SCOTTS is the food-tonic that corrects these pl pon mem Are Yon Worn Out? BREAK Does night find you exhausted nerves unsettled--too fired to rest? BREAHING UNITS NECESSARY EVIL (London Moming Post Comments on State: ment of Col. Pelletier. IT WAS NOT REFLECTION MISSIONS. Needed Improvements ers Church feld s Served at T o'clock. The do local CHALMERS CHURCH ANNUAL SUM OF $3,362 WAS BAISED FOR IS ADVOCATEDNN A LETTER BY | Committee Appointed to Consider; N. W. in Sunday | School Furnishings--Tea Held Be- fore Meeting. Chal its annual ay evening. _sHigh re beautiful and the repast a more high sounding name THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1917. PAGE THREE AN ALON C L. P. CHAMBERS National | Government Have Large Body of Public Opinion Be hind Them. K i - ngston, Feb, 14.--(To the Edi that the fiftie Ww n- fittest way to celebrate the h was achieved by a nationa ABINET Rowell and Papers Calling For | tor): Mr. Rowell recently suggested | h anniversary of Confederation - Probs: Snow tonight and part of Friday. { i i x { | | of Announcing ur Fifth Annual [ 1 : troubles. Its pure cod liver oil is han a "tea." It was an excellent government----would be to appoint a { a cell-building food to purify and ---- supper. . The attendance was good. | national government to achieve this| : enrich the blood and nourish |... "It Sas i 3 After refreshments, the meeting|other great task, that of aquiting| ty the nerve-centers Your {UPON ABILITY OR QUALIFICA-| yas constituted, and David Mur- | ourselves ncbly as Canadians in the 3 iS strength will respond' t TION OF OFFICERS, ray-voted to the chair and Ross Me-| world war, Such a. method of cele- o- i Se roa L . respon 0 vo Rae to the secretary's desk. In close bration wild be admirable in that | { Scott's Emu sion but see [Often Impossible to Send Units In. succession the following reports were | it would be a celebration in spirit, { that you get SCOTT'S. Poa tive Servi ' presented, received and adopted: | 4nd not merely in form and ®xternal| . | tact on Active Service--Command- | ; , ¢ i i ! : Scoit &'N et Ah . ae Sunday school, Young Women's, show, of the unification of Canada j ---------- | © ing Officers of Broken Units Were Magillivray Mission Band, Women's then ac hieved, and to be reasserted | | >. | Looked After. Missionary Society, Choir, Chaimer's| by the formation of a national min-| ! : Steam Vulcanizing | London, Feb, 14--The Morning| Club, Sessions, Trustees, Library,| istry, ek . Pie I {WE DO ALL KINDS OF TIRE 25D Post says: "The practice of Cana-| ladies' Aid. All indicated consider-{ There is no divine decree fo. the! { J ° : y TUBE YUL ANIZIRG tng | dian mil ary auth or ' n Engls 1| able activity during the year, and | prosecution of the war by a conser-!} -terd : ' | boi dh Er alos or an id hands. Aortic in ungand | the tone was hopeful for the future. | vative cabinet. A liberal cabinet 5 i elsewhere, First a {of breaking up units trained to-| : fis ; > { al a a I Hits trained to-f Numerically, members and fami-| might it is true, have done worse, | * i | B¢ ther Jn Canada, which Col Pelle- | lies have not varied much from last | or it might have done better, There | y J [4 r. Agent-General for Quebec, stat year. Total contributions for all| is no way of provise either assertion, | ge d in i terview p TY 'he | Purposes, $10,285.00; for missions, | and it must remain a matter of opin- | ' 1 Ars ¢ 18 on 20 Jnterviow published 1a The| SSIS, $10,085 00; for 'miesions, | SU Jo fue; festain a wAtter of optic} We have been most fortunate in securing our full allotment of this Morning Post, had caused some dis ined wh Edin . . .Q . . . . . x . . . volent purposesgete., $1,518, the fact that Sir Robert Borden, and favorite Oriental sil hi e- |voointmen nthe Dominion, has! T M Ro wertson, George D. Ma-| not Sir Wilfrid, was premier in Au-| . k. T 5 natural silk 1s 10 be very much n d [been followed, wo are authoritative- | hood and Alex\G. Flett were elocted | Bust 1911. But there is a conviction mand this season for dresses, suit dresses, children's and. men's wear, {ly informed, not from choice but Trustees for three years. A com-| forcing itself upon Canadians, and | 1 1 2 - | fri m military necessity Contin- Mittee was appointed to consider| One which is based upon fact and | And the prices we are quoting are actually less than the wholesale FTG Wehod Perc SUEFEUET or Tha genta. which have been caraing pein | BUSh-uceted I furnishings and other | cabinet is not the best cavmer oer [Nl 1MPorters' cost as we purchased these silks full twelve months ago. removal o 1perfiiug 3 Ne g 1 'avi abe 3 oi ay 00 ronishings and ot! j Cd 't 18 8 881- | and certain and unless the growth i jpanats Jo? a Jong. fine Tass Jae structural defects. After a cordial| ble: The resignation of Sir Sam | . éxtremely stubborn, a single appll-| Hh ve Ce nTOLGGINENLS 10] vote of thank the choir, societies | Hughes, the Ross rifle controversy, | WwW $xtren ay ; abs ne. 1 AS % [an up gape Sagse ; by tusualties in _ Sf tanks jo! 38 hgires Stieties gn ln hols, all point tol 2400 YARDS FINE EVENLY OVEN CHINESE 10 anadia ores As contin- : er oy hill . Bf 5 : i | WwW paste with some p wer: d lelatone | Ay they are w Eon on tractive supper, and the chairman Jie i Lat ais I Dtiaws sould) PONGEE SILKS -- FULL 33 TO 34 INCHES IDE ---- and water; apply this to the hairy| for active sorvi : and secretary for 'their goodly offices, | be improved, / iberal cabinet -- a ites a eH Service: yawn Sou lo the meeting closed with the'national | might have had its scandals. But | WORTH FROM 65¢ TO 85¢ A YARD. Jub it off, skin and the 1, and thus keep the regiments up anthem and the benediction, what is wanted is not a conservative | hairs are gon oid-disappoint |to normal strength. It is, however, --------eee | cabinet or a liberal cabinet, but an] 1 . ment, be Ire druggist sells{ only fair, said 'a Canadian authority, COMING TO THE STRAND i all-Canada cabinet, For Jt SLands tol : s » you delatope to those officers who were pained) --- | reason -that if you are confined in | v L TTT TT lat the breaking up of the units] Verdun Campaign Features in Capt. Ygur selection of cabinet ministers | ~ | a ' . which had been traiped under them, | Thompson's Films, | ("members of one party, your chan-| ; vr PARADIS GARAGE that they should be 'assured that this Success should attend the ces of securing the ablest men are, { : FOOT OF BROCK STRE Phones: Office 322, House We furaish: Aunto Supplies, Gasoline at 38e¢. Metor Oil Cars for Hire. Washing Cars: Large, $1.00, Small, 70e. Efficient Service Glve us a eanll, E. PARADIS, Prop. iL guaranteed. -~ and ASTHMA Cured by {action was in no sense a reflection : i on their ability or qualifications. It was well known that Canadian bat- Thursday, Frigay and Saturday "War as it Refflly is," 1 at the Strand Theatre on | of the marvellous | than if you had the whole of Canada to chose from The 'war may be nearing its end, OW AT 90'CLOCK. ALL S ON SALE TOMORR ALES talions were recruited, organized and trained by officers of high standing and military experience, but would bé first to recognize that, in exigencies of military situati>nm, it | was often practically impossible to i send units intact on active service, land that when these units ldrawn upon only to farnish rein- they | werel ed authenticity, and they show every | seven reels of film made at the firing | 30d it may therefore be urged that line in Frdnce. It shows every de-| the cabinet' which has cuaducted to tail 'of the great campaign of Verdun | 42te Canada's share in the war might | which, will doubtless prove of-inter- | 3% well be left to complete its task. est to Canadian audiences, They | This argument, however, has little 1 { arelthe only war pictures of undoubt- |/¥ *i8ht. We have changed our war- : ['minister, why hesitate to make other | method of warfare in use today.| Changes? Besides, now that the first | They prove conclusively that the Al- | ®dthusiasm is settling down into a FOR CASH forcements to regiments already in| wearied but grim determination, and WHEEZY COUGH the field their commanding officers| lies are winning the war, and that the hopefulness in the ability of the Bor- would not be required to proceed to| Peace efforts now being put forward | den cabinet to use to he situation the froit with them. If and when | "vy the Germans, are simply a trick | ivi ba > } : fel ] sa si g 1 ndi ther| to try and save themselves from the |! 8lving way to the suspicion that occasion arose for sending another] 3 | there have been serious mistakes ard division forward bofh men and their| overwhelming defeat that is surely | tre re scandals thi faut 0 | officers: would be kept | approaching. j guirageous. sca Sy--ahlg EEL Cap together as| rar. sb yar ha } | much as possible on service as they| "War as it was taken of the war, short though it may be, | Really is" VENO'S LIGHTNING COU GH CURE | Dy It is quite wonderful how Veno's | had been in training." | TURKS MUST SHORTLY LEAVE KUT-EL-AMARA Lightning Cough Cure overcomes | { those wheezy coughs that are so | 5 troublesome. The reason is that Success of Angl -Indians a Veéno's loosens the phlegm . which Matter of Time When causes the cough, and so the sufferer In asthma also It gives gets relief at once. Veno's is of highest value. | Communications Cut. » London, Feb. 15.--The present] y tone and strength to the bronchial offensive against Kail a Yo! system, and helps nature to throw | gan with presumably three full army off the complaint. Aseit contains n! no dope, it may be taken freely dur- Prices 30 cents and 60 stores ing attacks. cents, from druggists throughout Canada. Prescription Service The confidence the doctors have in our ability to properly dispene their prescriptions "quite justifies the careful ser- vice we are giving today. From early morning to mid- night we are "on the job," and take thy utmost care to give our customers the service which has so helped to build up our business. 'Ve are. now com- mencing our thirteenth year, which we hope will surpass last your, and that means we'll be "going somo." At Best's Phe Popular Drug Store. Open Sundays. Phone 59. Branch 2018 and corps, or 120,000 Anglo-Indians, on! December 13th," 1918. Up to that time, from April 28th, when General! Townshend, after a siege begun De-| cember 7th, 1915, surrendered 9.- 000 armed men and 5,000 camp fol-| lowers, little. had been heard of this | town on the way to Bagdad. Towns! shend'had been ordered to take Bag- | dad with.less than 20,000 men. He fought his way to within less than | 18 miles of the place, and then re-| treated and was caught with his rear- | guard at Kut i The present operations began with | an advance along the Shattt-el-Hal, a | canal which: enters the Tigris above and below the city from the South, | and. was. strongly fortified by the Turks after Townshend's surrender, On January 9th and 10th an Indian division by two assaults cleared the land between the canal and the river up to the trenches of the town itself. | On January 25th some of: these! trenches were recovered; then, by | January 28th, 'the Anglo-Indian forces cleared all the land southwest of the city and held the first and second lines of trenches over a front of 4.3000 yards. On the same day the licorice factory opposite the town was bombarded, and it became only a question of time when communica tion betweeen' Kut-el-Amara and Bagdad by water would be cut and the former besieged or evacuated. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Murray, ington Place, are in Toronto to spend a few days. * 2 Quick Way ' { to End Coughs, Colds 3 and Croup » . 3 An Excellent, Inexpensive Home * > Made Remedy that is -> Prompt and Sure. -"- " SEPP PEPPPOPPPPPIPRD If you have & severe cough or chest id fod with s, throa tickle, hoarseness, or difficult breathi or if your or during the and on Want quick £5 , stops Le Jeals ths membranes tial 'lize the and bronchial tubes with such .promptness, caso and certainty fat it kB really astonishing. Pinex ly concen- ie Norway gusiacol + sek 16 ounces; « Biner with. foil directions and don Matihi else. A guktanic 5 OT ancy Bromet 8 od a The Pisex Co. Toronto, Oat. aration. Jf in thirty reels; which were cutgédown | Will tax to the utmost the loyalty Hv 3 a nadia to seven, in which every moment ¥ and generosity of all Canadians and } seething with - | girls, action, The films show the ruin and desolation from months of pounding by the heavy guns of the Germans, .Even hospit- ! als are wrecked, and fires burst out| Canada a ministry in whom all can every five \ minutes of the day and night from|shell fire. Demand is Greater and the Supply is Smaller, - Tea ig costing today about seven cent" a pound more than it did three weeks ago, that is to say, the 35c tea, which is practically the cheapest tea on the market, sells now for 42c. The manager of one of the largest | firms in the city told the Whig this | | morning that the demand for tea was greater than ever and the supply on hand smaller. "The lack of ocean freight riers and all the difficulties and risks at present incurred in trans- porting tea from the place of growth car- to the place of consumption, are at| the-bottom of it all," he said. "Im-{ portation has become very difficult. | The london market jumped Sec last week and it has already advanced this week, "an increase in all of 7c on the price of two weeks ago, The prospects are that the increase will be 16c on the pound fn a few days." So for the old 35¢ tea the public will pay 45c, an increase of over 2 per cent on a food productfthat few households can do without. - INVITATION TO FARMERS To Become Members of the Kingston Board of Trade. An invitation has been extended to Board of Trade. accommoda- chairman of the retail section, who the Board would gladly welcome the farmers in their midst. "There are many matters of inter- est taken up at our meetings," said Mr, Rodger, "ahd we need your help. There are many questions that the city and county could work together on." : Mr. Rodger stated further that the question of mempership fees for men charged the city members. ; SOMME CLUB ENTERTAINED. Provided Programme For Forty Pa- tients at Mowat Hospital, The Somme Club entertained the j soldiers at the Mowat Memorial Hos- pital on Wednesday evening when twelve of the members provided a programme and ref ments. A ra- dopticon which p on a screen any pictures, etc, inserted in it, proved very amusing, partienlarly when the soldiers -Jdrew valentine Pictures. Three contests were held, Sergt. Polke, 80th Battalion, Pte. Bourne, P:P.C.L.I., and Sergt. Mec- Donald, 72nd Battery, winning the honors. Solos were given by Misses '| Anita and Ethelmay Sutherland, Mrs, James T. Sutherlapd chaperoned the A price of $100,000 offered by Erance for of an attack- ing suomarine and open to French, Allied or neutral ships. " the farmers in the Kingston district] press their demand for to become members of the Kingston| government, the Borden cabinet wili| Members present: James Henderson, At the conference held on Wednes-| Kens- {day afternoon in the Board of Trade {rooms regarding hotel ition for the farmers, R. J. Rodger, | presided, stated that the members of | from the county would gn up. ! He understood that the'Tee for county members would. be lower than that / onto, Ont. Price 26c. and 50c.-- it is but fair that the politicians at | Ottawa should also make such sacri- | fices of personal prestige and renum- | | éxation as will give the people of { trust, Furthermore, most serious | probleins will arise after the war is over and are already arising and for] the settlement of these problems, as fwell as for the prosecution of the war, a non-partisan government is] | essential. It is therefore by no | means too late to be worth while | for Canadians to ask for the forma- | tion of a national cabfent. Such a cabinet will have enough to do to justify its formation even at this | late date, If Sir Robert wishes to acquit himself as Canada's great man lin this crisis, he will even now frankly tell his colleagues that the cabinet as it nuy stands must be reconstituted if it is to embody the best talent of the Dominion. IY he is unwilling to"take upon himself this reconstitution of the cabinet, public opinion should force nim to | it, y Some Canadian papers are already | L urging a coalition = cabinet. Could | not those. papers which favour such | a move organize a press propaganda | throughout the length and breadth of | { the Dominion? And meanwhile .pri- | vate citizens who approve of Mr. | i tion of a national cabinet for War in celebration of the national | cabinet which fifty years ago brought | about confederation, might write to | the papers expressing their approval. We should not leave it to a few lead- | | ers of public opinion or to men whoss | names are already known to a large | constituency to speak for us,--for| | unless the ordinary citizens also ex-| a national | | not know that men like Rowell and | { papers which 'have been calling for! a national government, have a large | | body of public opinion behind them. | L. P. CHAMBERS - | Colds or Coughs | + Should Never « | Be Neglected. If They Are, Some Serious Lung Troubles are Sure to Follow. i | | f i ' x A cold or cough, if neglected, will sooner or later develop into some sort of lung trouble, so we would advise that you get rid of it before it becomes settled. For this purpose we know of nolhing to ual Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrdp. This preparation has been on the market ' for the past twenty-five years, and has always given universal satis- faction. Mr. Erwell Bolton, Wilton, Ont., writes: "Last winter I was caught in a storm and had to stay in a barn all night. 1 caught a severe cold which several medicines failed to cure, 1 went to some of the best doctors but these failed to do me any good. Ari advised me to use Dri Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I used three bottles and they gave me instant relief." Tn w hen you -- Fig "Dr. Wood's" see you genyine, put up in a yellow wrapper, three trees' the trade an Doartay the nea of the T. Ca, Tor ! Rowell's suggestion for the forma-| , the | PTE. A Reported to Cloyne, ANDER »d in action Ont. MeNICHOILL H.: belung- -------------- \ AT DAVIES "a y BRITISH COLUMBIA RED Salmon Steaks - FRESH SEA HERRINGS .. .. . 10c1b FRESH MANITOBA WHITE FISH 16e.b Seema Win. Daves' Go, Limited, Phone 597 Township Councils | PITTSBURGH. 5.--Council met at Feb, 11 a.m. James E Shortell, N, H. Maclean, George Maitland, Mr, MacLean act- ing at reeve. Minutes of last meet- ing confirmed, the auditors presented + their report, which wag accepted and | 100 copies ordered. to be printed. Township officers appointed: pound keepers--Robert Webb, Robert Peters, J. L. McMaster, Robert See; George Muller, C. A. Kincaid, and Robert Eaton; fence viewers--C, W. Trotter, Robert Hunter, P, Joyce, C. Hay, James English, A. J. Cowan, E. Jackson, Thomas, Woods, John Gii- iespie, James Baxter, Wm. Milton, Issac Stoliker, Joseph, Helferty, Henry Johnston, John Tierney and Thomas Anglin; sheep valuators-- Div. No. 1, J. J. Wilmot; No, 2, Wil- liam Finnigan; No. 3, Carman Day; No. 4, James Marlin; No. 5, Thomas Gillespie; Board of Health, Dr. C. A. Morrison, M.H.O.; Joseph Woods Sanitary Inspector, James Henderson in conjunction with the reeve and clerk as gecretary. Accounts passed: Thomas McAuley, stationery,. $2.45; Hanson, Crozier & Edgar, printing, $9.50; W. A. Mitchell, glass, etc. for hall, $3.90; Gorden Doyle, work, $3; Joseph Woods, work, $4; and Sani- tary lospector and disbursements, $15; A. J. Cowan, auditor, $15; jeoffe Hay, auditor, $15; Division registtar, $17.20. The treasurer given a cheque for $300 to pay cur- rent expenses. By-law confirming the appointments of Township ofi- cers passed, Couficil then adjourned. Bishdp Farthing, in his charge to the fifiy-eighth anvual Synod of the Diocese of Montfeal, said that forty- six per cent, of the enlistments fiom that district were from the Anglican portion of the population. z 'Wise is the chap who catches on at 18TH ANNUAL SALE 18TH Mahogany and Quar- ter Cut Oak Dyessers, 3 large drawers, in - square anid round bevel plate mirrors. Regular $27.00, for $22.00 These dressers are well finished and an extra good value today at $27.00, Only 17 Being Offered in This Sale. Carpets and curtains . Some extra good values to clear ends, ; kets (we have a number. of pdd Le uny Blinds complete with "blinds we will offer), for 23¢. T. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. : Men Save Money By Buying Their Here. We Sande the Best Boots at the Lowest Prices. prices, jek Jonton's She Stor x - < the proper time and lets go al the psychological moment, v ~ 70 Brock Street. re