denunciation is b otlen sonsidared sul proof, { wing are some brn offences visited by : Having more food in the ho | perrhitted by regulations; than PLAN TO LOOT ng copper utensils after a second intim- ation to give them up; conveying let- ters, There are also numerous cases on refusing to réveal where Serbian authorities and refugees have hidden various objects, in most cases State archives. One of these victims, a in which Serbians baye been hanged) ML SUPPLES WOULD t8pacial Whig.) . Legislative Balisings™ Toronto, Washington, Feb, 13. The opening of the third session of the fourteenth Legislature of Ontario was a'tended with the usual military ceremonies, Restric- tions in the galleries were partially Aifted, and a large andience smiled down upon the Lidutovant-Governor, Mr John Hegdrie, and the newly. knighted ~~ Premier, Sir Wiliam| Hearst. . Dealing with proposed legislation, the Speecit from the Throne said: "You will be asked to consider pro- posed legislation to provide for the settlement of returned soldiers on land; to create a fire prevention de- partment; to authorize the construe: tion of provincial highways: pro- and throw open In Special to New York, Feb ports to Allled warships. this "might enable this Government without a declaration of war, to as sist in preventing violations of rights to the sea by giving assistance to those at present engaged in combat- ting these violations." fs understood that Senator Saulsburg's resolution has the com- plete approval of President Wilson. rate a -- RAN INTO NEW YORK. They Quite Unex Their Appearance canis an Laconia; A wealthy merchan; nanied Sibin Yel- atohiteh, was hanged in the market at Brun for refusing to teil where certaln property of the Crown Prince Alexander was deposited." 51 an mgr THROW OPEN ° UNITED STATES PORTS To the Allied Warships--Re- solution Introduced in the U. 8. Senate. (Special to the Whig.) Feb. 13.--8Senator Saulsburg to-day "offered a resdlu- tion to throw down neutrality bars United. States He said] all the Whig.) . 18.~The 88. As- liners, Cunard ly Made Comans Decide 10 propriate Belgian Re- it Fodstals, eh ion, ' RESULT UNITED STATES COMMISSION WITHDRAWS. AS Brand Whitlock Will Remain at Brussels--A t Given Out to the Associated Press by Direct. ors of the Commission in London, Eng. #0. London, Feb. 12.--The American Commission for Relief in Belgium has officially notified the German au- Fetiorities that the Americans Will withdraw from participation in the relief work in Belgium and Northern France, This step was taken in reply to an order Irom the German authorities that Americans must withdraw from the provinces of Belgium and North- ern France, leaving only a few of their representatives, headed by ister to Belgium, in Brussels. The ac- tion of 'the commission is explained Lin the following statement, which was given to the Associated Press by Romé, Feb, 13.--The Vatican has information from Austria that food riots have been repressed with blood- shed and that frequently soldiers have refused to fire upon the citi- gens. Several regiments have mutin- fed and the situation is very serious. Sensational developments, including a revolution, are feared. Vatican clergymen and cardinals hive been asked Jo implore the Pope to stop the war in order to save Germany and Austria Hungary, TAKE OVER RAILWAYS, This is the Demand of a Toronto Meeting - (Special to the Whig) Toronto, Feb. 13.--A big meeting of Toronto business men decided to ask the Government to take over the railways and relieve the freight con- gestion. " * I'he Toronto World says, editorial- ly, that the Grand Trunk Railway has been dragged down to financial ruin by the G.T.P,, and both should be taken over by the Government and liquidated. ' Brand Whitlock, the American Min-, HAVE COMPLETELY HEMMED IN TURKS (Special to the Whig.) London, Feb. 13.--0f- ficial announcement was made to-day that British | THE FINAL VICTORY © | BBADON |" Snes Entente Allies Each Day, SEA TACTICS we Not Discuss fhe Sub i Nearer Realization of | Their Object. Paris, . 38. Genera Castel- | nau, chief df the French military de- .! legation ap/ the vonferemce of the En- i i i . marine OTL SUSSEX PLEDGES ' MADE LAST YEAR HAVE BEEN RESTORED. A Demand to Be Made Upon Ger- many for Release and Passporting of American Prisoners of Yarrow. dale, (Special t» the Whig.) Washington, Feb. 13.---President Wilson yesterday formally notified Germany that the United States Gov ernment can enter no negotiations attending to avert an armed clash be- tween the two nations until the new U-boat decree is withdrawn, The President's communication, sent through the Swiss Minister, Rit- ter, representing the German Gov- ernment in the United States, was made public at the State Depart- ment after it had been admitted overtures had been received from the German Government, This Government declares it will gladly discuss anything with Ger- many---but only in event Germany | tente alli 6 "at._Petrograd, is quoted With Germany. { in a despatch to the Temps from the Russian capital as 3 "One has only to compare the military situation of January, 1918, with that of Janumsy, 19:7, and he will be compelled to admit that the conditions for the forthcoming Spring campaign are much more favorable than they were last year. "I can say that each day we are coming nearer to the realization of our objects. The brave Russian army which has assumed a formidable task, the gallant Italian troops, and, finally, the Anglo-French forces which are increasing in number; con- stitute the best guarantees of our final victory, which hereafter will come promptly. In the meantinie the military power of the allies remgins unshakeablée, The Germans Rave procured success only on secondary fronts, "With regard to the principal fronts, ofi' which decisive action will oocur, our enemies have shown them- selves powerless to obtain any seri- oug results." : | + FIREMEN'S. WAGES ARE. INCREASED E. E. HORSEY IS APPOINTED . -- AS ASSISTANT ASSESSMENT OOM- MISSIONER And Will Succeed * W..8, Gordon Authorizes Expenditure of $500 For Twenty Additional Tungsten Lights For The Streets, The following is a summary of what the City Council did at Its ses. sion on Monday night: 3 Raised the wages of the firemen seven and a half per cent. Increased the" salary of the chief to $1,500, Passed a by-law closing a portion of Adelmide street. { Authorized the expenditure; of $500 additional for 20 'tungsten lights for the streets, > Appointed Edwin H. Horsey as assistant assessment commissioner, Passed resolutions in favor of ex. empting the Y-M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. fire 4 BRITAIN IS THANKFUL > FOR GERARD'S WORK. # London, Fel, 13.-- "The gra- # titude and thanks. of the na- # tion" have been conveyed by from general taxation. | Two deputations waited upon the { council last night--one If the Y. IM. C. A. and the other from the Y, W. C. A. Each asked the council not forces on the Tigris front have established a line across the Tigris bénd, west of Kut-el-Amara. completely hemming in the Turks. + the British Government to for- # mer Ambassador Gerard Ter his # work on behalf of Britis clvil- # lans and prisoners of war in # Germany. Foreign Secretary # Balfour mhde this announce- + ment yesterday in the House # 6f Commons, [ to oppose the bill before the Ontario | Legislature to grant them exemption # from general taxation, and the re. | quests=were granted. The ¥. W. C. A, - + | was represented by Mrs. A, Strachan, # Mrs. H. Bretk -and Miss Foster. 4+ The former tol of the work being + done by the association for girls and withdrhws her U-boat decree of Jan. 31st and renews hér pledges of May steamed into New York harbor to- day unexpectedly. Both carried pas- sengers and light cargoes. The As- cania regularly plies between Mont- real and Liverpool in thes ummer. Both vessels were arméd. girectars of the commission in Lon- on} » "We are advised February 12th by Director Warren 'C. Gregory from Brussels that Baron Von der Lancken (civil governor-of Brussels) had noti- fied him that American citizens tould vide for certain farm lands; extens- jon of hydro-electric; to provide for virtes for soldiers, aid for other pur- 8. Glen - It was intimated that the accom- thd aiatio military ngton: would prob- Se Peeve 4th last, the Sussex pledge. Germany Willing to Negotiate, Washington, Feb. IS.--The State Department admitted that the Ger ably be doubled, and other needs of , woupided soldiers receive sympath- etic consideration. The necessity for ada, in ign Cun't Fix Price of Hats, Ottawa, Feb. 13.--One of the very largest men's hats agencies of Can- of the effect of the no longer occupy positions in con- nection with the commission in the occupied territories of Frapce and Belgium, but that a few Americans, JAPAN APPROVES OF gotiate with the United States, pfo- viding that the commercial block- ade of England would not be inter- man Government "is willing to ne-| 4 ' > ---------------- NOTHING TO DO { young women and of its value to the | community. Mrs. Breck read the as- sociation's statement. ' dhe production of food: as eeviion for farm labor . CHINA'S ATTITUDE Will Aid in Uprooting German infl in the Far East. The Y.M.C.A. delegation was com- posed of W. H. Dyde, O. Chown, F. {R. Anglin, Lieut. E. W. Skinner and General Secretary ¥. J. Wilson. The latter presented the request of the , board of directors, and read a state- ment of what the Y.M.C.A, was do among whom are Brand Whitlock, might reside in Brussels and exercise general supervision over the work. Mr. Whitlock, however, was to have no diplomatic si ing, Further, automobiles and other means of com- munication would be denied Ameri- férred with." In admitting that it had received a suggestion from the German Gov- ernment via 'he Swiss Minister, the Department gave out the following statement: "In view of the appearance in cost of lv regulations, recently entered into arrangements with sev eral hundred hat dealers throughout Canada for the maintenance of set prices for men's hats, = This agency is & Toronto concern, and the Min- WITH AN ELECTION The Big War Oredit Is Re-! er roe We Rn BTRUNG UR TO POSTS ALONG were free to sell they think fit, nearly | maintained: in WinnIpog, Spain, the young "bed cal. | Stonewall hh Cloyne. " 'Missing, ruthers, Carp. Belleville. To Bo Known Minster of Mill (known as Sir Albert Kemp. W prepared SL ister of Labor has put it under obli- gation to write to each of the hat dealers notifying them that they for such prices as S { Prepared to Mako Grant, A - Sp etrgas. aut ~that in - announced that the ordef that the Americans cow 11 ce to "make the | grant asked for by a deputation of $60 per annum for each pupil @ proposed colony for feeble-minded in Toronto, Sentenced to be Hanged. ie Wits.) 13.--Bertram fm hand who rob- and slew farmer Vincent and his betrignd near ed him, sentenced to be hanged May 15th: He was ar- Pegted in Toronto. ---------- Killed in action--Alex. MacNicol, baileved killed--C. Car- Wounded--R. Keteheson, Madoe; ¥. B. Good (on duty), Westport. Beriously Huddlestone, us Sir Edward, 1 to the Whig.) : Ottawn, Feb. Torna knighted tas chosen to be and 'not Sir recipient of ons this morning. - cans, "After earnest consideration with Ambassador Page, the directors of the commission in London acting accord with Herbert C. Hoover, chairman: of the commission, in- structed Mr, Gregory to inform the nq longer exercise their functions in the occupied territories, and that as under these conditions the American members of the commission could no longer earry out their responsibil: ties and undertakings to other in- 'terested Governments and fulfil their duties toward the peoples of Belgium and Northern France, the Americans would officially withdraw from par- ticipation in the work of relief In the oconpied districts. : "Mr. Gregory was advised to ar- range for all his men to leave Bel- gium immediately, except a few who are to clese the commission's affairs 'and take stepu to see that there be uo interruption in the service pend- ing the reorganization of the work." ENFORCE THE. MILITIA RECOMMENDATION - MADE BY NATIONAL SERVICE BOARD in the Essential -Industries. Ottawa, Feb. 13.--Several impor tant tasks were: undertaken and a augibes of recommendations were e by the National Service Board at its three days' conference here. In r class is the decisionrof the . Tokio, Feb. 13-- Viscount Motono, Japanese Minister +! Foreign Affairs, at a conferemeée with the Chinese 'Minister yesterday, approved the at- titude of China towards Germany as it has been expressed in China's re- ply to the German note on unrestriot- the n to-day. The approv- al, it is said, was on the ground that the position taken' by China would 'ald in uprooting German influence in the Far East, and be of benefit to the Entente. nn te ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. sin A Venerable Gentleman Will Wed a Hamilton, Ont., Girl. ® New York, Feb. 13.--Friends of Henry Harper Benedict, former pre- gident of the Remington Typewriter Company and of Wyekotf, Seamans & Benedict, were surprised yesterday to hear of his engagement to Miss Katherine Geddes, daughter of Mrs. J. BE. Geddes, Hamilton, Ont. Np date has been announced for the mar- riage. Mr: Benedict Is seventy years age. . Miss Geddes is the granddaughter of the Very Rev. J. Gamble Geddes, jate Dean of Niagara Diocese, who was more than fifty years rector of Christ Chureh, Hamilton, Miss Ged- des's maternal grandfather was the late Col. Charles Magill, former mayor of Hamilton, for many years a member of Parliament in the Do-| minion of Canada. NEW COMMISSIONER. : £ -- : Edwin XE. Horsey's Appointment Will Be a Popular One. we gt + Fthe Department ot day afternoon' by the newspapers of Feb. 11th of a report that Germapy was initiating negotia- tions with -the United States in re- gard to submarine warfare. the De partment of State makes the follow- ing statement: "A suggestion was made orally to "State late SEtur- inister of Switzerland that the" German Gov- ernment is willing to negotiate with the United States provided the com- mercial would not be interfered with. At th request of the Secretary of State this suggestion was made in,writing, and given to the State Department." Demand Prisoners' Release, (Soecial to the Whig.) Washington, Feb. 13.---Demands for the release and passporting of Amegican prisoners of the steamer YarfGwdale will be made on Ger- many, it was sald to-day. i With the demand will ex-| planation that the United States is not seizing German ships and crews, and is interested only in seeing that ships are not sunk as an obstruction to American harbors. Germany's tactics toward Ambass-| or Gerard and other Americans aroused officials' anger, and of- ficial notice that the Yarrowdale prisoners are again detained in Ger- many has only served to increase this spirit towards Germany. a -------- WOULD FIGHT HUNS, 75.000 Austrian Stars, Lying Here, CXoydd wo 13.-~At a con- blockade against England| London, Feb. 18.--Continuing his address in the House of Commons yesterday in connection with a new vote of credit, Chancellor of the Kx- chequer Bonar Law stated that in 'Britain one "thing only, namely, whether it would be in the general interest. He emphasized the importance of co-ordination in every field, and said the conference at Rome had resulted in a decision ih regard the policy to be adopted to- ward Greece, which policy was now being followed. Mr. McKenna sald that never be- fore had such a large credit been asked at the beginning of a session, and that the Government must either be intending to prevent Parliament trom reviewing the expenditure dur- jng the coming months or else the money thus provided should tide the country over a possible Parliament- ary recess or election, Mr. Law said said. the question cf a general elec- tion had never entered his mind. RATIONING OF ANIMALS. England Never Had so Many Head of Live Stock London, Feb, 13.--Speaking of Germany's threat to starve England into submission by ruthless submar- ine warfare, Rowland BE. Prothero, the Minister of Agficulture in the House of - Commons yesterday said that the country had fever before possessed fo many head of li k as now, and he even suggested the possible rationing of amimals on ac- count of this large supply. British preparations for combat- ting the German threat have not been confined to one particular kind of supplies, The correspondent is enabled to state op the highest au- thority that th are sufficient stocks of food in the country to out- last the perfod during which It is calculated that the submarine war- fare will be most dangerous, and that the recent appeals for voluntary making advances to her allies, Great | ing for the city. Two resolutions were passed by 'council acceding to-« the requests made, that regarding the Y.M.CA. bein by Ald. Kent and the one tpgarding the Y,W.C.A. by Ald, i A "raised objection to the exemptions, He sald the council) was doing something that it would regret in the future, for other im- stitutions would make like requests. He was opposed to any exemptions at all; even churches should be taxed. The eighty-five per cent. of the people who do not use the institu- tions' ehbuld not be taxed for the benefit of the fifteen per cent, Ald. Polson remarked that it was a pity more than fifteen per cent. of the people did not help in YM.C.A, and YW.XC.A work. Ald. Litton added that if all tive people interested themselves in these two institutions there would be ho meed of exempting them from taxation, @& had been done year by year. The Finance Report, These recommendations of (Continued on Page 6.) At London, Ont., George E. ole man & Co. r manufacturers, have gine into insolvency. ne - DAILY MEMORA | Band at Palace Rink tonight. Band at Covered Rink this evening. "Boe top of right hand corner for probabil of, BORN, GRAVES--At 557 Princess street, King ston, on Feb, 12th, 1817. to Mr. Mrs. Arthur BR, Graves, a son. MoKBGNEY-In% Kingston, 11th, 1917, to Me. And Mrs. Kegiey, 65 Rideau street. a daugh- or, McRORLE-At Lady Minto Hopital, Saskatchewan, on ta A 31m, p Mrs. BR. G. MoRorie 1)_8 son. the 1917, to Mr. and ROED-MERIITT -- In Jan, 26th. 1917. @t by Rev, ; TR. thin ghter of Mr, Edward Merny 0 Lionel Tupert Peed, youngest of Mr. & rs. Witham H.R both of this city, coping ¥en. nes on Web, 12th, 117) *