Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1917, p. 10

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SIREET Completely Restored To Health | By "Fruit-a-tives" | B82 Sr. Vaux Sr, MoNrREaL. "In 1912, I was taken suddenly ill | with Acute Stomach Trouble "and | dropped in the street. 1 was treated by several physicians for nearly 'wo | yegrs, and my weight dropped from 1:26 | péunds to 160 pounds. Then several | of my friends advised me'to try "Fruit atives", I began fo improve almost with the first dose, and by using them, I recovered from the distressing Stomach Troubles~sad all pain and Constipation wére cured. Now I weigh 204 pounds. I easnot praise "Fruit- a-tives" enough", H. WHITMAN. 0c. & box, 6 for $2.50 trial size, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit a tives Limited, Ottawa. JOAN_W._ PATRICK i Machines, 1 | ide myself, or if I could control my- repaired; Kéys fitted. All makes of Lawn Mowers { 149 Sydenham Nr ---------- { ja GRAND TRUNK £357 LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Jan. 14th, 1917. seas Saunt sere GOING WEST Mall .. r 1 om. v 13 2 ope FRas; 0 wend oF Dm verEe EEE Bas anet PO nie GOING Cp a Der Shove 0 -~ Bas £2 8 . 18 , 16 6 Mail .. .... 14 Intérp'l Lad, 1 3 No. 28 Local , .. .. S48pm 22 p.m. Nos. 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 15, 19 Jan dally. rect Hamilto, Buffalo, Chicago, Bay CHy, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St, For Pul koa, and all other information, apply J. P. HANLEY, AGENT. Cor, Johnson and COntarie Streets IRD sTep 8 mapeto se a3 vee §38 | at THE CONFESSIONS OF ROX (By Frances Walter) DANT SHAWS SIGNS OF COMPASSION pelosi MY ATTEN (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure Newspaper Svndicate) Carrying out a decigion which 1 had formed I prepared to Wke ample slepp during the day and keep awake night. | reached determination because of the terror which seized ma Whenever I thought of lying helpless and unconscious in the huge bed 1 had no other thought at thst time than that my fear would de- prive me of the repose which nature required and that soon [would be a physical and possibly a mental wreck. But as I formulated the de- tafls of my plan the thought occurred to me that by remaining awake et night 1 might learn the identity of my captor. I had no doubt that the ghost-like figure which had hovered about my bed the night before was that of the man who had ordered my imprisonment amd who later had written me a lotter such as only a man bereft of his senses could have penned. If I could find a place to self sufficiently to lie in bed and ob- serve the man's entrance, wateh him while he was in the room and see how he departed, I might not only learn who he was, but I might also discover the secret by which one could leave the piail-like chamber. In order not to excite suspicion 1 decided not to question my atten- dant, Jane, too closely about my surroundings when she came after oreakfast to remove the table, but like many another resolution this one soon was buffeted about by the tide of circumstances. She inquired gently of me if I had slept well and expressed regret when she learned 1 had a bad night, "I can only hope that you will be- come accustomed to your surround- ings in the near future and that you will be able to rest better," she said, sympathy apparent in her manner. "It will be impossible for me to be- come either accustomed or reconciled to my lot," 1 told her, "A person who has been treated as I have been does not become reconciled to hgr fate, This is all the more true when it is recognized that I do not know what the future will bring forth." "] think I can assure you as to attempt believe that 2 You She addres , trying vince herself of something. "What assurance can I have that what you say is true " I asked. 'None jut such is my belief." "And if vou were mistaken. II harm were intended to me; if an made, to injure me, what protection would I have?" Her eyes flamed for an instant, but the light died out of theni as quickly as it had flashed there. "l.am not your jailer," she re- plied spiritiessly. "Iam merely your attendant, I am not even responsible for your safe-keeping. My duty is to see that your wants are satisfied. When that is done my duty ceases." 1 lookel at her keenly. Something told me thay this woman was serving a master whom she dared not refuse; that her task not only was distaste- ful, but that it was positivily revolt- ing to her; that she felt kindly to- ward mie and would help me If she dared. 1 determined to sound her, "But you would not remain im- passive while I was mistreated would you?" 1 asked. *It is not the nature of woman, especially of a woman such as you, to permit one of "her sex to be injured without extending such protection as you can command. Suppose 1 should tell you that I shall rely upon you to aid me if the time should come when I required aid?" The woman was silent for a mo- ment. When she spoke her words came rapidly and I could see that she was greatly moved, A "I do not know what I would do," she said, "1 do not wish to think of such an exigency. [1 prefer to think that you will not suffer much further inconvenience and that you soon wii be free to go wherever you wish." "That does not answer my ques- tion," 1 persisted. "Can I, or can I not, rely upon your protection?" "Wait," exclaimed the woman hurriedly, '"Wait until an attempt is made to harm you, If such an attempt is made, summon me. 1 do not know what I would do, but sum- mon me and we will see." With that she turned from me and in another moment the mysterious wall shut her from view. sentence as If to ¢on- last were that," she said quickly, "I do not (To Be Continued.) Ann The Whig's Daily Menu | Menu for Tuesday BREAKFAST Orange Juice Cereal Brolled Smoked Herring Popovers Jam or Fruit Butter Coffee or Cocoa LUNCHEON OR SUPPER Henn Soup From Yesterday Rice Fritters Warm Glugerbread Tea or Cocon DINNER Roast Pork with Hominy and Apple Sauce 'arrot Salad Jellied Oranges Coffee Popovers Materials---Three eggs, 2. cups flour, 2 cups milk, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspobn melted butter. Utensils--Mixing bowl, measur- ing cups, téaspoon, tablespoon, flour ° '| sifter, FEB beater, popover pans. { I (STE) "HALIFAX to LONDON (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) Yor particulits of sailings and rates, apply to Local Agents or to The Robert . deford Co. neral Agents, & Limi Ade King Street t, 0. he 3 . SE TE Directions--Beat the eggs and milk until light; add the sifted flour and salt and beat well. Pour into iron popovee pans which have been reated very hot and brushed with melted butter. Bake in hot oven 30 minutes. This will make 16 pop- overs Rice Fritters Materials--Two cups cold hoiled rice, 1 cup-flour, 2 eggs, % cup milk, 1 rounded teaspoon baking powder, 1 level teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon melted butter, 1 tablespoon molasses, Uteénsils-- Mixing bowl, 2 measur- ing cups, teaspoon, tablespoon, egg beater, bowl to beat eggs in, deep trypan or griddle. Directions--Mix flour, milk and well beaten eggs, butter and molas- ses. Beat three minutes. Add the cold boiled rice and mix well. Add the baking powder last. This is a very stiff mixture and is intended to fry in deep, very hot oil or fat. Drain on tissue toweling. To f ype hot griddle more milk must be Ad- ded. HURRAH For the Weene Photo Studio, Photos All Sises and Styles, FRAMES is the spot Abr govt work, gus, Quick Hveries. RIGHT PRICES Weed! New D. A. WEESE 168 PRINCESS STREET Fhotos, Frames, Pletures, Pianos, THE RIDGE, WOLFE ISLAND. Feb. 10.--Many of the farmers are hauling hay and straw. B. Orr is moving to his new farm at Pitts burgh. 'A large number attended the Cape Vincent horse races on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, A few friends gathered at the home of T. Spence on Thursday last and' spent a pleasant evening. Miss E, Glen went down the island to visit her sis- ter last Friday evening. Miss Cela Andress has been visiting Miss Emily Spence, Many of the young people attended the parties at H, Mosier's and F. Walker's, Howard {Abbott has enlisted in the 72nd Queen's Battery. 0S0O STATION. Feb. 7.--The farmers are busy hauling pulp and wood to the siding here. R. E Bourk has returned to his home in Lyden, Sask. after spending a month with his mother, Mrs, Elijah Bourk. Jacob Chambers has returned to his home at Engle- hart. Alton Mick, of Ottawa, is spending a few days with relatives here. Mrs, John Conboy, and Miss Jdna Warren attended the Truélove- Peters wedding at Bathurst on Wed- nesday last. Mrs. Robert Henderson of Cataraqui, is spending some time with Mrs. Robert Patterson. Miss Thora Sergeant, of Zealand, spent the week-end at A, England's. Mrs. Thomas Bourk, of Fielding, Sask., 1s spending a few weeks with friends here. Edward Crawford, wife and family, are spending a couple of weeks at John Crawford's. LAKE OPINICON Feb. 6.--Rev. Mr. Hrodp tonduct- de sacrimental service in the Metho- dist church on Sunday morning last, The frequefit storms keep the roads in a very bad condition. M. Hugh- son and O. Cumpson are drawing logs to A, N. Sharp's saw-mill. K. Darling is erecting an ice-house, F. Smith and J. Maclean made a trip to Kingston recently with a load of fish, Mrs. W. Cooper, Socrates, Sask., spent a few days here visiting her aunt, Mrs, Darling, Sr. A, N. Sharp had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse and A, Darling has suffered the loss of three calves, H. Smith spent Saturday at Elgin, Miss E. Linklater is visiting friends at Seeley's Bay. A. Shewell of Violet spent the week-end with his daugh- ter, Mrs A. Sharp, -D. J. Hughson has returned from Kingston. . BREWER'S MILLS, Feb. 8.--Weather still continues very cold and stormy. Quite a pum- ber of people are il with grippe. Mrs. C. Milne, who has been dll for the past two weeks, is recosofloe; also Mr. and Mrs. Rochefort. mes Dockrill, Buffalo, arrived <home a few days ago. A number of young fodtks attended the dance in Seeley's Bay on Friday night. Miss Lorretto Keys is visiting friends in Kingston. Mrs. H. Moreland and children, Linbury, also Mrs. W. Anglin and baby, Battersea, spent the past week at Thomas Todd's; Mrs. McDonald, Lansdowne, and Mrs: Reid, Escott, at J. Murray's; Mr. Donevan, Rockport, at D. J. Murphy's; Mr. and Mrs. P. Milne and little daughter, Marguer- ite, spent 'the week-end with friends at Athens, HIGH FALLS Feb. 7.--John McKnight has sold his farm to Edawrd Morey and is moving to Colin's Bay. George Babcock's little son Carman is very ill of pneumonia, Many from this neighborhood are attending the re- vival meeting at the Free Methodist chureh, Verona. An oyster supper A baby en the Bdme of Mr. and Mrs. Abrams. A son was 'born to Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Storms. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Bauder at George Bauder's, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Storms at Secord Storms's, Mr. and Mrs, John Deyo at Oscar Bauder's, Mrs, George Baudér and Mrs. Second Storms at George Babcock's, Miss Susie Storms and Mr, O'Neil at Wil- liam Storms', Secord Storms took a flying trip to Verona. + CATARAQUL wi Feb. h.--Nearly all those who have ice houses have got them filled. Dr. and Mrs. Edwards have been in Ot- tawa for a couple of wecks. Mrs, C. Gillespie has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Gilles- pid return to Wolfe stand this week. J. Baker and Ernes: Cooke are at- terding the meeting of tue Vegetable Growers' Association in Toronto as delegates from here. Mrs, Baker alse is in Toronto. Miss Gertrude Reynolds, Bath, is visiting at. Mrs, H. ©. Simpson's. | On Monday of last Jweek Rev. Camon Roberts united in marriage John Riley of this village and Miss Helen Rich, of Kingston. Mrs. J. Ward is siaymg witha her daughter, Mrs. 8, Knight, Sunnyside. Last eveni concert wid held in all in aid of Christ A the township church, Members of St. Paul's oholr, Kingst and = some of the young people of Christ chfreh put on a fine gramme, Mrs. Miles Binnington, i8 visitinx Mrs. aghter has come to bright- was Lyd John Deyo's.lagt night. Van FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE rd : | Chick spent a week #isiting friehds n Mallorytown. Mr. and Mrs. B. B Graham attended the Graham-Guild wedding at Mallorytown last week Alexander .Herbison has returned home after visiting friends in Brock- ville. Mrs, F. L. Chick spent last week visiting her pareants, Mr. and Mrs. Herbison, Brockville, YONGE MILLS. Feb. 8. Mrs, W. C. McLaren and daughter, Mary, of Brockville, paid a visit to their .grand parénts, Mr and Mrs, G.. A. Purvis before leaving for Winnipeg. Mrs, Olifford Gibson and daughter of Mallorytown spent the week-end the guest of Mrs. Alex- ander Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Purvis are spending a few days in Toroftto® Mr, and Mrs. Gilfillan of Lyndhurst are visiting their daugh- ter Mrs. G. Turkington, Mrs. Andress of Rochester, N.Y, is spending a few days with.her mother, Mrs, Avery, who is ill, Mrs. Harry Rowsome is the guest of Mrs. G. 'A. Purvis. Miss Laura Ferguson entertained a num- ber of her friends Friday night, JUNETOWN Feb. 5~A number from here at- tended the Grabham-<Guild wedding on Wednesday last at Mallorytown Thomas Fragklin entertained the members of |the Quarterly Official Board at his home on Monday after- noon. Miss Alma Purvis was a re- cent guest with friends at Ottawa. Mrs. McBratney, North Augusta, was recently visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. Love. Miss McNeill, Ottawa, is spending this week with Mrs. J. A. Henbison. Miss Cassie Tennant is visitings friends in Kingston. - Miss Mina Pritchard spent the week-end at her home in Athens. Born to Mr. and Mrs, B. J, Ferguson on Saturday Feb. 3rd, a daughter. A farewell surprise party will be tendered Mr. and Mrs, "Sandy" Ferguson on Tues- day eve, before they leave for Brock- ville, Herbert Scott was called to Gananoque on Monday owing to the illness of his mother, Mrs. A. Scott. t ELGIN. Feb. 7.--Mrs, R, Smith, Mrs, R. J. Powell were guests at Belleville last week. Mrs, Hill, Delta, was a guest of relatives. William Kerr is mak- ing preparations to move to his farm in the spring. George. Howard, jr., has secured a situation in Trenton. Nurse Nelson is caring for E. Virtue, Jones Falls. Rev. Mr. Stillwell is able to' be outdoors for a short time. G. F. 'Warren conducted service in the Methodist church for the pastor. Mrs, Prisilla Smith is under the doctor's care, Mrs. A. Morgan has returned from hospital at Brockville. L. Chapin, Brockville, was in the vil- lage last week. line last week. Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Coon were week-end guests at Kings- ton, Mrs, Laman has had the old blacksmith shop torn down and it is being removed from the premises. The oe aking Instructions given by Miss Colins of the Ladies' Insti- tute is meeting with marked success, Miss Enid Howard, laday spent Sunday at New Boyne. Mr, and Mrs. Jarred Pennock are in Kingston the guests of Mrs. Parry- man, The rémains of Mr. Ephriam Virtue's little daughter weré placed in the vault here last week. W. Rip- ley, Westport, was in the vilage last week. Manitoba, is renewing acquaintances. Leonor and Addington] BATH. N Fb. 8.--The concert given in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening un- der the auspices of the Methodist church Ladies' Ald was attended by a crowded house, and over $90 was realized. Mfs. Northmore has turned fram a visit with friends in Napanee. D. H. Robinson has filled his ice hodse this week. At the sotial evening given by the ladies of the R.C. church on Friday evening last over $50 was taken in. ENTERPRISE. Feb. 8.--The snow storm on Sat- urday has left the roads almost im- passable, and farmers are at a stand- still in drawing their hay and wood. A number from here attended the ball in Newburgh on Friday evening: Miss Annie B. Finn, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. James Doyle, Camden East, has returned to her home here. Miss Theressa Kidd, Erinsvillé, is the guest of Miss Nellie Perrault. Harold Dunn and Leo Donoghue, Kingston, were at A. C. Finn's on Stnday evening last "paddy" Kelly and sister Annie visited at Georgé Perrault's on Sun- day. Miss Ellen Foster, Camden Bast, was the guest of Miss Mary Sa- grit on Sunday. Miss Anna G. Finn has returned home after spend- ing the" past week with friends at Newburgh. Charles Clair was at James Whalen's on Sunday. . CLOYNE. Feb. 9.-- The weather remains very vold and the roads bad. We are having no church services now, as Rev. Mr. Benson left to take up an- + Mr, Scott, Athens, wag assisting on the rural telephone student of Smith's Falls Collegiate, spent Sun day at home Mr, and Mrs. Joel Hal- G. W. Sexton of Deloraine, re- Black, Green } or Mixed rr att the scalp or Alling hair will grow M8. 0 5 health ingredients, Cc! All Drugglsts, you ant hours were spent and some sew- ing accomplished on work obtained from Kingston branch. Socks are also being knit to send to our boys at the front. DENBIGH Feb, §.--Mr. and Mrs, Otto Fritsch and son of Webb, Sask, ; who enjoyed quite an extended visit with relatives and friends here at their native home, have started again on their journey towards their western home but on their way they intend to stop over'and visit yet other relatives at Renfrew, Brockville, Mount Forest, Chesley, Toron{o, Chicago and St. Paul George Fritsch of - Renfrew, who also paid an extended holiday visit to his parents and other rela- tives here, has dlso returned to town. | Mr. and Mrs, Dawson and children | of the Rainy River District who were | for about six weeks guests of Mrs i Dawson's parents, Mr, and Mrs, C. | Both last Wednesday for New. On-| tario. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lockwood | are enjoying a visit with friends at | and near Plewa and Mrs. EE." Mar- quaradt is away on a visit to her brother James and other relatives in Tyendauaga, who have been in very poor health for some time, TAMWORTH. Feb. 7.--The I. 0, O. F, Ydge of Enterprise' visited Tamworth lodge on Monday night of last week, After the instalation of new™ officers all proceeded to the Whalem where an oyster supper was enjoyed The next™wight the Tamworth lodge paid Entérprise a return visit. After the instalation of officers a supper was held. Mrs. (Rev.) Radcliffe visit- ed friends - here. last week, Miss Arvin, of Wolfe Island, visited Mrs. 0. B. Floyd for a few days last week. Miss Elliott, of Tamworth, and Fred- erick Reid, of Camden, weoré married at Kingston to-day. Mr. Elliott bro- ther of the bride, and Miss Alcom- back, sister of the grgom, were in at- teidance. The late William Gee, who some years ago was a resident of this place before moving to Gaylord, Michigan, died at Mercy Hospital, Bay City, on Dee: 2nd. For the past twelve years Mr. Gee had been a resident of Cheboygan where he had been in the dray business." He was {ll but a few days, but was too weak to stand the operation. The remains were taken to Cheboygan- for burial. Mrs. George Cook, of this place is a sister of the decedsed, and. she, in company with her daughier Clyde, Jeft for Cheboygan to attend the funeral, SALEM. : Feb. 6.--Farmers are busy getiing up their supply of Wood, iam Way, Chawin, Alberta, Ras" te pewing acquaintances here. C. House, | Ter | The Tea of all Teas. Get a package and enjoy a cup of Tea "In Perfection', mn 1 YOU SHOULD USE ( ' 1 BECO maintains healthy hair, corrects unmatuial scalp condisions, and assists nature in restoring normal, healthy conditions, by stimulating and renewing the hair-growing proc 1 HEALTHY HAIR NEEDS ATTENTION, and any disorder of worse by neglect. contains pure Cocoanut Oil and other hair | which by constant use will keep the scalp and hair in perfect condition. Being in LIQUID form, it is easy to apply: You wet the head thoronghly in Hot wate, thén apply about two tablespoonsful, which will instantly work up oceans of lather that will thorouthly the scalp, and after thorough rinsing will leave the hair beautifully soft. Buy a bottle from your dealer and follow direc: tions carefully, and you, like thousands of others, will be convinced of our claims. 'Price 50 Cents Evenyohere, or if your dealer cannot supply * ith the genuine write us. MUTUAL SALES C 0. Tovoute; Ostarie It besirs the © Seal of Purity All over the world the name Sunlight stands for purity in Soap. Our 000 guarantee of Purity is something more than an adver- tisement, It marks the high standard we have set for ourselves togive you the best laundry soap it is possible to produce at any price. Sunlight Soap FOOT OF BROCK STREET Phones: Office 323, House €1L We furiieh: Sussiine at Tia Ca rer Mire. Washing Cars: EE. _ E. PARADES, Prop. {after a short visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer. Rev. J Poston, Carrying Place, called at Charles Sager's recently. | Wannamaker made a trip to Welling- v M. | Kemp and C. Carnrike attended a|'on 0% Saturday. The Red Cross So- Psale in Sfdney last Thursday. Mr. | siety' meets on Wednesday at Mis. C. and Mrs. J. H. Parlfament were gu (J. Kemmis. ite Ta ber, of rt ' "a bari 1 e n 0- Belléville Saturday. OC. Catnrike at f= pany, a juts r " ahcouver, BA. George Bifinington. Mrz. Purly, Napanee, i§ visiting at Dr. Edwards™ Henry Knowles, who hai been visit- ing his mother at the parsonage, has returned to Montreal, Miss Jessie sol 1s spending a (ew dAys in To- nto. i " 3 other occupation. Men aré obiain: ing plenty of employment either working around the Ore Chimney mine or cutting wood for it. Mrs. James Head has returned home after renewing acquaintan in the Nap- adee vicinity. Miss Liazie MeCaus- land Is on the sick list. Our stage driver, William McCausland, i= laid oft with the grippe. Percy King is driving In his place. Miss Hazel Se- dore is spending a few days ith Mrs, | MacNieoll tended a meeting of the Quarterly |' CC laTI Lot a Board at Consecon gn Momflay, The ¥, or. ot Hastings add Prince Ed- | ward, with headquarters in Belle- prayer meeting at Oscar" Hennesey's ast 'Thursday night was well attend- | 0 A Branch stots is to be started in Wellington, Visitors: C. ed. Mrs. A. McConnell and Mrs. G. 2 Alyea Ihave returned to Wellingion and family at 8. Va Ta Rika fannmmn Mrs. Bdward Wannamaker, Trénton CASTORIA "iis it C. M. Kemp and son, Gordon, at B. Alyea's: Mr. and Mrs. 8. Vancotts at In Use For Over 30 Years Ae & y 3 & K filam Young #4 un. tredtment at Kingston General 5 Young has been with him. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne (nee Jessie Brown. are this vicinity, t., 68 nto. E. Wannamaker's. The funeral of the late Mr. Bowers was held at Salem church on Wednesday after- noon. PURVIS STREET. Feb. 5--Mrs. Roy Gibson eater- a few of her friends to a fea r ] webk, Mr, and Mrs, | a spent a few days eek visiting friends in Athens Plum flow, Mrs. M. A, ~ A man gossip spends a lot of hie time loking for another job. ciety to A 31st, where Mrs. MacGregor enter tained them at dinner. A few pleas- the 'Siguatare of So

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