Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1917, p. 6

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A Mr, Marshall, connected grocery department of Stewarts 14d. Renfrew, has accepted a position in mbroke. ; Jack Cameron and Mal: Beard, Napanee, have 'secured positions with' the Canadian Express Co., at Toronto, Ars. Eliza Madden, relict of the iste A. C. Madden, away Thursday at Belleville. Deceased was peventy-six years of age. W., J. Davis, Saskatoon, son 1ate John Davis, Carleton Piace, was married recently at Portage ta Pral- ce Sisso of the HOUSE BURNED DOWN. i anbie, Allisonville, Feb. 8.-~Taere was sxciement on 'Wednesday afternoon wien it was discovered that W. Goodwin's house was on fire. Mr. Goodwin had built & fire and walked out and got to the villags when he fooked around and saw awoke comn- ing out of his house. By the time any person reached the house it was too far gone to save mueh of any- thing. Mr. Goodwin has been a "e- sident of this place for years and oss sympathizers niade a quilt last {atl and sold tickets which brought nearly $60; they also made a silk quilt to sell, and on Friday night, Feb. 2nd, held a social in the new hall, and disposed of the quilts, Mr. Leste, Belleville, held the lucky number snd got the Red Cross quilt, and Daiilel Morden, near that place, was highest bidder on quilt. He ran it up to $18:50 snd took the quilt. With this and what they took in at the door amounted to ap-|100. They had a good programme Frank Connell, Atheus, was com- mitted for trial on a charge of theft of $26.29 from Pte. Jullus Labartie, a soldier of the 230th Battalion, rock ville. At the joangural meeting of the Napanee Board on Wednes- day, Alpine Woods was re-elected chairman and W, F. Hall, secretary. treasurer, #ix Brockville men, charged with have gnuietly pleaded paid fines of $20 and $3 others have been monses. Bal and site have been purchased by the Board of the Pres- byterian Church, Cobden, and that In the near future a new church will be erected upon that site, The marriage of Miss Emily D. Ungar and Ross A. Brown, took place Feb, 3rd, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ungar, Rivery Farm, Palace Road. iin of Mrs. Nicholas 'at New Dublin ninety-one years en Dame was Ann was solemnized | last 's Falls when and served a first-class lunch. workers here are very enthusiastic; thehisipars are more than doubled in number. mnareeieat KILLED IN ACTION Pte. McArthur; Seymour Township X Makes Supreme Sacrifice." Cobourg, Feb, 10.~0Mrs. Neil Mc- Arthur, Seymour West, "has been officially informed that her son. Pte, Hugh Neil McArthur, was killed in action on Jan. 17th. Pte, McArthur was a popular young eitisen of Sey- mour Township, twenty-nine years of age. He went ow last year and was later sent wil France. Besides his Wether, he is survived by one sister, living at home. ------------ Husband and Wife Die. Carleton Place, Feb. 9.~-On Fri day last Mrs. Jasper V. Holland pass- od away at her home on Miguel street af the good old age of eighty- three years, snd her funeral took place on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday afternoon her husband, Jasper Valentine Hol ed away at the ripe old three years. The aged been residents of the town for forty years or more, and were well known to our citizens. One daughter, Mrs James Shields, Ramsay, survives, Whose husband died only a few weeks c-- Af: the inaugural meeting of the Belleville Board of Education, B. Mallory, the capable chairman of year, was unanimously re-elected was also the secretarydreasurer, . J. Diamond, 'W. P. Dalley was re-elected chair- man of the Brockville Collegiate In- 'stitute Board for; the ensuing year. THOMES COPLEY in on all ol ha Ede Shade Ah orders wi) 4 gl r Own Correspondent) #eb. 10.--The Gananoque Fire Brigade held another assembly in Turner's Hall last evening and bad .good patronage. The Citizens' band orchestra furnished a for danc- ing. A children's tea Awas held in the m of St. Andrew's eburch last evening, followed by a pro gramme for the little ones, Pte. Spencer Sulmmisgs, who went overseas with the 21st Battalion, and was badly injured in action a year ago, losing one leg, arrived in his home town last evening at 8 o'clock, and was met by a large delegation of Gananoque Lodge No. 114 LO.O.F., of which he was a member. Quite a Iarge gathering of citizens of the town also turned out to welcome home one of our local heroes. Gordon Mirandi, who has been confined to his home by illness for satlle time past, is again able to be out, Nelson Amo, Charles street, 1s con- lecture a | and all report fined to 'his home quite seriously ill. a ------------ MORE YARKER BOYS ENLIST. -- Carlond of Hard Wood Sold nt $5.25 a Ton, Yarker, Feb. 9--The 264th Bat- talion band, of Belleville, en route from Enterprise to Napanee Wednes- day last, stopped in Yarker for a tew hours between trains, and the lovers of good music were treated with some fine selections. This band is on a recruiting tour. Robert Coul- ter was one of the number with the band, A few relatives and friends of Mrs. William Wilson, formerly Miss T. gtewart, called on her at the home of her parents last Friday night and presented her with useful and hand- some presents. A euchre party was held in the Red Cross rooms Wednesday last. The proceeds amounted to $15.66, which were handed over to help along the good work being done by this society. Mrs, CO. Peters, of Sydenham, is in few days visiting, Mrs. Roy Skinner of are at 8. W. Winter's. Mr. Skinner left for Kingston Monday last, having joined the R. C. H. A. in Kingston. rt Cook, of Kingston, spent a few days recently in the vil lage. The choir of the Methodist chureh spent an evening recently at the home of John Jayne. ? Mr. Seymore Burgess had a car- load of hard wood at the station, which 'was 'quickly - disposed of at $5.26 a cord. Mr. Bell has returned to Napanee, after an attack of grippe. Keith and Harold Walker, of Yar- ker, have enlisted to fight for the Mo- therland. HB. 8. O'Loughlin attended the funeral, of his cousin in New York. A. W. Benjamin and family are spending the balance of the win- ter im Ottawa. J. C. Connolly and wife have gone to Montreal to spend a few weeks with his' daughter. The ice harvest is about completed, & good quality. B. Loucks, bf Enterprise, was in the village. Harold Freeman was in Ot- tawa recently ofl a business trip. Mrs. B. Bell was in Napanee for a few days on a visit. a------ _. HORSES AND AUTO BURNED. Rather Costly Blase to Fred Smith, . of Belleville, Sunderland, Belleville, Feb. 10---Thursday even- {ng fire broke but in a barn situated in. rear of Fred Smith's residence, Geddes street, and it rT in virtually the destruction of the struc ture. The blaze was also responsible for the cremation of two horses and . Ford car, . the property of Mr. Smith, a well-kngwn carter. How od appears to be & 'When it 'was discovered it ned such a headway that it impossible to either save the ani- mals or the aute. The loss to Mr. Smith ia considerable, but is to a large extent covered by Insurance. The barn contents were ipsuréd for 900, and there was an insurance of 450 on the auto. - i -presupposes a 'to observe what Hs SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1917. i EE wo ow 3 ow Scene in the United States Congress adi] DAYLIGHT SAVING IS op BORN, o™,.. and Mrs W. R. And People Accomplished in a Besu- tifully Simple way. N en Register, * Anat lot of mgitation there is er the "daylight saving' reform! Imported from across the seas, it has been hailed by superficial thinkers as a new discovery. There are some who rest not' night or day in their zeal to spread its adoption. They flatter themselves that they are pion- cers of a great advance. They pre- sume too much! They have nothing new. They are seeking to effect by dint of ponderous legislation, which great wave of reform to set it in motion, whats their fa- thers brought about in a very swift and simple way, and that many years ago. Of course, they were not slow a Jot of good time there is before breakfast. in the sum- mer. They also knéw. the tendency of people; especially young people and hired men, to linger in bed and waste this good time, So they fixed it; They Set forward the clock 20 minutes, balf an hour, an hour. No agitatl no Jginlation. Just turn the pointers. It did the trick. By virtue of this sort of daylight saving they were gble to say to the laggard son or the slow hired man who turned up for work as late as 6 o'clock, "Where've you been all the forenoon?" , * ta ------ son OWIAN--In Picton, and Mrs. M. L Feb, #th, MeDONALD4AL Bath, on Feb. Mr. and Mrs T. J daughter. Mr. and Mrs, KE ter. VAN KOUGHNET--At Richmond, VanKoughnet, a son. DIED CLARKE---~In Consecon, 'Charles Clarke. BRADLEY--In North Feb, #th, Elizabeth 78 years. Jan, Maryshurg hy bt. nk, formerly North Fredericksburg, years, SEXSMITH--IARL Toronto, en Feb, Catheripe Sexsmith, formerly Napanee, aged 72 years. SKIUSE--In Colborne, on Feb, Elizabeth Skuse, widow of the John Jamdeson, aged A. Osterhout of Wellington Reddick, aged 77 vears, But the Band Would. IRRIGATE "BAD LANDS" i: played '*Canada, O Canada." State Movement for Umprovement in North Dakota, \ Another Important reclamation project is to be anid to he ug r 'which are now we velo in} . ' the western Ar of en Dakota. you may distinguish i. Permission has been asked for thei qu apd damming of the Little Missouri, at a plained the culprit hastily, "Now, my dear man," said When his to irrigating a large section of the Lond, Lands," which will be planted} to alfalfa, State engineérs now are " I would mot be here today. making the surveys. | "Discharged!" interrupted { well-pleased magistrate. Kept Bad Company. "But the band woud," New York Wall Street Journ because of our conscientious duty of upholding the law. It is also due to] self respect. The United States may shrink from husging the feeling of Germany, but should it be so tender Should it keep company with & per- | rigan's. nadie Special Bath Towel Sale. emer x THE MAN WHO HAS STOPPED CHANGING HAS STOPPED THINKING. and the man who does not think . is drifting--always towards the rocks. AOK MRMAN---In Hallowell, Feb. 1st, to / Ackerman, to Mr Cowan, a daughter. O00K-A4 Napanee, on Peb. Gth, to Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Cooky a daughter ist, McDonald, a MADDTIN---At Napanee, on Feb. 6th, to 3. J. Madden, a daugh- 30th, on Bradley, aged DRSHANE---At Maribank- on Jan, 20th, Mrs. Joseph Deshane, aged $§ years, PRINKAt Adolphustown, on Feb: 3rd, Mrs. Ro F of $1 fn, of rd, late OST HRHOUT--In Calgavy on Jan. S0th, Violet May, widow. of the late Louls REDDICK~In Picton, on Feb. 1, Mary E. widow of the late Henry M. Reddick. AAA «Your Honor," infornidd the pol- jeeman as he pointed to the prisoner, | "he refused to rise while the band "I did not recognize the tune," ex- the magistrate sympathetically, "let me { whistle it for you, so that hereafter The magistrate whistled the mel- the prisoner listened intent- 2 {1y, Worship had finished point aboye Marmarth, with a view \}o gersidant exclaimed generously; "your 'Worship, if the band had played thetune as you whistled fit, the concluded theman in an uhdertone as he has- al. We sbun the felon, This is inbred | ily retired from the court-room. [ 300 white bath towels, size 4322 inches long by inches wide, special [S53 to-night and Monday, 17¢ each, Cor-|S= a 10 onl eb, 2, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. J. G. PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON MAKES HIS HISTORIC SPEECH. ! on Friday afternoon, February 2nd, when e had dismissed Ambassador Bernstorff and ordered Gerard home, mn President Wilson told Congress that h friendly relations with Germany. For The Early Bird | Boys' Wash Suits in every imaginary style and material, sized from 8 to 7. This extra supply argjved carly for our regular summer wash suit trade, snd we will clear at regular WHOLESALE PRICES BUYING THESE NOW Will Save You 50%. You are invited to call and inspect them at thus breaking off MENDELS 217 Princess St. Opp. Grand Opera House 5 \ \ wd LS ; A Have You Inspected OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF Victrolas, 'Sonoras and Columbia Grafonolas? NX We Carry the Largest Stock of Talking Machines Between Toronto and gfiCe tonto an, and our stock of records is old fine: increasing all the F :

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