Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Feb 1917, p. 10

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1917. ° : PAGE TEN -- o \7 NW FIVE MINUTES MORE COAL IS PROMISED' Used in Millions of Tea Pots Po | "NO SICK STOMACH, |= ru mass vor vi Dail ly--Every Leal is Pure | CANADIAN PEOPLE : i | Tl : } { Sir Harry Drayt / < Vast { (By Frances Walter) | INDIGESTION, GAS! ¥ Drayton Looks for Vas Every infusion is alike dclicions i J) i Improvement Td The American i ? L = | "Pape s Digpepsin' Is the Quid kext Roads to Help. i is , | > + v4 Fal 1 m ; T ¢ C r to ré- Andl Surest Stomach 3uffalo N.Y Feb 14 I 1 MY CAPTOR ENTERS MY ROOM. , EA : ; i Relief. trouble is that the equipment has : ( er . : hat u just ate is souri n|run down, with the result that the mpd 316. by th Mel or { V you just ate | ouring on , 1 g 1 ) ACopyri yo Be ure z * p 1 I or lies like a lump of | steam efficiency of locomotives . has The bgst sugar for i vers ral ; wl i to digest, or you belch | decreased over fifty The : : ? b . | bes i © 1 al would assume and eructate sour, undigested] G.T.R.and C.P.R bh d the : . the sugar bowl is i I h frie yi i would have 1 or have a feeling of dizziness,| With the assistance n 'lo : . prison room wa eel ! | ' : uke ile 1 carthurn, fullness, nausea, bad taste| comotive power they ad i E 0 - ; i 1 le In ) | : ] p | be sound i 3 iy I +d been ~o tin moutlnrand stomach headache, vou | demonstrate their ability to remed 5 be sound proof je 1g in mou o : nstral lack, Green 1 : . | bro here 1. had t heard al¥ ore tt in irely get relief in five minutes. | the situation." 7 B G } Scaled Packets only. | Lo | noise except en ade hy eit) : your pharmacist ta show you This welcome nformation was or Mixed y noi A rither ever i 3i '} 4 | myself or by at jane, i= {010 fe r 1D {the formula, plainly printed on these! given by Sir Harry yton, Chair a A A A A A A A ns ~: tre ne _ |side the chamber no eH ; cent cases of~Pape's Diapepsin,| man of the Domini on Ratlwa Comm Its purity and fin { whether this wa A 10 | Mai hl PC RO} n you will understand why dys- i "With thousands of of Th ~ aa ES . . . a ! cOule preserve { 3 . ' i$ granulation give, it | the construction o if or! inind : y i 1 ptic troubles of all kinds must go, standing idly on the n pi Hie 4 : . ion. | if it was because building whieh | Lo = Co ial t 1 tetain control |amd why it relieves, sour, out-of-| the terminals on the Canad 0 3 5 ! a b the highly sweeten | housed me was removed from or nis Herves | order stoma hs or indigegjion in five|the Niagara frontier, and with Vv Such lather! Sa § » ing power. It dis- the beaten paths of in activity fe. ous not at al 1 o aceont- | BIDULEE "Pape's s Did 2 psin' is thousands of people in Toronto, . Such refreshing 1) ' solves instantly, in I wag inclined to beli thatboth i ow a 0 1 frit i il rmiéss; tastes like camily, though | tically out of fuel in mid-winter f h ki yo : olves ' re ue in p that the dwelling | plish vhen 1 first took up my pPosi-3 ..,y gqose will digest amt prepare| full supervisory power of the Com- in your teacup or on x Te ru art ake was in 2 tion my plan of action v oe only 0 assimilation HE the rd all | missioners will be evoked to get the hai ie :. i ntly formed in my mi and Wis | 3 ; g sides i ars vi o 5 GIS f = ! E your break fast cereal jonely if nol a desolate spol, = EY Te ht fuest hmglthe food vou eay, hesides, it; Sars WoRiuE, i} the latest romise of 5 Soltening and g: Lo, i 19 12 that the room in which 1 was placed e was i .y ned! as the | IP you go to the table with a € railways is not carried out 0 1 : : . H h had been made as nearly impervious ja * nce te 10CE . B it Ned { appetite; but what will] the letter. I look for a vast improve- . Itis the skillful use of pure veg etable fats os ] : to noise as it was physically possible ninutes wore on and lens 2 | please von most, is that you will fecl | ment during the current week." and finest natural flower extracts, whicl i » - ' t 3 vn e ass se andj : wi . i hs 2 and 5-1b to make it. This conclusion was not | into ho own heipl i os fast your stomach and intestinf are Sir Harry Drayton and Mr..G.orge make Baby's Own Soap so good for SE i E Cartons a ¢omforting one, for it meant that | We 1k 1€ beca ore ay ance I1¢lean and fresh, and you will not| Spencer, Chi f Trafic Manager of the skins. and so difficult to imitate-- ; 4 it was not only impossible for even] parent to me ng ao } oa need to resort to laxatives or liver | Dominion Rallway Board, held a con , 10 and 20-1b the most diligent search to find me, | Was almost swept 01 1 ! _| pills for biliousness or constipation. ference here with repress ntatiyes of J ' g but that my captors could rest as-) by the waves ol F vec | This city will have many '"Pape's|the Grand Trunk, the C.P.R.. and ; / sured that any outcry I might make | Over me But a time, a "i Diapepsin" cranks, as seme people | American railway coal tha At the i J would not be heard beyond the. four | nausea of Lopelessness na Will call. them, but vou will be en,| close of the conference it was an- . . walls which sh me out from the]l 100K a new grip on 4 Cs husiastie about this splendid stomach | nounced that arrangements had been fing m ) 1 ) rele y : : p - world shifting "my posi ; i ren oil | pre paration, too, if you ever take it | made, with the co-operation of {he = = Absolute silence'is not mdre rest-| determination afd kept on my vi for indigestion, gases, heartburn, | American and Canadian railways, for! 3 ing to the nerves than continuous Above me the stars and the cres-legyrness, dyspepsia, or any stomach | the transportation of coal in soMd { noise, and when silence is accompani-J cent moon, dalime by ¢ : misery. car lots to Toronto and Ontario H y ed by utter darkness the treatm-nt| glass of the sk Cast merely G@ some now, this minute, and | points, Railway officials on bath H "The All-Purpose Sugar" is Jike ly to become painiul Add to} the ghas of a iinme r into the room, rid yourself of stoma h misery sides of the frontier agreed to act in 7 ' ! thse an already overworked agin- | but even this ing light Ww bE de indigestion in five minutes. -opemation with each other, and i suffer than utter d 38 and | ~~~ p. lwav is blocked the fuel H ation, a physique which had suff red | than utter { hen one railway is ble ed the fu ; ' i tidus | nz 1 face t 4 and y d he tracks of 2 from unusual excitement, wtique | again 1 turned face u 1 anc 10 be diverted to the tracks of There is a difference between .and hunger, and a mind acwely sen-jas 1 did it seemed to me that the | ? | railway without. change of est' For Baby Saving the Hair and Srying sitive to the immediate past nd the i 1 glow, Edve me how J orage {! REGIMENTING WOMEN billing, It wis sfveed } hat the ma | ossibilities of the future, and one a mortals, It sees, ar i | imum' of coa anc reighy raffic t Yo to resurrect it ~ { | 'an readily understand (hat my pos- | companions not only bf human be IN GREAT BRITAIN FIC, love under the -- extrémely or i HERPI( IDE ition at that moment was not at all| ings, but of even inanimate objects | unfavorable circumstances now: ob : r : BE Ga] : . x i" similar to. that of a person taking flowers and trees and shrubs be- | taining, irrespective any technical ) cs, is a haif aver? therest cure | come. almost living, breathing | 1 don Mail : | question of billing or any particular ' But none of the aspects of My sit-! friends. = And' so it was with me at It intends to employ the aid of the | railway rights. " Applications at the better barber hops J uation deterred me. I waited per-!thattime, The specks ol light ab8ve| Women's National Land Service| Sir Harry stated that he had visit Guaranteed by The Herpicide Co. « sistently, if not patiently, crouched me seemed to be there to comfort Corps and to organize a body of! oq some of the terminals, and that| Bold Everywhere in an awkward position between: the and guard me, while the great splash about 100,000 women workers on je was here exclusively for the pur- Rinne | 11a 0 the dresser, my right hand of radiance whith: IT knew was the mil lines They will be asked 10 | pose of keeping coal moving across = PATRICK extended so that L could turn the | moon, seemed motherly in her watch-|vol er for duty. They wii have 10 | the border, and arranging so that For sale by almost every Soap retailer in Canada. . io' hg ve | 3 ar ) trembling mite [ be of a ce age; probably between ¢} upply consigned to Canad electric' swit¢h at will. As I have | fulness 6ver the poor trem g ; ' 1¢ Supply onsignec C anada | . already said, my plan was to attempt | of humanity who waited with flutter-}18 and 1; they wi i medi- | ghoyld be despatched in greater ALBERT SOAPS LIMITED, Manufacturers, MONTREAL. ertai hie antit f y ing hear ; Cert fate to lift] cal inspectipn; and they will be IVeD | (,antities, if at all possible, having ee rn ASA AAA ~~ ¥ to ascertain the identity of anyone | ing heart for uncertain : 1 > a] TE quantities, if at ¢ possible, having a hi ing Buchines, Tm. entering my room, first by the dim | the curtain on the next scene-of thejuni His, the pay of a lier, and | regard fo other material urgently re- . i Ne and fitted, Light above me, and, failing in that, drama of life. billeting al.owances. *¥ Are 10 |quireq by Canadian manufacturers. % i Lop filed, Knives and, it was my intention to turn-on the | It must have been long past mid- receive six weeks' training on farms, | gin Harry remained over till today wa vs ¥ . y ore strained ears caught jand when they have undergone it cag th . iw i PGI i 4 Scissors Sharpened, Razors electric lights. | night before my-strain 8 ne 1' to see that the new arrangement i honed. - Al makes of fire- From the first I had my doubts |a faint sound as of some one thumps | they are to be drafted wherever they | ., ried out by the railiways , arms repaired promptly. that my mysterious visitor of the |img.upon a carpeted floor. This was may Le required. ' hat w Superintendent H, E. Whittenber : a Locks repaired; Keys fittod. night- before = would return. The | followed by a whirring "noise andj There is little doubt tha women | ger of the G.T.R. arranged. for, a loan \ : All makes of Lawn Mowers rambling letter which I had received | another dull sound and 1 saw that |Will spond Teadiiy hough I ahey of eighteen locomotives from three | aired. y > » his | the mysterious wall had descended are pla nly told what to do BU€ | American railways Superintendent sharpened and rep showed that he intended to force t "i Seri be bneals Have Ben rande too 'often. Fo oa! ell SA I ! oh The T tal 4 ¢ »f Ne . P li i ia 4 1d . 149 S d nham Street attentions upon me, but what I did {in the room. : ; ana when individual wonien have an- | ins anc Coulter eprsente e Total Amount o ew Policies issued during ydae! not know and could not imagine was When it was raiséd, as I knew it}é the C.P.R. at the conference 1916 was more than 209 c 0 in' excess of the pre- swefed these appeals they have either would be in a moment, my captor WHY SUFFER "_. SKIN TORTURES Xx When a post- card will bring free samples of CUTICURA SOAP and Ointment which give quick relief and point to speedy cure when all else fails. Why not . TRY CUTICURA For free sugle Sch a0 a. {oticeard) " aM, A C Seid by dealers oe Boat Alto lt PARADIS GARAGE FOOT OF BROOK STREET Poo: Office. 323, House €1L We furnish: Auto Supplies, Gasoline at 38e, Meteor OIL Cars for Hire © Washing Cars Be. Kficlent Servite suaranteed. Give ue a eall. E. PARADIS, Prop. to feel FreshandFit sche oe er sein lar, and your sy ho re: physical oie ds on the health of these organs. gue wivng 'When anything = fow doses of Beechanr's Bills avoid any serious illness, are a fine corrective and oe the and a t in maintaining good | Bel Py le box will value of "Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World, Sold everywhere, In bones, 256. 4kimer street, the attitude he would assume when | he did arrive, a helpless woman, entirely within his | Would he treat me as | | would be before me, (To Be Continued.) Jellied Oranges Materials-- One cup strained orange juiee, 1 tablespoonful lemon juice, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon gran ulated gelatin. Utensils--Bowl, tablespoon, 2 measuring cups, - * The Whig's Daily, Menu | 7 a ~~ " Directions---Soak the gelatin in 4 cup cold water 10 minutes; dissolve Menu for Thursday in 1% cups boiling water; add sugar, lemon and orange juice. Pour into BREAKFAST ice-cream glasses and set in cold ey an place. One cupful of whipped cream or Cereal of Cholee MN can be used, placing a spoonful on Crisp Bachn on Tosst. top of each glass. Warm Crisp Rolls. an armilade } Cream of Corn Soup LUNCHEON OR SUPPER Materials--One cup corn, 2 cups Cream of Corn Soup milk, 1 cup water, 1 tablespoon but- Chicken in Bread Canes tér, 1° tablespoon flour, 1 teaspoen Apple And Celery alnd salt, dash peppec Tea or Cocoon Utensils --Two measurimg cups, pINvER teaspoon, tablespoon, double Steak n gl with + boiler, small: bowl, coarse strainer, Fried Bananas . food chopper, 1 Mashed Potatoes « dellied Tomatn Salna Directions--IH-the corn-is the ker- - Callen nel 'put through meat chopper; put re in top of double boiler, add milk, and. flour together; boil 5 minutes; add butter whieh have béen rubbed boil 5 minutes;' add seasoning and strain through coarse stralmer. If the corn is the grated kind it need not be put through food chopper. When mixing butter and flour always melt the buttér before adding flour. (Continued from Page 3.) he commandant, staff and geatle- men of the Royal Military College have issued invitations for a charity dance to be held on a. Fridgy evening of this week. * * * Mrs, 'Harold Davis entertained in- formally at the tea hour on Tuesday Miss Evelyn Crawford, Miss Jessie Nicol and Miss. Mae Hanley, Kings ton, visiting Miss Mary Fraser, Her- Hamilton, have re: turned home. --Hugh Carmichael, Queen's College, | was the week-end gest of his par ents, Dr. and Mrs. Cammichael, Peter- boro, W. F. Nickle, M.P, and family have left for Ottawa, having taken a fur- ¥ nished house there for the next foun} onths. Lon ee Wills, Belleville, is the guest. of Mrs. Constantine, Earl. street. 3 Mrs. Colin Santon, Earl str left on Saturday for a short visit wi Mr. and Mrs. Rae Hamilton in Guelph. The Skating Clup met on Satur ' day evening, when a number of mem- bers were present. Flight Lieutenant John Aird spent the week-end in town with Mrs. Aird, who is with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. E Mundell, Brock street. Miss Florrie Forneri and Miss Con- stance Forneri spent the week-end in 'Belleville with their father, Canon Porneri. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Grout are in town fred Brockville. Ld * . Mr. and Mri. MM. R. Allison, Pic- ton, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Carrie Rosa- afternoon. . linde, to Percy Kirby, son of Mrs. E. £5 2 T. E. Kirby, Picton, the marriage ta Miss Hilda Jordan, Barrie street, |take place quietly at their home, is home after a month's visit at Wal-| "Grove Place," the middle of the laceburg and Toronto. modth, * TENDER THROATS reddily yield to the. fsalisg influence of SCOTT'S Hts Soothes the inflamed mem- 'branes and makes richer blood 10 tepals the affected tissues-- prevent tonsilitis' ov. laryngitis. SCOTT'S is worth insisting upon. Sects & Bowne, Toronta, Out. received no reply or else have been told that their services were not re- quired, With proper organization, such as iwe make no doubt will now be fortheoming, there will not be these rebuffs. The question nay be asked whether women are physically capgble of do- ing work on farms, Thé answer is that they do i both in Germany and in France, and that in Berkshire, ac- cording to one excellent authority, they have shown their ability to cope with all but the heaviest tasks. Those responsible for the scheme are most anxious to make it clear that they appeal specially to educated wonren and to 4lk who, understanding what is at stake are ready to suffer some inconvenience for the sake of a great Peause. THINKPAND ACT Back Yard Gardening And How to Go at it, Sidney Johnstone, specialist in vegetable gardening of the Ontario Agricultural Department, has issued details on backyard gardening and also the ease with which vegetables could be -grown- for household use energy.; The reason for so many vegetables in their yards is that they did not exercise enough care in plant- ing the seed in rich soil. The land, should be well manured and the seed or plant not planted too deep. "It is not difficult to grow lettuce,' Mr. Johnstdne said, "if theseed is planted right. A row of seed planted in a row three feet in length will provide enough lettuce for the aver- age family, "Head lettuce seed should be sown | in rows twelve inches apart, and | when the leaves become two inches in height they should be thinned out. "Spinach seed should be planted in rows from eight to tem jnches apart, and when ready to use should be cut off at the surface of the ground. If the seed is planted on July 15th people would have plenty Por tig vegetable for the table in the a 'Green onions are easily obtained if you purchase "Dutch sets" for small onions and plant them in the ground, In a few weeks' time this will give you an abundance of onions, also good to plant just as long as the onions are buried just a few inches below the surface, Beats, carrots and parsnips are planted in the spring and harvested in the fall. They should be grown in rows from twelve to fifteen inches apart and planted with care, Ejects German Seer's" Statue, Berlin, Feb. 14.--It is announced _.Jirom Rome, via Lugano, that" the municipal authorities have decided that the last German must leave the Eternal City, and that Goethe, ' or rathe, his statue, is to be ejected from the Villa Borghese, where it was placed, Several years ago when presented by Kaiser William. A the decisive meeting of the Municip- al Council it was moved that -the statue be returned to the donor, but nothing definite regarding its fate seems to be settled. W. H. Bowers, Deseronto, left on Wednesday for Consecon where he attended the funeral of his father, the late John Bowers who passed away on "Tuesday atthe age of eigh- by the devotion of a little time and people being unsuccessful in growing Onions left over from the winter are Vv ille, . ¢ BIG GERMAN FORCE WATCHES HOLLAND Five Army Corps Concentrate on Dutch Frontier During Crisis. \ ---- Copenhagen, Feb, 14.---Five man army corps concentrated on | the Holland frontier furnish a fair-! ly convincing explanation in default of other reasong for the failure of the Dutch Government to adopt the policy toward Germany recommended | | by President Wilson on account of the German submarine campaign A large force™of German troops| was on the Holland border when Germany's inauguration of submar ine ay and President Wilson's ap- peal to neutral nations to join withm| | America in protecting neutral inter- | | ests against Germany brought to the | | foreground the question of Holland's | | possible action in reply to the Ger-| man campaign, Their bayonets em- phasized the economic and---policital reasons why Holland is unwilling to Gers } follow counsel which it was feared | might havé/dfawn the littla Kingdom | | into the great European war, { Rumors were heard too, in neut ral | quarters in Berlin that a flaw had | been discovered in Holland's strateg- | ie scheme of defense "against Ger-| | many which valves flooding parts | of the country in {Pont of the selected | | urst dine of defénse, According to these reports, attempts to flcod these districts would lay underwater a far greater area than had been contem- plated and would throw the general scheme of Holland's defense into con- fusion. To Wed Princess, Berlin, ° Feb, 14--The Crown Prince of Bulgaria has recently had a prolonged audience with the kaiser. In court circles it is rumored that the prince is soon to be bethrothed to the German Princes Victoria of Schieswig-Holstein sister-in-law of Prince August Wilheim of Prussia, the kaiser's fourth: son. The prin~ cess is known to be one of the wealthiest in Germany, Ralph McGuire, Tweed, has taken the position of head shipping clerk | at the Springer Lock factory, Belle- v ty-five Years, more famous brand ; vious year's record, less numerous. Let us send you some fresh Insurance facts CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO., TORONTO Agents wanted in unrepresented districts whilé cancellations were 3% YOU SHOULD USE | | MsS.C & SHAMPOO. the scalp or falling hair will grow worse by neglect. the scalp and hair in perfect condition. nl Being in LIQUID form, it is easy to apply: You | simply wet the head thoroughly in Hot water, then * apply ahout two 3ablespoonstal, which will instantly work up oceans of lather that will thorow 4 gl «cleanse the scalp, d after thorough Fning' will i leave the hair beautifully soft. Buy a bottle from your dealer and follow aitec: ! tions carefully, and you, like thousands of others, i will be convinced of our claims. A Price 50 Cents ; n ggists, Everywhere, or if your dealer cannot supply h you with the genuine write us, a MUTUAL SALES CO. »| 32. Front Street West . Toronto, Ontario "Let Redpath Sweeten it." . Es Ed 2 . It maintains healthy hair, corrects unnatural scalp cofiditions, and assists nature in restoring normal, healthy conditions, by stimulating and renewing the hair-growing processes. HEALTHY HAIR NEEDS ATTENTION, and any disorder of a M. 8. C. SHAMPOO contains pure Cocoanut Oil and other hair health ingredients, which by constant use will keep has never been offered as "just as good" as some for Sixty Years it has itself been that more fainous brand--and deservedly. Made in one grade only--the highest ! , I

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