Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Feb 1917, p. 7

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EARNERS. Bank of Toranto and watch your balance interest added by the Bank. ures safety your saviosd in The grow through your regular deposits and the ~The fironcial strdugth of this long estabijphed fnatitution ens for your monéy. 3 Assets $06,000,000 BANK: or TORONTO y, Manager. SAR; FOR SALE ix room . frame dwelling, large lot and stable, $100 cash required. Nine room brick, hot water heating, $500, will handle this. University Ave. $4400--Lower Union St., nine room brick, all mod- ern, This is in a particularly good locality. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 You Can Count On It When we take of your storage bat- tery there's no bt of quality service, Fitting | RCA RRL Re ES OVER HALF THE PLE WEARING G TO-DAY HAVE MO, THAT DO NOT FIT PER. FECTLY. A VISIT TO OUR OPTICAL PARLORS WILL - SHOW. YOU WHAT "HIGH CLASS" FITTING REALLY MEANS. WE EXAMINE YOUR BYES, GRIND AND MOUNT YO IN OUR OWN LABORATORY AND OUR CHARGES ARE MOD- BRATE. prs LL THE DAY LOUAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF! GENERAL INTEREST, : Wappenings Tn the Oty and Vielalty | What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. i } Coming, The Miracle of Love. | Herbert Beck, Cushendall, 1s inj town attending the funeral of Mr. William Cockade. H. Cunningham, piano turner, 21! King street. Leave orders at McAul-| ey's Book Store, i . Walter Rollinson, Watertown, | NY. is in town attending the funeral of Mrs. William Cockade. Cpming, The Miracle of Love. © «Phe coal situation in the city is} becoming wore serious every day and | people are rushing to the coal sellers | with orders. The Miracle of Love, What is it? The President of the Board of} Trade wishes to acknowledge the re-| ceipt of 32 from a friend, Belgian Relief Fund. The biggest thing im years. Mpracle of Love, § { as to coal conditions in Kingston,| and finds that the dealers ais doing! equitably, The biggest thing in years. Miracle of Love. | Anthony Rankin was in the city) {on Tuesday afternoon. The Miracle of Love. Watch for it. The sum of $6,639.80 is being paid | out by the Kingston branch of the} Canadian "Patriotic Fund for Febru-| The relief amofints to $6,48 , with $55 for the cost of admi | tration, The Late Mrs, Anthony Malone. After two weeks' illness Mrs. Ma- lone, wife of Anthony Malone, 402: | Johnson street, passed away on Mon- | day night. She was a sufferer from | grippe and added complications. Al gentle, sweet, loveable lady, devoted | to home and family, she will be) greatly mourned by those clcsest to her wh, appreciated her work and her admirable qualities. Deceased | was a daughter of the late Samuel | Kennedy, an Irishman, who lived for {many years on Garden Island, the {| home also for decades of Mr. and { Mrs, Malone, They were married in Hamilton on Feb. 21st, 1867--al- | most completing fifty years of mar- | Tied life, Deceased was a member {of 8t. George's Cathedral, a devout | worshipper. She. is survived by a | husband and six children. Capt. H. {V.. 240th Regiment, Renfrew; Ern- | @st 1, Imperial Munitions Board, Of-} tawa; Mrs. J. 8. Mooreraft, Bowman- ville; Mrs. W. J, B. White, Kings-| | ton, and Misses Laura apd Vida at| | home, Sincgfe sympathy will be ex-| {tended to the sorrowing family. ET BIG WHITE STAR STEAMER Sunk by a Submarine--Was of 11, 999 Tons. (Special to the Whig London, Feb, 13.--The White Star steamer Afric was sunk to-day. The | Afric was af steel vessel of 11,999 { tons, one of the biggest so far re- !ported to have fallen a victim to the (German submarine warfare. She was 'the property of the White Star Line 'and was registered gt Liverpool. it was announced later that "several perished" in the sinking of the liner by the submarine, The British steamer Foreland, 1,- 800 tons, has been sunk. Other New Year Honors. London, Feb. 13.---Among honors postponed from New Year's are: -- Grand Commander St. Michael and ; 8t. George, Sir. George Fiddes, Por- (manent Colonial Under Secretary; | barcnet--8ir Charles Wakefield, ex- i Lord Mayor of London. Knights--Ex-« | Sheriffs Touche and Spead. The lat- {ter three are well known in Canada 'as having recently joined in present- {ing the new mace to the Canadian House of Commons at Ottawa. 1 i { Carranza Would Prohibit 'Exports. Washington, Feb. . 13.--General Carranza has sent a note to the Uni- ted States, Argentina, Brazil and Chile, as well as to all bther neutral them to join In dn to prohibit the export : for he Monday ™ Feb. 19th Mayor Hughes has made enquiry|gapoain Matinee, their best to distribute their stocks! gue Hill Offers | | / The! comedy Triumph L : on M:nday, and left in the evening! for Toronto to be present -at the} at er opening of the Ontario Kept A Thousand Laughs and Then Some | | PRETTY, SINGING, DANCING GRAND £ ios Lt 230 pom. DAILY oS Cauliaveun mand 7.090 paw. erformance Polite Vaudeville Six Ree! Peture Film Mrs. Leslie er, in' "The Heart of Maryland' BILLIE BURKE, in "Gloria's Romance" The Pathe News, Comedy, snd Diker Photoplays. Coming, Thursday, Friday, Saturday June Caprice, in "The Mischief Maker" CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "Easy Street" And Other Photoplayy Prives Always the Same Evening 10e: Reserved, Jc Extra CONDE First Sane] cent 8 word. 300s ix $1) one month, 83. HELP WANTED -- ---------------------- q------ BELL. BOY, APPLY FRONTENAC Hotel. WAITRESS, Hotel. GENERAL required ' ADVERTISING RATES ie a word. Each APPLY FRONTENAC ' Matinee Amy Seat SERVANT, REFERENCES Apply 36 Frontenac 8 et -- 1 -- i pt A YOUNG LADY FOR OFFIC E WORK, | _ Apply Warwick Bros. RE FERENCES King St SERVANT, Apply 162 FIRST CLASS BARBER. APPLY ROSS Stitt, 135 King St. West, Brockville. ont. a GENER AL required. 1 280; ; Evenbig 8.15 = i A HOUSEMAID. APPLY IN EVENING | to Mrs. Howard 8. Folger, 1 Emily | The Musical street. MAN FOR CLERICAL WORK. | Bell Tele- - Smad HT WORK iN GRO addy work an good | Anderson Pron of the Age. YOUNG Anply ™ant Depart ment, phone Cu, ------ esr A BOY TO no tery ¢ Young woman wanted, one having some experience in dry goods; also a right young wo- man, without experience, but ambitious, will find congenial work here from 12.30 to 5.30. Ap- ply to John Laidlaw & Son. X _IN POLITICS More. CLEVER, FHTLEINE sosssses »3 GIRLS Prices: Mat, 20e, 50¢: children 25¢, Evening, = Te, $HO0, Seats on Sale Friday, rr 0 us WITH KNOW. mo washing, Ap- to Mrs. Merrit, GENERAL SERVANT, ledge of cooking, ply after 7 o'clock, 138 William Street, } . | MAID TO DO HOUSEWORK ann! plain cooking: must be OM C | try girl willing to return to land in a few months: passa paid Phone 462, after 5 p.m. Wednesday Vaudeville Eight Iteel Master Pleture - Billie Burke in "Peggy" A SER! AL ) venings 25¢. Good, smart girls, 14 years of age and upwards, can se- cure employment at the Cotton Mills, Cataraqui street, Good wages paid to beginners. Apply at office Dominion Textile Co. Cataraqui st , ae. NEWLANDS & SON, AROHI- tects, etc. Offices, 258 Bagot St. Phone 608, pr } FoWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streeis (NOT Matinee 15¢ ~~ NOR SALE THESE EfFECTIVE ADVTS. 0081 Hitle, Once, 25c; three times b60c. one webk, $1.00. FOR JOKES, PUSLLES AND NOVELTY | oys, see Frank W. Cooke, 3] Si rence street, i 1 | No Reserve, AA PAN Ni BONNER'S FINEST FANCY SEEDED RAISINS are packed in RED CARTONS. Insist on fhe RED Carton. ee ee FARM OF 160 ACRES, FOUR MILE from Kingston. Apply Geo. Gib= son, R.R. No. 1, Cataraqud, Ont. -------------------------------------------- t---- DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV. | ision street; 6 rooms and W.C. in| each; welt rented. Apply 41 Divis- | fon street. a GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE selections, your own chgice, $38. | I: cash and §1.00 per week. mdsay, Ltd, 121 Princess Sot | { i meammea---------- we BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA | street; wodern; near Union 8t. car jine. OCwners desirous of selling! at ance. Apply McLeod's Drug) Store. i SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 438 Brock street, eleven rooms: in Condition, and all mod-! rovements Possessiof | AUCTION SALE Of ilonschold Furniture, 504 Barl Si, Wednesday, Kebruary Ht 19.8. Weber mahogany Case u walnut parley Pp PICT ue e covered wrm cha and rockers, sols rugs, stair © arpet, lave and c¢hen- ille gurtains, ock sideboard and tables drop head Sing sewing mac fine, oR bookcase snd tary eombined, som oak dre chiffohler, SRA and iron beds, eprings, maltrosses, bedding, Standard Sovereign range nd, Oak heater, chestret coal, olicloth, erock- | ory. enamelled and glassware, clock, | tt knitting machine. ALUTHONEER 2 AUCTION SALE Thoreushhied Motuteln Cattle, Rexx. CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RA tered, Wednesday, Februnry Lith, ges, nd all kinds 0 new 4nd se at 1 o'clock, at Mrs, Kenneth or! ond nd furniture. We are als. | wer's, Kiginbung, open to buy everything Ya § nolstedn milch cows, § yearling hei- ve lines. hompson, fers, 1 yearilmg bull also 1 Nearing | Princess street. Phone 1600 grade heifer, 1 spring colt, 1 horse. Torme 4d gnont oredit on approved Joint nen for 6% Interest per annum. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE, CONSIST. w TRRAY, Auctioneer, ing of 300 acres, being the north WN ny apemuria e . half of Lot 13 in 10th Con. of Stor-| rington and Jog 13 in 11th Con. of | For price ternts & ei to Ishac Holder or George Holder, Box 6, Batterses, first class ern imp May 1st. Apply 147 Division St. CORD WOOD, -4-FOOT, SOFT Woon, | in. oar lots, for cheese factories, furnaces, wood stoves, ete. im-| mediate shipment. - Prices on Ap plication. 8. Jackson, Wagarvilie, ! ont. dg BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN| smart country village: store 2-1 storey and large cellar; class condition, an estate, quick. §7 Clarence street, Kingston. 1 to the warring Buropean nations ot Yoodstutts and munitions of war, EL Loi ogy voged Marys. ville Road, known as Eag.r place, Where the fanily will move to in the G. Johnston, Deseronto, has pur-| ther siraps. new ana' second hand Turniture. S$. Shapiro. $5 Princess street, Phone 1237. {SMALL SILVER PURSE | nm ---- tims torpor mere | FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, | NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR, and FURNITURE FINISHING ------------------------------------------ P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. as, Call or drop a card. 8 Johan street. men i WHITE i | i { | A SMALL DOG WITH black ear' Owner 2 have i at 336 Wyoek ae by valling A on Y yoo. A R N JTOV BE FOR lef anid Owner may Navid same by calling at Whig Office FOUND ARTICLES ADVER-. TISED FREE BUSINESS CHANCES. A At INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finance and learn how fortunes are made and lost by Investors Free trial subscription. Success ful Finance, 608 8. Dearborn Bu 1 Ehicago. find. ng anything and } FINANCIAL i the dwner may ing the facts to i Ww Hg. The adver. } tisemeni win be printed in this { column free of charge "Found articles," does not ine elude lost dogs. cattle horges, ete These, if lost, m " vertised for in the "Los su by Britis un the | FRONTENAC loay Aodratd ment Soclet Inserpa ud wie; president, lone Smith, CMa; 0 president" wv F. Nio- kile, Monay issued on eit and farm ropertiss, municipal sn countr pentures; mortgages pur. chas a estment bonds for sale deposits received and in. terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager 87 Clarence 8t. Kingston. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $81,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have security the unlimited Nability o oity property, insured at low possible rated. Before .renawi old or giving new business ge rates from Strange trang * Agents. Phone 325, | i | | rime | FUR NECKLET, ON| hi, between Collings toy treets, Please | gwood and re | BROWN SABLE Saturday nig wood and Vi return to 189 Colllr ceive reward. ---------------------- i CONT, AINING | Toesday | Barrie | urn to 64 reward, Porn FICRS be rs, { 1 id FU RNTSHER ROOMS, ALSO "ROOMS y for light housekeeping. 398 Prin. cess, between Barrie and Division, ITURE, CLEAN your own lock "and Storage, 209 536; res. 98%. small _St Ah TO LET IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. Apply tp A. B. Cunningham, < larence street. i i i STORAGE FOR FU dry, airy rooms; key. Frost's Clty Queen street. Phops HANDCRAFT. SHAW WILL OPEN n all kinds of painting, ry, and art work, Studio, gy street; open from 2 to 6. Wedne. sday and Friday JENNIE C classes »d farm, five well watered, fall ploughing Fair, good buldings complet- Kingston Monday, ROOMED HOUSE, 7 Ave. good vutholldings and modern improvements; poss gegsjon may be taken March ist, For information apply at Empire roecery, Market Bquare ONE EIGHT Livingston { BOARD AND ROOMS | OFFICE ON WELLINGTON STREET, PATENTS [OE apied by Mr. G. Laturney, two Fn -------------------------------- rooms; eleotric light and hot wa- BARCOCK & SONS, Patents, trade] ter heating. Possession 1st March marks, designs. [stab 1877. Ferm- | if_required. Apply to C. | erly Patent Omice Examiner. Master Brock street. of Patent Laws Book - "Patent Fro- | tection" free. 59 St . Mont- Branches: Ottawa, hington. every convenience; central loca tion. Apply 243 Brock satreet or sooner Livingston, James Ww DENTAL KNAPP, BA, LDS. DDS. A. 258 ¥incess street. Phone B. WANTED GENERAL Othe :, SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, vor in ph) payment of new and Vietrolas. C. W. Lind- Limited, 121 Princess street. Xr ¥ nIENCED FARMER WANTS TO rent one hundred acre farm with or Without stock and implome nts, | for three five years. Address Box 21, Whig Office, -------- DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot sireels, Phone 626. RPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN: tits, 159 Wellington street, GO. I D.D.8: LDB, SSsistant. 245 LEGAL, cleaned and stor- ed for winter. All orders prompt. ly attended to. Phone JoS% or call} at Geo. Muller, 373 King 8 | bleycle repaired, CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER Bn. and solicitor. Law office, 78 Clar~ ence street, Kingston = torn For liom light work; highest wages "while ' learning. Those wishing steady employ. ment, apply at ees maTET KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. - King Street West. / WANTED. PUNCHERS, FITTERS-UP, " RIVETERS AND CAULKERS. For Sheet Iron Work. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. _ CANADIAN 1.OCOMOT TIVE co., LTD. Ontario Fire Insane

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