Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1917, p. 7

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Keep your savings in for your money. Assets Tue BANK or TORONTO «George B. McKay, Manager. EERO EATER ARE . FOR _SA ix room frame dwelling, stable, $100 cash required. Nine room brick, hot water heating, ~ will handle this. University Ave. ern. This is in a particularly good locality. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY be 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res. Phone 1004 124-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any batfery at any time 2 OVER HALF THE PEO. PLE WEARING GLASSES TO-DAY HAVE MOUNTS THAT DO NOT FIT PER- FECTLY. ow ; The Bank of Toronto and watch your balance grow through your regular deposits and the interest added by the Bank. The financial strength of this long established institution ensures safety large lot and $500 $4400--L ower Union St., nine room brick, all mod- 874 Coming, The Miracle of Love. Wednesday will be St. Valentine's Day. Ten days more to Lent. Ash Wed- nesday falls on the 21st inst. The biggest thing in years. The Miracle of Love. Leonard Brown, Toronto, spent Sunday with friends in the city. If ft isn't a Gibson it isn't a Valen- tine. Open to-night. The College Book Store. Wonder if the council raise revenue by taxing cats are plenty in the city. : H. Cunningham, piano turner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store. If it isn't a Gibson tine. Open to-night. Book Store. Older residents of the ¢ify were to- day speaking of the weather and re- ferred to it as "old-time weather." It was so cold Monday. morning that many citizens thought sure the bottom had dropped out of the ther- mometer. Patrick O'Connor, Brooklyn, and Mrs. Naylor, New York, attending the | funeral of their mother, Mrs. Evelyn nner: left for home on Saturday. Jorbett's ambulance removed a young man in a Queen street board- ing house to the General hospital. He is ill.of typhoid fever. ' Kingston should have an organiza- tion to further. the making of gar- could not There it isn't a Valen- The College Vaudeville Eight Heel Manter Pleture : an i (NOT A SERIAL) Matinee ide Evenings 25e, rm = gae innertion, 303; then gc; six $1; one month, $3. ""HELP WANTED --- La APPLY A YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICE WORK. Apply Warwick Bros. GENERAL SERVANT, REFER requiced. Apply 162 King A py -- i J PACKER, STEADY POSITION FOR } BONNER"S FINEST FANCY SEEDED RAISINS are packed in RED CARTONS. Insist jo the RED AUCTION SALE dens. Every plot in the city, every back yard should be utilized, Gerald Ball, Bath, who has been ill in the General Hospital for some | time, wag removed to his home on | Sunday in James Reid's ambulance. | The Miracle of Love, Watch for it. On Thursday last Canon FitzGer- | ald united in marriage rgt. A. G. | Harding, of the 14th Regtmental Guard, to Miss E, Smith, of Kings- | ton, Marcus Loew is establishing five new theatres in Canada, The loca- tiong of these will be Montreal, Ot- tawa, Kingston, Hamilton and Lon- don. The Miracle of Love. What is it? The death occurred in the Hotel Dieu on Saturday afternoon of Mrs. John D'Brien of Tamworth. The | remaing Were sent to her late home by undertaker Thomas Ronan. Sentar H. W. Richardson and Prin- cipal Gordon, have signed a memor- andum asking for an imperial con- ference to consider an effective or- ganization of the Empire. Coming, The Miracle of Love. An assault case which was to have 'been heard before County Magistrate George Hunter on Sgturday after- noon, wag enlarged until Friday in order io secure a witness, To meet the demands of people in need of coal men worked on Sunday (fo fill orders, The dedlérs are dol ing out their stocks in small quanti- ties to meet the overwhelming calls. | The Miracle of Love. What. is it? The Montreal Star in recalling early days in Canada says: The Duke lof 'Richmond; at one time Governor- General of Canada, was bitten by a fox and died of hydrophobia and was buried at Kingston, The biggest thing in years. The Miracle of Love, Nursing sister C. A. Donnelly now at Etaples, France, has been awgrded the Royal Red Cross medal' fof her work overseas, Miss Donnelly is a sister of Mrs, Thomas Connolly, Wolfe Island. Market Clerk McCammon seized a quantity of meat on the market Sat- furday, and the police court case fol 'lowed Monday, but the case has been enlarged pending medical examina- tion of the meat. Coming, The Miracle of Love. Hlustrated lecture in St. Andrew's Hall this evening by the Rev. H P. Luttrell on "Glimpses of His Mission Field" from slides taken by himself on the spot. Public cordially invit- ed. Silver collection. FIRE IN VACANT HOUSE. The Tenants Had Moved Out of the House the Day Before. S At 8.40 o'clock on Sanday night the firemen were called to a vacant house at 49 Earl street, owned by Mrs. Henry Johnson, of New York, where fire started in the kitchen and did damage to the extent of $15. The tenants had moved out the night foetore : NARS a A defective stove pipe thimble caused about $100 damage to a house at 264 Queen street, occupied by James McConnell, at 11 o'clock on morning. © me fol 'the Royal Military College, has not} Jor ae cooregsive Ameciscton since Thorotighbred Holsteln Cattle, Regis. tered, Wednesday, February 14k, at 1 o'clock, at Mrs. Kenneth Or- ser's, Biginburg, 4 holstein milch cows, 3 yearling hel- fers, 1 yeariimg bull also 1 yearling grade heifer, 1 spring colt, 1 horse. i Terms--8 months credit on approved joint notes, at 6% interest per annum, WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer, Psu --~ : A Delicious Dendert Distributors. : COVERED RINK HOCKEY TONIGHT CG 1 ¥ Intérmedinte OLA, APP t ed ¥ good man. Apply N. C. Polson Co, | FIRST (LASS BARBER. APPLY ROSS | Stitt, 135 King St. West, Brookvijie. | Ont. | a -------- | A HOUSEMAID: APPLY IN BVENING | to Mrs. Howard 8. Folger, 1 Emily | street. { | Hl 44404900 81 Young woman wanted, one hftving some experience in dry goods; mise a bright young wo- man, without experience, but ambitious, will find congenial work here from 12.30 to 5.30, Ap~ ply te John Laidlaw & Som. | MAID TO DO HOUSEWORK AND| plain cooking; must be Old Coun- try girl willing to return to Eng-| Jand in a few months; passage paid. Phone 482, after bpm Good, smart girls, 14 years of age and upwards, can ses cure employment at the Cotton Mills, Cataraqui street. Good wages paid to beginners. Apply 1 at office Dominion Textile Co., || Cataraqui street. { { } { { 1 | WANTED GENERAL i ---------------------------------- SHCOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new pianos and Victrolas. C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street EXPERIENCED FARMER WANTS TO rent one hundred acre farm with or without stock and implements, for three or five years. Address Box 21, Whig Office, J NOW 1s THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR | bicycle repaired, cleaned and stor | ed for winter. Al orders prompt- | ly attended to. Phone 1032, or call} at Geo. Muller, 373 St. FOR SALE 247th Batt., Peterboro, . |" vs. Depot Batteries Game Bowing 8.15 jum. Sharp, Admission, 35¢;: Rese Seats 60c, | fhelading 'Wad Tax. Late Mrs, William Cockade. i The death occurred on Saturday night of Elizabeth Burns, wile of William Coékade, of the city fire de- partment, at her home, 130 Division street, after a lingering illness. She ig survived by her husband and one daughter. Mrs. Cockade was a mem- | ber of St. James' Anglican ghurch, DY ee---------- TRENTON WANTS COAL. A Resident Wrote Friend Here Ask- For a Ton, i Some of the local coal men are rather short in thelr coal, and some | orders cannot be filled. A citizen received & Tequest from a resident of Trenton, asking him to send him a ton of coal if at all pos- sible." [ cannot get a ton of coal in the town," he wrote, A resident of Belleville secured a, ton of foal here last week, and had it shipped to him by express. . He had to meet the express charges as welll as thé price of his coal. § "I'wanted a ton of stove coal" said a Kingstonian to the Whig on Monday afternoon. I seat in an or- der to the merchant I have ing 'with;and he told mé"" trying to get it elsewhere." HAS NOT ATTENDED MEETIN The Whig Is informed that Lieut. R. J. Gardiner, who besides be- A. DM. 8. is medical officer stfended n meeting of the Kingston Conservative Association since his Appointment to the latter position. 6 was out of the city when the eléc- tion of officers place ev HESR EFFECT . little, Once, one week, $1. eb eee me FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY | toys, see Frank W. Cooke, 3 Clarence street. -------------- FARM OF 160 ACRES, FOUR MILES from Kingston. Apply Geo. Gib- son, R.R. No. 1, Catarayul, Ont. DOUBLE DWELLING, 4% AND 43 DIV. ision street, 6 rooms and WC. io each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- | IVE ADVTS. COS Ese three times bc: BROWN SABLE FUR NECKLET, ON ------ -------------- -------- | §MALL SILVER PURSE, CON ET Ee i ------------------------------ FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS; of Patent Laws. real, WM. NEWLANDS | POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, PAGE SEVEN FREES FURNITURE FINISHING DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. Call or drop & card. 123 Joh street. A SMALL WHITE DOG WITH black ear. Owner may have same by calling at 226 Brock street, a: A GREY WOOLLEN GLOVE n the left band. er may have same by calljpg at Whig Office. / FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED PREE Anyone - finding gnyihing amd wishing to reach the owner may do #0 by reporting the facts 10 the British Whig The adver- tisement will be printed In this column free of charge. "Found articles," does not in- opide lost dogs, cattle, bourses, ete. These, if Jost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column, x BUSINESS CHANCES, ------------------ INVESTORS WARNING DON'T IN -one cent until you resd I Finance and learn how forlunes are made and lost by Investors. Free trial subscriptioh. BSuccess- ful Finance, §08 Dearborn St Chicago. na FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety: incorporated 1863; president. 'olonel H. R. Smith, C.M.G.; vice-president, W. F. ad oney iss on ats roperties, m mtures; mortPages pur- for nd in terest allowed. R. C. Ckrtwright, A manager §7 Clarence St. Kingston. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,157,215. In addition to which the policyholders eo for security the unlimited Nability of oity nroperty, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business ® rates from trange Btranye, Agents. Phone 33265. Saturday night, between Colling- wood and Victoria streets. Please) return to 169 Collingwood and re- ceive reward. TAINING Tuesday | TO LET » 84 Barrie i ---------------- OFFICE IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. y hers. Apply to A. B, Cunningham, { 7% Clarence street. | mp arian | FURNISHER ROOMS, ALSO nRooMs for light Iousekeeping. 8968 Prin cess, between Barrie and Division. © FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, alry rooms; your own lock an key. Frost's Clty Storage, 209 Queen street, Phopa 526; res. 989. TO LET OR ON SHARES, GOO UNDER drained farm, five miles fom King- ston; well watered, good bulidings and stock, fall ploughing complet ed Apply R. H. Fair, Kingston Station small sum of money Feb. 6th. 1817, apy street. Finder kindly return to 64 Barrie gtreet and receive ward PERSONAL AIR, MOLES, WARTS, RINTHMARKS | © and an growths and wkin blem- | ighes removed permanently, with | owt scar: 30 3 " lence. 1 Kimer J. Lake, J Throat and Skin Bagot streo EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, 87 W., good outbuildings improvements; pos- wesslon may be taken March 1st, For information apply at Empire Grocery, Market Square. ant ONE Livingston A and modern ESNIE CC. SHAW WILL OPEN classes in all kinds of painting, embroidery, and art work. Studlo, 53 Clergy street; open from 2 to 6. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. OFFIOE ON WELLINGTON STREET, ¥ woecupled by Mr. G. Laturney, two rooms, electric light and h wa- ter heating. Possession 1st reh or sooner if required. Apply to C Livingston, Brock street. BOARD AND ROOMS every convenience; central loca. tion. Apply 243 Brock street. DENTAL ©. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, Offic, 258 Princess street. Phone 652, DR. J. LIGONARD WALSH, corner Princess and Bagot Phone 626. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- tists, 159 Wellington street, GQ. C Dewar, assistant, Phone 345. LEGAL. B. CUNNINGHAM, and solicitor, Law office, ence street, Kingston PATENTS BABOOCK & SONS, Patents, trade designgs.. Estab. 1877. Ferm- A Book "Patent Pro- 99 St. James St, Mont Washington. | DENTIST, ection" free. streets, Prancuen: Ottawa, ARCHITECT & SON, ARCHI- tects, etc. - Offices, 268 Bagot St Phone 608. A MER- ohants Bank Building, corner Brack and Wellington streets. BARRISTER 79 Clar~ jon street. AND Te 0 cash and $1.00 per week. dsay, Ltd. 121 Princess street TWO BRICK HOUSES 0) street; modern; near | Cwners desirous of selling. Apply McLeod's Drug 1 SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 'Broek street, eleven rooms; | first class condition, '&nd all mod- e improvements Possession May lst. Apply 147 Division st. -------------------------------------------- BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN! smart country village; store i storey and large cellar; class condition, $1090, to WwW an estate, guiek. Ay Bat 67 Clarence sireef, Kingston. CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RA ges, and &11 kinds of new and ond hand furniture, Wo are ath nto ever ng shove Hines, J. Hho El rincess street. Phone 1600. a_i ATTRACTIVE OFFER, brick house, almost new; modern eon- | fon nedr car| A VERY $4000 for' sleeping porch apd =tl venlencés. Good Jocat ne, Terms Sasy. A large de. posit not necessity, Apply J41 Collingwood St. South. Phone TH DAIRY raRN FOR SALE, CONSIST- ing of 300 acres, being the Herth hall of Lot 13 in 16th Con. of Stor. rington snd Lot 13 in 1ith Con. of said Township, For price and terms apply to Isaac Holder or, George Holder, Box 586, Battorast, | could not supply the order and Iam _ DRESSERS, 00U- men's clothing, fur! new upholstered harness and lea- ther straps. We buy all kinds of new and second hand furniture. 8. Shapiro. 45 Princess ordplions 1287. STOCK ches, stoves coats, also A HiTiary street) children, living at 96 C we, Toronto, were forced to flee in kets aud sheets from their burn- : a i Seeded Girls Wanted ------e----------------=---- » v For clean, light work; highest wages while learning. wishing steady employ- _ ment, apply at RR KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. | King Street West. \ For Sheet Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO,, LTD. Fire Insurance Repressnting the following old line Nati pales: ; '

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