Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Feb 1917, p. 3

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1917. PAGE THREE : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 ; 4, -- TTY igi -- - : ET EE -- ---- - - - - 7 3 ? ervices some few |"s : --------y #7 would be no fore- a , ] S 4 $ PEOPLE ASKED 1 r market tolls in Probs: Rising temperature today and on Thursday. 3 Ee : 5 ould not be groaning - J . ; Eo r. Mclvor is quite ; ; nding himself, either a, 3 ' from attacks h - - 3 iduals, no doubt| him soon. Hoping On Their Coal Supply And: Put a Stop to Hy my curiosity} above questions! Coal Panic. general electorate] . -- s well. Im am, | \ . : a § in Township Taxpayer, ? » i #5 and Ex-Councillor, : : ~~ SITUATION NOT $0 BAD g dt | i : R & ; 3 | * AS SOME PEOPLE IMAGINE IT 4 i TO BE. + 8 T Id I . | i ro old In People Should Not Order or Expect i Any More Coal Than They Actual- T hd h . { Iy Require. t { "Tell the people fo be patrio } and economize on sal until relief i 20004 $000 : which is pretty re to come, puts | $ 3 : a stop to the-coal panic' said one of i Mrs. G. W. Mylks, William street, | ' Kingston's, prominent coal dealers to | was hostess at a delightful bridge] the Whig on WelNfesda | and tka on Tuesday afternoon. The. : The situation § not grown as | prizes were won by Mrs. Charles Tay- i desperate as most people imagine | lor, Miss Aileen Folger, Miss Elda | They are doing exactly as they did Macdowall. Others 'present were with sugar, shortly after the war | Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, Mrs, J. S. broke out, except that instead of | R. McCann, Mrs, Fred Mahood, Mrs. running the pricé up, they are de. Dyde, Mrs. John ang Js, Hubert pleting the supply of coal. * Sugar pe Ryan, Mrs George Majiood, Mrs. 'ee "ie J . . ' NL in Supby of, cal." Supa FS - RE ; | Hugo Craig (Fort William), Mrs. This is positively the last call to have a beautiful enlargement * point simply because the public has NS SR A Sal | Harold Davis, Mrs. S, W. Robertson, : 1 Jott simply Jicause Whe public hus CR -- Miss Agnes Bellhouse, Miss Isabelle made of a photo for the small sum of 19¢, of which the actual worth was their own demand that ran th I Waldron, Miss Eleanor Minnes, Misss 1s from $2 25 to $3 00 price up. The coal situation can SELZNICK: PICTU t Lassie Kirkp ck, Miss Mamie An- : : < . . . only be rolioved Er po Eyer : Se Timeeeecemt | glin and Miss Gwenneth Merrick. The Between now and Saturday night bring in your photo and take more than is absolutely 'necessary Ie i : ¥ | tea table, effectively arranged with| 1 : To this way (he resens suscrasaty. At Griffin's Thursday, Friday and Saturday. | crimson carnations, was in ehatge of full advantage of this wonderful of fer -- we fully guarantee all work 1 elief co >G -- NM Twa ---- i rs Third and Mrs. D. E. Mun- . 2 . . hold out until relief comes. ee Tr j alte. J. Third aad Mrs D, E. Mune) and further wish to state that there are no strings attached: to this n regard to<he causes of the sit. tha ningston, gave a plausible rea- ders béfore Saturday are | delll uation a high official, of a rai on for the present condition | holding their.own customers and ex-| © Miss Nescle P : Pembroke. i offer whatsoever. " company, who has his headquarters eet | pect more supplies in . immediately Miss Nessie Fraser, Pembroke, is} : at Toronto, which is even worse off Cause of the Shortage. | which will even relieve the situation | the guest of James H. Webb, See samples of work at our Embroidery Counter. Pr A mp in "Last summer tl ocean trade | for them Clandeboye avenue, Westmount. | took an hnme or of boats| Swift & Co. have a limited supply | .. Among those to whom .the late] wv SALTS IN HOT WATER Off tHE Taken." ho Ihise were)and have fot had to refuse thelr ew Yeur ors of kuigathood Were . o als i zouk orm imes | customers. offered was John 08s obertson of | i at Xo i : Tal iy : i'd sin ford & Co., has a fair sup- the Toronto Telegram but he de-| EXTRA SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TOMORROW---Watch The rallway companies used ni i1iply o and : ery "leclined the honor. He was also of-| . , : I + railwa, npani use all | ply on han . | taped' a senitorchip. snd g de- for it. 3 | their surplus rolling stock and put The prices have "not advanedd fared &, senatorsiip, and again de | mgm {in a fair supply and w counting | Soft coal is selling now about $10, Crk Swi thurs 26. is Says We Must Make Kidney S™Clean on continuing this through the win-|a ton; €hestnut at $8 50; stove coal| b Miss Corf : Sith, Miiwankes, i ' hood : : . 3 4 ER GE ¢ Sigs | the guest of Mrs. H. W. Watts, Fron The Blood and Pimples ter. Since last summer the munition at $8.25 and pea coal at $7.50. |tenac street i Disappear, plants of Canada have reached ' a| -- es | Mrs. J. J. Penhale spent the week- . tn degree that would surprise een} | end in Montreal,' the. guests of Mrs. | Pimples, sores and boils usually | Well-informed men, Every day the 3 | F. 0. Loomis, on her way home to result from toxins, poisons and im- Munition Boards are having huge | o { werbrooke from Kingston, where purities Which are generated in the !rain loads of munitions moved to Letters to the Editor | she has been visiting her son. | bowels and then absorbed into the | the ccast, , The result of this move- ; $2 ! | blood through the very ducts which ment of ells added to the extra|#® 5 ¢.| Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis expect should absorb only nourishment to leavy ght _ traffic hd brought | a {to leave for California early in| sustain the body, ~ into use the cars that the railways Kingston Township Ratepayer Asks | March = | YTS It is the function of the kidneys to | Were planning to have to carry coal Information. | Col. and Mrs. C. N. Perreau have | ) filter" impurities from the blood and | The companies are now suffering to gston Township, Feb. 7 (Tol returned from Toronto, where they A CHILD DOESN T | cast them out in the form of urine, | the éxtent that twice in a month pas- 'ditor): With your permission I| (ore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. | . ¢ but 'in many instances the bowels rS¢iger trains have been cut off, and | Would like to ask the reeve of Our | George C. Cory in Deer Park, ¥ | 18T. create more toxins and impurities the same will continue if the coal townsalp a Tew questio i Miss Isobel Macausland ig expected | LAUGH AND PLAY H ' than the kidneys can eliminate, then Situation with other causes are not 1. What ig our pr in | from Toronto on Friday 'to spend a | the blood uses the skin pores as the Témoved." less to the county, and what w '| few days with Miss Isabelle Waldron, ; next 'best means of getting rid of In this connection this official said | cause of it, in your opinion? | King street. | PA ED these impurities which often break | that last year the production of coal 2. In what vear did this debt start | = "yi J Mary Strange, Sydenham out all over the skin in the form of he Pittsburg mines was ten per {fo #ecrtuerand who was mayer; or Hg i expected home from Toron- ' : sintplcs + than ever before but |Probaply should say reeve, at that ¥ s inn 'the week 5 5 J g. I oh Urest way to dear ti ki tiring concerns throughodt ime to early in the week, | If Pecvish, Foverish and Sick, Give « * surest way to clear the skin he tun 18 throughout 3 hat meibe. db vob DEOBOES : "California § } of these eruptions, says a noted tes took up the surplédw._ Lio Trdiaite Ta he 4 aos rapos < Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Nickle, 4 Sofia Syrup 18TH thotity, is to get from any pharmacy > nas A | accumulation of more? ARd stop he! Gurl street. expect to leave for New - will : about four oun es of Jad Salts and Regular ( stoners Fire Served. 4. Who were the-township repre- | York at the end of the week. t Mother! Your child isn't ndtural- Se . fake @ tablespoontul Ju A slams of . In regard to he Joca) situation, af sentatives for the year 1913? r Mise Rut Jobe, Suswe wit ly cross and peevish. See if tongue. is z venteen Genuine ater eac norning yefore | ter erviewing the 15 Coa 5 ow any applica 8 ore | D8 Miss Sybi IrKpAtrick s guest for}. aq * is is sure rp s . breakfast for one week. This will | merchants of the city realizes ere oy any, applications for el the Royal Military College dange on Sqatey; hig is Shes am its Witle Mahogany and Quar- : prevent the formation of toxins Tn' the advantage of being a regular cus- above mentioned: year? Friday night. : cleansing at once. RY : ter Cut Oak Dresse 1 the bowels. It also stimulates the | tomer of the merchants i 6, was the position given to Rev. and Mrs. Luttrell and their When listless, pale, feverish, full . rs, A "kidneys to normal activify , thus S. Anglin & Co., ited + to the Mr an, a pon-taxpayer, in pref-| two children, Honan, China, are the | or cold, breath bad, throat sore 3 large drawers in coaxing them to filter the blood of | Whig that the people are in such a ernce to qualified men and bonafide| Buests of Miss . Machar, Sydenham | goesn't eat. sleep or act naturally, 3 ; 1 impurities and clearing the skin of panicy condition that they arc flood- | taxpayers? -- street. has stomac h ache diarrhoea Teme square and round bevel pimples, {ing the office. with order They | 7.1sit'true that Ex-Reeve Gordon, Mrs. R. Easton Burns is spending | har 4 gentle liver a: el cleans. irro dud Salts is inexpensive, harmless | want, in a vast number of cases; ! present Reeve Coulter and Councillor! a few weeks at the "Welland," St. 5 ns Jo live ay we ans plate ™ 5 and is made from the acid of grapes | more than tt need z'being afraid Clyde placed Reedan in office, the | Catharines. : ont giv : and lemon juice, combined 'with | that no relief is coming. There is | other two members voting nay? re pe duis "California Syrup Ti Regular $27.00, for $22.00 lithia. Here you have a pleasant, | some reason to look at the situation 8. Did the assesor cover your as- Gabrielle Chevrier, Ottawa, is in| cf Pigs" for children's ills: grins a oday hese dressers are well finished and an extra good value effervescent drink which usually | seriously bur an occasional car is Sessment and Gordon's (who, by the| town for the Royal Military College teaspoonfad:- and in ¢ few hours all : ay at tw. . . . : makes pimples disappear; cleanses | coming in to the city. The stock of Way. I believe. was reeve for that |'dance, and is the guest of Miss Mar- the foul wagte sour bile and : fer- Only 17 Being Offered mn This Sale. the blood an# is excellent for the kid- | this firm will last {or probably three year) to the extent of 400 each, and | jory Williams, University Avenue. | menting food whic h is clogged in the Carpets and curtains reduced. Some extra good values to » neys as well, | weeks without any other lots being Councillor Clyde to the amount of | Miss Louise F. Jones, artist, left}; wals passes out of the system, and clear ends. " | added. | $300, the two remaining councillors for New York Tuesday after spending von 'have wx well and playful chiid Blinds complete with brackets (we have a number of. odd | The manager of Booth & Co's office | F8¢8IVIDg no reduction? . | the past few weeks with her parents, zaain. All children love this harm- blinds we will offer), for 25¢ E WwW | stated that he had been in tha busi 9. Why were the assessor's books | Mr, and Mrs. J. E, Jones, "University | jess, delicious "fruit laxative.' and : . > b czema as Reus fOr twenty-soven years and has accepted by the board; aud his salar) | Avenue. pr; Sous "Hult ; i on y A touch of 1, 1: D. to any eczema | Dever-bad occasion' to nrake his reg- Baa 4 BX Yag som tCoiitinued bu Page 10.) cloansing. Dizections for babies, I b HARRISON COMPANY "sore or itching eruption and you'll | ular customers feel the need of coal inte E tw SBOE 2] . cluldren of a. ages 1d growr-ups be able to rest and don once irk He is refusing absblutely to sell to DO or fzaquzols 19 com ! Leather Market Unsettledl. are plainly en th2 bottle * : . . ~ Think---just a touch!. Is it worth | outsiders But with careful manage- 10. Is it trues HS. McIvor was ap-| On Thursday morning, despite Keep it handy in your home. A Phon 90 . Limited trying? Get a trial bottle today. | ment sees no troible in keeping his | pointed to finish the work at i sal-| market conditions, Lockett Shoe|litie given to saves a sick child e . : . Your money back it the first bottle | customers supplied tary of $3 pe ylay without any time | Store will offer .all broken lines of} tumorrow, buc get the 'genuine. Ask does not relieve you. - | Drury's coal yard was depleted of | limit, and t he only charged $s | Men's and Women's shoes at a saeri-| your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of ; | coal at 10 o'clock on Tuesday morn-| for his total, when he could have! fice. " "Cplifornia Syrup of Figs," then|' ® | Ing and no more orders are being | driven over the township locating un-| Joo ad for that it is made by the . | taken, . assessed properties, and if he had| Ham A Nt "'sHforma I'.x Syrup Company." ® ® | The stock of the Froptenac Coal | wished made it cost the township THERE ARE ABOUT 100 A FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE 3 | and Lumber Co., is very low~and they [any sum he desired, according to his| > x ® CAPT Ww | MI : . -- : » Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston. are only able fo fill orders for fus-|! judgment? Kingstonians Who Should Don. the : + W. H. REID IS LOW. EVERYTHING REDUCED, SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY | tomers. Il. How many assessments of this | Khaki and Go Overseas. Not Expect i Ree : 2 Sesto The Sowards Coal Cg., state that nature has\H., Meclvor rectified, and | Major R. D. Sutherland, in a state-|" pe 4 ey i Oyps ang Fam. : Jy 1 <= = a if horses and-meri Could' be securéd | how many dollars has he saved the ment at the recruiting meeting held . ¥ Hurrying w- Huu, f i - . they® coujd Bll up the avalanche 'of | township since his first official ap-|Tuesday evening, stated that there| Capt. W. H. Reid, eldest son of --- - wm. | POintment ? - {are probably about 1,000 Kingston-| Mrs. W. H, Reid, Victoria street, is . . . | 12. Has there been a 'man in the jans who should be canvassed to see| ¥ery low at his Winnipeg home, and . ] Ohio Woman's Wish township filled as many trusty and |if they are medically fit and would go | © hopes are held out for his recov- . varied positions in the interests of | overseas. This is the class between | FY. His mother and sister, Mrs. 8S. | For Tired, Weak, Nervous Women { the township, or has acquitted him- igighteen and thirty-five. Probably |S: Corbett, have left Winnipeg. Dr. = ervice Bellefontaine, Qhio.--"1 wish ev-|Self more honorably or more intelll-|about 300 or 400 of these should be ¥ictoria Reid of Toronto, ATOLAGF ery tired, weak, nervous woman |Seht¥ than M..Mclvor? in-uniform. = sister, has also left. Capt. Reid is a could have Vinol, fof I never o tl 13. Did you ever know. the | ~mmmn anna. | fOrmer TKingstonian," having -- been The confidence the doctors ' : yo SPent { council having to 'employ, another of- WwW. T ubled With born and educated in the city. He have in our ability to properly any money in my life that did me ifojal to finish any -work-he under- as 1ro 1 has been practising dentistry in the dispense -- thelr prescriptions ||| 10 Hues 800d as that I spent for took, or did you ever Hear or know west, but lately took an appointment quite justifies the careful ser- nol. 1 was weak, tired, worn out tof him manipulating any township Shortness of Breath. with the Canadian Army Dental vice we are giving today. and nervous, and Vinol made me funds for his own personal benefit? ' Corps. \ . From early morning to mid- STONE: il and vigorous gies Syery: 14. Has Mclvor filled the following -- er night we are "on the job," and 8 0 felp me, and positions for the township: Auditor, | > < 3 34 Y RigH the utmost ae to give I can now do my housework with deputy returning officer, Ro = When the heart becomes affected, BPR. BUBERY CAREY J! our customers the service which Mecsures Mrs. Soro Lamar, | correct assesments, 'collector of Shere Shsuce 4 lecling of 3 choking Receives Military Modal--With 46th | - he ; : has so helped to é guarantee Vinol, which con- taxes on four ogcasnons, . » pal- . . s 3, 2 AL Sad 4 ; business. be le yp oo tains beef and cod Iver peptones, for three poe sounciling pitation, throbbing, irregular beat- Q 8): Battory, Sec my line of Period Furniture, Largest & Hest Selection to Choose From. mencing our thirteenth year, iron and manganese peptonates and| 15. Did Ex-Regye Hawkey at the|l08.. smothering sensation, dizziness,| Bdr. Robert Carey, Science '18, i which we hope will surpass last glycerophesphatdes, for all weak, municipal nomindtfons for 1914, in [2nd a weak, sinking, all-gone. feel-! Queen's University, has been award- % R J year, and that means we'll be ||| run-down, nervous, deBilitated con- | his reply te Ex-Reeve Gordon, pub-|Ing of oppression and anxiety. + | ed the military medal for distinguish- - i hy ' "going somo." J ditibns. . |licly say that he could prove that{ The nerves become umstrung, you|ed bravery at the frant. An official Leading Undestiker. 23 Phone 577 Fo | Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston. |there had been a misappropriation of | dread to be alone, have a horror of | notice to.this effect was. received by rr -------------- 9 Also at the best druggist in 'all Onapublic moneis in connrction with society, start at the least noise and | his friends in the city to-day. Bdr. tario towns, ~ county crusher outfit? Howewas this are generally fatigued. Carey comég from Goderich and went Miss Florence Farrell, previous to Vul izi ) 7 op misappropriation accomplished, and On the first sign of the heart be-{ overseas with the 46th Batiery from | her departure from Perth, to Detroit | Steam camzing > , BL ; who were the principals? An explan-|coming weakened or the nerves un-| Queen's University. 1 {on Tuesday, to be married, was pre-| WE DO ALL KINDS OF TIRE AND The Popular Drug Store. s ation is due the public... © |strung, iburn's Heart and Nerve in sented with an address and a hand: | call tn and get our prices before wolog Open Sundays. ' 16. By the equalization of county |Pills should be taken. They are just Died at Toledo, Ohio, some cabinet of silver Sunday even- | elsewhere. First cious work ana rea- Phone 50. Branch 2018 CURES SKIN AFFECTIONS assessment Kingston township bene- what you require at'this time. They! = There died after a lingerifig illness | 08 last by members of St. John's Soashie Spices, - big One Package proves it. Sold and | fitted by the paid valuators' report to regulate and stimulate the = heart, an'oM and'highly respected resident] €hoir. . os cu guaranteed by above Vinol druggist. ' tlie extent of some thousands of dol-|and strengthen and restore the whole| or Erinsville in the person of Mrs, | If you can't get along with people, F. J. Pearson & Co. -- ---- { tars. The matter was afterwards | nerve system. a Sarah Murphy (nce Keegn), widow | Uy to get along without tiem. Cor Queen and Bugot Sts. ; y ----y v ----_---- VIVE [taken up by county councillorsend a| Mrs. C. M. Cormier, Buétouche.|or the late Patrick Murphy. at the : ; ; : committee formed for a reajustment N.B., writes: "Since two years ago 1! home of her daughte ih a 1 ; EXTRA SPECI AL Vv ALUES MEN'S 4 of the assesment, some of the town- 'was troubled with a shortness of Toledo, Ohio "She i re ives & hip being dissatisfied, with the re-|preath, and sometimes I could hardly : be ° da SUry by Gy OVERCOATS. y § ult that Kingston township was sad-|preathe. I went to see several doec- Iwo sans - x He Sghtets, Mic- $30 00 Coa : 4 | dled to the extent of some thousands !tors and they said it was from my ac a 190m Ny gh eb is,now .. .. .., .. .. 00 of dollars. *Ex-Reeve Reddaw claims | heart and nerves, but they did not! apn me: © pears, N.V., Mrs. Hughs rt $28. Coats ' he was dissatisfied. Did you approve stem' to do any good. © d and Mrs. J, Murphy of Lansing, y NOW... LLL 00 4 of the committee's decision and turn|y gof your BEB, Almansesds ich., also by four brothers and one $20.00 Coats, now $15.00 your towaship down? road of 3 case shies ty manacafcster' Thomas of Erinavlle, Mui : : : ' www iN ey . In conclusion: A letter appeared in|" ought a box of Milbures Heart hew and Lawrence of Owosdo, Mich, . ' . J the Daily Whig of Jan. 29th, signed|and Nerve Pills, and after taking 1t I M. 5 of Chicago, and Mrs. T. Kava- JOHN TWEDDELL . . An Ex-Councillor." His whole aim | noticed such a change that 1 kept on|naufh, aleo of Owosso, Mich. Mrs. : : . and object seems to try and impress) faking them until Wad used four more| Murphy was a member of the Roman 'Civil Miki « . the public with the fact that Me-| Milbarn's Heart and Nerve Catholic Church. ; ivil and Mi itary Tailor 131'Princess St. § Ivor is a man of a very low order of [0c a box, thre boxes for $1.35 at all : " intelligence. 1 will 'state right' here, [dealers ne T Miibucn Co Tipe of} A very young man likes p be mis- » . prsrirsonid | 1 beliove it the township had availed |Foseare oar © 0+ ldmited.} taken for a cynic, ? \ »

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