PAGE TEN AW. You will find relief in Zam-Buk ! It eases the burning,gsti palin, stops bleeding and b ease. Perseverance, with Zam. Buk, means cure, Why not prove this 7 Drupgists and Storeg.~ Baws Scissors Sharpened, Razors boned. Al makes of fire. arms repaired promptis. filed, | Locks repaired; Keys fitted. | Knives and a All makes of Lawn Mowers sharpened and repaired. 149 Sydenham Street : 2 \ 'B LER Be a fl YOU SHOULD USE | i M. S. C i | | | It maintains healthy hair, corrects unnatural scalp conditions, ol and assists nature in restoring normal, healthy conditions, by Id Ml stimulating and renewing the hair-growing processes. | | HEALTHY HAIR NEEDS ATTENTION, and any disorder of |i] I the scalp or falling hair will grow worse by neglect. HS M. 8. 0. BHAMPOO contains pure Cocoanut Oil and other hair health ingredients, which by constant use will keep the scalp and hair in perfect condition, Being in LIQUID form, it is easy to apply: You (HI simply wet the head thoroughly in Hot water, then 4 apply about two tablespoonsful, which will instantly work up oceans of lather that will thorou thly cleanse the scalp, and after thorough rinsing will leave the hair beautifully soft. ' | Buy a bottle from your dealer and follow direc tions carefully, and you, like thousands of others, |} will be convinced of our claims. Price 50 Cents Le All Druggiste, Everywhere, or if your dealer cannot supply ¥ you with the genuine write us, MUTUAL SALES CO. ¥ 32 Front Street West . Toronto, Ontario |] R * CE Se ha ¥ yw Ee ------ SY Ten Victor Records which should be in your collection. ; | | . We have carefully selected these re- | cords from our list of several thou- sands, as those that will appeal to | Zou. In these numbers you will | ind og and comic songs, vocal, | patriot Q, instrumental and dances, " and you will enjoy every one of OO of them. Ten-inch, double-sided Victor Records--90 cests for the . two selections : + Henry Burr | American Quartet | "Twas Only an Irishman's Dream' Everybody Loves an Irish Song On Honolulu Bay In the Sweet Long Ago ' Hush-a-Bye, Ma Baby ~~ Somewhere My Love Lies Dreaming James Reed. J. F. Harrison 18198 Peerless Quartet ) Sterling Trio § 18212 Edna Brown ] 18214 Frederick Wheeler) Frederick Wheeler § F. }fimmelreich 18194 Keep the Home Fires Burning The Drummer Boy Carnival of Venice Whispering Winds 1788) (Pianoforte) (Pianoforte) Laurentian March Band of First Regiment ) . Grenadier Guards of Canada | 21600 Land of the Maple Band of First Regiment g 210006 wh +. Grenadier Guards of Canada | F. Himm: 'reich Twelve-inch, double-sided Victor records Here Comes the Groom Sometime Katinka Medley--Fox Trot Poot Butterfly--Fox Trot » . Raymond Hitchcock ) . Raymond Hitcheoek | 35080 Viétor Military Band ) | Vidor Military Band | 23603 Hy Two Exquisite Red Seals * e Non e ver ('Tis hot True) (Tenor) McCormack 74485 Petite Valse wv iolin) Maud Powell 64617 Hear them at dny "His Master's | Voice" dealers' g . : \ Write for free copy of our Musical En. cyclopedia hifting over 6000 Victor Records Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. Limited Lenoir St. Montreal IN EVERY AND € . hy oe LR RH : X FUR HIS MAS 4 TRADE MARK. a an LOO - 4 ; \ (THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Frances Walter) t J 1 I RECEIVE ANOTHER LETTER i ur time and make up vour mind i {Tull You .can communicate with CAPTOR | jo whenever you wish, either by FROM MY | letter or through Jane. For the pre- solutely safe, In all sincerity and love . Could anything be more fantastic, a more unbelievable? Herg 1 was living '€. | in the twentieth century on the out- the onl the wall vanished my attendant not vis ble « 7 table As'1 approached the . upturned pl your own dear self This note is intended to convey an apology for my visit and to assure you that you will not be annoyed again, I would willingly cut off my | right hand before I would do any-| thing to cause you permant dis- pleasure. Wil you not believe this and give me some assurance that 1 have been forgiven? > reasonably sure of her assistance, provided she were permitted to re- main in the house and given access to my room, If she were way, what would become of me? (To Be Continued.) Love may be blind, but it's foolish to attempt to work off a paste dia- I Shall expect a reply this after-\ mond on a girl under the impression | noon by your attendant, but do not! that you have her hypnotized by your give her a message i want you to gaod, looks. write as T have done Put it down Conscience is the watchdog which in- black and white; say that you !barks at sin. | will overlook my rashness.ip presum ~~ | i ing to enter your apartment, and if| Suffered With Heart | you can believe what I have said, | tell me algo that you will trust me For Ten Years, not to 'annoy you further I want Would Nearly Smother, | you to feel that you are safe while There is nothing that brings. with | you are my 'guest, Your room willl it such fear of impending death as to | be sacred. 1 shali not enter it with- out a command from you to call. Jane has told me that you have asked her many questions which she could not answer, and she has urged | me to give you greater liberty. 1' rpegret that 1 cannot allow you the freedom of the entire house unless you give me a promise that you wil remain contentedly under this roof Whenever that assurance is forth- coming you may depend upon it that the walls of your room will melt away as mysteriously as the one wall now comes and goes, and that this entire estate will be subject to your will, > AL To be very candid, I do not ex- pect you to readjust yourself im- sdiately to your present surround- ngs, I assume that you will find things here strange at first and that you will rebel against the circum- stances which have made you vir- tually my prisoner. But I hope and believe that your attitude will change wake up in the night with that awful | sense of smothering. The uncertain | and irregular heart action causes the | greatest distress of both mind and | body. Milbyrn's Heart and Nerve Pills] are the only. remedy that can give! prompt relief and effect a complete | cure in €ases of such severity. | They strengthen and invigorate the heart, so that it beats strong and | regular, and tone Hp the nervbus system so that the cause of so much anxiety becomes a thing of the past. Mrs. M. O. McCready, Wapella,| Sagk., writes: "I am not mich of a| believer in medicines, but I feel that | it is only right for me to let you know | what your wonderful remedy has| done'for me, and in a very short time, | too. I had suffered terribly with my | heart for nearly ten! years, could | scarcely do my work; and would near-| ly smother at times. I had matdy rem-} edies, some only relieving me for a| time. I got a box of Milburn's Heart | as time. goes'on. As you learn that land Nerve Pills and felt so much! my intentions are the most homor- better that I kept on using them, and | able, that I regard nothing more {can truthfully say I feel like a new | sacred than your welfare and your woman. ! future happiness, 1 believe that you "I would advise anyone with heart | will take a different view of things | trouble to use them." | and that in time you will not only Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills become reconciled to your surround-| are 50c. or three boxes for $1.25, at| ings, but that you will fiok willingly | all dealers or mailed direct on receipt leave this place and me. But ag I|of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limi- | have said, I am nof in a hurry, Take.. ted, Toronte, Ont, | rm mn | LO A The Whig's Daily Menu | =~ | { { | Jellied Tomato Salad. | Materials---Two cups strained To« matoes, 1 teaspoon finely cut onion, 14 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons granu- lated gelatin, 1 teaspoon sugar, dash 'pepper, dash paprika: Menu for Saturday BREAKFAST Baked Apples Stuffed with Dates or Raising Boiled Farina Fried Serapple Totnt or Crisp Rolls. Jam or Fruit Butter Coffee or Upcon LUNCHEON OR SUPPER Baked Henns Rrown Bread ; Apple, Banana and Celery Salad Cream Cheese Balls and Crackers Tea. or Cocon Utensils---Saucepan, fine strainer, small bowl, platter, measuring cup, teaspoofi, tablespoon. Directions--Put the tomatoes and | onion in saucepan; boil 10 minutes; add the seasoning and strain through fine strainer. Soak the gelatin in 2 tablespoons cold water and add to , he DRYER abi the strained hot tomatoes; stir until 'rench Stew wit 'egetable " SO A dissolved. Pour on platter which has been rinsed in cold water. When firm: cut into half-inch cubes and put on lettuce leaves. Serve with French dressing. ' Eadive Salad Lemon Meringue Ple Coffee TT v : PRT i § the recent big munitions explosion in Pictiful victims were left homeless 9 ° THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 (Copy nt I do not think it advisable to Ne reveal myself to you, but 1 shall do Jane .d y in good time. Meanwhile, L hope but the will compose yourself and rest! in its the knowledge that you are ab- | worst came to the worst I could be taken | | of AESS, GHILDREN WAITING FOR A PLAGE To sep. - al y . the 'east & Londor Ne and man adults working in the factories were killed. » 6, 1917. rf i i a note lying on my It was in' the same handwr skirts of one of the greatest cities the first note which I ha n the world, yet things were hap- and I soon learned that it was penn pening to me which one would think by .no other than my captor Here ware possible only in one's wildest it is ' fancies. It was difficult for me to| Dear Roxane--I wish if were pos-| realize that I was awake, that 1 was sible for you to forgive me for whal| not dreaming over again some me- occurred last night, If I had known | gjeval tale which I had read before FOU yous Nake would rh y op dropping off to sleep, adrian! . ARTISTIC EVENING DRESS entereq your room, for J have nod The prisoner of a madman that ico tin and bronze. brocade sire to force myself upon you. Keel |'was what I was. There could be no an artistic effect in this graceful ing as 1 do toward you, a hoping | doubt that the man who had ordered | evening frock | as. I do that you soon wil arn tol by capture, the man who had con- pment return my love, 1 realize that it is} trived or selected this intricate de- AMERICAN WRITERS not becoming in a suitor to visit his} vice for imprisoning me, who had ON WAR HORRORS lady love under such circumstances, | written openly avowing his love and i and that to be detected'i T TOOM | had twice visited my chamber in the| priand of A. J. Alger Describes in the dead of night is not precisely | dead of night--there could be not| the proper thing, But I want to as-| tho shadow of a doubt that the man! His Feelings on Con- sure you that I merely wanted to} wag insane, * His mania had not | flict. look upon your face once more, to] killeq 'the chivalry which thus far | touch your hair, to sea you ere | had proved my only protection, but| Quebec Chrouiels before me. 1 had no i that you | what assurance had I that another{ A, J. Auger, of this city, has re- would be awake, or even that I}caprice might not seize him? To-|Ceived a letter from an American would disturb you." I-thought you| morrow he might have an altogetah | friend Virgik H. Kellog, in which he would be asleepiand that I could | er different nature, Whap would be| contoles with him on the loss he reep to your bedside as 1 did the| my refuge then? | sustained througi the death of his night before and get a glimpse of There was some ray of comfort| brother, the late Jacques Auger, you and realize that you were still) wien I thought of Jane, * If the| notary, of Quebec.. The following extract from the let- ter will prove of interest to Cans | adians: | | | | | | "I caunot Say we are happy. My life is so clouded with the awful events transpiring in Europe that it seems as though everything has as- sumed' a sombre hue, If living in Canada I were to feel it more, I am sure I could not endure it. "The splendid men who are offer- | ing their lives for the benefit of all- humanity are earning a glory which time will never dim for those who die, 1 do not worry because In my poor judgment to die in such a cause is infinitely better and able than to live more' profit- One can never be sure. that he has lived as he should until he has given his life for the benefit of something outside of him- self, That which causes me to wosry is lest all this blood and all this suf- fering shall have been spent in vain, lest the terrible travail of the lives of the ages through all the period time during which the present condition" of civilization has been evolving shall be undone, and we shall revert to the chaos which ob- tained in the old days before con- stitutional liberty had in fact its birth in the blood and in the fires of the blessed martyrs and patriots who gave up their lives to make it a living thing, "And: it seemg so difficult to im- press on men's minds that which in their. poor 'ignorance they fail to know and appreciate, namely, that this is' not merely a war between Germans on one side-and the Allies on the other; but that this is a great struggle of the old Laocoon of ab- solution to stifle and to crush out individualism and individual liberty. "lI wish that I may be of some benefit or do something to in some small way contribute to the triumph of the cause for which so many of my ancestors fought and gave their lives, to the end that my successors, my progeny, might be sure of the value and especially of the culmin- atjon of my life." FUNERAL AT BELLEVILLE. of Arthur M. Were Laid to Rest. Belleville, Feb, 14.--®ne of the largest funerals in this city for some time was that of the late Arthur M. Chapman, which took place Wednes- day. After a brief service at the family residence the remains were taken to Bridge Street Methodist Church where a public service of an impressive nature was held, conduct- ed by Rev. Dr. Scott. The majority of the members of the County Coun+ cil and county officials were in at tendance. ae pall-bearers 'wer Sheriff MorrfSbn, County Treasures. B. Mallory, Warden P. McLaren, Councillors C. Ketcheson, T. H. Thompson and ®. Coulter, CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Chapman Remains - Fresh from the Gardens CE of the finest Tea-producing country in the world. "SAL Ta .A ' Sealed Packets Only. Try it--it's delicious, BLACK GREEN or MIXED. As cl X\ Dry Clothes, Warm F eet and -- EN a - Hot Lemonade SIMPLE precautions, but 3 *~ wonderfully helpful in y . 'ys . Rx i avoiding grippe and colds Nout from exposure. When you get home, a8 put on dry clathing, get thoroughly 5 t svarm, and drink hot lemonade -- plenty of it and piping hot. Use hot water and "Sunkist" lemons,--one to each glass. California's Fd Sunkist Uniformly Good Lemons When you order lemons, ask for Sunkist, the -uniformly good California lemons Surikist are waxy, tart and juicy. See that - they reach' you in the clean, crisp tissue wrappers stamped "Sunkist." They will stay fresh much longer if you leave them in these wrappers until you use them. Always have at least ja half dozen in the house. California Fruit Growers schange A Co-operative, Non-Profit Oegan- tzation of 8000 Growers Los Angeles, California Women's Low feel Walking Boots : We are now showing the new spring 1 styles of Low Heel Walking Boots in Black ad; Black Calf and Dark Brown Calf Lea- ers. These shoes are the new 1917 spring models and right up to the minute in style -and quality. $6.50, $7.00 and $8.00. 1 st J J.H.Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. SHILOH is good for coughs --for nearly half a century that has been the watchword in thousands of homes. A~ : Shiloh brings quick relief to an inflamed cough-racked throat. It cuts the dangerous phlegm in croup, eases a hard 'tearing cough and is the great preventative of more serious troubles. Shiloh doesri't upset the stomach. It is extremely pleasant to take and\because of the small dose you will find it, we think, the most economical medicine you ever used. 3 i Let Shiloh cure Your next cough. 25¢, 50c.and $1.00, at all druggists. - B74 BSAA