Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1917, p. 1

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- PAGES 138 LA FEBRUARY 12. 1917 LAST EDITION er we [BOATS HSS 1100 VESSELS 'Never Would Be / Any if Relief! |" Commission Can Obtain | Which Safle From or Amived at British Ports Feb. Ist to Sth. Funds. MQNDAY, 'GIRL WORKERS RIDE OLD DOBBIN NOW. i Tots 0 Bk WI Gamay Over Sobre Poy Will 'Soon be Available to American Ship Owners. Special 10 the Whig.) Washington, Feb. 12.-~Reserve guns of the U.S. navy, designed for use on-méerchant wuxilinries and sub- | 22 3 i | marine ch w probably be f ; ) g : Co available soon to American ship own- d Th : | Philadelphia, Feb. Ree Herbort ers who brave the German danger Sa { a sik 3 | C. Hoover, Chairman of the zone. The Navy Department has a | { | { sion for Reliet in Belgium, told mem- number of these guns, which it is bers of the City Club, in an addiess sald to-day could be even loaded that there is no starvation in Bel- Ee I mecemaot hn. Woe glum at present, Sd, 0 es the hant i i he BE ACrta has held a. Commission is given the funds to direct transfer could be made, there continue its work. THE UNDE RSEA were signs to-day that the Govern- ment desired to avoid making such arming appear to be an official move. 3 ---------- en TO PERSONALLY INVESTIGATE. H that the Belgians are now og he added, "it is the vital doty of Americans to give aid that this health may be maintained. Without this aid Belgium must starve," Mr. Hoover sald the Relief Com-| mission js short between four and five million dollars a month in its budget. "This Is due largely to the fact that we Rave taken on addition- al loads," he said. *Rece tly we have been feeding 1,200,000 school children at a cost of more than $1.- 900.000 a month, We must raise this money by Some means other thén Government subsidies, and we appeal to the citizens of the United States to help with the burden. PRE ------ 4 ¥ ' NOTE PRESENTED TO THE GER- MAN MINISTER AT PEKIN, "fhe Text of the Note--Already the Submarining Has Cost China Many Lives and Constitutes a Violation of International Law. ¢ Pekin Feb, 12.The note handed to the German Minister by The Minis- ter for Foreign Affairs in reply to Germany's declaration of the resume: tion of unresiricted submarine war- fare wag made public to-day. The text of the note in part is as follows: "The. new measures of sub: a by luingring Jiparifling the Hyves and property of even more t 4403 Sven mors th . a Sivin Gear track orders for the roal have already cost China many lives . and constitute a violation of interna-| = : tional law. The toleration of their | FONDON TIMES AGAIN INCREASES application would Introduce into in: S---- : ternational law arbitrary principles | Prefers to Advance Charge to Reduc- ing Its Size. incompatible with legitimate inter London, Feb, 12.-~The Times an- A FAILURE AS FAR AS STARVA- PION 18 CONCERNED. United States May Army Ships Soon --American Line Will Not Allow Its Ships to Sail Without Protec. tion. - New York, Feb. 12.--More than 1, 100 vessels hav® arrived at or salled, unharmed" from United Kingdom ports during the first nine days of Germany's unrestricted submarine warfere in British waters, accord: ing to an announcement made here Saturday by persons in authoritative touch with British Admiralty offi- cals, Seven hundred vessels entered United Kingdom ports safely and 410 departed, according to this informa- tion. The Admiralty officials are de- clared to be convinced that Ger. {many's renewed undersea activity is ia failure in so far as it intends to ibring about starvation of the people of the British Isles. (Bpeni ta the Whig) Ottawa, Feb 12.~8ir Henry Dray- ton, chairman of the Dominion Rall- way Commission, left by special train this afternoon for the Niagara fron- tier to personally investigate the conditions causing the coal conges- tion at the border, Reports from all parts of Ontario to-day indicate that the situation is more critical than ever before. When Sir Henry arriv- ed from Ottawa to-day his special car was hitched to an engine and "The. lines for this London Daily Mirror picture say the ly in use this year in many parts of England than ever before. photo are on their way home from a day's . AMERICANS HELD | "55%: ror GERMANY WANTS AS HOSTAGES T0 KEEP PEACE sleigh is more general- The farm help in the JUMPED TO DEATH OR WERE BURNED The Destruction on Monday Morning of the Kenwood Hotel (Special to the Minneapolis, Feb. U-BOATS IN ONE BRITISH PORT President of Columbia Says the British Have Captured 200 Altogether. course between neutrals and between HE) per neutrals and belligerents, "China, therefore, protests ener. inst the proclaimed on T 1st and sincerely hopes pat, e rights states w respected and that the said measures will not be carried out. If contrary to ex- nectution this protest be ineffective, nounces a raise in price on February 1st tb four cents, the purpose being to reduce the sale and save white paper tonnage. This js preferred to reducing the size. It appeals to readers to revive the old custom of one paper to two families, dividing the cost, thus cutting circulation. If this is not effective a further in- By Gemma For Really Measus i Case U.S. Declares War. Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 12 --Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University, declared in an interview here Saturday that the submarine Deutschland has been captured by the British. "I have positive knowledge," he sand, "that the Deutschland is one of the 85 German submarines in one Wi th nod States And Is Sending aie Though Swiss Waist, stroyed the Kenwood Hotel early to-day, dozen other have perished, Five persons, sons jumped to death when fire de- here and it 'is feared that a "missing persons also clinging to a window ledge, from which they were prepar- ing to leap, were seen to fall back into the flaming building when the {Other figures declared to have been received from Admiralty sources ¢overing the U-boat opera- tions from clusive, show that sixteen ships es- caped after béing attacked. The total number of vessels destroyed within the period, according to the figures, was 89. /Of these, 21 were Feb. 1st to Feb. 9th, in "HUN" 15 NOW THE WORD ; AT WASHINGTON WITH REGARD TO SITUATION. - China will be contralned, to its British port. I know that the Bri- tish have capturéd not less than 200 German submarines. , "The Deutschland pow lying at Bremen is another submarine with ledge gave way. An explosion of gasoline in the basement is thought to have caused the fire. Thirteen lives are now known lost. The Kenwood Hotel was a fashion- trawlers and smacks. GERARD REFUSED T0 SN A TREATY TO ALLOW GERMAN SHIPS TO LEAVE found , to yever ipiomatic ye: crease fi price is quickly probable. lations. t [8 unnecessary to add that X China's ction is dictated by a de- STEAMERS ARRIVED si 1 Ee dint re for further peace and the main And Will Await the A of the U. May Arm U.S. Ships. New York, Feb, 12.--The United All the victims States Government as the controlling tenance of international law." Sie 8. . Government. can liners arrk ecision abou United States liners in { mrpbitiertb-------- Celebrated the Event, birthday parts of 'states. feago floes. '(Special to the ®.) New York, PR ak 44 Ameri- w 'York and Kroonland to-day and tied up to their piers till the Government makes some a t the protection of the war zone, (Special wr he Whiz), a Rameau hl. He ie a member of the I and western; and grain markets at and New York were closed, most of the federal and state of- American Harbors in Case of War-- Gerard Is Using Code Message to Washington for First Time From a Neutral Ports ( 1 to the Whig) + Berne, Switzerland, Feb. 12.--This is the first despatch received direct from 'Carl Ackerman, Unifed Press correspondent, since he passed be- yond the control of German eensor- mediate party with Ambassador Ger- ard, and has bee in Germany or with thé Gérman troops ever since the war started. that name painted on it to support Germany Puts the Onus of Suggest- able residence hotel. source of proper sized armament for the story that the submarine carrier never started on a third trip," But- ler said. i " The German submarine plan will not succeed, Butleg claimed. The British patrol and the active sub- mariné arm of the British navy will prove their efficiency to adequately and most effectively deal with 'the blockade, he declared. OF HON.'R. -------- Mr. - Willoughby, Leader to prevent Germany a learned Germany wants the suggest some way in which to pre- t what has for a week appeared . Saskatchewan Conservative " be an inevitable conflict, {This sign, it is understood, is in ing a Method British and on the United States, Washington, Feb, 12.--The firs reat sign that agencies ure at work n armed clash between the United States dame this afternoon, when it was on highest authority that United States to to Relieve Both German Blockades Up- are prominent citizens. GERMANY SUFFERING' GREATLY FOR FOOD This Is the Statement of Am- ericans Coming Out With Gerard. Borne; Feb. 12=-The American' Ambassador Gerard, who Is here with 200 Americans, -expects to sail for the Un'ted States on Feb. 24th from Barcelona, Spain. Americans with the diplomatic and consular party de- clared to-day that while Germany is merchant ships, may soon lend Its aid to supplying such,vessels with armament. Official hint to the effect was forthcoming to-day, while the State Department held there would be nothing hostile it the Navy Depart- ment should ue some of ita guns to supply merchantmen. a Unless the United States Govern- ment provides convoys or guns and Hgunners to protect ite ships, the American Line, owners ot the steamsh ps St. Louis, St. Paal and other lines, will not send them across the Atlantie, it was announced here by P. A. 8. Franklin, president of the [International Mercantile a doy (By Carl W. Ackerman.) Party, Speaks Out. Berne via Paris, Feb. 12.-Ger- the form of a communication eitner Quite True, They Were Not, : aiready transmitted through the (Special to the Whig.) suffering greatly from the British Marine. "starvation blockade," the nation ap- -------------------- : I ne "Open. 2.30 p.m: Steamships :. .. .. . 32 ' 8% Bmelters deh asd 300 Locomotive .. .. ... 53 52% Dominion Steel .. .. S1% 1 g "ee vx oa x HHO ns afi New York or Chica of Lincoln's birthday Serre have been evacuated by Germans because they were unse viceable, to-day's official sorted. : s - ' Repulsed the Austrians. © I to the Whig.) Rome Feb. 13.--The re Berlin, Feb. 12.--Trenches captut- ed by British forces south-east of the report as- repulse of many Is delaying the departure of American citizens in Berlin for pos- sible liatory measures in case United States declares war. ; Practically a "demand was upon "Ambassador Gerard before he teft Berlin to sign a treaty in effect guaranteeing permission for German ships to leave American _harbors in case of war, this "ultimatum" being Te Regina, Sask., Feb, 13.--~In the Saskatchewan Legislature W. B. Wil- loughby, leader of the Conservative party, dade the public statement malie that he did not approve of the stand taken by Hon. Robert) Rogers relative to Justice Galt, that he had never approved of this stand, and that he had never, at any place, inside or outside the House, expressed himself as approving of Mr. Rogers' attitude. Swiss embassy here, or mow on its way. The Swiss minister, Dr. Paul Ritter, is understood to have receiv- ed knowledge of its contents, though he refuses to confirm thif He also refuses to deay it. \ "Dr. Ritter, in charge of German affairs here since the break in rela- | tions last Saturday, is believed to have been informd that Germany policy of unlimited submarinin fused to be interviewed. FLEET DESTROYED. Wiped Out. (Special to the parently is resolved to continue the come what may. Gerard himself re- The Turks Black Sea Fleet Has Been &s GEN. JONES" NEW ROLE He Has Been Appointed Canadian Medical Commissioner, London, Feb. 12.---Gen. Carleton Jones has been appointed Canadian Medical Commissioner, and will pro- ceed to Canada on duty for two months to coordinate the services wants the United States to suggest a line of policy whereby Germany may not need to rescind her barred gone decree, but whereby she ean avoid further breaks with neutrals, and preserve peace with the Uhited States. This latest development, it is known, is apart from the movement of neutrals, wie have been holding "gxchanges of views" as to a neutral : conference to be held Shortly in Ma-| 901 ship Reported sunk by German drid, to discuss measures Tor concert | Submarines on Suncay. 2 of action in keeping any nations from St Lost. To-day. entering the war, (Special to the Whig.) London, ¥eb. 12.~The British Mess Want No Break With Austria. : steamer Netherlee, 4,227 tons, has) An effort has been under way for been Sunk. a week to avoid a break between VESSEL AT ST. JOHN. to meet the requirements at the front, after which he will return here to carry out such inspection work as the Minister may assiga to him. For this reason Gen. Janes relinquishes the position of Director of Medical Services. 'continuous attacks by large picked forces of Austrians on the Carso front 'was reported in to-day official statement. . | * mira A prairie fire gave the firemen & run, while at ter carpival is in full swing. backed up with a threat to hold Am- erican correspondents as hostages. if Much action were not taken. : Mr. Gerard, it is reliably reported, ) told the German official. who brought gary | this threat that if Americans were a win-| forced to remain in Germany, Ameri- ca would regard such action as cause 'tor war. He refused to sign. < Switzerland' is granting American every courtesy and hospitality. -Am- bassador Gerard has begun com- mounicating with President Wilson at Washington, using code messages for the first timg from a neutral point. i i ------------ Railway To Free Ice Port. © Ottawa, Feb. 12.--The trade re- port contains the information hat the Murman railway from Petrograd to the ice-free port of sk completed and the road is Wihig.) Rome, Feb, 12.-- The Turks' Black Sea fleet has been practically de- stroyed by the Russians. Germans dominate all things in Turkez, and the Turks would welcome peace. One Vessel Sunk. (Special to the Whig.) London Feb. 12.--The British steamer Saloga, 3,811 tons, was the At the moment of making the state- ment he was referring to letters written by members of the Legis. lature to papers criticizing the judg- ment of the Royal Commissioners, in connection with the liquor cha recently heard. op ans VILLA HAS 25,000 SOLDIERS. Bandit's Forces Said to be aApproach- ing Juarez. New York, Feb. 12.--General Francisco Villa, with a force of 25, 000 men, supported by thirty cannon of 65 and 75 milimetres each and 75 machine guns, is occupying territory vacated by the American forces un- der Gen, Pershing and gradually ad- 'vancing northward ' to take Juarez, according to an official communi tion received here by John J, Haws, Villa's representative in New York from Zippolito Villa, brother of the leader, who is making his beadquar- * | ters in San Antonio, Field headquarters of Villa have been established at San Andreas, 30 miles from Chihuahua, the statement -- re ------ DUKE OF NORFOLK DEAD. / DAILY MEMORANDUM City Council, 8 pm, Band at the Palace Rink tonight. Hockey, Depot Batteries ve. 347th, Battalion, £15. od See' top of 3, right hand cormer for Srobabllities: +The. Home Nursths class conducted by Dw Joges, will be held at the hos. pital on Thursday evening, Feb. 15th, at 7.30 o'clock. this country and Austria, although it is kn that Austria' has offi- cially backed up / Germany's new submarine decree. Ambassador Von Bernstorff is de- termined to do all he can upon reaching Berlin to restore friendly relations, and may already have laid the foundations for that objective. It is believed possible Germany's decision to communicate with' this Government has resulted from the combination of all three of these in- a possibility WIENBORN---At Kin fad, on Feb. 1 Howard ftenac street, & Dorothea Alice, MARRIED CHERRY -McGLYNN<Ia Kingston, on Feb, 15th, 1317, by the Rev. Canon a it S Russian, Petrograd, Feb. 11.--Sunday's War estern (Russian) front: After] violent artillery preparati Ger- 'man pe of about hy Som pal | atta al secur of our post | tion | Stanislau and penetrat al ) "In a counter-attack n General Hos- 1917, to Mr. and enborm, 24 daughter, Florence (Spec Whig.) St. John, N.B., Feb. a big Qiner reached here with many wound- ed officers and. men, including Major Hamfiton Gault. She passed through the submarine zone on Feb, 2nd and saw two sinking steamers, Sugar 13 Cents a Pound, y a Philadelphia, Feb. 12.--Sugar sold that Qermany wnidy bg asking the[at 13 cents a pound here to-day as United States to suggest a means the result of strikes in sugar refiner- also of combating the British block-{ies here. Thousands of housewives jade, and saving the German people, were unable to buy any sugar at all from starvation, without risking the and restaurants were forced z of war with the United|to put the : One of the late Mrs. Cherry: ston, both of this city. COCKADE-In FELON, on February 10th, 191%, be loved 1 sympathy with the sugar workers further crippling the trade, ------------------------ Rats Menace to French Army. Paris, Feb. 12 -- Rats are quite as French front as

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