Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Feb 1917, p. 6

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Fai) ( PAGE Ea v jaune THE TORPEDO News From Easiein Ontario | J 2 America Wolud Be Safe From Invasion. Jl FROM\ AN AIRPLANE 8S. Naval Authority Say: | { | 1 | 1 iment after years pposition ; LF BE fo Jie fu }ae conti lied) We have decided to put on sale this week a large clearing line of . of woman suffr st sess.on | they yielded oh t n of pro-{ hibition? - Indicati point strong-i ly to the success of ! eral cam-| 0yS' 28 Si S paign carried on for years to give women the vote | At the general ele in of 1914 the 1: berals had Jyoman nefrage as one in every imaginary style and mo sized from 3 to 7. ot be ate planks 0 : at in pre] This extra supply arrived early. for our regular summer wash nA rte am vga ithe . " |B , suit wade, and we will clear at regular coding and succeeding ye as long} § 3 a 1e liquor traffic wa {and as long a: the vernment WHOLESALE PRICES kindly disposed towards this\trakfic| Sanger . . # it could not be. expected that the Gov-| LIEUT FREEMAN ernment would gr woman suf- ae tical Tumber man with wide BUYING THESE NOW f a on d ves a' year hey voted experience and a man who has a N . ' rage Bnd Fear after : art proposals | Wide acgu aintance through the coun- : Will Save You 509. | dealing with different aspects of the] try is J. EF y was ap You are invited-to call and inspect them at firage problem. pointed on Thu morning as an : year J. C Eliot t. Liberal|officer of the y reinforcing BERD CE 3 member for West Middlesex, t draft, being re in the distriet -- nn i very first day of the session, ! ro- | by Major Van Allen, a returned offt 4 duced his perengial bill to grant the | cer. : : : i municipal franehise to n d wo Lieut. Freeman eplisted last vear| men, and William McDon Liberal | 4s a private in the 146th Battalion imenrber for North Bruce, ugain pre-| and was promoted to he rank of sented his bill to grant the full legis-| corporal and put on recruiting d 217 Princess St. Opp. Grand Opera House {lative franchise It is pro-; His ability in this work brought 1 ~ e . {bably to be expec Newtod a position on the staff of Major G. 1 Rowell himself, in ' to-day, | Campbell, chief recruiting officer, and \ - J w fevote attention to t (question; later the promotion to {he rank of i -- H V avid review the Lib I poliev on the| sergeant-major which he has held for i matter, pointing out long ad-! several months He will now Rave wun. - il JCACY t reform. charge yf the forestry ecruiting H J. W. Johnson, Conse tive n-! west of Kingston until the draft ber for West Hastings, who has long ready to sail 2 wht is BE Fabel AFTER FEB. 1ST, 1017 gain hak his bills before the House, | less hefore the public for sone, being . ~ . ' and there are rumot indications county commissioner and reeve of 1 Ter ae Bitops. Then] Params miss || Milk will not be left at house unless bottle {instead of sheltering them as in the ne -------------- | 18 at door. nast. Hen. Mr. MePherson expressed . . at Row NEAT peach « CONFERENCE FIXES It is either get our bottles back or milk goes e or two ago, and C Hart, an NEWSPRINT PRICE rei ETnDer. Who. 1s up to 10¢ per quart. to be firmly ornosed ¢ Manufacturers "and Govern= : . i wnces. himself on- : re announce hi a con-| ment Agree on 2 2C Per Phone 845 P 5 Cel i *% woman suffrage does come th Pound. ad rice S vear, it will be anaothe yutstanding victory: for e Liberal 'party in the Ottawa, Feb, 15 A price 215 = J Honze and for their progressive poli-| cents per pound for Canadian new . ER cies. | print, as sold to Canadian newspa- \ TE - -- mn | pers, has, it is understood, been TWO, MOREARINGSTON MEN | agreed upon . bet ween fe pulp and YE OLDE o a paper mg facturers and the Gov -- Fl -- | Have Enlisted in the 256th Railway erpment. e Government is taking LIEK Construction Battalion. | action in the matter under the War ng usband pre- | Se WOLFE ISLANDERS OBIECT puis yomsvn Shel Now sus b ters and | would be fe nvasion tl " ---- -- Phelix, from | use oO 'torpedo TO SPECIAL FARES BEING GIVEN ( a it for her. funeral | Rear-Admiral C SEO -------------------- ae Navy, re CITY PrOPLE, a at the Pa Aeronautical They Claim They Should Be Treated | Exposit on oe i ag home ts } whereby ( 5d tha the the Sadie asthe 1 landers--Dbeath | Gananoque lar Whitehead anto torpedo may be i of Mi Bridget Quigley Aged launched from .an aeroplane as e A Ninety.Seyven . | fectively as from a destroyer # Woll l Byes ee ie. The torpe do plahe," u Tow! Py i our o'cloohs | able conditions, Admiral EE meeting on tl iin i i would make a 320.000 airplane a the refgl t wand | i a ha Gag- wort watch for a 320,000,000 ba f charg on ev 1 I \ pase | tle -¢ ar. -He added that he had ; are ' twice mar- re private tom ition 2 } w nd being the late | Europe h had 3 4 fare of twel this town, froih a wholly di ferent ritieh, 1 | ooticsiol.__Sunler aves one dnughior, Miss| SPOS year ago a Brisk Bern a cod deyl of coiti Kath Ha Gauthier, at home. "She is | ¥ .Thage ] aE is 0 i h i ¢ ity also survived by her parents, Mr. andi and into the sea of Marmo a raiepayers on the Mrs. Edward Gagnon, Stone street airplane, under which a V read 8 re 5 3 vide north, by two brothers, Edward Gag- | torpedo was secured, and 0 . hie a he hoon non, of tt town, and Joseph, of) Turkish vessels ! i remai 18 of old 3h can be Chicago: so four sisters, Mrs. -Wil- In conclusion, the Adnriral said he PO Li n yf a" tie he i tian: Kenaiston, M oC wide Kennis- hag re e ved Justher inf ermal] on, k! are benefited by them are city people, | 0% Mrs. Walter Keyes and Miss Lily | aK 1 18 os ao ae Tol at ety, A wher Da tor it ent an The Gggnon : J y | that one of the beg iger 2 cou : . 3 Qergt. John Beattie, of Belleville, | is taking means to use this plan on ' oupoy ire of no benefit to islandey eo past few davs. in town with! a large scale, i oF for the reason that they return: Spent the pa ew Ua iil town wiih | while if an islander i a one. 18 parents, Mi and Mi James et ------------ f way ticket he pays filteen os Beattie. = ~~ MPERIAL UREFERENCE if he happens to return he Jolin Gould, 1ling street, Went uj BRITISH TRADE POLICY fifteen rents Mor o Kingston on Tuesday and enl feted eas ger ce 5 : 1e § People tan vay ! or is 3 Wey ' Committee Appointed by As-| ayers fell that the . a" i J ex th. hey am E. Meggs, of Toront quith Makes Recommenda= { $ not entitled to considera i iy a few days i n » tion to Government. hi Past pve dh have proven iow At the town hall last eve -- 33 Mie pl fa 101 5 angers, well atte nded publ ¢ meet London, Pav, 2 = The Thpes 5a 8 i one Fy toaonis Passe held the purpose of assi ua er anc g a the commi ; Mr Bridget Quigley Deceased had | [1° organization of a troop of arp Sinted oF r pig Asquit i been ailing for shout three week three hundred mem to act as a home summer to consider Great Britair suffering cold he wa guard. Rifles and a) unition have fommercial and industrial DoH of ver Dosition. and | Deen guaranteed in case the troop after the war, has made a prelimi Ww . Aho had the can materialize Cc Yy Ketchum, ary report to the government. un- pleasure acquaintance. o8he, manager of the k of Tor ato here, | animously recommending imperial | with her i came to s coun and R. G. Graha principal of preference as the foundation Tor th try from Irela in 1842, settling on Gananoque High School. are both British! economic world policy of the : ..Garden Island, where they remaine taking an active part in the organiza-| future, ne # for about five years, fiten moving » Hon, he Times adds that the commit wc Wolfe Island, where they spent the ee Ee xt lee is so influential and representa remainder of their day Mrs. Quig NEWS FROM THE DISTRIOT tive, including men of every scale of / ley had reached the wonde riul age N------ -political and nan. thought, that : of ninety-seven years, and stre Clipped From she Whig's Many acceptance of its ommendations to relitte she never wore glasse Bright Exchanges. {Is virtually assured. : f could read a paper til her death James Seymour, Toledo, has pur- as See ------ The stories that she could relate of | chased the Andress property, 'Athens.| WHIRL OF ¥ ASHION FOLLY. £ the early history of the island were Mrs, James M. McCann, W estport : . i 5 ~~ (left on Tuesday for Perth to see her | Inch Off Skirt Means F Another Pound ; - mother, who is seriously fil. of Steak, i Flattering to The rumor that the Rideau Hotel, | Philadelphia, Feb, 15.--The less a FAD | Ts eds FL ee re Ey ¥ £ pid re concern is denied. ils is the law of clothes, Miss M the Origina : re infant son of Harold Zufelt, Jane Newcombe, a state college lec- . : . Clizabethtown townghip, died on; turer, has discovered in her research But Imitations Only Disappoint | Wednesday from spinal meningitis. | work on the "Folly en *l There are many imitations of this | Ww alter Mackay, son of the late She laid down this law in a lecture | great treatment for coughs, co ds, | Hon. William Mackay, well-known | at the Friends Select School to-day to | sroup, - bronchitis and Ottawa lumberman died suddenly at! a group of women attending the 2 whooping cough. | Afnprior on Tuesday. 'He Was fifty three-day session of the extension 1 They usually years of age. 3 * school of Pennsylvania state college ~ have some sale Mr. and Mrs. John O'Donnell, In these days of short skirts and on the merits of Chicago, celebrated their golden wed-| high living costs, Miss . Newcombe the original, but ding on Feb. 4th. - They were mar-| told these wonien to-day why an inch the past thirty years. The marriage is announced of Miss | {Anna Marguerite MeCann to Vincent | | said. '*And aredominated by the Jnakers of fashion. 'It is going to take This is a face Feary Murphy, Chaffey's 8 Lock. The! strong convictions to free ourselves simile of . the |Wedding took place n St. Edward's| fro; the tyranny of the fashion package bearing Ehud, Westpars, Feb. 14th, 5 | plate. portrait and signature foi » +. san, Waddington, N. Y..| "The girl with money ean get of A. W. Chase, M.D ae or several ? weeks and "be-| enough food to keep her warm when nr no ed by many te have lost his life she undresses for the street, but the in an effort to ero: he St. Lawrence river from Iroquois, 4s alive, but gone with another woman, working girl who spends' all she THOMES COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anything done in the earpen tery line. Estimates given on all kinds Cornwall in Darkness, Cornwall, Feb, 15.--The water in! becomes weakened and an easy vic- tim of tuberculosis." of repairs and new work: a hard | the St. Lawrence river rose. to such | : wood floors of all kinds. All orders will | a height Ss 7 > . at as RAE Fe AF Tocoive. pomp a iano wy ght at thé St. Lawrence Power | GERMANS PEACE CRAZY. Company's power house at Mille! Roches that the power had to be shut down and for an hour and a half the entire town of €ornwall and the Queen street Beeman na. Rejection of Peace by Entente Broke Their Spirit. Te E New York, Feb.»® --In a cable- ROW OF SIX Sanal and jue villages, to the west| gram from Berne, Switzerland, to HOUSES i fatwa were on Tuesday inthe New York World, a member of | total darkness, A ador Gerard's party is quot- F "OR SALE ed as saying with regard to internal conditions in Germany: "The whole tierman Jbeople are peace crazy. They want peace now and almost at any pricé. The rejection of their offer by the Entente nearly broke their spirit, 1 | | l These Pay 149. sto but the hopes placed on the new . : submarine warfare have revived pub- W. H. Godwin & Son || tie opinion, | "Everyone, from the Emperor down to the hupgry house wife, be- lieves the submarine will break Eng- land and cause the Entente to col- 89 Brock Street Phone 424 ~ i lapse. --'The- people are . certainly { hungry in the larger cities. "The rupture with the United | States occasioned no surprise in Ger- many, beeause it was regarded as in- evitable. I heard that the Emperor regards the rapture as having n occasioned by a tragic misunffe standing of Germany's standpoint. He has taken it greatly to heart." pin ------ BRINGING UP FATHER IN POLITICS At day, THE LATEST PRICES the Grand Ope Feb, 19th, ra House on Mon- - mauinee and night. Offered for Stocks on Several Exe Probably the greatest service the changes. lakes and river can do for the Unit- f ed States Government is to provide Toronto Stocks. - saflors, a considerable number of "Open. 2.30 p.m. -- which are residents of Ogdensburg, | N.S. Car .. .. .. .. 16% N. Y, and are registered in the Fed Dominion Steel... 60% : 'eral Service. Steel of Canada .. .. 59% The congestion of Ontario at Cement .. .. 6914 Buffalo is likely to he : en iS | Smelter... .. . . 30 5 week. "wp io gewanfaygg | War Loan 1031 .. .. 97%' 75 a ~ | War Loan 1825 .. .. 9814 Hd General Electric. .. ..109 New York § Stocks. : Atchison .. . «e302 Baltimore &° Olio -n 92% 76% Erie... .. .. ..... .. 26 i Erie pfd. I men : ea i "" 'CP. Rr .~ v.58 151% WHEN YOU DECIDE TP HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED FOR : viiee no 93% . GLASSES, PHONE Us oR AN APPOINTMENT. . PHO! a, Union. Pacific .. .. ..137% 13% 58 sania nae 25% EEE T9% 80 J. J STEWARY Opt.D. Optician and Bethlehem Steel .. ..300 Cor. Wollingt = ¥ Optometrist. Steel... .. ... 15% 14 on ofee Sts. Opp. Pust Ofies, Phone 600 U.S. Steel .. .. .. [105% 104% Anaconda . sane 10% ny Teter. Nickel So. ate 40 Huer, Loto... .. .. 70% "49 | earns on clothes to imitate the heir- | ess has so little left for food that she | A it should ne . fied hind Hastings, Ont, and went to cut off the skirt means an extra remembe { ag Ra Bhd ty ~ | pound of beefsteak inside. __~ a Aoi e Mrs, William McGillivray, .widow | But the worst of it all is that the are lke | of the late William MeGilllivray, of! girl who stirs the streets with "skirts are - like it South Elmsley, 'passed away Tues- to her knees, gilk . stockings and a in name day after a short illness, in her| chest bared to winter. winds, 8s Miss eighty-seventh rear. : | Newcombe described her, must eat 80 | (George Isaic Boice, Belleville,| much to keep warm that she becomes passed away on Wednesday, He Was | dyspeptic, nervous and irritable. : born at Odessa, seventythree years| «we have been drawn into the! . ago, but had resided in Belleville for| whirl of the folly. of fashion,' she | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, _ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1917. | GRANTED A COMMISSION WOMEN TO GET- FRANCHISE SUCCESS TO COME TO LIBERAL CAMPAIGN FOR YEARS. Sergt.-Major J. E. Freeman . Lieutenant of Forestry Battalion, ' After The Conservatives Year Year Voted Down the Measure Intro- duced=--Now Apere is a Change of! Heart, - { (Spe to the Toronto, Fk 18 --I ne for the women buy cymbals, ukul truments of musi z of woman of Sergt M. D. Hawkey, a brothes Measures Act The . price"as fixed Joseph T. Ha ey, now serving with | applies only to sale in Canada, and the 21st Battalién in France, has en-| wil] not alfect exports to the United | listed with the 256th Railway Con- struction. Battalion about to go over- seas, Mr. Hawkey was a prominent resident of Glenvaie for a number of | States, -which have larger part of the trdde of many Canadian pulp and papér establish- A Feats, unving Hy HOved Lh the | when prices have soared to dizzy pint man o * city e is a member o he Masonic | heights * Lodge of Odessa, Independent Order| §/ ic understood that strict mea- if Foresters, Chosen Friends, and] ,.ec will be taken to' see that the | , - ~0.L. of Glenvale, ' Be loaves at| nrice of 21% cents-is adhered to in ann ; Home his Wiles and two 5 : ren Mr. | Canada. The matter was left mpre ares ynn, a frignd of fed . 3 ac- - or-less inthe hands of the manufa . Hawkey, has also enli stay wit h the though his demands more than met. He finds a tone themselves, negot- i jations have fiot been altogether com- | pleted it learned that they are | willing to abide by this decision, On the fact that some mills largely, however, on { turers same battalion. | aecount, of | aepend very | Canadian contracts, ers will probably agree | will he shared. that any loss COMPELLED TO DO "BIT P#tor Russell Follower Not Allowed exemption from military service, and said his work as elder @and preacher | was of national importance, The tri | bunal thought not. {day in the King's Bench Lord Reading and two other justices dismissed his appeal. Kipps go soldiering HOPE TO PROC URE on So That the City's Gas Service May Not Be Affected, Chairman .R. H. Toye of the Utili- ties Commission, asked this afternoon as to the conditions the city gas plant. Dwing to the scarcity of oil there wa nger of thy gas sarvice being geriously affected; fact, of being &ht off, Toye informs the Whig that the Com- mission is in touch with oil agents, was next week, At present there is en- ough on hand for a fortnight. The gas plant has lots of coal, but the electrical plant is a little shorts How- ever, more coal is coming. the Whig that last Saturday the gas supply almost gave out; but since then he has secured a supply of coal ofl and expects that all will be well this week. More oil'is promised. The $.8. Frederick VII, left Ho- boken at 4.10 o'clock on Wednesday with Bernstorfl and staff aboard. The crews bf the great German liners tied up cliggbed on the rails and waved a farewell to their departing patriots. Hon. H C. Brewster was sworn in as Minister of Finance in the British Columbia Legislature. He will hold office for the present, and many be- lieve he will be the permanent head of the department. The Donnacoma Pulp and Paper Company of Donnacona, Que., was fined $100 and eosts for having open-| . i ---- Made i' constituted the | ments especially during recent years: the manufactur- | to Shark. | y - > London, Feb, 15.--Herbert Kipps, | 0 {elder of thet International Bible Stu-! ae CI, els dents Askociation, . founded thirty years -agw by the American. Pastor» J ! | Russell, who preached on Sunda} 8! A A ---------- | and earned a living the rest of the| Meek se a drags lek, applied | Ee | the military tribunal ix June last for : ] Failing to join jup he was arrested ns an absentee | He pleaded that he was a regular minister of a religions denomination | | within the meaning of the act. The | magistrate differed and fined the | elder 40 shillings and handed him]: | over to the military authorities. To-| division | must | in! but Chairman | and it is fully expected that an addi- | tional supply will arrive during the General Manager Folger informed | For The Early Bird A A AA AA A A I The Musician finds in the unequalled---a touch that'meets every require ment --an appearance that. pleases the 'artistic sense. He finds a piano which is an inspiration in' itself--a piano frem which he can obtain wffects not possible from any other instrument. 121 Princess Street. C. W. LINDSAY, s F ebruary Sale Specials Boys' Suits, sizes 30 to 34. Sale price $2.95 Men's Freize Overcoats, sizes 36 to 44, Sale price .. .. ..$8, 50 Boys' Suits, sizes 28 to 34, worth $8 o and $9. Sale price .. . #. . $5. Mery 5s Fing * Shirts, size 14 to 17. Sale one DO All Men' s , Overcoats, reduced to less than { 2 = EH 2 i | { | : sins nen | A -------- a-------- | E = S E = a Sir Sam Hughes is to be the gues J. B. Plamondon, travelling pur-| of honor at the ladies' night meeting ed its plant of Sundays and having called the men (0 work on Sundays. FIVE CANADIANS IN THE NEW EAR: HONO ML LIST. chaser for the Quebec produce firm of Emond & Cote, was kilied by a ! of the Canadian Club, Bostor train be was atiempting to board. Mavday next.

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