éricans are not anxious to fight, but they can fight and Will fight if the President calls upon them to fight. ER CREE Seay TT Se Sale of Men's First Quality Overshoes One buckle, sale Wh § oh Sand lo. : Two, three and four buckles; sale price Laid oy ly +8150 See Bibbys English Caps; silk lined; beauties for . . Smart Suits and inch back style; special values, -s -------- The people of Brockville are proud of their pulmotor. It has on more than one occasion demonstrated its rp use Ba lite restorer. Glad to know At & meeting of citizens and farm-| this. | ers in Kingston it was said Belleville had anticiated what would follow the {adoption of prohibition, and got the a business men of that city together.) Sve A taxes "| with the result that the farmers were A Rie a -------- The war has done away with the "officer class" in the British army, ac- cording to an official report. Tommy Atkins and the men over him are all comrades. The war is a great level ler. . 3 SSeS XL $2.00 Northrup, 326 provided with necessary accommoda- (FR Northrug, 1810 mt ae en o tion. To this the editor of the Belle- rl mehed i» 9S anaan ville Intelligencer asks: When and offices where Is Belleville's accommodation? nef --n---- The Huns now call the Canadian troops barbarians: It seems the Can- ucks persist in fighting, attaek at the most unlikely times and in the bitter- Overcoats; new pi $1 2.50, $15.00 and $18.00. THE FOODS TO EAT. NATAL GOTRIC out the astional government movement, 8 a new record' for the journalistic tilking-machines of the party - was fasted yesterday. ~The effort on the part of business and protessionsl men to britig the eountry to a nonpartisan rulership while the war continues is and the public is told The Whig prints another chapter on fopds, and from the pen of Prof. Harcourt, who is -an "expert and authority. He explains that the cost of living 'has gone up tremendously, and this living-may be continued on a remarkably economic basis. if {he foods of the highest nutrigive value are cheaply bought and well-cooked, and are acceptable to the average consumer. ~The trouble is that most people have educated their tastes so that itis dificult, it not impossible, ést weather, and allow the gentle and kindly German troops ro opportunity for rest. FO Sy XINCSTOM EVENTS 25 YEARS AGO: Lewis W. Shannon left to-day with his father on a trip to Bermuda. ten times, eggs twenty times as mueh as the oatmeal product. As previous- iy stated, meats hdve a condimental value, the gravy often adds a decid- cluding milk, add a something to the diet that cannot be secured from any other source. Yet it is evident that if economy is any object the amount of meat used should be Tedyted to the minimum. Meat once a day is ample, especially when milk and milk dishes form an important part of the diet. In fact, under these con- ed relish to the vegetable used with, 1 it, and, possibly, the animal foods, in-1 1} Young Men's Shoes 1917 Models Young Men Hats, 1917 Models. Special values $2.50. mete) Hundreds of citizens are enjoying tobogganing at Fort Henry. Th slide is in good shape. : x B. W. Robertson and B. A. Calvin thought on the ave. n elected on the executive don Advertiser. Wis mierely nl mk and buttermilk, are highly re- of the provincial Y.M.C.A. edict from the Rogers element, IN} gerded, and milk and cornmeal, or} Mundering control of the Tory press and bread, are pronounced the uresu, to discard the idea because} y,¢ sustaining of all foods. Rice is Barden cabinet and some of thei, gp1endiq' substitute for potatoes. legated to ditions, no il} results will follow do- ing away with meat altogether. There appears to be quite an er- roneous idea abroad regarding milk. In many families it is purchased so sparingly that it is more & fuxury than a staple food. It furnishes ani- mal protein more cheaply, even at 8 cents a quart, than most cuts of the meats. Cheese has gone up so much in price recently that it has not the HOUSE dvant $ ts it had same sistas oer mitt sal | | WIRING source of animal protein and fat than : meats. ' Al 'the priees prevailing it is evi: dent that fish are even more of lux- ury than meat. All these foods lend variety to the diet and are valuable, but if econcmy '8 an objeut it is evi- 'dent they must be used sparingly. Many people will possibly be sur- prised at the position of eggs in the table, as we 'have often been told of the wonderful nutritive value of an egg. It is sate to say, however, that when eggs cost more per dogen than an equal weight (one and one-half pounds) of, steak they are more ex- pens've: ' On the other hand. a pound of eggs (usually eight) will go fur- ther in serving a number of people than a pound of neat. In this sense they may be more economical than meat. : "Of Shoes and Ships snd Sealing Wax, of Cabbages ang Kinga" We are showing the most complete and up-to-date line of electric fixtures in eastern Ontario; HOW TO EAT AND eT BIVE CHEAPLY ub By Prof. R. Harcourt. The cost of Mving has increased rapidly: The price of flour has ad- vanced over 50 per cent. in the last year or two; potatoes are almost double what they were a short time ago, and breakfast foods, meats, eggs, ete., are all selling for much higher prices than formerly. It is not the nerease in the cost of those foods which may be called luxuries that is bothering the consumes; but it is thé fact that the cost of the plain neces- sanies of life have advanced so much that providing for the wants of the family, has becoiie a serious. pro- blem. It is not necessary to discuss the causes for this. Changed conditions render it necessary for ye-to study the foods available in order that we may determine which gre our best and it Hi poe . Put the public dots appear. to ap- prove of national government. The unfettered men of both parties be- the because they are" relatively too ex- pensive. The discussion ot the meat question is quite refreshing. . More meat is eaten thamit necessary or Is 4 day is 843d to be sufficient for the feeds of the body. , Regs asd cheese jr in price, is a cheaper sub- "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE' HEa4 Office, Royal! Insurance Bldg. MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, , Ontario Branch, Teronte reliable information upon ! 'foods, 1t is for the act upon this information, do they Will have nothing of. po THERAPIO THERAPI THERAPIO SOLD BY LEADING EMENGSTS. F stamp address envelope. Svice suitability in your ¢ we. No fol 2p "LE CLERC Med. Co. HAvERS TACK RDN. LONDON, SEE THAT TEADE MARKED WORD LIHERAPION "8 RT T STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKETS. "Steam V WE DO ALL KINDS OF TIRE AND TUBE VULOANIZING ¢ Call in nnd get our prices bel gofug wisewhere, First clas work of our ancestors. After it reached 'a good old age long, fretful horse hairs would begin to protude coyly from its surface and jab the occupant in the-ear. Under these circumstances it was about as comfortable to sleep . on as'a porcupine rug. The hair sofa has long since been supplanted by the reversible daven- port, which can be converted into a pilliard parlor or a lady's writing desk by call in a few of the neigh- bors. This article enables a large family to live in four rooms without crowding, by sitting upon their feet. The davenport makes a nice bed for sound sonorous sleeper who does ot care to turn over in the night, |} nobody could sleep on u hair sofa ut danger of sliding off and one leg through the side- hair sofa was all right in its generation, but it would be out of plage in our modern one-armed man in a love 7 IN ROLL AND PRINT BUTTER 43c per Ib, -- ATT THE BON MARCHE (It Cor. King and Earl. Phone 1844 Caverly and Bradshaw, E i i i *% i ¢ ik { 7 Hi of iT £ o i 4 gt £ i of Et i g i ft : : -