CA THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1917. B PAGE ELEVEN -------- -- 3 ei ------ RET. sf nn DIF 1 Ey jR) Ji ICS | FILE | The Latest Market Reports | --- n 4 2 Ei | RET is ) i itl i LIVE STOCK MARKET, , Buck Nomi $1.28 4 3 --_-- Bf ee #14 4 | EE y comer , nominal : 4 --~-- { " - Toronto, No..2 $1.40 to $1 42 2 ------ - A i : ' t 1: Heavy steers, Mar 1 sur--First patents ir uf ~ i ro 4 kre 1 ie Four Fruits Used in ) 1.25 hotce butcher, | jute bags,' 50; second paten in - - pil A | Motorin Minus Fati ue ) ~&10 50: do rood me t g¢ i : Re i" 3 ) 3 0 good, $% 75 it jute $9 bakers, in jute, or =r : Ld g Jd May * Fru: fives [3o:n dodvaium, "8500's 38°50: | 38.60. Toron J Er : | do col $6.50 'to $7.50; heifers, | % Ontario flour- wint $7:10 tty 2 ? ERE «48 u can drive Tor hours without effort or fatigue. : Bat 1] 1VES? is the only goo 10 track, Toronto ~~ : Th 5 AL AR ) rep ! aa ceatic responding like a fash r world is made | medi 0 i 1 promj bulk, seoboard 74 3 on ro es Smpie as Xi hif the ge : i y 2 finge tips 3 f he vs of\{resh ripe fruits, choice, 35.1 o $9.00; do expor r - os \he merest lowch 164 can s ars with your 'mge} : a, : b > { ' ed $700 to $7.50 butcher] Mil Car lots, deliv 4 // / [he shghtest pressure operat e clutch and brake pedals. In congested > a fo rrts : $8.25 5 { Montre rts," §4( fr . 4 N 1 won'tta riita tives because T have His, hgice,- 38.25 39; do ' on H 2 g7 bra, i 4 trafic, where frequent sto re necessary, you can hold out the clutch with. . i 1 1th hi rood. 47 ) $7 y medium, | fee ur ag, $2.8 in ge t r re 1 es and they | 50 00 to $6.50. fe | Hay. H Ne. I. thack. Toroiite, 1 : =r the car in gear without ti yout foul, I re os ch sigages s0 fasnely / LG ro J hel r hand 5 y 1118, $6.25 | best grade ew hay, car Jots, $13; / i S* = hal you can Wore the car torw ard or. backward an eighth of an inch at a : } othat'y ives® is entirely ¢ eke to 800 lbs, | No 2, $12 $12.50; mixed, $10 to 3 a Aa time if you wis And the brakes are just as responsive--no. need to throw § from dny other prefaration in th 1 $7.75; do I., 650 to 750|311.50; straw, 38 A. nN Aili a, your full weight on the brake pedal-----just a gentle pressure and the brakes i i% just why you shohld give it a fair trial, Ah | Montreal. ON 2 W 4 take hold. i of the Lives, $7 95 cufters, $5 | Corn--American No. 2 Allow. > X A i 3 « Hight. $9.75 fo $10.25: do heavy. (31:24 : 5 . Oats-- anadian ! 7 ir ra 0 tiv is composed of the act ve Princ ple | $7 50 to $8.50: spring lambs, $10 = | Western, : % Z¢ to 3c; No, 3, { % Tt = 4 i i Fr ry Se on 14 calves $8.00 10 $14.50; i0c to Tlc¢; extra-No. 1 feed, 70¢ to :- 4 : 4 | ¢/ fruit and the greatest ners donc eve 8 : 4 . oo. : 20 ih 171 Barley --Manitoba feed, $1.00 i % RN 1} £ ) Y d ered. He. a box, 6 for $2.00, trial Hog iy 2 3h Ls a LA 0 | malting, "$1.35 Flour--Manitoba 3 FTW NY i 1 | Spa? 2 bh Fall 4 i : lealers or sent postpaid | | o 's cars, $14.60, do 1.0.0 | spring. wheat patents, firsts, ?$9.60; ere i or a - Tho. Car wii e Lr ves Limited, Ottawa. seconds, $9.10; strong bakers, $8.90; . 4 Ril i" £& : ar wiht i ean Buftak ) > {winter patents choice, $9.25; ? % 2 Ll a # J # 1 . . A r . straight rollers, 50 to $8.90; do., TT > : 4 AA A HURRAH East Buffalo, N.Y., Feb. 13.--Cat-| pags. $4.10 to $4 ollod oats. Ly» : gi 3 wld bi Fas the Wess Phuto Sade ; pin | | Bbbls., $6.95 to $7.15; do., bags., 90 C+ 12 Se : Photos Al) Sizes and Styles, ¥ tr ener {1bs., $3.35 to $23 45. Bran, $33 to a 4 °f 13 $s: 4 The BRISCOE eliminates all the effort of driving, and doubles the. $4.75 to $8.50; bulls $6 to $9 gis SROs, $30 10 32s ladiings, » i= v1: . pleasure of running your own car. ITstarts on the instant, accelerates with 75 to $8.50; 8, b 3 « yuillie 3 i ' * 5 FRAMES tockers and feeders, $6 to $8; -- 9 / ; . '" velvety smoothness, and stays on the road at any speed. The upholstery " . ows ard _ springers, steady, $5 Winnipeg. A MIRTH | = is deep and luxurious, with high seat backs which come well up over the { ee Just, Tors mond Work, 3244 ' . { Gash prices: Wheat--No. 1 north- z =" shoulder blades. The Full Elliptic Spring: Suspension ensures smooth ue Receipts 450; active, $5jern, $1.70%; No. 2 Northern, ! ling riding qualities' and Geutyaliz the jars and jolts. RIGHT PRICES 181.675; No. 3 Northern, $1.6254 3 ¥ - er ar - 2 a1: Receipts - Yo. 4, $1.53%; No. 5, $1.33%; No 3 37 I'he famous BRISCOE. motor--3-inch bore, 54-inch stroke 3 Lv nixed, to. $13.20; :6, 31.07} feed, 96c. Oats--No. 2 7 4 ' , --affords abundant reserve power for any emergency and reduces your ex- } vorkers, $13 to $ ; light York- fC. W., 5i No. 3 CW.) 54%e¢c; ex- Z as sense for gasoline. We have obtained thirty-two miles to the gallon with . D. A. WEESE er $12 o $12 2 Ent 50 re {tn No 525 54%; No. 1,5 : > Pe lily 4 168 PRINCESS STRERT $11.75; roughs, to $12.25, No. 2, 52%¢ Barley aNo. 3: C.W., A x ~~" : STENT 1 #62 5 1 . Da : . a oN - _Fhotox, Frames, Pletures, Pianos. tags, $9.50 to $10.50. | 95 : No YW... 90c; rejected, 78¢; : <- -- I'he BRISCOE, B *'4-24" has Electric Starting and Lighting System, ] Ae sheep and Jambs--Receipts $400; | feed Tse. _F lax No 1 N.W.C % _ llted Eye Saver Windshitld, Floating Type Rear Axle, Speedometer, j active amp at zs $13 80; Jear | Now 2 ( W., $2 51 : 4 pg { 1 1 3 Gasoline Gauge, Ammeter, Trouble Light Socket on Dash, Oil Gauge on | } ey wes, $6 Bo; we 50 wixe ai . GENERAL TRADE, 4, Z 3 Toe Board, Automatic Switch w ith Key Lock, Electric Horn, Pump, Jack, $11.1 Ww to $11.75. 4 ------ 2 I'pols, Repair Kit--and other impartant accessories usually classed as --_--r | Montreal, 3 7 "'extras."" . "hi . | ontreal, Fe 3. --Bautter, finest 3 7 : RRIRCOE " »T ~ Chisago. { Montreal, Feb H- Butter, finest 3: Price: BRISCOE B "4-24" Touring Car or 4-Passenger Road¥er, Ny Chicago, Feb, 13 Cattle Re- | summer make, 42%c¢; fing, 42 2 _ ! ceipts, 22,000; market easy; native dairy 37% to 39c: Finest \ fresh Z 105-inch w heel Base, $875 f.o.b. Brockville, Ont i beef cattle, $7.80 to $12.20; western | made, 41%c; fine, 40¢, To ex ers, Zt Ww RITE for Benjamin Briscoe's own story of the "Half Million Dollar Ly tee $7.85 to $10.25; stockers and | finest fall make, 44 to 44'%c; Yresh Motor" or call at your lo¢al BRISCOE Garage and let the car show' you. | feeders, $6.10 to $5.10; cows and |made, 42 to 421 c; fresh dairy, rolls - : ! heifers, $2 40 lves, | and prints, 40¢; dairy s 5, 37 1 r . ) ~ ( E{ ps ' $230 30 $10.40; calve rf 20 prints, 40c¢; dairy solids, 37 to : Fhe CANADIAN Briscoe Motor-Co.. Liven, BrockviLLE. ONT. i ranges -- eaten every xy OL § =3¢; A : : } day -- will help ou Hogs-----Receipts, 66,000; market | Cheese--finest western, Sept. § 1 stay well. Or steady; $11.80 to $12.40; mix- [ore 25 to 35%e¢; finest townships, Distributors for Kingston, ANGLIN " i Sunkist now and bor ed, $12.15 to §1 30 heavy, $12.05 | 24% to 25c; fine, 2434 to 24%c; 'BROS. 35 and 37 Montreal St., Kings= supply of these uniformly to §12.50; rough, $12.05 to $12. inest Que becs 241% to 24%e¢; fine good oranges in the ho: et + Ipigs, $9.75 to $11.10; bulk of sales, | 2: to 24c¢; finest western winter ton, Ont., opposite Windsor Hotel. always. t §$12.30-to $12.50. " !'make & . i i - ' Sheep--Receipts, 18,000; market | REggs--Active and steady. Strictly ° s steady; wethers, $10.80 to $11.80; | hew laid, 55 to 57¢; selected 45 to lambs, native, $12.10 to $14.60. 47c; No. 1 candled, 44. i umn 1S --- Poultry---Market strong and { . ' N : Montreal | steady. Prices for dressed, cold ontreal, Feb, 13.--- he | s re goods. Turkeys 31 to 32; wr | storage goods. urkeys, 0 : Uniform Good the west end cattle market for the | geese, 17 to 20; ducks, 20 to : Or week have been 800 cattle, 200 sheep | fowls, ordinar) 19; heavy, : H . anges and lamb#, 1,500 hogs and 300 calves. | chickens, milkfedl, 28 to 30; ordi n California Fruit GrowersExchenge This morning the offerings were very | ary, 25 to 26. light, amounting to only 400 cattle, | eae --Prices about as fol- . 50 sheep and lambs, 700 hogs, and | ows for potatoes, for 90 Ibs, car lots: 100 calves, Cattle prices remain |g Fee Mountains; $2.80; ex-store-80 Tea anc o ce Fe steady, in Siow of he small {5 [bs 3.00 Quebec's ex- -store, 80 lbs. number on the market. The deman« [Psd car lots, Cabbage, $4.50. per Toe JR SPECIALS for hogs is good, and with the dindit- | narra) of 145 1bs.; fancy Fioridas, 10 wholesale price of tea and ( Supply prices have advanced t0 | large crate, $5.50; "Spanish onions, coffee has advanced, but we are still $15.75 per 100 pounds. Quotations: per case, $7.00; per Crate, $2. iy selling at the old prices. Butchers' bulls, choice, $8.25 ton 'teds 1S . ' Qs 7 OR SE Globe onions, reds, 75 1b bags, $3.5 COFFEE $9; good, $7.25 to $8.25: common, | . EY Are a. "x 7 . to $4.00; Yellows, 75 lb. bags, A Our special steel cut at ,.. 40c Ib. [$7.50 to $8; steers, choice, $10 to i 195 . Our special blend, fresh a $10.75; common, $7.2 tt Quebee turnips, $25 per ton; beets, pees resh groun a LOILAOE, 3 4 2 {41.25 per bag of 86 1bs.; celery, $4. ve i at 30¢ Ib. butchers' cows, ch © he x . ue . "or " . | 50 per erate;® sweet potatoes, Jer- : We are safe in "saying that these |800d, $7.25 to $7. common, $6.50 | seys, per' hamper, $2.50; tomatoes ines « ot- be beate to 7;~canners, bull 3 jr a. Dus : ine anno t- be beaten at the price. 550 al FH ulls, $6 10 $8; cows, er crate, $5.00; per half crate, TE ~ Sheep, $9 to $9.50; lambs, $13.25! *='° We have ng to $18.50; Quebec stoc ) t o hve " esucity Bluse tea m.]$12 uebee stock, 11.50.te Toronto. . ans and Ceylons range Calves , milk fed, $12 to $12 50: Toronto, Feb. 13. --Butter, choice . B0e to 45¢ Ib, |8rass-ted, $6 to $6.50 dairy, 42¢ to 45c¢; 'eggs, new laid, Our re pe at orders on these lines Hogs---Choice, selects, $15:75; | doz. 55 to Soe; cheese, 1b., 30c¢; do.| -- y 4 y Fo good selects, $15.25 SOWS, | dn : » AAr6 4 guarantee of their quality. RE jee 1k 5 to $15.50; sow | Dressed Poultry--Turkeys, 1b., 30¢ : {to 32¢; fowl, 1b., 19¢ to 21c; geese, Fon J. R. B. ( a |spring, 18 to 20¢: ducklings, Ib., 20¢ ch ge, GRAIN QUOTATIONS, {to 23¢;* spring chickens, 1b., 22¢ to AAA Sn SE, Montreal Street mn | 24¢, Y : monn Toronto. Fresh Meats---Hogs, per 1b., dress-| by which the people of the helliger- RAILWA Toronto, Feb. 3.---Manitoba wheat |6d, 18%e¢ to 19'%¢c; calves, per 1b, |ent nations were inspired earlier in| H:7\ EU (R'E H No.. 1 northern, $1.94, track, bay dressed, 16%c¢ to 18%e¢, thé struggle seems to have, bn 4 arm | STEM ports; No. 2, $T91% No. 3. $1.86: No Fruits--Applés, Baldwins, bbl.,| measure, disappeared, "and néariy ARD ! A HOC BRANCH 4. $1.77; old crop, 4c above mew |$3.50 to $4.50; do. Spies, bbl., $3.50 | every day their-is a rumor of peace | - I AL A TIME TABLE crop to $7; do., Creenings, bbl, $3 to|or an unresemted suggestion of med- | In 'effect Jan. 14th, 1017, Manitoba oats--No. 2 C.W., 70¢;,$5; do. 6-qua, bkt,, 20c to 40¢; do.|lation. We hear much of the ending Tra nl No. 3, 70¢; extra No. 1 feed, 70¢; No. |11-qt. bkt., 50c to .75c; rhubarb,)of the war by economic exhaustion. ANADIAN SERVIG ™ Dever Ye Sud strive at oy hte A Haves 1 feed, 69¢; all rail delivered. beh, 10e¢ to 12%e; oranges, doz.,|Is it not possible that emotional ex- LONDON t HALIFAX GOING WEST MOV STAMP AFFIXED T ig GENUINE PACKETS: American corn--No. 3, 70c¢, sub-!15¢ to 30e; grape fruit, doz., 50¢ to|haustion will supervene before the We make a specialty of selling | 0 : 4 Lve City Arr, City { Jeet to embargo. ~ $1.00. - resources of any of the combatants | farm properties and have at present | (Via Plymouth) tNo 13 Mall L% ra gy 3: an Ontario oats~-No. 2 white, 63c to, Vegetables--Beets, per bag, $1.75; |are entirely spent? a large nutiber of farms for sale. HALIFAX No. 27 Local . .. .. 6.40a.m. 7.12pm. 66¢c; No. 3 white, 62¢ to 64c. carrots, per bag, $1.50 to $1.75; do. item meetin We are' thoroughly posted on farm to LONDON Nb. 1 Intern] 'Lad. (1.41pm. 2.12 pm, Ontario wheat--No. 2 winter, per |6-qt. bkt., 25¢ to 30¢; cabbages, each, ,, Hon. Ralph Smith Dead, values in Kingston district. If you (Using Falmouth to laud passengers) NO 7 Mail, ooo EAYE 340 pan. car lot, $1.73 to, $1.76; No. 3, $1.71{10¢ to 25¢; do, red, each, 10. to 30c; Victoria, B.C., Feb. 14--Hon.|wish to buy or sell it would be to For patticulars of =allings and rates, | 'ity Arr, City to $143. onions, bundle, 5c to 10c; parsnips,| Ralph Smith, Mister of Finance, | your advantage to consult us. apply 10 Local Agents or to The Robert N Mail , Tioam. FT7 am. Fes No.,2, nominal; car. lots, |per bag, $1.75 to $2; potatoes, bag, |died suddenly on Monday. Mr. Reford Co., Limited, General Agents, 50 | NO- 1g Express . .. 2.58am. 3.15am. 2.35 : $2.85 ta $3; do.~bkt.,, 50c; turnips, | Smith, who formerly was a member King Strect East, Toronto. No. 14 Intern') "fad. Los Do Irom. Barley Good malting, $1.20 to |bag, 75¢ to 30¢; do. 11-qt. bkt., 20¢|of the Commons, was well known FP rut -------------- No. 28 Local . 648pm. 7.22pm, $1.22; feed barley, nominal. ito 25¢, throughout Canada. > . If our neighbors would only do | ot Nos. I 7.3%: 1d. 16, TH 19 run dally. I 0 Se RC - things . we think tk : ! y y 1 S as hey should be Direct route to Toronto, Peterbore, . : hia Some feminine complexions re- Real Estate and Insurance. | done, & [ » | Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit and equal station to which the laws ) one, how much easier it would be | chicago Bay Ciy. 8 t DOINGS Al DARLINGS IDE of nature -and of nature's God en-|S¢Mmble small boys; they won't wash, Bank of Montreal Bldg. to love them, Ehicago, Be voi, Saginaw, Montreal, | titles them"; and the fact will not a Halifax, Soston ana New Fork: Te. therefore occasion surprise. It does 3. : 2 Arc gs . . AND I#GHTS AND SHADOWS ON not necessarily follow that the Unit- j Rete, and sli other information, apply CU RRENT EVENTS. ed States will join the United States | J. P. HANLEY, AGENT. - | in making war upon Germany. The Cor. Johnioh and Outarle' Strut, School Closed Friday Owing to the | republic may elect to follow its own | ngaton, Oat, f Storm--The River Crossing Now independent course and to leave its | AGENCY FOR ALL, JURAN STEAM. future conduct 'to the. evolution of ¥ NES, « , Sood and Islanders Are Taking | vents. But the American people now | Open Day and Night Telephone #9 ' TA Nage of It. ! stand officially with those people who ! Darlingside, Feb, 12.--Ross Mec- | charge. Germany before the bar of] { Neil is recovering from a" severe at- | Justice for gross violation of the laws tack of grippe. Mr. and +#Mrs. Mec-| of nations and of humanity. No doubt ! : Cauley,' of Echo Lodge, are spending | Washington's decision will give a | oo the week in Gananoque. lead to the other neutral" nations, | Commencing Monday, Keep your feet The school was closed on Friday!and these may be expected to take 'F warm and dry Wear lan owine to the severe snow and thelr places among the accusers of eb. 12th, Transcontin- , .- wind storm the Huns. Germany . has apparently Tie Crossing is now excellent, and | now severed from itself the sympathy . jguital Hain for Sudbury, many of the islanders are hauling,and even the friendly recognition of & W - Felt Boots, logs and grain to the mill and lum-| every civilized power that is free to ] Fare d ort nthur, Fort il 0 h ber, feed, ete., back to the island, express its opinion without inviting ow es an . | liam, Winnipeg, Bran- z vershoes, Owing * the guow and wind | onslaught. Its friends hereafter are don, Regina, Sas} t E - storm-o riday al Saturday the'the vassal Austria, the ingrate Bul: * kt a 1 hr h Ti k t : Loon, Rubbers, roads are in bad condition, and in]|garia and the "sublime" Turk. - i To All Points In oug Xx e 3 o Calgary North Battle vMoccasins, TARY Pluses will require 1p be plow- Unless death interfers Sir Red- , fi d, Ed / We carry a large mond Roblin and his colleagues in or monton, Van- 1 'a the late Manitoba plunderment may 1 J The United' States has. it is an-|! icouver and the Pacific stock to select from. Jnounced. broken off diplomatic rela- {Tt Gnd_themseives punished fur Coast will leave Toronto tions with Germany. This has seem- . : i € loronto I [5 pen of 'the Re.| This is the third February of the Electric Lighted and Comfortably Equipped Trains. Union Stati t 9.00 public were to hold hereafter "among War. In dealing with it the superla- To obtain the lowest f d th 1 Pr : t3e. power of the earth the separate tives of language have been exhaust- est fare an e most convenient routing p.m. instead of 10.45 I Rrra (Sd 20d the numerical system has apply to M. C. Dunn, City Agent, or J. E. Ivey, Sta- 3 . heen taxed to the limit. Immensity t A 3 L 2 Ys 'p- m., Monday, Wednes- oh | has ceased to impress us, horror nol. ion ent, ; | wri - Th CASTORIA Bom mt Bui: gent, or write to Ry. Faivhai, General Pas | 50 and Prd \ ' eT ness and the reactions that the ex- senger Dept., 68 King St. «3 T oronto. : : . For Infants and Children traordinary usually excite . ANADIAN NORT '}| In Use For Over 30 Years |= i= maz Eironean VIA CANADIAN NORTHERN CATER . ; ug is no longer worn {sf . oe ore Always bears have died in defence ORT N 5 ' the Ea Some men estimate the value of . [ny grief are Supp p their wives by the amount of work ed. Concurrently the passionate hat they are able to perform,