Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1917, p. 5

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slevation to the Senate, asserting joyalty and devotion to Colonel A. EB. Ross, M.P.P., who has been serving in France since the war began, and declaring confidence in W. F. Nickle, M.P., who has been elected as a co worker with the Minister of Finance. The resoluifo Senator fi. W. Richardson stated that the as- sqciation had heard "with the utmost pleasure of the selection of Henry W. Richardson as a Senator of this Do- minion, In thig selection the gov- rament have 'conferred gn honor upon one : who well deserves it and have at the same time secured the services of a gentleman whose busi- ness ability and whose knowledge of the transportation problems of this country and the adjoining Republic will be of inestimable benefit to the nation. The success that has attend- ed the management of his great and growing business, 2a business which De fn contact with many of tha that he wilt be equally sucessful in thie high of- fice to which he been appointed and will worthiiyl fill it." * The resolution with regard to Col. Ww voted his life ¥ is not too mug! say that no citizen of Kingston ever stood higher in the estimation of his fe:low citizens tan Dr. Ross, and that no one has des served to 8 greater degree their re- spect, their admiration and their love, He has the profound sympathy of every ~ one in the heavy bereave- ment which has befallen Bim in, the and h 10 ing ) K.C., fowls and turkeys were . | in years gone by. Speeches were made by W.F. Nickle, D. A. Givens, Mayor Hughes, J. Berney and others. A LEGISLATURE SUED Virginia Sues West Virginia bly For $12,398,000, Mandamus proceedings were be- gun Monday in the Supreme Court by Virginia authorities against West Virginia's entire Legislature Assem- bly to compel levying of a tax to pay the Supreme Court fldgment of $12.- 393.000, with injerest, adjudged to be West Virginia's proportion of the Virginia State debt in 1861, when West Vieginia wag formed. - March Cosmopolitan And all other magazines and week- 1y papers at the College Book Store. ---------- COriticisin Too Severe, A leading pluiiber takes Issue with the statements made by Ww. T Guild of the Trades and Labor Coun- efl to the Board of Works on Wed- nesday 'evening with regard to the plumbing work done in this city, He says that while some poor work may be done, as 1s the case in every trade, Kingston's plimbing will attend as lose imspeétion as will that of any place its size in Ontario. . The health of, the pebple is surely some proof, he says; that the plumbing is pretty he firm for which Ire works cep will pot stand for poor plumbing. as Worried and Nervous "From Being Much Alone nd Ly Bligh Vie ---- « Kingston, Ont.; . 10.~~The ner- ~ vous system cannol withstand mon- otony any better than ah excess of excitement. "As a result it ls not un- wena! to find many sufferers = from nervous troubles among people who sre much alone, re is be chanee to worry, and worry exhausts the nerve force at a tremendous rate, i f The writer of this letter could not rost or siee using Dr. nervous system was enabled 18 results Were when the Nerve Food was used by "and both are her now i health, . St ae, 3 Lowde Charles street, * Kingston, Ont, writes: ; 's Nerve Food her was built up and she sleep in comfort. The but she found that by | from equally satisfactory sleep bet por sone €imé 1 suffered from nervousness and ess, and I attributed it to the faet that I was alope so much with my child, . my Busband being a sailor, - But after trying one box of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 1 found I could go to bed at night and gets night's rest, de-| spite the fact of being alone. 1 have found . t results from the Aden iia si fg ly con! ce to suffering as 1 : some Nerve Food for my little boy, efght years old, and found it auisted his nerves and made hint ir" Dr, Chase's Nerye Food, 50 cents box, a full tréatment of 6 boxes for $32.50, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co. yd, Toronto. Do stitute, Imitations only not be talked. into wocepting a sub- disappoint. aOR | | | | | TON FORTY-EIGHT YEARS AGO, Eggs Were Scarce at That Time, But Did Not Bring as High Price as To- Best Wood Was Plenti- of the Kingston of February 19th, 1869. the present high cost of iiving, of the prices quoted on the will be of interest. In the market report it that eggs were scarce and at 20 cents to 26 cents a dozen; searce, with c pigeons sold a few high prices. } at 25 cents a pair. aod apples were plentiful at $3 a Wood was quoted at $3.50 a cord for the very best quality of hard and with very large quantities arriving daily. : : Following is a list of vanous things quoted on the market on the dzy mentioned: ' 2 Flour, barrel, $6; barley, bushel, #1 to $1.05; rye, bushel, 68c; peas, $5¢; oats, 48¢c to 60c; buckwheat, 45¢ to 47¢c; wheat, sxty pounds, $1 to $1.10; corn, $0¢ to 85¢; potatoes, 45¢ to S0c bushel; turnips, 50¢ bush- ol; butter, 25¢ to 27¢, packed, 22¢; beef, hundred pounds, $4 to $6; pork, hundred pounds, $7.50 to §9; mat- ton, 3¢ to be; veal, 3%e ton 4c; cheese, 10c to 12 1-3¢ pound; eggs. 20¢ to 25c: turkeys, $1 to $1.25 each; geese, TBc each ducks, pair, 50¢ to 65¢; fowls, pair, 60¢ to 75¢; hay, $9 to $10 a ton. AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are an excel- lent medicine for little ones. They sweeten the stomach; regulate the bowels, break up colds and simple fevers, .cure constipation and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. £. Quinn, Parame, Que., writes: "Baby was troubled with constipa- tion and nothing helped him: till 1 began using Baby's Own Tablets. They are an excellent medicine for little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 ts a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, PAA By ' Hutchy ! | a . Just One of the Boys. ' Though ye're only five foot two, Yet ye'te good and staunch and true When there's husky work fo do, Aln't yer, Hutch? Lugging of a stretcher round, O'er a stiff and rocky ground, On yer job yer will be found, Won't yer, Hutch? Through the slush and through the mire, 4 Dun'no what it is to tire, Well, 1 guess yer earn yer hire, ! Don't yer, Hutch? When the shells are flying round, Bursting with a fiendish sound, Yer don't budge an inch of ground, Do yer, Hutoh? You're a stocky little chap, And-you're heaps of grit on tap, Slickest thing upon the map, { Ain't <yer, Hutch? The above, clipped from the Iodine Chranicle, published by No. 1 Can- adian, Field Ambulance at the front, L hag reference to & former Kingston- fan, "Hutch" is no less a person than Pte, Thomas Hutchins, who en- listed here, NORTH DAKOTA PROTECTS | ts People From Unscrupulous "Ap-. poe) "Doctors. Kingston people interested in that prevalent trouble called "appendicit- is," for which many operations are performed and often without cause, ~ | wil be interested in the following '| clipping from a Pierre, South Dako~ ta, newspaper: "South Dakotans will be protected from unscrupulous practitioners who diagnose any illness as appendicitis and then perform an operation, un- der a hill prepasad for introduction in the state legislature. This bill would require that all appendices, removed in operation, be sent to the _ for examination. These appendices after being exam- {ned would them be returned to their respective "owners" together with a certificate showing their condition. In event an appendix was not dis- eftsed the owners" would be relieved 'of any Uability for payment for the operation, under the bill." J 2% LOOKED LIKE CONSUMPPIVE. et| from place Autowmobiing is fascinating winter & and some who aye ing the t winter have auntomobiling not only interesting but convenient, although Shets has been whie snow ing down to place throughout the #ity instead of being housed in-the Ii 4s Many cars are. Agtomo- garage | biling in Kingston, with our celd and | Ii stormy winters, teaches us that, If cars are equipped with sufficient power, they can be operated with lit- tle difficulty; and this one of the features of the Saxon car. Mr. Davis, of bas been using his Saxon throughout seems to be iH the Davis Dry Dock Co. [Hi the winter, and takes great delight | JEN! in running the car through the snow, and even with = weather twelve and fifteen degress below zero. He finds i} that it ls far ahead of other means of travelll This will offset the theory that HH some of our city fathers have long held out that a fire truck on the principle of the automobile cannot be operated in winter. A car equip- ped 'with the larger wheels proves out of the question of abilities to go through the snow, providing the out- fit is not too heavy. And Mr. Davi is now convinced that many uses can be e of the automobile ' during winfer -months if they are properly proportioned and equipped with suffi: clent power, i Although the Saxon Motor Car Corporation of Detroit have had a small fire, they expect to take care of the business, having had a large stock of cars on hand. and stored ready for shipment, re ren EXCELLENT ANNUAL REPORT. Ot Toronto General Trusts Corpora tion Submits to Shareholders. ' On Wednesday, Feb, 7th, was held the thirty-fifth annual nieeting "of shareholders of the Toronto General Trusts Corporation. "The past year has been one during which most fin- aneifal institutions have felt that the future waa uncertain, but éventual- ities have proved 1916 to be as good a year and as profitable as the most sanguine hopes could look for. The Toronto General Trusts Corporation in particular is to congratulated upon a very successful year's busi- ness, and the statement, as submitted to the shareholders and published in another column, reflects credit upon the-management. The handsome sum of $10,075,979.17, representing new executorahips, trusts and agencies ac- quired during the year, is a flattering indication of the high respect and confidence placed in this oldest Can- adian Trusts Corporation. A gen- erous contribution of $13,500.00 was given'to patriotic purposes; $100,~ 000.00 was transferred to Reserve Fund, bringing it up to a total of $1,- 850,000.00, beig $350,000,00 more than the paid up capital, The gener. al assets were increased to $77,180,- 573.62. Within the fo 1917, new executorships to thie number of 455 were acquired, which is the largest number in any one year of the Cor- poration for several years. A branch office was opened at Vancouver with a very strong advisory board of emi~ nent local men, During the year oc- curred the death of Hon. J. J. Foy, K.C., one of the charter members and vice president of the company. The same board of directors was re-elect- ed by the shareholders and, at a sub- sequent meeting of directors, the same officers of the preceding year were re-elected, -------- _ LIBUT.<0OL. LONG HERE. He Has Spent Two Yedrs and Half at 4 the Front. Lieut.<Col. C. E: Long arr.ved here Saturday and is the guest Ge daughter, Mrs, Howard Marshall, Col- borne street. ~ Col. Long, who was on the headquarters staff at Ottawa when war broke. out, went overseas with the 1st Canadian Diyision Am- munition Column, and has spent two years and seven months at the front. He was gassed a year ago and was a short time in hospital, but escaped other injury. sithough always in the midst Dh ihe fighting. Col. Long has two m ths' furloggh. TREES FOR NOW YORK. There are $,000,000 Available For Spring in the State. Almost 8,000,000, trees will be available for next spring's reforest- ing operations in New York State from tig stock now in the State for- 'est nurseries, Over half of the 8. 000,000 seedlings are white pines. following Species make up the remainder: y spruce, Scotch pine, pitch pine, European larch, Japanese aren sugar maple, and ei -------- A Winger ¢ at the Front. In a recent issue of the Iodine Cbronicle, printed at the front by his] Ambulance, | All manufactured furs at great reduced prices, and every article marked in plain figures. ly Coat s Footwear FOR LADIES We offer dressy patents in plain pumps, also some with large buckles, kid pymps and kid colonials; some with beaded vamps; prices $5.00, $4.50, $4.00, x Colored satin pumps at $3.00 in black, white; gold, blue and pink. ~ * - Evening pumps oo men in gun metal . and patents, $5.00 and $4.00. : J . ' SHOE STORE | Fresh Made Every Day. ~ Sakell's Next Grand Opera House Teléphone 640 42 Inches long, choice quality, Newest des) jgn. Sale Price $115. Ladies' Muskrat Coat Made from selected skins, lined with Skinner's guaranteed lin- ing, 45 inches long, Sale Price, $63 Neck pieces and muffs, in the popular furs, at big reductions. Campbell Bros., Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. SEE OUR WINDOWS. In Three and Five Piece Mahogany Parlor Setts, ou Balsam Dr. Hall's CURES COUGHS AND COLDS 25¢ a Bottle, at Prouses Drug Store and Tapestry and Leather Couches and Arm Chairs AT James Reid The Busy Store With the Large Stock. A ---- For the sick room. All prices from 85¢ : ; . to $3.00. Es AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE saa Telephone 41, Mrs. Comler (on a tour of incpec-p house )---Grac- tion in her friend's ous! Why do you have suc bed for your little boy. Mrs. Houslel--8o 1 age, > we can hear him it he falls out.' You have mo idea |. 'what heavy sleepers my husband and J. Jewell, Napanee, left oni) Harriston, where he 'equipping of = h a high . Davis Co,

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