"yr i » MOTHERS WHD | rs HAVE DAUGHTERS | FROM Read How to Care for Their e a 3 |» New Orleans, La.--" I cannot praise | Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- _-- pound enough, for I Frontenac know my daughter | + never would have more than a year she had suffered | agonjes from irreg- sularity, backache, dizziness, and no ap- ing it difficult for the farme up their supply of wood } ers are receiving i hogs, John MaGre to get » farm- aying as high Vegetable Compound to all mothersand | Yarker at Hiram Vanes daughters and you can publish this let- ter." Mrs. A. ESTRADA, 129 N. Galves Street, New Orleans, La. 'Philadelphia, Pa.--** My daughter was ing this week at H, Vanest's COLLINS' BAY. feeling tired and all run down withno | Feb. 12.--Rev. C. B. Fa apparent cause. She had taken Lydia | Who as been hold ng reviv al meet. E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound be- | !7%5 in the Methodist church, retura- : ed to Verona Saturday Miss C. Gil fore and knew its value so she again bert in visiting her sister. Mie purchased it and she was able to keep rp Be. RE Blo Trucdall Io to work, her eyes became bright and | yisiting relatives on Amherst Island. natural, and her system was built up | \ Rankin, M.P.P., spent a few completely. We generally 'keep the | jays in ronto last week, The Lad- Vegetable Compound in the house for Aid met at the home of Mrs. itis to be relied on."" --Mrs. E. J. PURDY, | Walter Frink and the Red Cross at 6131 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. G. Clark's., Mr. and Mrs. Beau Women Have Been Telling Women bien, of Amherst Island, spent Sun- | for forty years how Lydia E. Pinkham's | day at W. Smith's, Mrs. C. Redden, Vegetable Compound has restored their | Bartowsmiin, is visiting Mrs, S. Me Jonald. -~ health when suffering with female ills. Try it if you are troubled with any ailment peculiar to women. Write for advice to Lydia F. Pinkham Med. Co., Lynn, Mass. LLIN 2 NY GRAND TR i AERA URGES EVERYONE "in ofc dan. 14m, 1017 10 QUICKLY GET ON WATER WAGON Feb, 12.--The recent snow storms have left the roads in a very bad con- dition as the mail man was unable to Trains wiil leave and arrive at City Depot, foot of Johnson street. Tr GOING WES \ Lve. City Arr. City No.19 Mall ., , .. 122 2.67 a.m. Be No. 13 Express . .. 2.6 3.36 adh. Drink Glass of Hot Water Before No.27 Local . .. .. 6.4 p.m. Breakfast To Wash Out No. 1 Intern'] 'Ltd. 1.4 p.tn Poi No. 7Mal, ; .... 3 p.m. O1S0NS, GOING EA No. 15 Mail Lye, City AM City o, Aaa. . .. .. 40am. 2.17am. " " , ; No. 16 Express . .. 358am, 2a35am ID Your face, to see your skin get No. 6 Mail .. .. .. 12.20 p.m. 12.62 p.m. | clearer and clearer, to wake up with- No. 14 Intern'l Ltd. 1.08 p.m. 1.38 pm. out a headache, backache, coated No. 28 Local 648pm. 7.22p. tongue or a nasty breath, in fact to feel your best, day in and day out, just try inside-bathing every morn- ing for one week. as sa ¥ m. Nos..1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 18, 18, 19 run dally. Other trains dally except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Paterboro, Hamilton, BuTalo, London, Detroit Chicago, Bay Cliy, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John, Before breakfast each day, drink a Halifax, Beston and New York. glass of real hot water with a tea- For Pullman Accommodation, Tle- spoonful of limestone phosphate im it as a "harmless means of washing from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigest- {ble waste, sour bile and toxins; thys cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach | The action of hot water and lime- stone phosphate on an empty stom- ach is wonderfully invigorating. It 1 cleans out all the sour fermenta- Commencing Monday, clean gases and acidity and gives Feb. 12th, Transcontin-|oné a splendid appetite for break- . | fa ental train for Sudbury, 1]. | phate will cost very little at the Port Arthur, Fort Wil {drug store but is sufficient to dem- | : liam, Winnipeg, Bran- | onstrate that just as soap and hot don Regina Sa } toon | water cleanses, sweetens and fresh- * ' ' |ens the skin, so hot water and lime- Calgary North Battle- stone phosphate act on the blood and ' internal organs. Those who are sub- | ford, Edmonton Van- ject to constipation, bilious attacks, ' {acid stomach, rheumatic twinges, alsa. couver and the Pacific those whose skin is sallow and com- * plexion pallid, are assured that one Coast will Kave Toronto week of inside-bathing will have Union Station at 9.00 them both looking and feeling better p.m. instead of 10.45 mesos p.m., Monday, Wednes- WE TRY TO AVOID day and Friday. MISTAKES BUT | EXYCYCEENEET] NEVER TO AVOID Rata, and all other Information, apply 0 J. P, HANLEY, AGENT. Cor, Johnson and Oataple Kingston, Ont, AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. SHIP La al he Open Day and Night Telephone #9 st. A quarter pound of limestone phos- snow has also been very deep mak- a petite, but is now | ,, $13.50 per hundred. Miss Myrtle well. I recommend | vanes; has an attack of grippe. Visi- Lydia E, Pinkbam's | tors are Mrs, James Shangraw of | ; Clarence | Revell and his mother spent an even- rbairn,! Mr. and ST. LAWRENCE, WOLFE ISLAND. | |away, 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ay FEBRUARY 16, 1917. ee ------------ | make his rounds last week Mrs J. purchasers, composed of not Mile ho has been ill for Pe past townspeople, but crowds from the mon is slowly improving Joseph J country as well The neat sum of formerly of J. Glynn's, Saskatoon, i Misses Fran and Gertrude Kelly, o gar | been 80 well if she BELLROCK | Harrowsmith, were recent visitors a e i Feb 14 The thermometer has|J. O'Brien's. Miss Clara Gillespie bad not taken it. For registered 30 degrees below zero The | spent.a few days 1 week with her cousin, J {oque for his faetoty. A number from here atended the C.M.B.A. dance in | Cape Vincent on Wellnesday evening, WOLFE ISLAND, Feb. 15. Mr, Aiken, the new cus toms official has taken up his rest dence in Frank Briceland's house on Born unto Mack 'Greenwood, a Howard Abbott has en- A box | social was held at the residence 'of riday evening, and it was a decided success. The house was crowded to its utmost capacity The evening was spent in games and A good sum was real- A great many of the Islanders are purchasing coal in Cape Vincent on account of | the Seventh Concession, Mrs. | daughter, listed in a Kingston battery. Mr. Morton on' amusements, ized"'tor the, Red Cross. | the scarcity in Kingston. Mrs. W through illness, moved to Kingston General Hospita in Reid's ambulance on Wednesday. Gillespie," Howe Island. T. { Dignam has been hauling timber to I Clayton to be sawed, George Rattray y prices for live | has been hauling coal from Ganan G. Woodman is confined to her home David Pyke was re ' > Leeds PIL4A'M HOLLOW. Feb. 12.--The patrons of Hollow cheese factory held an oyster ; supper at the home of the proprietor, iW. B. ing last About sat down supper and had a pleasant time. Mrs. 200 Hause and Miss Ina, Athens, are visiting at Edward Dowden's, On Saturday morning last the cheese factory of Harvey Kilborn was burn- To see the tinge of healthy bloom ed to the ground with all the con- tents, including 500 sap buckets and un- | an evaporator, The origin is known. The loss is partly covered by insurance | | i MORTON. ! Feb, 13.--A number from here at: tended the funeral of the ate Mrs John Berry at Olivet church\on Mon- Henderson has returned home after spending the past week with friends at Brockville: J. Wiltse, who has been spending a few days calling on {friends after an absence of twenty | years, left last Wednesday 'for his home at Ambridge, Pa. Mrs. H. G. Doan and Mrs. M. Kenney, Jones' Falls, spent Wednesday the guest of Mrs. A. Willis. E. Jones has return- ed to Toronto. Ice harvesting is the order of the day. The Home cheese factory paid its patrons $47.85 for December milk. The average for the season was $32.41. WESTPORT. Feb. 13. d on Wednesday night about ten o'- clock when William Foley passed Mr. Foley had been ailing with grippe for about a week. He leaves three brothers and five sisters. Deceased was a Roman Catholic in religion, very charitable and loved by all who knew him.- The funeral took place Friday morning to St. Edward's Church. Walter E. Whelan, of the Grand Seminary, Montreal, is spend- ing the holidays in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. VV." Lynett* were "Brockville visitors on Friday. Dr. W. D. Stev- ens was in Athens last week attend- ing the funeral of his brother, Ger- shom- Stevens. Mrs, James M. Mec- Cann left on Tuesday for Rerth to see her mother, who is seriously ill. | RIGHTING THEM. HILTY:D) BIA] Hove You Tried: Celeste Whole Figs packed in corn " and sugar syrup, 20¢ per tin. CANADIAN SERVICE. | The choicest dessert before the LONDON to HALIFAX [yet soi, © (Via Plymouth) Maple Sugar, 10¢ cake. HALIFAX to LONDON Sunkist Oranges, 20¢ to "30¢ doz. Grape Fruit, 5c each, 3 and 4 for 23¢. (Calling Falmouth to land Passengers) P. H. BAKER & CO. For particulars of «allings and rates, | : apply to Local Agents or to The Robert Retford Co., Limited, General Agents, 50 Miss Lucy Egan left on Friday for Montreal to visit friends. Miss Annie McDonald is ili of pneumonia. Hastings : | TWEED. Feb. 12.--The Red Cross bazaar, held .in the 'Town Hall on Saturday last, was largely attended, notwith- standing the zero weather being handed us. The spacious hall was King Street East, 'Toronto, La gn Poinsin Through Tickets WesternCanada and thePacific Coast ° Electric Lighted and apply to'M. C. Dunn, City tion Agent, or write to R. senger Dept., 68 King St. E., Torento. nt, or Alan early hour crowded with eager |Phone 141; 302 King St, r Comfortably Equipped Trains. , To gbtaift'the lowest fare and the most convenient routing airbairn, General Pas- VIA CANADIAN NORTHERN J. E. Ivey, Sta- * Plum| ¢' '. " Newsome, on Thursday even- Addingt to} *® day last. C. R. Willis has returned after spending a few days with friends at Addison. Miss Jennie A sudden death occurredf-- held in s{$662 was realized from the sale, and our most sanguine The carnival on the t|{ skating rink on Tuesday night. last was the most successful event of the kind held here for some time. The costumes, which- evidenced much tact in their formation, presented a -| by far surpass f | expectations brilliant and varied picture, The, .| committee were fortunate in being oy : s able to secure the services . of Would you own a house fit tolivein pnlyin the Summer? Mrs. and Dr. Maines, of Saska- Would you keep a horse that went lame every Winter? toon, to act as judges, which office they filled with care and precision. On Monday of last week a little boy came to brighten the home of our genial village blacksmith, P, Mell- Iroy: Misses O'Brien ang Sheahen spent the week-end with Tweed friends. In the lumber woods north of Tweed, while in the employ of Grant, & Son, C. Rachotte sustained painful injuries. However, we are pleased to learn that he Is somewhat improved. Dr. J. Robertson having disposed of his property, purposes moving to Belleville, where he has purchased the home recently made vacant by the death of its owner, Dr. F. Mather. Dr, and Mrs. Robertson during their stay in Tweed have won for themselves a host of ardent friends, who deeply regret their de- parture. This morning, Feb. 12th, at St. Carthage church, was solemnized a quiet but'pretty wedding, the con- tracting partieg being Miss Carmel Breen, Buffalo, N.Y.» and Timothy Hinch, The happy couple left 6n the morning train to spend theigr honey- moon in Buffalo, After the! eturn they will locate on their farm near Stoco. - NORTHBROOK, Feb, 10.--Harry Abbott, Saskatch- ewan, is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Charles Ruttan. Mr. and Mrs, C. F. Dousén and two chil- dren spent two days recently with their uncle, William Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Dousen are from Rainy River district and were on their way home after spending a month with Mrs. Dousen's mother, Mrs. Charles Bath, Denbigh. . Miss. Graee Wood retura- ed to her home 'accompanied by "her sister-in-law, Mrs. N, Wood, Peter- boro. Mrs, Charles Bath, Denbigh is spending a few days with her broth- er, William Bath. Ernest and Phili Clark spent a day recently wit James Preslar. A number of the young people attended the Holiness Movement convention at Harlowe on Sunday last, Pte. Manly Thompson Is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs, W. Thompson. This is his last leave home, as he expects to go over- seas soon. Mr, Stein, Tweed, passed through. here last week en route to Denbigh. ¥, Mrs, - George Shier has been on the sick list for the past few days. Miss Viglet Shier spent a few days in Tweed recently. Mrs. George Selman and Mrs. E. Thompson spent Wednesday at C. C, Thompson's. STELLA. Feb. 13.--The Islanders are doing considerable driving on the ice to Kingston, Bath and other places, Old timers here state that this is the stormiest winter we have had in many years. The coal supply with many is running low. A large quan- tity is being hauled from Portsmouth and Kingston. In past winters the islanders have been in the habit of drawing their soft coal for threshing from Collins Bay, but it seems that it cannot be procured. A'large quan- tity is also used by the cheese factory here. Quite a number of hogs were taken to the city last week, being purchased by F. Briceland at $14 a ice is reported not to be as thick as in some other years, but of spendid quality. Parrot's Bay and Stella Juniors played a game of hockey on the rink here on Saturday afternoon. Stella scored six and Parrot's Bay one. Mrs, W, Richards and B. N. Wemp were on Friday called to the bedside of their mother, at Emrald. Mrs, William Wemp, who is seriously illl. Pte. John Miller Zand Ergest Instant, spent a few days on the is- land last week, Mrs. R. Baker, Front road, was a recent visitor here, She returned home on Friday accompan- fed by Mrs, Cronkite and Misg Eve- line and Raymofid, Cronkite. Visit- ors: Mrs, Allen, Belleville, is spend- ing a few weeks with friends. Capt. and Mrs. R."M. Filson, Kingston, spent Sunday at D. Caughey's. Mrs. (Rev.) J. E. Lindsay and daughter, and Miss Meta Moutray, Ottawa, at W. H. Moutray's. only cwt. for the most of them, H. B.| Sandwith and W. H, Moutray are having their ice house filled. The y a Q I I I TTI Would you retain an employee who annually insisted ' on a several months' vacation? ' Why, then, be satisfied with roads that every year go off duty for months at a stretch? That is exactly what the old-style road does, The first big Winter storm turns it from a comparatively uséful, smiling road into a sullen, rebellious one. It remains "on strike" until the sun is strong enough to dry up its muddy quagmires, How different with : Permanent Highways of Concrete 365 days they are at your.service, not a day's holiday do they ask. How we need such roads! What a country this will be when at 14st we have a complete network of them joining town with town and linking all our farms with their respective community -centres! Each one of us can do something toward bringing it to pass. Every citizen of Canada can "do his bit"-- by talking Concrete whenever roads are mentioned, But to talk Concrete, we must know Concrete. We have collected and 'boiled down" for easy reading a large amount of information on the subject--free to you if you write a Canada Cement Company, Limited 61 Herald Building _ "Montreal "CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE" . CE rrr or MII ST TT TL TT YI Rubbers, Lm Om 2 EVO IIIT HITE J ITI » No Rn wo) = Nl TT TC CR I CI 77 duce Co., which their husbands and friends at the [spent over Sunday at C. H. Saylor's. home of Mrs. Webster Talcott on the |The different milk routes of the them out 6th inst. A programme was given| cheese factory were let by public(Co. . and refreshments were served. Jos | auction last week. The Quinte Pro- - \ WA it Off for "= the Front! : Brings urgent requests for more and ~ + /'more of this sustaining, refreshing sweet- meat. It relieves thirst and fatigue. ee ----N 1s Proce Edvard | -------- ALLISONVILLE, Feb. 12.--The funeral service for Mr. Bowers, eighty-six years of age, was held in Salem church on Thurs- day, Feb, 8th. Deceased was buried by request under the auspices of the Orange Order. Several from the local lodge with other lodges took charge of the burial services, while 'Rev. Mr. Gall, of Consecon and Rev. H. Mutton of Hallowell circuit con- ducted the services in Salem church. The sale at George Huffman's on Thursday was well attended and everything brought good prices. George and family are moving to Wellington. He has a position as manager of the branch of the Quinte Produce Company. Hiram: Val- leau, hig father-in-law, goes with him. Mr. Vallean will be missed as he has always Deen a resident' of this 3 community, Séveral of the LOL. is a delicious antiseptic and often avoid , - the necessity of drinking impure water. Helps appetite and digestion. Send a few bars, a packet or a box with every . parcel to the Front. . The Flavor Lasts! WM. WRIGLEY JR. €O., Ltd. Wrigley Bldg., Toronto attended the annual county meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 6th., for election of officers for the | Co A Kept Right a SRR RI ¢ Nhe Cold Weather Footwear! Keep your warm and dry. Wear Felt Boots, Overshoes, Moccasins, We carry a large stock to select from. The Sawyer 0 2 7 - . ~~ Men and munitions are needed-- munitions of every kind. Not alone shells and guns and trappings, but ) Every mail from the forces at the front ~ 7 feet Shoe Store A A ttt) bas a branch busi- ness at Wellington, held a meeting ensuing year. The next annual meet- | Brown and R. D. Milford were away | here on Wednesday last to obtain ing will be held in Wellington. last week looking after a boiler for more members. It is a farmers' club € ------ the cheese factory. E. B. Purtelle Fe: G Soa : - 3 _rjorganized in Belleville during the BLOOMFIELD. Howard Leaven and John: Brans- past year, and works to their a aL Feb.. 13.--The ladies of the "Home |combe were in Toronto last week. age in both buyimg and selling. Al- Interest Club' gave an evening to|Ralph Clinton and wife, Belleville, ready dealers at Wellington have lowered their prices in order to drive The Bloomfield 18 contracting for vegetables. Packing re (4 7 7/4 a/ray, ut