Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1917, p. 7

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dagpenings In the Olty snd Vicinity "et ve serene 00 0 00 Vaudeville Coming, The Miracle of Love. i lghi Heel Muster Pleture Napanee is to baye an Orange cele-| © a5 : o ar on July 12th next. Ls i dG tt} a 1 a Keep your savings in The Bank of Toronto and watch your balance Phére was 'a very small market 4 d fons afl Lo i ER i = Ba : grow through your regular deposits und the fnterest added by the Bank. Saturday. Prices of last Week were _ ADVERT RATES / FURNYTURE FINISHING The finance] strength of this long: established institution ensures safety wnenangad. of Love. What Is it? Insertion fherealter, | P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH : p 4 fot Ee Sop a card. 33 John ¥ for your money. C4 : 'Assets Thirty-nine years of church activity en, Call or $66,000,000 will be celebrated by Brock stréetig Ge PE ved on PARCEL dF TowELS ON Kiva street. Methodists to-morrow. : | on pr street. | Owner may H. Cunningham, piano turner, 21 a W. » by calling at£0 Gore street. x BUSINESS CHANCES. King street. Leave orders at McAul- A ------------------------------------ | A LADY'S HANDBAG CONTA =. -------------------------- * E MAIDS FOR KINGSTON GENERAL ing sum of muney. on INVESTORS WARNING DON'TANVEST ey's Book Store. Z Hospital } i street, Owner may have sso one cent until you red Successful 'Major G. I: Campbell preaches in , : rr By "calling #¢ 108 Patrick Bt, Finance and learn how fortunes Trinity Methodist Church, Napanee, A YOUNG asin ony WORN. and proving Property. sre made an on Subgax evening. eg ll pounp ARTICLES ADVER- . drial su mins. The Miraéle of Love. ae Evenings e. |S Cicum, STEADY FOSTRON POR || UT migED FREE Eictnp imer Davis speaks on missionary : ; good man. Apply N. C. Pol Poll + aN "FINANCIAL eines in Realsty and Cobden on wip y BLASS BARBER: APPLY Ross Anyone finding SPINS ang nesday i ursday next. % 3 & St. West, Brockville. | oe FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. The Miracle of Love, Watch for it. ont. } eRe" The ment i Tncorporated 1868: The civie Finance committee held YOUNG MAN, 35-9017 YEARS OF, » ' en oes One at we Fa a > 4 meeting on Friday afternoon but ANCY age, for. junior clerk, Apply lo fres of cha | kis, K.C. Money issued on eof LS f dwelhi la 1 nd | transacted only routine business |: Beddorson's Grocery, Brook street] BE and farm properties, municipal ani ix room frame elling, large lot a ) . 3 a ebenturss: mortgages pur } 1t is understood that George Payne . , based: investment OS nds | for stable, $100 cash required. will give the City Council a chance » RAISINS : loposits, Tecsired and in: Ni : b . ] 1 h h . 500 to present Its fair grounds account are packed ini ; vA £3 rnp ---- lowed. R. C. COrtwrighh né room , hot water heating, $ ease betore 2 high court judge. i. BROWS SABLE FUR SECKLET, OF Lo mesaer 41 Clarence 81. Pingeic, * - . . - ? iggest i yy - Saturday night, between olling~ will handle this. University Ave. ae. x hing 18 years, The RED Koon) Blas exper Wood and Victoria streets Please POOL: LONDON A Avaliable « i . - LC i " > i : Cy tarn to 1 Collingwood - $4400--1_ower Union St., nine room brick, all mod-| Thomas Smith, Kingston, has tak] CARTONS. ambicions, will Aad Pele reward. LIER Are, for v This is i . 1 & locili en a position in the Napanee Col- ra om. 12.30 fo em Cl abe ea lability of ern. 18 18 In a particular y good locality. legiate Institute, lately made vaeant : Aron : x g | SSALL SILVER PURSE, CONTAINING ety property, tosared at lowest by Mr. Corkill's appointment as in- ; WAROAN sim of money, Tuesday Le pe yd ore Tenn THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY spector. wien A SAAS SORIA A098 |. J, ii, ort: oppo tt SL BATE] fates from DMRRMR & Berane ' . . eX : ' street Pinder Kindly return to 64 Age Ph 3 56 ; 68; R 87 1" Brock street Church has a special| smaranan Rp ho a=] oval #2 DAILY EASILY ARNT AT Barrie street and receive reward. gents. ne , 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 musical programme for anpiversary AUCTION SALE Wore on Atte Rxliters | making ---- . : an , 1 a ke, experience unnecessary, x ; 3 LET " ; R 7 Coming, The Miracle of Love. Of Household IFaraiture, 304 Marl St. distance immaterial. Enclose three OST STRAYED OR STOLEN ee epee mat CO, la Frit Growers'! | Weber manogany case Moy, 10 am. | cont sthmps Solu, hitter Co. TT STE FUREY DOG TUE incess street, ROOMS AT 261 convention the following were elected | Walnut pariop plecen, pictures, Jen eh College Street, Toronto. Os WATE six smonihs oid, bn Feb. Sth: o Princoas street, over Ideal Thea! a I E® Casselman, Iroquols; | opened arm Shale St 2 oekatay Brus. --------et] ASST Coat of curly brown with| OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. ' 1 © Vv pon . A " Howard Leavens, Bloomfield; J. J.|ille curtains, 08k sideboard and tables, pat Of Nes long, docked. ANY - bers Apply taal unningham, x } You Can Count On It Watts, Colborne. | drop head Singer sewing machine, oak ¢ body found harboring same PLT of a -- h B The Miracle of Love. What is it? |DUGKCAse £00 ssoretsny combined, Ban Good, smart girls, 14 years : 30 w be prosecuted. Af | FURNISHER ROOMS, ALSO ROOMS When we take care of your storage bat- Mrs, Z. Vanluven, Napanee, aged | jron beds, enrings, mattresses; beding, of age and upwards; - can se- Sous ism » i reward. : Jae Tight housekeeping, 330 feton, tery there's no doubt of quality service. elghty-seven years, has just complet- | Sanda Sovereign Jonge and oOak!] curc employment at the Cotton 3 pe : y We have established ourselves as experts. ed knltting sx pairs of mitts for Bel- | heater, Ehascrt Con re oth. crock} Mills, Cataraqui street, Good STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN ) y , ery, enamelled and glassware, clock, } . , a Will you come in snd be convinced? . | sian children. This as regarded as 8 pictures. wages paid to beginners. Apply PERSONAL oats © a and d : remarkable achievement. | ALLEN, THE AUCTIONEER at office Dominion Textile Co., Queen street. Phopa 516: res. 935, 1 The biggest thing in years. The| Telephoue 252 Cataraqul street. MOLES, WARTS, BINRTHMARKS * owths and skin blem- ' * ; ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM, TWO Miracle of Love. | J Yn sow storm of Friday put ome | AUCTION SALE N . he h Titles from. City, to put out ob of the telegraphic wires betWweén Et. . B Ear, hares. Owner may sell. Apply grap | FOR . J a 1 5 ¥ Walter J. Rutten, Barrefiold. street. Kingston and Toronto out of busi- | Thoroughbred Holstein Cattle, Regine ee meer $0 LIST OR ON SHARES, GOOD UNDER ness, and as a result interfered with | tered, Wednesday, February 14th, THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS, COST the Whigs telegraphic service, | at 1 o'clock, at Mrs. Kenneth Or 1ittle, ce, 360; three Times vos. drained farm. five miles from King- € 1 ser's, Blginburg, | . $1 ( 2 d Hear y. John Webster, former | 4 holstetn milch cows, 3 yearling hes en ee er pe I o- rian | MARRY te Hoiusnnd vaobera, both a ato tk Ta pou hin complet: pastor, to-morrow din Brock street! fers, 1 yearling bull 'abo i yearling, FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVE Beas, AMINE | early. TOBIAES Ny Ru H. Fair, Kingston Methodist Church' anniversary grade heifer, 1 pring colt, 1 horse, toys, see - Frank W. Cooke, 39 Tox. dreds wealhyi, sonfidential des- | a, ; FT Miss FI R Slay Terms-9 mon aredit on approved Clarence street. orl tons free; established 10 years { remem 2 " torence osers, Clayton, Jolt motes, &C 8% interest per AGM. eee rer Sriptions free oe Sirs. Wrobel | ONE BIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, = 57 ¥.. Hl since Septentber, died in a WAM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. + | RECORD, CABINET, HOLD 80 REC. 783 Madison, Oakland, Calif, Livingston Ave. good outbuildings rr retreat atertows, N.Y. hospital on Tues-| WAS Pra eerste Se ordé: gbod as new; cheap. APPLY | and. smodern improvements; pos. : : | 4" Charles street. wession Na be Kon March 1st, ay, aged tweniy-seven years. She A Del - " 3 ; MARRY IF LONELY: FOR RESULTS, For information apply at Empire spent some years at Cape Vincent, 3 MAY m6: best and most successful: | Wor lo arket Square. » Y.. as a dressmaker. meso FARM OF lee ACRES, FOUR MILES | - from OR, ply Geb. - Rupdreds rich wish marriage soon, A ---------------- ---- ---------- pins son, RR. No. 1, Cawaraqul, Ont. strictly confidential; avast ratiable OFFICE ON SeLLseTel BT, ; RY years of experience; descripiions weupied by Mr. G tirney; (wo HELD TEA AND CONCERT, poUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 8 prv. yaar we Maccessful Club" Mrs. | agony dy Tighe and hot, wa- Te Aslan strtet, ¢, 1pm and Wi» Bree to Tox 356, OnRland, Calif. "| ter heating. : Possession Ast March Enjoyable Event Given by Juniors at 1 raat hi By 8 | or sooner 11 required. Apply t0'C St. J i on : | Livingston, Brock street. HANDORAFT. i ames' Church. e------------------------------ GENUINS VICPROLA AND FwELYS n choles, Jaa sh a ------------------------=. | { t A concert and tea, deld in the selections school room of St. James' Church on| J $10 cash aga ¥1.00 per week. LU. : ; | DENTAL Friday afternoon, was a most enjoy-| ' Yindaay. » 131 Princess street | JENNIE © SHAW SILL a REN | DDS PA. LDA: DDS. able event. It was given by the! A ---------------------------------- classes In a nds of painting, | A. KE. KNAPP, ~ oN i +TW0 BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA embroidery, and art work. Studio, Offic, 268 Princess street. Fhone dunlors, All the smaller girls took! ! Street; modern; nedr Unlon St. car £3 Clergy streets open from 2 10 5. 853. part in the missionary alphabet, | Be and 10¢ Packines . Owners desirous of selling onday, nesda naay. " ! A mene . ONARD WALSH, DENTIST, which was well put on by Miss For Sale at all Grocers. t noo.'s" Appi sMalapds: Drug 4 DR. Princess and BagoL streets. FENWICK HENDRY & CO, ; BOARD AND ROOMS Phone $26. - : Beard, a ---------------------------------- A Tess , ent "The- hte rs. D BRICK RESIDEND Wh ere i of Missions," wis bos Ss ITE "Brock, os oo Sven Ty | CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS; DHS, SPARKS AN maton street. Be. . 0 , and all mod- 8, 1 Ce len by W. Nobes and Doris Smith, ARCHPTEOT " or i er ss Passosaton every convenience: central loca Devaar, DDS, LDS, assistant. {duets were rendered by Ruth and May 1st. 'Apply 147 Divison St. . tion. Apply 243 Brock street. Phone 345. Glayds Hughes and Dorothy and Jean| gai, NEWLANDS & SOX, ASCOT A inna : raves: song by Isabel Christmas, Ter ND Offices, 258 Bagot St IMMORTALITY CERTAIN. SWEDEN - { "Mother," which she rendered very Phone 608. borg's Breat work on "Heaven & gi sweetly; ---------------------------------------- Hell' Jana the Jie after oaths . - + | POWER SON, ARC MER. | ' ver ges; only 25¢, postpaid. "The Choosing of a Missionary VER 4 Bank - ng, corner| i JW. IL a 486 Buelia Ave, To- wis given by three girls, Winnifred Brock and a ellington strels. ronto, Ont. k d . ara {Sulld W Nohas and Ruth Hughes. PRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN | § acaulay, president of the a village: tb 2- § | W.A, of the diocese, spoke a few WANTED GENERAL Storey And. large NS all first ) { rr : 4 . ce words of appreciation and encourages WANTED, TO RENT, FURNISHED | class condition, $1006 fo Sina Sp . OVER HALE . THE PEO. {| ment regarding the affair, house for three months. Apply to PLE WEARING GLASSES The second part of the programme | Box 2228, Whig Office, | 67 Clarence street, Kingston, TO-DAY HAVE MOUNTS [included a phtriotic song by three' WiaNwiD TO RENT, ON MAY AEF ON CHOICE STOCK OF HEATIRS, RA : THAT DO NOT FIT P . oir ¢ gos, and all kinds of new and 8s . BOTLY. tots, Iris er, Marion S¢rutton and sooner, & house, at $18 to $20. Ap- Een A furniture. We sre Ais . . ; . ¥ ¥. : ili Forster. Wiltrid Forster and ply. Box. 210 Whig Office. - open to buy oy ing in Fr For clean, light work; highest wages while oa i H Orwell a recitation, choruses UPR S. shove gi de * ey "a. 2 . goes ae ; AV A Nis To, orniiat, Jibrail the memters, with Miss Winn. | #2 for cant or 1g pact mento Phen, rime Se a 60. learning. Those wishing steady employ tH LW. Lind-; 4 VERY A [A 54000 tor rick ment, apply at } ¥ porch and . % frid Guild as accompanist, pianos vi YOU WHAT "HIGH CLASS" Mrs, Christmas had charge of the say, Limited, 131 Princess street. FITTING REALLY MEANS. [Jl tes room and was assisted by Mrs. |exvistienCED FARMER WANTS T0 | ing porch and AY : : Davidson, Mrs. Francis King pour- sont one hundred acre fam with Fe rms cay. - 'A large de: if | or without stock and implements, t uot. necessany. ----e--a---------- XB od tea, The collection amounted to ». pom apply 347 : sove J oe YR aa Cy KINGSTON HOSIERY; LIMITED. , ---------------------- -- . : HOUSE, 5 OR 0 ROOMS ON 1ST MAY, DAIRY FARM FOR SALE, CONSIST. ; : Parcels From Germany, DRE, 8 OR ty. modern, conven lng of 300 sores, Belng the BOTIN Rr oy King Street West. Another 'bateh of parcels from lenses, Jor small Jamie. onild- . haif of Lot, 13 1n Jou Con. of Stor | J ¥ f 2 A ren. ¢ ren - ngton & t n On, ab : a Gerinany for prisoners. interned in Ten. MeCaun, AY. Brock St id Township. price -------------- terms apply to Fort Henry have arrived at the office Seorse Holder, Box 56, Battersed, | of United States Consul Johnson, who : is still seting on behalf of Germany | NOW 8 THE TIME 30 HAVE YOUR . \ until. the Swiss consul at Montreal bleycle rapaiced. CO J A | L. = TE umes char, f O interests | ;. 1p. AO or SAll ) } . ps. re 372 3 » lined costs, new uph chairs; military harness an ther straps. We buy all kinds of new and second hand furniture &. Shapiro. 4 Princess street, IN Phone 1237. Ia SA -- pass mt

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