Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Feb 1917, p. 11

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PAGE ELEVEN I h Eo : 1 & r An re Soy Arer Mr. and M Ars. Georg s absent any : x y kg ison K | 4 Ia of S \, Lake pure i i: i. Frontenac Er ALL oa Eh M 1.7 Sa be 3 3 Sunbury cheese factory roy Ma Arthur and » ~ . i 7 - 2 el nnuyal meeting on Friday Miss Pa A of Sydenham : and £ E ! La : | evenir 1st weel *I'h factor s N 'ord Wills of i Address: "ORLENES CO. 10 Jouthview GLENDOWER. f ev 2 wien, This fa ory has and ) Ford Wills on" i Lon athng wt., Dartford, Kent, i i The r are filled up| received a quantity of milk the Morton, 1 week-end .at " bl : me | ait} of the peo-| pa eason The receipts for t Thomas ir's, Mr. and Mrs, A « i j ot oads. = The! vear were ghod and the many patro Holmes are 'At Home" to a few of 1 ma to make his{ highly pleased. with the business th to-night, A number of > ur or people to] done A. McCallum pressed a quan-' new autos will be.purchased here for $. snow, and] tity of hay last week. The several the spring. William Ferguson, an & -- none to burn: Mrs" George | church rvices on Sunday were not aged resident of this place, who 13! rmann Richard | very largely attended, The day was! seriously ill, 1 removed in Reid's i By placing your order now wm] getting re to saw, cold, and the roads heavy from! ambulance from his home in the vil- i your spring suit you will save 257%. -- Friday's 1 Rev. Mr. Caswell lage to the residence of his son-in-! / » ® 3 Also skirts and Dresses made to meas | ARDEN. cancelled re hs servide at Perth-| Jaw, Joseph Duff. He was accom- | sure for very low prices, | ~The ladies f the Maple | Road on Su 3 8 it impossi-| panied by his nurse, Miss McLean of ] | | met on 1 sday at the ble to get Some farmers are Kingston. ice-houses are all] { . oi Mrs. Hannah, re the af-| drawing to the city. One of | being rapidl illed The ice is in 1 New York Skirt & Suit ternoon was profi n roll-|pP'. Ma 's children niet with a | splendid shape. William Lindsay is| i Co. andages for the R s. Mr.| bad ac while sleigh-riding last | drawing bressed straw to Kingston. e | Mrs Segurdie, $ ton, opr] week, Th struck a post at! Miss M » Freeman, Miss McKnight | . . | 203 Wellington Street, visiting friends: here. Mi rene- | the foot pf . and gave the lit- and Mack Patterson attended the : Ar------ ton a vie Detlor, who has been at ling! tle girl a uise on the face, A Bote in Sydenham High! . y a ng van age # ur : + school 5 Tamworth, is hon a | The injury was qu serious and she! School on Friday night. Miss Pearl 3 . time. Mrs Jormwlith, who t "had to be t t e Kingston hos- | McNeel Kingston, is spending - hy chet wo NOs i' Kingston where her grar | pital, for treatment. "The 'monthly| the wee 1 her friend, Miss Sadie : . k 3 A D S oP CATARRH ter wag undergoing treatment ie i meeting of the Ladies Aid of the | Hunter, i Mrs. Roy Darling! Ss . General Hospital; is home again. The | Methodist chu will. be held at| and daugl eda are 'at Sheldon Tells How To Open Clogged Nos- s Belle Post and Genevieve Det-{ Mrs. Robert Gibson's this week. | Perry's i rguson has moved | ] > trils and End Head-Colds. 2 Friday evening at Mrs Thomas Shannon, Sr.. is somewhat! into the Bibus e lately vacated by Miss \- a - Barker's | improved in health The Maccabes Nancy Morah John Gerald has You feel fine in a few » moments frm-- Society will hold their monthly meet-| severed his® connection with A. A : Your cold in head or catarrh will be GLENVALE, {ine on Tuesday evening in . James N\McFadden, who purposes running s gone Your clogged nostril will Feb. 13--Rey. Mr, Par on vi ited | MeBride's hotel Farmers are not| his own store in the future. The open. The air passages of your head e school recently. Owing%o un | doing much these days on account of | young people have not any skating] will clear and you can breathe freely. | favorable weather, the Red Cross|bad weather and heavy roads. The! rink » this winter, John Sleeth ' > No more dullness, headache: no'jconcert has been Josthored. Rev. Mr | Battersea mail stage failed to make is making his rounds assessing this I . a . . . . hawking, snufflir mucous dis- | Codling intends holding a series ofl, on account of the" storm ON] section of the township. F thi k / ff al d t T t charges or dryr 1 no struggling [revival meetings in the Methodist y, 'S Bloay is again quite im- ---- or S wee we are 0 ermng spect mn ucemen si Apes ry for breath at night church here Oliver Orser was sev {proved in healt} The Red C ross | ee - on . - Tell your druggist you want alerely kicked by a horse in his own [Society is still bu ly engaged, and | . R alti th t d hl d d th t t bl small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm, |stable. R, B, Gibson is 'confined to | much work is being done by the | g Leed : ugs, m qu es a are ura 8, an esigns d are sul a € Apply a little of this fragrant, anti-| his bed suffering with rheumatism. |ladies of this branch. Mrs. George | $ § . . septic cream in your nostrils; let it| Mr. and Mrs. George Van Order, who | Bishop left on Monday for a visit 4 3 fe th h y | th i 1) tt fit penetrate through every air passage| spent the winter with the former's) with friends at Harrowsmith and JUNETOWN . or any room mn € ouse. a nes a ouwl € promp 0 ro -~~~0f the heall; soothe. and heal the| parents here returned to their home |other towns adjacant Feb. 10 ' Th A a Gavi Escott.] s Lu = - . . ) swollen, inflamed Taucous membrane, | in New York on Monday. Mr. Coop- : : ar arm 9 is Ceors Scott | b hen see fa Thi part al list f th ain th t and retief comes instantly, er, who has béen ill for the past two SYDENHAM Visited is a at, ys doorge Seu, y w you em. S IS a 1 0 e m y a we It is just what every cold and ca-| weeks is somewhat improved. James| Feb. 12.--The recent cold spell aiid , or ors d : = a tarrh, sufferer needs Don't stay| Moen, Conway, is visiting at J. Wal-| reminds us of the genuine February ra Boe No I open aia Mi sil have fo offer: » stuffed-up and miserable. pole's weather, Many villagers are ill of Myrtle Avery : visit BR her s ste . 1A . } PAE ----, ---- ° grippe, All are glad Mrs. (Dr.) | ui \ Nic a Iv oy : Irs. : { THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. « BARRIEFIELD Towell is recovering after an attack | pn E aig Are vis Sronie Be vel § L---R, Purtell had the mis-} of la grippe; also Rev, Mrs, Herring-] ants. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Earl War. * ; , f losing a valuable horse [ton after an attack of grippe and burton. were recent visitors at Walt # . When watering the team one kicked | tonsilitis On Saturday morning ! Jay Fo R 15 00 f 11 00 i e d Eler Pv 8' Mrs. James Fergus i £ vit Band other and broke its leg, and -it | Dixon Foxton suffered a severe Rockfield, 2 visit oo B. Busan, 0 yY, y S. X ¢ Vi S. eg. price . or . had to be shot The animal was fstroke. On Sunday Rev. Mr. Deherty|son's Mr. and M . Frederick Gra- | v : : n valued at two hundred dollars. 'he | of Parham preached in the Methodist ha returned heir weddi Z| | 3 d 3 d R 18. 00 f 14. 00 : BRE THAT TRADE ANTS THERAPION 4 [dance in aid of Red Cross last week | church. -At the morning service he : a os on ou on Y, yi S. X y Ss. eg. price or : BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GEXUINK PACKETS | wag quite a success. Mrs. Tompson| gave an interesting address on 'Some Miss Neill ha ned to Ottawa! 1 i and daughter, Kathleen of. Orilla, | experiences in Life," and at' the after 2 week's vigit with Mrs. J. A. 6 onl 3 d 34 d R $18. 00 f $13.00 COIS, vho visited with her sister, 'Mrs. | evening meeting he gave a talk on Herbison ® Sever a trom here at Y, y S. X 2 y S. eg. price or i CYS) ET SYST Dowler and other relatives here, has|"The Value of Life." Both services |tended Mallorvtown ann versary ser-| 1 returned home. Miss Odw® Murray | were greatly enjoyed. Rev, Mr. Read | vi Sunday and Monday : last, | 6 onl 3 ds x3 ds Re rice $20 00 for $15 00 v : LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE is. the guest of her grand-parents at spoke at Parham in the absence of »rbison and Miss Neill spent | Y, y . 2 y - . * . A : 1 if t J 14th 1917. the court house, Miss Isabella Nel-| Rev. Mr Doflerty and will be at Wednesday in Lansdowne. : J ; n effec LUN ' . son, city, who was the guest of her| home to take charge of the services PRAT 3 onl 3 ds x4 yds Reg price $20 00 for $15 00 Trains will leave and arrive at City|2U0t Mrs. "Ned" Murray, has re-|here next sabbath. On Thursday FRANKVILLE. Y, y . . . VV . Depot, foot of Johnson street. turned home, Mr. and Mrs. S.lafternoon the funeral of the infant Feb 12 The Frankville Red 5 i L- GOING WEST Saunders and daughter, .city 'spent| son of Pte. Kenneth Blow was held Cross Society received from the Pa-| 4 ] 3 ds. 4 vd 'Reg $24 00 f $19 00 No. 19 Mail Lye, CH» / Sunday at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | in St. Paul's church. - Rev, Mr, Her-| triotic assembly fifteon dollars, Mrs. | on Y, y . X 8. - price . or . No. 13 Expross | Nat Stantons' Sr. Miss S. Burton, | rington had charge of the service.| Frank Livingston, who s e past | . Vo. 13 . i I I t f ser y ? ston, speM® the past | 1 Not Sr 1 Lad. city, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. | The deceased \was four years of age| few months with her parents, Mr. 6 only 33 y S. X Yi S. eg. price ¥ o or . 3 No. 7 Man... .. 40 p.m | W. Murray, and was a very bright and active|{and Mrs. Frank, Stripefoot, lert|§l ' : Ie : child. Much sympathy is extended to| for. her home in Rolean, Sask. aec-| R : No. 15 Mail * A SIY . CANONTO. o Pte and Mrs Blow in their bereave- ras by her cousin, Mrs, Em- | on Y, S. X y S. eg. price o or A No. 15 Express : Fe Fhe death ZoCurred On ment. On Friday evening the pupils| ma Rathwell Mr. and Mrs. Roy | 4 . £ 6 Mail : . 12.52 p.m.| Feb, 7th at Canonto of George Payea. of the High School held their an-| Johnston of Sask., have been v ing 4 R 3 f 26. = « Lof ham 331 bom Dec eased was Sixty-one years of age.l nual "At Home" in the school. A] his aunt, Mrs. Enos Soper. Mrs. | on Y, S. X y S. eg. price. or 4 713.14, 36 19 run daily | For the last six years he SySeled large. number were present and en-| Morton Livingston, Brockville, has| Other trains a) y exe 'Sunday. from rheumatism. He was a Metho-{ joyed the evening in dancing and| moved there to reside Last week | 2 | 4 ds 4 d R 35. 00 f 28 0 'ote i aM ord q oy al 5 > ry ™ a «ast week RaLSact rou! © 3 Totunty, terhord: dist in religion and wag be love 4 by a games, The electric lights recently | Stanlew Lividaston was transferred | on Y, y X y S. eo, price. or Chicago, Chiy, Saginaw, Montreal, | large circle of. friends and acquaint- | installed added greatly in the ap-| from .the Bank of Commerce in v Ottawa, Pr rtland, St. John, | ances and will be much missed in the | pearance of the building. Among | smith's Falls to Timmins in. North-! IES, BRE nite Bh WR a, St sh has tieeiSel | 0 Tonly, 4 yds. x4 yds. Reg. price $38.00 for rea | Iu ut ommodition apply widow, five daughters ' and three | M.. Lake of Brighton, here for the| Henry Crummey, Eloida. has enlisted * to sons: Mrs. Don Cox, of Coxvale; Mrs. | week-end; Mrs. Medcof, Hartington, | and lef . King tc 3 a. : : | 4 4 d R f 2 © = P. HANLEY, AGENT, Charles Cox, of Coxvale; Mrs. Nel-|jwith her son J. Medcof; Miss L. my I Kingston er mr 3 on Y, y S. X y S. eg. price . or . "or, uBNAVEE nig Ou son Arcand, rof Cache Bay. = Mrs.| Black, Parham, visited friends here| Greenbush spent last week visiting | J . George McDonald and Mrs, Joseph lon Friday and Saturday; Miss G. her sister M George Cannon. Roy| 5 -- | AGENCY ROR AFI CI AN STEAX- | Jarbeau of Canonto; Edward, Frank| McKnight spent the week-end with| connor is visiting at his father's| ig Open Day a Ly "retepnine " and John now serving in the trenches | her sister, Miss L. McKnight; Miss | ganry Connor iy a me in France The funeral took place] A Tovell, Portland, at home for the dil . | { from his late The lyme to the church | week-end; Capt. A Trousdale at MALLORYTOWN. 1 THE SALLE OF BRASS AND IRON BEDS, ! at Ompah, where a service was con-| home after 'spending a few days in F Rd o an NTs . i hy 0 BER THREE Rha neues Il SPRINGS & MATTRESSES 'STILL CONTINUES terment was made at Ompah céme/| spent the week-end with friends | F02ds forghree days, so that the hei tery, The late Mr. Payea was borfi] here al 'mafis~eopid not be delivered. A in: Montague ' > kitchen shower was given Miss Myr-| The nl tag a---- rt ' tle Andress at the home af Mrs. Clif- al th i ha h d ith these goods i ene INVERARY . CANADIAN SERVICE. CLARENDON, Fob 15 ar git. by) ford Hodge Friday afternoon. Miss phenomen Success thal we have had wi m LONDON to HA ALIFAX Feg. 14.--Mr: inson. from Ma-| Harrowsmith on Feb. 7th; proved a Me Saif Sf Rucker] Was tg sues rt h * . t th t h . . (Via Plymouth) ® doe, spent the week-end with friends SUCoose in ay Ap i The Play Helen "Guild Leita Haffie and Lottie SO a me es. a we ave Vv m Cl » here. Mrs. Neeley spent Sunday with | was first class, Salisbury's orches- Ror seful i a r : HALIFAX to LONDON Oso friends. Miss Rossie Neeley is|tra supplied excellent music at in- NeDonald Were succusirat I res vd - (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) | "pending a few days at Mountain tervals, Notwithstanding the night dog Colle of Music held at Broek} : Grove. Mrs. Murray, Toronto, spent [Was stormy the spacious hdll was rille, Ja Bge ' 20 h : Ti "ag Wor particulars of «a gs and rates, |. n ay rit! er par $ -e. | packed to the doors. The chair which| Yille, Januany 30th. Ne 38th an- apply to Local Agent to The Robert |® féW days with her parents here,|I . niversary services of the Mallorytown Reford Co., Limited, General Agents, 66) Mf. and Mrs, E. Buffam. Mrs. John | Was donated by Robert Reid was | {ORR SEIEANS 0 Me Lh CIRIORE King Street East, Toronto, Cain made a business trip to Shar-| auctioned of by A, Garrett. Eighty- 12th fis a potas financiall a3 4) Ammo | hot Lake on Monday. Silas Moss has] seven dollars was realized from the Se i a a an ia ia returned from Maberley. Miss Jessie|sale. Dr. A E. Freeman was the Sane By rey od Te " ) W ane Crain has gont to Snow Road. Ar-|lucky winner. (He presented it tg} £9 ne prea n 1 0 oui | thur White has gone to Remfrew tothe Red Cross ladies, who decided } Hons aud om Mont ay oy: As add en Jwork The Red Cross social will be|to give it to the Soldiers' Convales- LL of Nong oh Ia . an acdresy 'Iheld at Mr. Buffam's on Feb. 23rd. |cent Home, Kingston. About eighty OO ang an heyotence ol Wilford Tysick and Joseph Tysick [dollars was realized from the door os upd 18 Sn pe ' have gone to Renfrew to work on the | receipts so the Inverary ladies have leave his Doom. in d nion elresse | i gion arpet are ouse C.P.R. gang. Rev. Mr. Pringle holds|a goodly sum to present to thé Red asin 5 putter p pe 8 neally 2°) : service here to-night, 14th, and Mrs. | Cross Society, Arrangements are sta led Jeorge 2 very, teacher at | 2 J | (Rev.) Currie Mills to-morrow night, | being made for & concert to be given Stew art Selod Was Ite 8 Satur | - Sth. Miss Emma White underwent | by Sydenham talent soon. Inverary | ©2¥ ad § oa xy ur ig om hore} an operation at Sharbot Lake on|young people are practising a play 3hended the tea ne 28 Weds a Tuesday for adanoids. The sick are|t . . ay evening las CKport. 1} a... a_i --.. ati idl HA l= I Ki ti en rn By 0 be presented in the near future. Root took the oad. Miss Spence is| ~ -- : . " # > ; ; . : \ the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alexan-| garet Brooks, Royal street, visited at [the Kennedy fthuse. Stanley Mdskin| iss to @ ple of Cuba, - . der McDonald, | J. McIntosh's a few days last week. has engaged with T s Dwyre to; wh ich was varning that the ve PARHAM, Robert Woods, Oshawa, after spend- jheip him on his stock farm. Harry|ing must be legal Feb. 13. The roads are getting - SOUTH BAY. | ing several weeks at 8, 8. Farring- {Best will take I sion of his pro- ri a ------ broken after the recent blockade. Feb) 12.--Jacob A. Ackerman, af-| ton's, is at present visiting friends at perty at For or ie Inyo 1t might be well for visitors to re Rev. Mr. Reid of Sydenham, preach- ter spending a few days with his| Picton. March fume num wl o ou hare atiend- erat 1 Ft 1 Rati WeleoWwe: Soc ed ah able sermon in the Methodist daughter, Mrs. Wallach Cole, Deser-) " ed the funeral of the late John Ache} emt xp ; en Clrurch on Sunday evening. Rev. W. In yasless exporimients with omitn onto, has returned home, Mr. and! PHILLAPSVILLE, | son at at oqa¥ . J ie doves d burns ont. W. Doherty is taking Mr. Reid's a» ve any skin trouble what. | Wrs: J. Mcintosh and Mr. and Mrs; Feb. 10.--Mr, and His. Jom Mot. [Bae gr hei go a pr pl Iv ' eid 2 entertained a sleigh load of young Tos, PEiets ana sh re IL Jive ealth Triumphs work at Sydenham. Mrs. Doherty ar . st place, | E- -McIntash spent an evening re-| an . H P r accompanied him. C. N. Smith has!" Jer use Zam Bug 8 the frst Dace cently at F. Rose's, Frank and Miss| People fo tea on Thursday evening, |stock. He had secu in ne Jesith over disease every timo you biood poisop in his hand. W, E. and save yoursel, B 58 INE | vera Fritz have. returned to Brigh- | Feb. 8th. Harry Wood has moved to for a number of ears. bit passe use Lilebuoy Soap. For its Clow went ko Toronto last week to nl scope Gardiner fon, after spending several weeks! Sand Bay, and will fit up his cheese [away vary suddenly of hsan fail are mild healingiand cleansing oily attend the Ontario Fair Association OF twa years Mr. a Ts «| with" thelr gisters, Mrs. Elburn Well- | factory for the coming season. Robt. gn hitFaday Hota. a 3rown,} 3 3 or of Marquis, Sask, suffered with salt lp Chantry, 1 moved to his while catting wood for Arveén Brown are charged with cleansing convention. Miss L. Smith, West- rheum. Then he used Zam-Buk and banks and Mrs. Stanley Whattam. | Feston, TR y 4 recently, met v 4 painful aeeident fe Saioake if : brook, is visiting friends here. Mrs. Mrs. John Brooks is on the sick list. | factory here. He is hauling wood to recently, : : le properties that make it simply 'N. B. Topping is spending some time was cured. He writes: -- Mr. and Mrs, Henry Whattam, Pie-| the factory. Richard Lawson, Chan-| having his right foot and ankle jam-| For AGN S| invaluable. "1 had salt rheum on my Lu for rh ed with Preston f r the med between two heavy logs. For rin. . Belching. Sour Stom ach i y with her daughter at Magoga, Que- ton, "spent a few days visiting friends |rY, as engaged t or th i . ae ; : Rt h, td ke a teampoonfii T ! in afely 0} 188 Wer: SIR w mach t + th a teaupy | Win Sad SR er ro Te hin Tae ] ned ime vite" Arn Moe mer hove sesin, wud has moved aio angel io bones Xen bakes WF rth SL . i Toronto to-day. Mrs. W° Swarbricto all kinds of so-called remedies, Sut Thompson and Marie are visiting at! = tor a sete attack at Ducumonia. W. A k after eat ng Is safe Ble i : P ; spent a few days with her mother, pothing brought me reMef until 1 |Doney Thompson's, Picton. Miss | ~ iB Philp spent a day inBrockyille] ctu of from all of stomac HEALTH SOAP Mrs. M. Goodfellow, recently. Miss| . Zam-Buk. After the first few | Vleria Bruff spent the week- al recently. Rev. Mr. Barker, Baptist "2° Hold by dru everywhere Lillian Black spent the weeg-end at 3 . inet | with her parents at Cherry Valley. | i ster of Delta. tified the it of A a «applications I noticed a distinct minister of Delta, filled the pulpit o » Mild and pure 'enough for Sydenham. Mrs E. Walker, Cala.! < Mrs, John Hicks has been very il] Mathodist, ehureh ¥; Sun- . : ister. 3 improvement, and after persever- | n A. C. Whatt Bal-| {the Methodist. ehurch again on Sun- C 's rage Baby's skin -- therefore emi- hogle, is the guest of her we 5 is. | ance, Zam-Buk completely cured me." wit seipne. gr 4 yn ann, {day owing to the continged indisposi-! 2 neatly suitable for yours. +L. Goodfellow, 'Mr. and Mrs. E.| Zam-Buk is also unequalled for | [0Ur, has sold his farm to George | Ready tion of Res Mr, Stliwell. The news| ~ Seize the opportunity; bring us - os J. Wagar have gone to Trenton for Hudgin: His sale of farming im . h Pte. Clifford Kirkland x bed. it s snowed in The mild, antiseptic odor oi i | ringworm, scalp sores, old wounds, 3 1 toe in 2a moment {that HilorG Rirgian was. your car ore it "get - . CE aid the winter." Mrs. A. Charlton is visit- | bacesses, boli les, blood:pois. | Plements and lve stock took place 'wounded and, in hospital in France Yom will want it looked over before vanishls quickly after use. : don! 2 a, pimples, pois ¢ 1. : $ ) : : ing friends at Belleville. = Gordon oning, pilee, sealds; burns, cuts, and Feb. 7th and was very successfu A cup of hot O for repairs was received with =or- 'using it in the spring. We have had "Lever Brothers Smith spent Sunday at home. Mrs. | 0 ot) injuries. Al druggists and | COWS sold wp to $80, while other| | 4 : a [Tow by fie mahy friends in thiz 1o- factory experience and can guarantes Limited J. Lowpry spent Wednesday with "stores, or Zam-Buk Co. Toronto, | Stock went equally as high. Mr | everydayis leality. Miss Lucille Whitmore pent our work. Let us look after your Mrs. W( E. Clow. Mrs. R. A. Ham-| 550 por 3 for $1.25, | Whattam is rémoving 16 'Picton in | asplendid safe a few days in Brockville recently. battery; we will save you money. Atall ilton, Godfrey, has 'been visiting her | ; the near jutate. Mr. and Mrs. B.| [guard agamst of mim meteors parents. A number of the young peo~ Jenkins enteftain Mr. and Mrs. | } coldsandchills ple of this place attended the "arf Stanley Whattam and family, Mr. | A CUBE 7 Cuba's Coming Election. R. J. Furse Ys Prop. Hothe" at Sg ham on Friday even- and Mrs. Elburn Welbankg and fam- Washington, Fab, 15 Secretary Garage Phone 1009; Res. 921, ToA CUP : » 4 ily and Frank and Miss Vera Fritz] [' of State Lansing sent a stateraent New Stand, 34-38 Princess Street, ing. Mrs. J, C. Hartman and little son, Roy, of Kingston, are visiting Thursday evening last, Mrs, Mar-" Toor of 4 WW uns 0 C | to Minister Gonzales at Havana, to be] Opposite Wormwith's Piano Works, Py ' 5 Sd [tpt me cnc ee int

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