Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Feb 1917, p. 10

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{ : i i ds oP. No, No, 5 PAGE TEN | Have Rosy Cheeks and FegyFresh as a Daisy--Try This! 1 FF | | THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE .|By Frances Walter) i f ; > between the ages of 0) "SEAI BRAND" COFFEE. | : = 10 are nervy subject to {| Says glass of hot water with i feeling of s and 'need- | a . : 9 ) IN MY ir 0 Sw g of . os : t | phosphate bef P¥MY, To JPA ' a I ring feeling. shortness of | ? never iat s.to gree y ou wit 1 1 hes t sons 3 DENTITY. | : i ation of fhe fivart, et n . : ] washes cut po AXNTEER'S IDF 7 Jo | ee : : tided over this trying time of | that same exquisite fragrance, amber | e b> the use of this remedy. | ~ i b convie «M Lo Ise SI this remedy. clearness and delightful flavour, . ¥ £ i » i ar al 2448 1 k : . N a { have a wonderful] effect on a woman's ' WwW 1 with the first Cu f a . » ; 1 making pains and aches van- | 1€ that mn peop € 1p ng color to the pale cheek |!he destin nd : : | 1 ros, | le to the eye ' Europe It t psy In 4, 1 and 2 pound tins. Whole--ground--pulverized--also It Ls 'he old, worn out, tired rout, lan- and complex x ¢ fine ground for Percolators. Never sold in bulk. 184 | ot yw. | guid feelings giye place to strength |on his Ane ¥, Spirpul wil . nn i: . A ; 1 vitality, ard life again seems! i Hectually! He possesses il CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. | : living. | s and is a tremendou e { w h | In nto Tis r winta it : Ie a - Alfred Winter, Castor, Alta.,|Principality of water, a : vas | about his le en he very cal "1 would like évery woman! tlie most powe _~ he PN rms, k dow | but ver took Hie Ov (haw s suffering from nerves or heart | represents a f ! than like ar tect Vat i held nie at a s long rouble to know how much Milburn's | reckoned with : neo iF aes : 3 | Cit o} Heart and Nerve Pills have helped| This Emperor is born with Cancer, knew .it was i f auman With yes which 1 a 2 oh . 4 } wit tha : know as suspected . 2 it wail through the two slits in me. For two years I kept a hired | the head of the maternal, and there- th at of ny Apt or nd not it of the cloth whit h covered his face girl, and was doctoring all the time. | fore it is tnat he is so anxiaqus about . 3. * Fa dha i a Toman maint]. Arte ri ak A ces the welfare of his people and recog- * | | only other pers o had entered "Who are you"I cried hysterically, | After having taken four boxes gf pine weila) S haope Yoo , ath ah ta fn ) | your pills I am able'to do all my own4.nizes his "'divine-right"' to look af J | my apartment, attendant, struggling to free : . A J : i 'My finger s found the | iroy grasp Tell n of work. I would especially rec ommend { them, 4 b | ¢y finger so fo the | iroy grasp ied | the . reen 40 50 as| - Taig American astrologer says: E electric switch >» movement His hands wut | them to women between 40 and bas .Ins marican | ian ¥o. A : {4 ond "8 ot tw 's In ' able to ' Pict m n at that time they are mo liable to | 'No Nation Will Win 01 § not | TF 1 fa t d Child i 0 wo Bers migh Ye aYe ny w = es fy re ; fe yod's" purty 3 n this orld-wide | To see the tinge of healthy bloom =. . te f my capture and 0 avoid be far from well. One of my nefgh- | God purpose in a 8 orid wid or Infants an 1ldren. in your face, to see your skin get imprisonme for some reason I 1m no reply | bors knows how they helped me, and jcontlict and struggle with commer- | : clearer and clearer, to wake up with- Bot te te 'turn on the lig i as 1 re for the mu eemed 10 shé'is now using them." { cialism, (which is n Seat | Me 7 adac Kk 204 rt aa! re hoes WA ah. oa wie : Heaxt and are { agony), for the mono by the | 0 ers now a out a headache, backache, coated . waited, the shadowy form moved | prevent' me giearing o tt ih : ! | sony ot of the a nts ro sell i tongue or a nasty breath, 3 1a t, jo With the utmost caution it stealthily | mask, but he used only t or mailed dire a Hi poi } 3 n 3 to s i . . . feel your best dayuin and day oUt: | approached the bed wherein I had ar- | enough to accomplish his p aye T- Mahara Co PRU stn beifte Wi IBGLU4L Te ept onl In 1a just try inside-bathing every morning ranged my pillows to resemble a| Thus assured, he led me to ratr | Toronte. Ont Lo wi! ' | ins ny 1 kt 8} os ion) : p Y he sted Satur f X z= 1 for one week, i sleeper's form. Inch by ineh the tg-| and gently pushed me down into it . ons be The he f loracies andi .< Toe Proppislans TE Before breakfast each day drink a ute d nearer the bed us fin.) Tien ha released mv ha ind Ping carrying foodstuffs alone must | 8180s in his house of egacies ik ¢ Proprietary or teal MedicineAct iv se . a a drew arer the d i n-{ Rien he 1 as my | an HS ah Be S aon : stion: makes h fixed a1 | eriatycr aren! Me glass of real hot water with a lea gers moist from nRervousne toyed | standing at a safe distance garded | enter Bri sh ports. this veal po sions make : im od ae AVesetable Preparation forks. Always spoonful of limestone phosphate in it with the electric button | ne quietly with his glittering eves That less than 15 per cent. of al) |-dete nined, » cannot forfeit the | simulating the Food and Regula - as a harmless means of washing from We Sid. TV: visitor discover | I should have been greatly frig ships transporting cargoes to the |DOSSessions 1at 1e inherited Jing the Stomachs and Bowels of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bow- =: 4 i in the bed ? "The night be | ened. Here I was a pri tirried | B Isles carey foodstuffs and | (Which doesn't jnclude colonies). It | Bears the els the previous day's indigestible { us so h: i I id hig hax do are i AW 4 captive by is unidentified t} probably the food ships sunk] is difficult to point to any other per-) waste, sour bile and toxins; thus} "19 Of er If he attempied | mirer, placed in a chamber to wi » Germans bear the same ratio | 10d in history when a young and vig- | i na x pon my hi f attempteq mirer, placed in ¢ hai nn i 4 ' ld ' : a § -- cleansing, sweetening and purifying -s : ot 7 'he h Obes dt hich he } » the total number 'of cargo ships | Orous nation disciplined to act as one " " : g ture the entire alimentary canal Betores a caress now he nHE at r beet iY J had Rr eo 9g whion od : ink : mind in one man, has attained to Promotes Pidestion Cheerfit gs ~ or I ratche. ith ited breath ome in the a y night ¢ I : x2 Py 4 putting more food into the stomach, | ception. I watched with bated breath" come In the Bag © by I'hat England has a.food supply on | such phenomenal s s, and the ness and Rest. Contains neither ) The action of hot water and lime-| for his next move. His form was so| which he stood now still unidentified, ', and which will la t Do ably' two | end is not yét, The Kaiser is born Opium Morphine nor Mineral. { 0 . : i ; 01 d that as i ssible | maske nast f-the situation. 2% ip All last saily Fo : ; isi ig 1 e stone phosphate on an empty stom-| dimly outlined that it wa impo ib masked and ma or ot .th rt ths if not a ton of yd reaches | with Mars, the "God of War," power- Not NARCOTIC. ach is wonderfully ir vigorating I1t| for me to tell more than that he was I should have had frightful forebod- and we aches fitliv being in midieaven. Aud is also x oo " . 3 1 u 1 i s ® i ais . beside the bed I could not know ings of evil. I should have trembled ili gaa pe 'leans © all the sour fermentations, at : se conclusions are bas in very good aspect to 'the moon si MIYLPTOER Sleaus ou 4 hes and gives one a whether he was standing erect or at the fate in store for me, I should exhau Bo on ATS a i ox an and or his SH e of Life The Sept of Mi eS ir 5 8 Thera I } > dOBLaire tava ; aaust st ¥ of statistics of thel @ us Jl . splendid appetite for breakfast. bending Sova. Ti re ; was Bot ave det Paired of . ¥EQ 20 bites but § food supply, the 'shipping, food im-| Afitients say that if a war should be Diphsa Seed : i y ig 4 : tec th=| di e hose gs { : ) ho 3 . Suna A quarter pound of limestone phos. | enough light for me to, de ecL wheth-] dc Ons . : ports, losses because of gsubmarine | declared upon a King then this posi- Rochelle Salts ~ phate will cost very little at the drug| er his arms remained at his sides or .at him calmly, even defiantly, assur- sinkings, contruction of ships to] tiion ofa Mars would insure victory Anise Seed + \ » stretched the t to touch! ed somehow that as i ange Tape oh: ups tn a : a das '- store, but is suffigient to demonstrate | if lie stretched them out to touch. ed iomehow that | w 3 R ho dang I replace those sunk, ships withdrawn | When this prince was twelve years Re cro { that just as sdap and hot water What he thought was me Win you not eli me who YOu e.om cargo carrying trade by, the old Jupiter had passed around the Warm Seed - \ cleanses, sweetens and freshens the Suddenly I heard a low -exclama- are?" 1 inquired Bualiy, looking up British Admiralty, small ships usu- [earth once and his future possessions kl A ' skin, so hot water and limestone] tion He had learned of.my trick lnly eyes: which shone through ,1v yeed for ocean trade put into the | were wonderfully increased by a con- . phosphate act on- the blood and in-|and was dragging the covers from thle mask in : Dw in trade because of the war, and [federation of all the reigning prince Aperiect Remedy for Constip: : ternal organs. Those who are sub-| the bed! 1 hadow moved quit kly He shook his head, but made 1 Cther 'ndeessary . factors. of Germany, who by a vote elected tion, Sour Stomach,Diarthooa, L ject to constipation, bilious attacks,! &rew longer, thentitaller, then loomed ai Vo reply. | \ ------------------ his andfather Empero TC acid stomach, rheumatic twinges, al-! up in the darkness as footsteps ap-4 "May I assume that you are my) P ness and LOSS OF 8 LE b 80 those whose skin is sallow and | proached the corner, of the room| captor and may I : what dispos DTHE WAR 1918 Lucky For Kaiser. FacSimile Signature complexion pallid, are assured that) where I crouched He had learned | tion you intend to Tan > of Ine od Every iwelve 3 therefore. the a io: . . one week of inside-bathing will have that I was not in the bed and was He shook his head _gain, moy ng Kaiser can expect .an increase of BE i Te CENTAUR COMPANY. them both looking and feeling bet-| coming toward lresser to turn on | ever so sl ghtly tow ard the reading ENGLISH AND FRENCH SEE VIC- ltate. In 1918, when Jupiter reaches MONTREALANEW YORK Ir e ars ter in every way, the light! A wild exultation flamed | table to my left The movement | TORY FOR THE ALLIES his radial plate, he will be at the Ww within my breast He might save| seemed to 'have a definite purpose | a A Saal Tey } Lan. net teder: : lhe Ra \ 1 imself-the trouble, for 1 would turn | and my eyes strayéd from his face to -- head of another confederation' like EEC himself the trouble, for « urn | and my ¥ SLray Is Ie While an' American Astrologer Says |his grandfathe was, to work for 8 i) them on for him. And I did! | his hand, which was quickly extended | No Nati i "™ : " | peace Jupiter, the 'greater for- 35 Doses =}3 he . The sharp click of the switch' toward the table, The next moment | ation Will Win--The Kaiser's [Peace Rts nt he Waloarie. : , a ximnlt ek pl : a Tw dark : : Horoscope Sk 9 . |tune," makes at the Kaiser's birth a pe Sewing Machines, Um- : came simultaneously: with the flood | the room w in darkness and I fg pe: Shows 1918 as His wonderful array of aspects; in fact . Trunks. of light My eyes, so long accus-| starting at the Wall of Mystery. The ucky Year, iM his planets are making innumer g pecan oy "refitted, tomed to the darkness, were blindedi man was gone! |" Kingston, Feb. 10.- (To tue Edi- [able asp ct owing he is away n Saws flled.SSKnives and for the moment, and my hand went (To be Continued.) flor): I don't know whether you be-}above the men of his generation. and) Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW vamx ©ivy, hone AY eben Oi | ree lieve In astrology ogo, but it isa only those posccssing a most extra: | pu ---- boned. Al makes of fires Iu - « | YETY old science. bagéd on astronomy, {ordinary mentality could keep up arms repaired promptly. : and as a writer F read in my boy-| with or understand him Locks repaired; Keys fitted. . 9 - | hood said of the latter; "It is the The deductions made by Mrs. > 7 po gt et Mofo All makes of Lawn Mowers most ancient, fascinating and pecu- Thompson in this article seem to be «sharpened and repaired . liar of the secular pursuits of the hu-{in direct opposition to English and| fy - 4 S d h S man mind." The chief function of French astrologer who are unani- | . 9 4 1 9 ydenham treet astrology is propheay, the fortelling lmous in saying that they see in the | a 1 S canser ------" jiae future by the different positions | horoscopes. of the different rulers | . . and aspects of the planets, including | concer od in the war a pomplete ii . ~ Directions--Soak the breadcrumbs re 8, glconcerned in the ws £ompl and Use Cocoanut Oil : *}.s ; i . | the sun and the moon. overwhelming victory for the Allies ' aKes . in the milk, add the flour_and well- | Just now the i . Jus » astrologers are very Mas iompson thinks with Presi- : \ beaten egg; then add the baking ih as "1 Mrs. LhOomps Hnk ith Pre ~ - For Washing Hair Menu for Friday Boo. SBR] butter Td mo buss prophesying on. the war and|dent Wilson, there will be, or ought House-Cleaning an d {+ itd Eee \ SERES. | vasting horoscopes of the crowned | to be, 'peace without victory." Wi BREAKFANT mix well Brush hot griddle with heads en . e, ped now VY. ho - - 4 Wade} % t 1eads engaged in it. In a new maga- lk As? ! he astr o ' If you want to keep your hair in drippings; place a spoonful wf thelzine called "Ajoth th Kr aga knows? = Ara, the astrologers ly Easy good condition, be careful what you o§ af a Jf @ Kaiser's horo- lal} guessing.--S8. PI mixture on at a time, not too close | scope is given by Catherine Howard Ig _ wash it with, . togethier, and brown on both side | Thompson of Boston, Mass to = . Rb 2 Fu sha mn | a 2 » Mass, - Don , use a pIepare 4 Shampoos a Coffee or Coc he molasses makes it nice and | gether with a review of what con- Cause of the Unrest, FULL EIGHT PACKAGE anything else, that contains too my brown. temporary prophets .in London Paris 1 vol opinion,' eried. .al alkali, This dries the scalp, makes LUNCHBON OR SUPPER and New York | 0: and bk ime er a Pion. yueris 2 . : the hajr brittlé, and is very harmful. Cold Sticed Ham Pi x 1 said; E) nher of the estigating commi Just ih mulsified cocoanut oil Potato and Celery Salad Raisin ' Biscuit nteresting, if not gonvincing or very tee, 'what is the cause of the evident f R z % Raisin Miseuit . AE comfortatng reading. Most of thejunrest among the Indians' (which is pure and entirely grease- Apples Matbrials--Two: cups flour; 2-tea-| predictions up to date relating to the rache Poe Bot i less), is much better than anything Ten or Cocon spoons baking powder, 14 teaspoon | ar have been failates : bE 10 ne A pache Pete, the noted seout. blew else you can use for shampooing, as DINNER salt, 2 teaspoons shortening, 1-3 cup| latest one. may meet the Same fate a cloud of smoke into the atmos | ' this can't possibly injure the hair. Bean Soup milk, 1 cup chopped raisins, bit with your permission M Edit {phere : : y pay more. Simply moisten your hair with Celery 5 I will 3 i Spion, J r. Editor, Then he removed hjs pipe from his cater and. rub it in. One or two tea~ Pan Brotled Lamb Chops Utensils-- Mixing' bowl, flour -sif-{; > + BiVe the chief features of it. mouth, - water and. rub ' with Bolled Rice and Péas er 2" SeRERtILC be I have noticed also that most. if not Pell he TeovoR-Ts pide Tram bi Seid fot Praici Catahonec spoonfuls will make an abundance of etiuce Relish 3 =m asuping Cups, .Leaspoot {a1 of the astrologers have been in- nent he removed his pipe from hi or Premiu atalogue to rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the Cocon Pudding tablespoon, bakeboard," rolling pin, fluence tha + : "{ mouth Phd RE Coffee : biscuit cutter astry brush ake fluenced by their nationality and the Fleas," he answered Wm. H. Dunn Limited, A enfs Montreal hair and scalp thoroughly. The . :» P ? ' ke! immediate events at the time they SAVE THE TRADE MARKS , ! ! very pé 'le st, dirt, ¢ uff . i 3 ; p note } 3, SYery Jarucle of dust, 4 ft, Sandrud Crumb Griddle Cakes Directions--Sift. the flour, baking oF Raphael. a noted London astrolog: Speaking of love--a_ man should nm A A AA er tt APA tt tonnes staan . terials ne © ac mbs powder and salt into bowl; add the . 3410, said ! the end Eng-{look before the leaps otherwise he quickly and evenly, and it leaves It Materials--One cup breadcrumbs, I } t « 8 land is fo be victorious and there is 4 fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage, You caf get thulsified vocoanut oil at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to. last everyone in the fam- fly for months DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS A $5 a box or three for or mailed to any « ScoszLl Dave or Women. 4 at mf Dian 5 on receipt of price. EVER SEE A CONWAY? | A Sort of Cat of Ancient Days--Stilt Found in Lebanon, There 'are several allusions in the Bible to the coney. The thirtieth <hapter, twenty-sixth verse of Pro vrbs says "the coneys are but a feeble folk, yet they make their home in the rocks." Coneys are Yet found en the Lebanon and in the Jordan and Dead sea valleys. The coney is about the size of the domestic cat, has long hair, a short tail! round ears and chews the cud, There is always sfne wise guy on deck who says "I told you so" when the unexpected happens. . 1% cup flour, 1 cup milk, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 4 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon melted butter or oil, 1 teaspoon molasses, Utensils--Bowl, 2 measuring cups, teaspoon, flour sifter, eggbeater, bowl to beat egg in, mixing spoof, griddle I A BRITAIN WILL NOT STARVE EXTRA" FOOD SUPPLIES ORDER- ED TO COVER SUBS. LOSS + The Findings of Experts Show That at Present Britain Has™ Two Months' Supply in Reserve. Washington, Feb, 15.---A study of the food situation in the British Isles by "experts here shows that there is a reserve sufficient to last two months if the imports were cut off entirely. France is almost a self- sustaining mation, but could not help Britain, There is every reason to believe that the armies in the field could be fed even if the blockade of the British Isles was complete and effective. ' ' Ordinarily this amount of imports would require about 11,500,000 gross tons of Rhipping. , There is no doubt ih the mind, of the experts who have reviewed the situation carefuily that Great 'Britain .will- be able to «get shortening and rub'in very lightly; add enough cold milk to hold to- gether; add the raisins and mix. Place dough on floured bakeboard, roll or pat with hands until 1 inch thick, the n cut with biscuit cutter and brush the tops with cold milk; bake in hot oven 20 to 25 minutes. | past the German submarines Probably one ship out of every four carries a large amount of foou, {but for every ton of food that goes {to the bottom Great Britain orders a ton from one of the score of na- {tipns that are supplying her and {the chances are that the second ton | will arrive safely," although it may possibly be lite a month or two. i his discrepancy in time probably 'has been overcome by Great Brit- ain's far-sightedness in laying in large reserve stores of food, which it has been doing practically since the start of the war. . 'The findings of the experts may be summarized as follows: That Great Britain's food Supply is more than half dependent on im- ports, the remainder being proluced in the British Isles. ; That Great Britain must ifnport 16,500,000 tons of foodstuffs this year to support her armies and keép her civilians supplied with the neces- sities of Jife. : : - That for Great Britain to obtain this amount -of foqistuffs, approxi- | | the greater portion of this tonnage mately 11,500,000 gross tons of ship- nourishment Ca necessary to the body. YHE- DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1917. - {WOME | Come From The Heart and Nerves { 'Young girls buddin I } i. who suffer and whose fa r, will find 2 ® scarcely a doubt that the French army will thoroughly beat the Ger- maps." Also Russia will have to fight desperately hard to make any material impression on Germany; carry him to vic tory." said: "Lloyd George's stars denote recklessnnss in expenditure." "It does not seem a wise policy to lend our Allies = millions of money for there is likely to be trouble about finance." Mme. de Thebes, of Paris, made many notable predictions-in her days Which were fulfilled, but she failed in her predictions on t ~ and she was most unfortunate in casting the oroscope of the Kaiser. She says: "The Kaiser wilf be killed Sept. 29th, 1914; will "go insane in 1915," and 13 sappeay or commit suicide in Raphael also Another astrologer, Sepoharial, who has read his teacup upside down, says: "The Kaiser will lose nearly the N'S AILMENTS| ) woman- | 4 and} nevert¥eless the Czar's stars should | ---- v trogradi 20 © A "sameness" that is most! enjoyable the daily, un- varying goodness of a cup of may fall in The hero rides about the country ar ' in a boxear while waiting for his ship | A Women's Low Heel Walking Boots We are now showing the Tew sprin styles of Low Heel Walking Boots in Black Kid, Black Calf and Dark Brown Calf Lea- thers. | gz a f § i , j i i i - Hl GH whole of his possessions all before the year 1915. It is probable that Germany will in part have passed into the hands of her enemies. Noth- ing is more adverse than his horo- 'Scope, except perhaps the Sultain of Turkey's." Catherine Thompson says: "Net one of thesé astrologers mentiony the aspects of the planets on which they base their judgments: an extraordin-} Ary omission. So it is something like 'heads, I win; tails, you loge!' " The most ufifortunate horoscope,' Says our astrologer, "was the late Emperor of Austria's, Because he had Jupiter and . Neptune both retro- grading in his Fourth House, ruling the end of his réign. The next; most unfortunate is the Czar of Russia's, Bis Fourth House, and Juphter re- trograding near it, showing losses; and the last mos; unfortunate horo- who has the evil Herschel, the planet T hon gazes lH. Sutherland & Bro i i fs who has Saturn retrograding on the in eliminating uric acid--and the : < cusp of his fourth house. The next mos peries ianey nd bladder Qor- THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. aly, who has the secret and evil} Jt% 4 TEES, AC SCR I no risk for Dr . , p-- Neptune retrograding on the cusp of | Bioree's name stands behind this : I i These shoes are the new "1917 spring _ models and right up to the minute in style and quality. $6.50, $7.00 and $8.00. seer sedonscsnttt etme esr eeessras. seas Nn, i a Once assured that tWe cloud has al silver lining, mak: through the cloud Keep up the practice lon A ---- A good politician con is usuaily an effort to ge! |spicuous by which he-sayg and does, not by what he means, Fortunate is, the woman enough jp whosa scope is that of the hier England, of revolution on {he cusp of the Fourth House afflicting Jupiter re- | Li * ; and the social gla may . jBiass of neceasit me the uRband fs ax smart ag che" he i=, thinks 4

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