Aognf | LH E : FOR Alfred Stireet- . water heating Johnson St. location naw very close We have We are r Purposes, to Spring. them in 0 ii! ii 85,00 $6,130 2 BANK or TORONTO i George B. McKay, i! IHR RR" Manag er. SALE 'Solid brick dwelling, 11 rooms, hot en $4600 Double frame, 7 rooms each, good $4000 How about that lot you all parts of the city at all want SOrtS © THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. You When tery there's no doubt of quality Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 Can Count Onl It we take care of your storage bat- ice, We have establistied ourselves as experts. Vill you come in and be convinced? Phone Free inspection of an This is the Weather That .you will find it necessary to guard against coughs, colds, la grippe and lung troubles, We are always well supplied with the most reliable pedemies that medical science ean produce. will be cheerfully given with regard to the pre- suited for your ailment, Our advice at all times paration best tioag's Drug Store ranch Post Office. Opp. Y.M.C.A. Kingston, Ont, Strawberries 13¢ Per Tin GORBDON"S GROCERY Cor. Bay and Montreal Phone 88. 7 21 People's Watts, Florist Fresh Cut Flowers Hyacinth, Narcissus, Ete. Funersl Designs and Wedding Bouquets to Order Pl 7 LN PAN NAN re ---- Friendships ! A tA AAA ANA Ai We have choice cooking ap- ples by the barrel; also choice vegetables, We deliver- promptly, Phone 545 rma 210 Division St. - Em I. LESSES, 1094 124-126 Clarence St. y battery at any time High Class Eye Glass Fitting OVER HALF THE PE 10- PLE WEARING GLAS TO-DAY "HAVE, MOU THAT DO NOT FIT PER- FECTLY. A VISIT TO QUR OPTICAL PARLORS - WILL, SHOW YOU WHAT "HIGH CLASS" FITTING REALLY MEANS. WE EXAMINE YOUR EYES, GRIND AND MOUNT YOUR GLASSES IN OUR OWN LABORATORY AND OUR CHARGES ARE MOD- ERATE. R. J. RODGER, Jeweler and Optician 132 Princess St. 'Ww here the clock is on the walk, J F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets, and Cut Flowers ouy spec ey Orders | lied promptly. Phone 5 Brock. WANTED ! 1 One Hundred Pair of Spring Chickens Four to five pounds each, 22¢, 24¢, 25¢ per pound if properly fatted and dressed, One Hundred Pair of ~ Fat Live Hens Five to six pounds each, 20: to g 22¢ per pound. All other poultry paid for ai mar- ~ ket value. The above quantities have to be secured by Thursday, re. gardless of prices. tern Bros Phone "458-1840, ~ A A A A Pt NN Buying and Selling I am now buying all kinds of second- hand furniture, clothes and tools. Also have for mnie a stock of Iron Beds, Sidebonrds, Washstands, #7 Clothing, Dishes, Ete, A SHAPIRO . as 88 FRING ESS STREET, - Or rr -- a Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS | Speeinlising Store Fronts and Fh- | thug ns Remodeling Pulldings of ail |! kinds, ESTIMATES 11 EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. "NOW IS THE TIME | To have your car overhauled and placed in readiness for spring. We are fully prepared to look after your! auto and all its parts, including Storage Batteries. One of the best charging outfits has just been instal | led. Our mechasies will ane you guaranteed satisfaction. BOYD'S GARAGE 129 Brock J Cars For ane 2 i I INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. GRAND ¥ rad \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1917. OPERA! HOUSE ¢outinuous | x | Performnnce | Ar 2.34 und 7 LJ QAI iL 'audeville Ww v n UOCAL NOTES AND TTEMS ' OF Bev GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~- What the Merchants Offer to the Headers of the Whig. ure Film Mire. 'Leslie 'Carter, in dg session of the Police. BILLIE BURKEy in : esday mornin "Gloria's Romance" Nels, To Ste: ehildre 205e. . The, £1.00, 3 rida, LIBERA RALLY | A meeting of Liberals will be held at their club roms, 338 King St., on Friday Evening ( February 16th Matinee Ie Important matters will be up for discussion, and a large attendance is re- oat br. A. W, Leman A, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Vaudeville Eight Iteel Master Pieture in "Peggy" = SERIAL) No Renerve, Thurs., Fri., Sat. Captain Donald C. Thompson's famous 7,000 Foot Film War As i eal Is. Richardson, Pres, Guild, Necre COVERED RINK HOCKEY TONIGHT DENTALS, Toronto, vs, QUEEN'S. Game begins 8.15 p.m. sharp Admission, 35 cents. Reserved Seats, 60 cents, "Both including war tay. Sure to be one of the be: sR imey of the season. ' SEALED TENDERS + Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon, Wed- ecr's Office, W. W: SANDS, . . City. Clerk. Kingston, Feb. 14th, 1917. EAA AANA rs te i PE For Sale By Tender BONNER'S FINES FAN SEEDED RAISINS are packed in RED CARTONS. fe best factories in Insist on the RED Aric," Rmown as Carton, mmber & Man' fg : d in Chatham, On- 1 position * with » Thames Two La y brick i- - excellent condition, A Delicious Dessert almost any line ire. Full descrip. t th blue print applic atio n The sv any tender hig nec 1 Tenders March 1. apply to | The Blonde Lumber & Mig. Co. Limited | J » for fact HENDRY & ¢O, 1c Distributors. Sm ms 4 An GRIFFINS- TONIGHT MARGUERITE CLARK. in "MISS GEORGE WASHINGTON" Prices «+. .... Matinee 10¢; Evening 15¢ "THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "The Heart of Maryland' tnt of age E an se- R A N D care employment at the Cotton Mills, Cataraqui street. Good " =» | rows: R & SON, ARCHITECTS | nt 1 ank & 1 Hid ! ie Ul e -- i Evenings 20¢, rp ti sf ts S [RAND nesday, Feb. 21st. for furnishing Continual Show Daily. Snare IY sakes 0 teams, single horses, and drivers to From 1.30 p.m. to 11 p.m. | gandition, $1000, to wind up 2 operate the city watering carts for Adniission: Children 15¢; Adults 25¢ : G. A. Bateman, = : a term of one year. AlP information No Reserve: - strsel, Bimssion: can be obtained at the City Kngin- -- ££ . i PAGE SEVEN ENE EERE NNREE REE NA NSA NRNN NARA RR RRRRRE Paoples t he Pathe medy, and Ae ray: and Other | 1NDENSED . ADVERTISING. RATES| N FURNITURE FINISHING Coming, Thursdny, Friday, Saturday First Insertion, ie a word, Each Sau. Be, . y ~ . v escutive Insertion thereafter, alf-, P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH- June Caprice, in eeut mn word. Minimum charge for . FOUND er. Call or drop & car re John " . . 9 one Insertion, 25¢; three lusertions, A SMALL WHITE DOG WITH re The Migch: ef Maker S0¢; six ¥1; one month, $2. black 'ea i! ner may 1A Ve ¥ el alling at t Br { HELP Ww ANTED ' S CHANCES, C ARLI E CHAPLIN AREY WOOLLEN GLOVE FOR "E ELL BOY. the lef ! Gane: oa INVESTORS wa A\RNING DON'T INVEST 8 5 I i ha BRINE Ly oaaling al. h & one cent until you read Successful in ag y St reet" errr sven fie Fin and learn how fortunes N\ Ani tn Photoplayy [Av TR ba PrLY ade and lost by Investors Prices An Arn the Same FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- trial subscription Success- Matinee i0 Crening 1oe: --_-- 7 "inance, 608 8. Dearborn St. : Any Sens C Reserved, 5¢ Extra GENERAL SERVANT, REFERENCES TISED REE . . Sa re res Apply 6 Frontenac &t = SETmm-------- ( 5 ------------------ ----------n \ I ' ¥ 0 en GENERAL SE RVANT, REFERENCES Hing wner ina FINANCIAL and Westport " Monday Se >Pply jo} Kiem "British The A FRONTEN : : Ne . a : The Brivish Whig. Th "RONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. The 3 Whe "Feb. 19th \ HOU SEMA. APPLY IN EVENING tisemerc will be prints t Sqclety; incorporated 1863: . Sta a former Rian » Mrs. Howard 8. Folge Emily t ee , lent, Colonel HH: R. Smith, «l « nan of Bargain Matinee us KC Money me N P. Ns ' , ; 9 oney issue on city i ation fo 2 2.30; . \ BOY FO DO LIGHT oe Le GRU Nn properties, municipal and Evening 8.153 oe * cy $B Boud debentures; mortgages pL. Watch for it.| Gus. Hill Offers " ape upent, bonds ; depos receive - The Musical BOYS TO WORK IN = = ei ophsiia, receln ond, nt Vi Comedy Triumph ¢ Bron ot: manager 87 Clarence St. Kingston. ( on bus f the Age LOST. emarn-- oper : n . oO --- LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE oclet BROWN SABLE LR NECKLET, ON Fire Insurance Company. Available Ma % Very I Y. tarr,: Saturd Vig be ey Assets $61,187,215. © In addition to for i... Vi which the polieyholders have for { & securit ¥ the unlimited lability of { ceiv / property, Insured at lowest ------------ ere atest mmsne gn ames ain i ssible rates. Before renewing or glving new buglmess get MAID TO DO. HOUSEWORK AND > SON fates from Strar » IN POLITICS iain cooking; mug Be OM Coun. PERSONAL Agents » "335 & Suxiee, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS -- = -- - I po R TO LET A Thousand Laughs and Then Some OVE 5 Ee ------ | whi More. - i' N DIN FI TNISHE nu Roows AND HOARD, AP- 1 ' ane 3} [ned 1 . 5K SO! *lreet in np at Ha PRETTY, CLEVER, (| RL S bb a | OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. er Meas | SINGING, DANCING { Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 'larence street HANDCRAFT. i ge pt RNISHE R RGOMS, ALSO Rooms mcs p---- I for ight housekeeping, 396 Prin. |r m-- JE NX C. SH aw nd Hy pail EY cess, between Barrie and Division. smart girls, and Good 14 years STORAGE age upwards, can se ? FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, #0 dry, airy room your own lock and OR Key Frost's Clty Stu rage, 209 : ¥ BOARD AND ROOMS | Queen street. Phona 526 wages paid to beginners. Apply IE at office Dominion Textile Co., FIRST CLASS HOARD AND ROOMS; 00D UNDER Cataraqui street, ) ce ntr al loca- | g from King | od buldings - ng complet J | ic com | on Sr po i Kingston | . a | ARCHITECT | [ WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI. | ! OFFICE ON WELLINGTON RE nT, tects, etc, Offices, 258 Bagot St : | Phone 608 es oN Be 'ele otrie light ana hot was rooms, wri-- dl mb sam x oa ) 1 to C MER, ROOMS WITH BOARD. : Apply to sorner fiumily rm r------ by 'Box -- ; DENTAL UPRIGHT + PIANOS, SECOND-HAND for cash or in part payment of new. A © KNAPP, HA, LDS n.D.S, ~ I A. . i FOR sam pianos and Victrolas, ©. W Lind. Offics, 208 Princess street. Phone THESE EAFECTIVE ADVTS. C081 say, Limited, 121 Princess stroet 651. little ; three times ble: EXPERIENCED * CARME ROWANTS I one refit one d acre farm wi LL LVONARD WALSH, DENTIST, 1 and imple % corner Princess and Bagot streets, Ser y Phone 626 WW. ; a An DRS SPATYKE AYN SPARKS, Pav. FARM OF 100 ACRES, tists, 159 We ington street, G, C. from: Kingston é 1 > Is catie ¥ fu rash Su asslbia LING, 41 AND 3 mv. BE -- islon street, 6 rooms and WC 3 each; well rented Apply 41 Die | LEGAL. lon street. implements | A.B, CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER GENUINE VICTROLA AND T'VELVE one or : ve Addons | and golicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- selections, your own chdice, 325.00, Orman C. Baxter, Jones' Fall mnt. | ence street, Kingston $10 cash and $1.00 per week. na Ltd., 121 Princ o IdAndsay, street; mo : near Union St Cwners desirous of selling at once. Apply McLeod's Drug Stoxe, - SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 438 Brock street, eleven rooms; in first class condition, and all mod- ern improvements Possession May 1st Apply 147 Division St ' | CORD Ww eop, 43 poet, SOFT. Woon, « ese factories wood ts oh Im- shipment... Prices on" Ap- 8S. .Jackson, Wagarville, ots, 2 For clean, light work; highest wages while learning. Those wishing steady employ- ment, apply at BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. King Street West. | CHOICE STOCK ar HEATERS, RA ges, and all kinds of new and se | ond hand furniture. We are als open to buy everything. In the above lines. J. hompson," 332 Princess street. Phone 1600. ! DAIRY FARM FOR SALE, CONSIST. = ' ing of 300 acres, being the north] half of Lot 1: 10th Con, of Stor- A rington and Lot 13 in 11th Con. of| ? said Township For price and - 4 terms apply to Isaac Holder or - - ' Georie Honker nix, aires ff WANTED-=PUNCHERS, FITTERS-UP, RIVETERS AND CAULKERS. ' LARGE STOCK OF IRON BEDS, COU. ew upRolotored chajrs: military For Sheet Iron Work. L ciister. We bly ul Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. second hang urs. NG . 1 Trine CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. Kingston : Ontario Stet ddd ' prereset rrr 1% Two Automobiles 2 one' + !# Roadster, all in first s con. +> | & dition. Electric dB] > !# starters; almost new: "Prices 3 . » : . + right; good rease ing. | 3 mes god rene one (FEM g Fire Insurance. # tributor, Davis Dry Dock Lom- # y ' + pany. y Represtutag the | following old line h companies: PEPE d bebe PE b bbb bbb bre Aetna, a = oes ma Hartford $2200, CEMENT BLOCK HOUSE, 8 Londén Assurance Corporation, 'rooms, all improvements except! ridelity-Phenix furnace, deep lot. Connecticut. : - _-- Good Dwelling and Household Furniture risks 2500, BRICK, SEMI-DETACHED, _ new, improvements, central loca- as low as $6.00 per thousand, Three year erm. tiou. $ = s + $1200, DOUBLE FRAME HOU SE, | large lot, rents 9% on investment, $4300, BRICK VENEER, VEARLY new, all latest anprovements: hot water heating, hardwood floors end | barr; guod stahia. 3 HOUSES IN ALL "PARTS OF ™E| E city: at good investments, Tnpur- | Vie il y : ry 63. larence Street. Clara Kimball Youn;jn the Foolish Virgin Prices . Mati pee 15¢; Evening 25¢ Doors Open: 2 o'clock ld 6.45. Curtain 2.30 and $15, Biri Bin wv 0% | Two Beautiesin . |i As rig | MAHOGANY - | Foie ns | k 3 ih PATENTS {ll 1 round pedestnl tables 1 parlor : I PE gt Tg lr of fine cook i ree a hee Pe i op BABCOCK & sons. oan, trade | stoves snd heaters at THE COOK MEDICINE marks, y wsla 1877. ¥Worm- ToRONT Ch, Iner. Master | 1 1 JRK 'S, 'Phone 705. | et te ae Shuts Sele! 99 St. James St bg But it's all right for a deaf man singe, EEssessesmeasnasesass! 10 tell his wife everything Bs hears, .