THE DAILY BRITISH WH ' PIRATES' JOYOUS SEND-OFF - 0a FEET AREN T ACHING (CAMPBELL POWER SAVED : | 1 Dhcorated | Submarines Leave Kiel Probs: Saturday, mostly fair, same temperature, { €« " ---- With Bangs Aboard. : + - THE ( TY FROM AN ELECTRICAL at n. Feb. 16.--The Frank- " + "~ . POWER FAMINE, fuk o publishes a Lotte: a, - > . r K ribing » Use "Tiz" For Terder, Poded-up, yi, con Mills Water Power Fur- ' IE | Sn r touse Pi : i : Burning, su a ed 4 t nishes Kingston With an 'Auxili-| day gnd Corns, 2 ary Supply of From 350 to 500 the late Jay T, Stedman. Horse Power. . The death occurred very suddenly I a hue stroke the Utilitie N.Y., on Feb. §th, of Com Pi last spring when He was a carpen- Wi bl into an agree ed dead just as he was men tw ipbell Tor a sup- 1 o start his day's work, 'He ply of wa from Kingston a Th a dornec of heart failure, M 1 the rity pl 3 de Fadl il is wife, Mrs Ella e.urin 3. to' 50Vshor ives a 8 Sand Jowers | Page former Canadian, power of ele.iridil energy through bad ong been he fashion ol ss who has many relatives ang friends Mr, Ca@mphe saved Kingston £4 devils when they go los in the Kingston district o chil: etl ha Al the] for €reat undertakings," but a baud | (0%, KInESIOn | strict, two ehil: very attractive bargains that will make instant appeal to all W have been | on ard ne is something k a Sister 6" DY Ane il new } the .band would mal, a ia ister, Mrs, M. A, Powell, >. bargain wise' ' women. ka: 1 s diser somewhere "before 9 Q otive works would : ame Te a oe ~The late Mr. Stedman was forty- have been he ch ef sufferer, |" tel sled Ly the order of Fob. six years of age and was born in > Commission contracted to a ry 1 1917 onc of tha most Cape Vineent, being the son of Tim- 1 that works wit a lat of power, memorable dive hi fie history ra othy B. and Harriet M. Huff Sted- even with the Campbell Water] uh one He cave it i : pw | Man. © He was a prominent Oddfel- y ] : power, the city plant has to run an| @ Says il is 330 NeW! 0 being a past : I nt 1 v rorks | I submarines to ge : a past grand master of the : engine all night to supply the works. | ubma Ld Three Mile Bay lod : Pgopla who are forced to stand on General Manaser Folger stated on)! a squadron. He Tae e Bay lodge. He was also thefr ret all day knew what sore, | , enera Bnager Foiger Slaleqd dn were nine submar-|® member of the International Bible : ® ma a aw | Friday morning that there is now | ine § m Qt Evita on i . Y tende sweaty burning feat mean twenty-five days' [ v of coal onli 1 p y qortege The first udpnts' class | : i h Tia," and Li I ures thely hand for the g and water | was ali y halt a Sea mife ahead Ti Lat evi C rizht up t eps fee n per- ti a tfor 'hen the last turned en « ortherly 1e Late Lev 'ranston. { condition A the only |b an a of von] course rl or SE ae After over a year's illness death + 1500 yards natural Chinese Pon gee in the World thay draws Su here during Shit. and | 'of a spectacle never yet seen offclaimed on Sunday afternoon, Feb. silk -- extra selected stock, full 33 to 84 a the poisonous exudations w " @ aE } 26 Droportio ' watch the sub-] 11th, Levi Cranston, Kepler. H d ¢ hopes to succeed 1e| thoge proj ions. to. watch the sub A pler. He ha pitt ap the feet and cause tender, hopes to succeed. ef thos 0.4 havi | been a vatient sere for the pant inches wide -- to be sold at actually less To Losore; teed aching feet, Instantly | fue at $8.25 ling | death or victory year, vet his any friends will tops the pain in corns, callouses and 31.15 hg A he a aa Tan - m------------ & sincerely regret his death. He x i than wholesale cost. Reg. 65c to 85¢ a yard. huniuns. it's simply glorious., AN! |; gp, other conditions WOMEN TAXI DRIVERS born at Kepler over seventy-four OW omfortable your feet feel after unforeseen. the utilit plants have as years ago, and was tke son of the using Tz You'll never Limp Ory, 04 much more coal than was| Numbgr Applying Fer This Work in j1ate Walter Cranston. . In religion . B dr up your face in pain Your, . red upon | 3 London Not G deceased was a Methodist and a Lib- : shoes won't tighten and' hurt your TEA | Tondon ¥eb 16 . nomber of eral in politics. He was also a mem- feet. Tmo CALLS KAISER A MADMAN. | women who have alr iver Off ber of the Loyal Orange Lodge. The - \ C ot 25-cent box of "Tiz"" now [om C Ey: : applied funeral services were conducted on ® ' ARV § waria : Kk! 4 : Se ---- . {licenses as axl b drivers under trpuasdav r ors > : 4 L any prugeis! J am hl Dean of Columbia University a Grad-| tho new Sopularion not great It Testay MOMiNe Ay BEV. E. { ogling, : le yes oot comfo f mly ay " : a é ( ns were taken 95 rents uate of Leipzig. will probably be a | We time before lio Cataraqui. To mourn his loss he - a New York, 16.-- Twenty-five hun-[any are seen at work le necessary |jeaves a widow and two sons, George AAA Naat | (1 1) rofessors and students fl enquiry as to character, physical fit-{ 5 a farm ad is fa 'q This Clo dred professors and 'studenis 'of Snuiry as 16 character uhysic = fC an a ite 4 th is ig desirable for dresses, fsuit-dresses, men's - i esterday a nes | | Ing capacity wi take t W one en ap 3 . . tha a 7 A £1, yesterday, ; ard Dean Jam s E jing capa : By bn al We n ; daughter, Mrs. A ( Knapp, Pp j mas and 8 irts [ ildren's wear and for house hangings. - - ussell, head o school, a mun | I Ors & a to ! Kingston; also one brother, Charles, steeped in the arning of érman | men ever pport pe and rve-| Railton. The hearers were his two Fescri 106) universities and familiar by residence | S¢nt stron men's threat to call f sons George and Mylts, his son-in- abroad with all phases of German | Out ten eyery women em- flaw, *. Knapp, and his three nep- ; | life, denounce Germany's emperomas | ployed n Fie manager of | hews, Levi, William and Clayton s la madman and his nation as a|one firm twenty-five per | Cranston. A daughter, Mrs. Harry = : | "neighor broken loose from the Cent, of the firm's cabs aré lying | Knapp died two months ago | moorings of civilization.' jidle. He failed to-see why if women | . | 'Dean Russell received the degres| can pass'the Scotland Vard test they { ddubbdddibibbbtbtibtbiiiis | : The confidence the doctors Hi of doctof of philosophy from the Uni- | Should be prevented from employing PIEN F ANCE ! have in our ability to properly versity of Lelprig | them. Handling luggage appeared : A SI LENDID ADVANOR oH 3 dispen.e. . their prescriptions : -------- -- { the only difficulty, If the men car- ' . quite "justifies the careful ser- JUSTICE IN MANITOBA. | en out their threat and women were 3 - : -- ~ LJ 600 pair French Coutil Corsets, made with al- vice we are giving today. JUSTICK IN MA | available his firm would not hesitatef® | (Special to the Whig) =~ uminum steels, re-enforced front and four garters From early morning to mid- | to replace those who behaved irs de deniers night we are "ort the job," and Steal $15,000, Go Freo--Stes] Food, | gracefully, entirely. with women. |¥ Maurice says the British since # --the celebrated D. & A. E. T. and La Parisan ike % n . Five Years in Prison, ; % Jan. lst have advanced three- + take th utmost care to give There is not a plethora of men driy-| : . i a makes. All siz s fr 19 30. All our customers the service which Winnipeg, Feb. 16.--Hugh L | ers to hire + te TLR ten 3 d ] h ] e om to new spring has so helped to build up our Lyon® accountant of the Canadian] Shand yard awd 0 maogels wit business. 'Ne are now com- Government Immigration Depart- | CABLING TO SOLDIERS : thouvavd iki i 3 ] nce and satin trim. A regular. $1. 50 mencing our thirteenth year, ment, who was arrested in Stockton, | | -- + ore nan hie peniire British * value. which we hope will surpass last | Cal, and confessed to the theft of | Confusion and Delay Because of - ns year, and that means we'll be | $15.000, which he lost in grain Faulty Addressing. API EPSP he | going some. speculating on the Winnipeg Ex- Ottawa. Feb. 16.-~Some confusion i - | | | change, was given suspended sen<!,., considerable delay in the de Tiv- . | { 9 tence, 5 ery of cablegrams inte nded for Can : DEUTSCHLAND IS A PRIZE. - i WwW 3 3 S John Gordon, who stole a few |, adian soldiers serving in France, Opti tie T 1% of Re Ret 1 Medical Sacks of flour out of a 1 reight car, | have arisen, the Militia Department ptimis % nko turned Medica : The Popular Drug St | was sentenced to five years In peni-| reports, hecause in'care of the War Miicer at Dinner. i e Open el, fp: | | eRKary. Office, London. Such messages have Toronto," Feb. 16. -- That the ; ? o r---------- had to be forwarded from England|Deutschland, Germany's mercantile Phone 50, Branch 2018 The biggest thing in years. The |by post. It is pointed out that cable-| submersible, is safe in a Scottish 8 wv \- Miracle of Love. grams to members of the Expedition-|Port, that the - Allies can break . ~~ ary Force in France and should through the German lines at any ite bear in addition to the number, name) Point on the western front when they land unit of the persons for whom | choose, and that the British navy has N A théy are intended, the words "Cana- captured almost 300 of the enemy's 3 dians, Frince". Even these nfess- submarine raiders were among the r ages, paid for at full rates, may not Surprising Yemarks from tue Ups of | . ( be forwarded by telegraph in France to Dr, ! fuce 2 a Somp mentary y and may be subject to some delays|dinner at the Ring kawarc DL. 2 HE 165 . carol tendered him by two hundred mem- ; in transmission. The foregoing does ers of the medical profession Lilot apply to messages which may be| C'S © I - ! : . -- ent at the special - non-minimum - veek-end letter rate to soldiers, sail- FOOD GETS RIGHT OF WAY. . BRITISH COLUMBIA RED ors and niirses serving with the Can- 1200 yards fine soft fleecy 15 warm winter coats; the adian Expeditionafy/Force in France, | kimbargo on Eastbound Freight An- 5 which should be Addressed in full, vEe on Eastbound Freigh American shaker. This is last few after a remark- : And which are always forwarded by 2 s " . > * ; the telegraph company Uh mail f(a] Washingion. Feb. 16.--A virtual, =ngspacally good value shle oat season; both embargo on a as und freigh | : | France, aL Snvarse bn ali SBhoiw Leg under 'present conditions plain and novelty styles, ° | 'd by representatives of twenty-five of at 17¢ a yard. Full 27 in sizes 16 to 40; regularly. 4 the country's biggest railways, who | - . : . , met here this afternoon to discuss| . inches wide. priced from $1 5 to $42. 50. ig best measures to relieve the present; freight congestion. f y For a final clean-up. First Native to Go to Lords. J omorrow : : o Montreal, Feb. 16.--8ir Hugh ® Graham, proprietor of the Montreal 2 Star, created a baron. is the first : v native resident Canadi#n to be made; - y = . \ a member of the British House of JFRESH SEA HERRINGS 10¢ ib Lords, and the first overseas journal- | o ? aE a ist to receive a peerage. ° FRESH MANITOBA WHITE FISH 16¢ 1b , an \ . Montreal Customs Appointment. a Otawa, Feb. 16.--Harry McLaugh- Ns lin, deputy collector of the port of ara at aatial)] W D » ' . 0» Montreal, has been appointed ship- m ping master for the port. The duties . . . Davies' Co., Limited, Phone 997 fins 5 'Ml See Our pening D is of Ne position were formerly com . ul $ an bined <kith those of the collector of pia P & customs, vacated by the resignation omoIrow of R. S. White. Newman & Shaw's "Coat Sale." As a matter of fact your neighbors . think just as disagreeable things 18TH : about you as you think about them. : - : . Home-made candy can be eaten a. : freely, only 25¢ 1b, Mahgod's Drug : ) , Store. "The Woman' s Store of Kin A The Miracle of Love. Watch for it. gston." ) Cupid avoids girls' boarding ddd i schools "because he likes to shoot his{\ - . game flying. > - Page and Shaw after dinner mints, { 3 18TH AL. H. WILSON, delicious--only 50¢ box, Mahood's HERARIO i dn his new Irlsh song plav, "My| Drug Store, ] . es Song Play, My | Ds i a mean father who hes bis] J MERAP 3 EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES IN MEN'S Seventeen G Killarney Rose," at the Grand{ enuine : whiskers shaved off because the baby T RAP Mm 3. Sul OVERCOAT, ; Mahogan and on Thuisday evening, Feb. 22nd {poco pull them. Rot a ON. Has . y Quar- Holge-made candy can be eaten Coming, The Miracle of Love. hts Bei aes Re oivce cp choniarn .00 Coats, now . £3 «nan S750. ter Cut Oak Dressers § | freely, oniy-25¢ 1b, Mahood's Drug| Jf a wife refuses to divorce "her! DRLECLE TRADE sk mts woh THERAPY 1s OF 00 Coa A Bs a) 3 a . Store. : dyspeptic husband---that is love. BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE ts, now . 24 0 2» .. $22.00 large dr wers. an It is easier for a rich man to know Every dentiit does a wide open 2 ? $20 00 Coa : y 2. : : S ts, now $18 00 his enemies than his friends. business. J aN ES FIRED UPON. . "2 vis edna o square and round bevel A SENTRIES F1 i: "mirrors. Oswego Guardsmen Report Thrilling = JOHN TWEDDELL . Find A on Ww. 4. A N - a Regular $27.00, for. $22.00 en} Civil and ailor nse dt, y Oswego, N.Y., Feb, 16.-~Two mem- Ci Military hese dressers are "well finished and an extrz good value bers of the National Guard on en- T 131 Pri St. soday at $27.00. try duty around the State Armory to- | ga on "Onl 17 Offered i This Sale. day rephrted that they had been fir- ; ys _ So m v to' ed upcn during the night. e two dear ER tains reduced. me extra'good alues shootings following so closely on the th Tuesday night of a gunardsman en | ve ev en Blinds complete With brackets (we have a number of odd H ie while SE atea ting a nds ' Be, lights near the New York water sup- ply aqueduct, are regarded by militia | BY Buying Their Boots Here. Wé Handle the Best I fF. | ARRI SON COMPANY Suthorities as Jecuiln Boots at the Lowest Prices. Our prices, Pure: Candy is strengthening-- $6.00, $2 $5.00. ! 90° Page and Shaw hard "boiled fruit L-Phone -- , Limited. candy in gealed jars, 25¢, Manood's - Drug Storé. Page and Shaw chocolates, Ma- 0 PAGE THREE bood's Drag Store, od pe