Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Feb 1917, p. 6

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---- A i n 1917. PAGE FIVE "Cut of the High Rent District." . New Dresses The very Latest Pleated Styles Are Here, Ready for You; Fine Serges and Silks. In- dividual Models at our usual low prices. SPRING SUITS SPRING COATS SPRING HATS A large assortment of advance styles ready for Saturday. If not prepared to buy you are welcome to come and make your selec- tion and have it placed aside. New Waists, New Skirts, New Camisoles. See the Window. 'Cofinor's Ladies' Exclusive § ® "wy | I.J.0Connor 260 Princess St. ' Telephone 800 "Higher up street, but lower in price." (---- ; == NOTHING LIKE A GOOD ai HOT WATER BOTTLE | For the sick room. All prices from 85 to $3.00. : ) ~ AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets. Teleph dhe 41, ! tl rr -------- L lt lt FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE EVERYTHING REDUCED, SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY rao + See my line of Period Furniture, Largest & Best Selection to Choose From. R. J. REID, Leading Undertaker. Phone 577 oe .e ons -------- ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. : Still Selling 40c, 50c and 60c per pound; . Black, Green, Mixed. TS IF The many good points embodied in the shoes we sell can be briefly summed up in oneword Oly No footwear is allowed to leave our store unless it is so satisfactory, it will en- "hance our wel merited reputation. Come and see our stock today. - Allan M. Reid, 111 Princess Street 3 i % J wee aE AND MILITIA ACT MIGHT BE DIF-! FICULT T OCARRY OUT t How the Units Around Kingston stand: in the Way of Officers-- | Many Have Gone Over<eas, The "Militia List" shows som& in-| eresting 'facts: The "Militia List" sued periodically apd gives the rank, name, initials and/unit of every | | officer in Capada. i= The local militia regiments of | | Frontenac and Kingston are the 14th. | Regiment, 47th Regiment of Infan- | | fantry, 4th Hussars of Cavalry and] | the 5th Kingsten Field Battery. The 14th Regiment is entitled ac- t cording to the original establishment | | to have twenty-seven 'competent' ! officers--those 'who hold military | qualifications, excluding therefore, | such as the medical officer, chaplain, | quartermaster, ete. With super- | nummary officers who were allowed, in view of the great number going overseas, this number twefity-seven| was swelled to sixty-three, of whom | all but twenty-two have gone over, In the 47th Regiment the super-| nummariesg carried the total number of officers up to fifty-four, of whom! all but thirty-three have joined the] expeditionary force, In considering the 4th Hussars it] must pe remembered that only two! of the four squadrons have head- quarters here Of the thirty-two | listed. officers of this regiment, nine | are with the Expeditionary Force in| insane, The 5th Kingston Battery .arries, | including supernummaries, a total of fifty-nine officers, and of these twen-*| mpty-three have gone The result of these figures seem to prove that the Militia Act would hardly work out in practice. - The | officers who have not gone overseas have remained ai heme for some very! definite reason. In some cases it has| been the pressure of personal busi-| ness that could not'be relieved with-| out an imgnse sacrifice. In any case | they are{not part of the expediticnary i force, 1 *- The local militia units, when com- pared to others throughout the coun- | try have done spléndidly, and are| continuing to do work that leads all | others in the way of preparing offi- cers for overseas commissions, The] best military opinion, however, indi- cates that the staff of cfficers is so de- | pletefi of those willing to go on ac tive service that there is small like- lihood 'that the units could be called out because of the shortage of avail-| abla officers } FARMERS AFTER FUEL. , Many in The Squads in Coal Offices | These Days, Even the farmers are feeling the | bitter nip of the coal shortage. Many of them from the adjoining town-| ships have recently made their ap- pearance among those who daily visit the _local coal offices in an endeavor to place orders her heating material. But the agriculturists are more for-| tunate than the city people, because | they own horjses and rigs with which they can deliver their own stove fodder, Cord wood hag become practically a thing of the past in the rural dis- tricts, the treeg left standing being too valuable to be used for anything but lumber. No more the good,old | bucksaw rings out on the frosty air, | and the axe that once gave the far- mer's boy voracious appetite now rusts away in the woodhouse, which has been converted into a storhouse or chicken pen. Never again will] that hoarse command, "Josh and | Hiram, fetch in some more wocd fer | the stove," issue from the smoke- | cloud above the agrarian's head as| he toasts his shins at the kitchen fire. | Instead comes the order, "Si, 80 | down an' fetch up some more coal." Gave a Supper. The wives of the members of the official boards of Queen Street Me- thodist Church entertained the mem- bers to a splendid supper in the church on Thursday evening. Through Judge Lavell and Captain Crawford, the ladies were thanked | for their gemerous hospitality. The] boards later considered the business! ¢f the third quarter. The church spiritually, financially and harmon- iously, is showing good results. ? A Huge Success. The sale of shoes at The Lockett Shoe Store has been a great success. Their patrons have found this sale as advertised. » Farmer 74 'Years old Tells How Vinol Made Him Strong The following letter from farmer Lester adds another link to the great chain of evidence which proves that there is nothing equal to Vinol to create strength for feeble, weaki run-down conditions and after sick- ness. * eo Vestal Centre, N.Y. "I am a far- mer, 74 years of age and got into a weak, run-down condition as a result of the grippe. Our druggist suggest- ed Vinol to build me up and I noticed an improvement soon after taking it, and it has restored my strength so 1 can now do a good day's work. 'My wife has also taken Vinol for a run-down condition with splendid ré-| sults."--H. W. Lestey. 3 The reason Vinol so efficient in building up strength for weakened, feéble, old people is because it con- tains beef and 'cod liver peptones. iron and manganese peptonates and glycerophosphates, the most success- ful tonics known. We wish every person in Kingston who is suffering from a weakened, run-down, deyitalized condition THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, | Gave ADDRESS BEFORE | become acquainted with them, offer- | people at the Home fcr the Aged will) | military | for serving refreshments to returned | | did display. * bcellence of tae programme rendered. LADIE AUNILIARY © VETERANS' ASSOC. He Had Attended || Planned . by Referyed to Cases to--Entertainments the Ladies, Mayor J. M. Hughes addressed a well attended meeting of the Ladies' - Auxiliary of the Veterans' Associa-| tion on Thursday evening, and in tell-| ing the mof the conditions &s he has| ed his earnest assistance in doing; everything possible for the returned | soldier or a soldier's family. Recent] cases that he has attended to consist-| ed of ordering coal, having pipes thawed out Thé mayor remarkea | tha: the Ladies' Auxiliary was bound to prove a splendid organization with such a big field ow work. In appreciation of the work being catried cn Mrs. J. M. Hughes, Mrs. | J. W. Edwards and W. F Nickle were elected ' honcrary members of the Auxiliary * | Several decisions in regard to com-!| decided, The old| ed out at once. as. eohumacit------------------ cats rhettenr (ecomra-- = ing events were entertained on Saturday night] On the following Saturday they will entertain the patients of the House of Providence, Visits to the hospital and convalescent homes are being made. In this con- nection the announcement was made! that OD gowns for the scldiers at the Mowat, Elmhurst and Rich- ardson home would be provided by| the Auxiliary. The arrangements be next Campbell's FURSALE soldiers have been completed and the| work will start next week, The la-| dies are serving hot coffee and sand-| wiches to all returning soldiers' These will be supplied'at the statiqn | so that it will not interfere with the herces being given leave without de- Bargains galore in fine furs, lay setts and single pieces, in SECURED NEW QUARTERS. Halliday Electrie Company Has Leased Store at King and Princess. The Halliday Eleetric Company, | which has for the past eight years been located at 345 King street, will Red Fox, move into new quarters at the corner Grey Fox, of King and Princess street, in the/ store recently occupied by the Army] Black Fox, and Navy The company expect to . be settled their new home by | Manchurian Wolf, April 1st : \ Civet Cat Owing fto increasing business the . ' Persian Lamb, Northern Sable, company 'has been handicapped for space in\the old store, and for this 'American Oppossum Etc. Natural Wolf, Black Wolf, Alaska Sable, in reason Mr. Halliday leased this new store. It is most commodious, with | ample room .for the carrying on of every line of the business, while the large windows will allow for a splen- Raw furs are advancing, and next season's prices ave likely to be high, so why not take ad- vantage of our present low prices. - It is the ation of Mr. Halliday to enter into an active advertising campaign. He is a firm believer in | the old saying, "It pays to'advertise,"' | and with the advertising "he . will} combine 'with his bwsiness > ability, | things are sure to h@m at this busy | corner. ! Mr. Halliday has 'been in the elec-| trical Business for twélve years. He | learned . the business under J. M.| Campbell at Gananoque. For six years he served as eléctrician for the Street Railway Company, and for some time was in partnership with of the moft "Harry. Breck. Mr. iifiday is one popular business men in the city, and by strict attention<igp-Business has built, Wp .a good trade. His many friends wish him continued success in his new store. 4 nn Campbell Bros., Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. AA InN arcels | -- For -- ---------------------- MINISTRELS AT PITTSBURG. . Young Men's Club of Queen Street Church Put on Show. The Young Men's Club of Queen Street Methodist church made' their appearance before a large and ap- preciative audience Thursday night, when they put on their production in St. John's church, Pittsburg. The audience were most generous iu their expressions of appreciation at the ex- DEMAND GOOD THINGS TOEAT -- For -- SUGGESTIONS The young ladies<yery generously provided a supper for the performers at the close of the entertainment, and to say that the ministrels enjoyed it would be putting it mildly, and it was a tited but happy party which ar- rived in Kingston in the wee sma | See Our Window. hours of the morning. The company | Ak Henderson'sGracery vl fter . I eres City Red Cross Minstrels," The Spot for Everything 3 1 ( - as'a portion of the proceeds will 69 to, Fat and the Best of Everything. Cobourg, Feb. 15.--The will of the| Died at Jones' Falls, late Miss Orr, Bobcaygeon, is in court, ggopag' falls, Feb. 14.--A gloom for interpretation. The estate I8| gq cast-6ver this community by the valued at over $200,000. Miss Orr| geath of a highly respected resident, BE CmwerLin the person uf Bptiriast ¥ivtye, The cles to i ATI geceased ha only o eex, tian Science. objects, amounting t0/gud in the early morning of Feb. 6th $90,000; bequeaths $10,000 to the yo passed peacefully away at the village of Bobcaygeon to be used for early age of thirty years. His death Plt pumposes; aud 310,009 to XT ame. uy . Seat Shock w his mauy rother"s an - riends. e was of a brig and The balance of the estate is left) cheerful disposition and made many undisposed of, and there are said to|friends., Mr. Virtue had resided at be over a hundred claimants for| jones' Falls all his life, and he will this, be greatly missed. Hetis survived Q Wesley M BA A ttl his wife, one son and his aged ev. Wesley Megaw, B.A, assist- mother. ° y ant pastor of Cooke's Church, To-!| ronto, has received a call to Stewar- ton Presbyterian Church, Ottawa. Miss Gertrude Peel, Westmount, and K. C on Grant, Perth, Ont., and sop of Mrs. M. L. Grant, Ottawa, were married on Wednesday. Many Claimants to Orr Estate. P. R. Brockel engaged ifi campaign work in. connection with the Militia Department of the Y.M.C.A,, Toronto, 2as been offered the position of general secretary of the Belleville association. ASSESSMENT AND POPULATION OF FRONTENAC. The latest' Ontario statistics shew the following figures for Fron- tenac County: -- 5 would try Vinol om our guarantee to feturs their money if it fails to bene- t ! . Mahood"s Drng Store, Kingston. Also at the Best druggist in all On- tario towns. Assessed . Total as- Townships-- popula- Assessed sessnient ks : tion, 1916. area, 1916. for 1915. ame... lohan 380 26,586 61,191" rt BaMlord =i... in 1,088 64,476 208,502 ndon and 743 43,969 69,500 nchinbrooke 1,181 7788? © 208112 Howe Island ....: 314 8,00 3.380 b - 802 46,890 10 Kingston 2,513 52,086 1,265,535 Loughborough 1,832 51,660 420,745 Olden ..... Sasa egy 907 53,193 222,085 es SER ish 881 40,926 112,071 Palmerston, etc er aaah 664 56,907 79.842 Pittsbute:.... 0. ... 0... 1,775 17,864 824,819 Portiand 2. .~.-.. ..-. Li... 1.743 52,565 877,510 Storington ... --. .......:... 1.682 55272 428,015 Wolfe Bland... 006.5 20 1,404 81,256 593,119 Villages-- EAT . - ; v2 Gardep Island... .. .. .5...... 43 77 30,500 Portsmouth, &.¢s:.. 0. di. 0d... 661 128 131,245 The BOYS OVERSEAS | '| kidneys. EE ---- le of Small Sizes in Children's Rubbers Home-Made Candy Fresh Made Every Day. ~~ Sakeli's Telephone 640 Next Grand Opera House 25c. J / ut good quality; Sizes 3 to 73% only, and regular 60c, but carried from last winter and must be clear- Only about 100 pairs, at .. ih 25 TSA FEN SER 0 J { ely " | hg . re OUR th i 9 A - ®.» Also Oil Cloths and Lin- oleums and Carpet . Squares. James Reid Phone 147 Bring Your Boys Here We can outfit them from head to foot, and save yon many dollars. . See Our Big Stock of Boys' Suits & Overcoats. All pricad right, $3.75 up. Tweeds; Blue Serges, Worsteds, Ete, Also a fall line of Boots and Shoes. Rubbers, Hats, Caps, Mitts, Fine Shirts, Collars, Ties, Etc. ISAAC ZACKS = 271 Princess Street. ) SALTS IS FINE FOR KIDNEYS, QUIT MEAT Flash The Kidnéys At Once When Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers. No man or womén who eats meat regularly can .make a mistake by flushing - the kidneys ocrasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms urlc acid which clogs the kid- ney pores so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood, then you get sick. Nearly all rhenmatism, head- athes, liver trouble, nervousness, bladder disorders come from sluggish "The moment you feel a dull ache] in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of pas- sage or attended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful in a glass of. water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of g and jemon juice, combined with litha and has been used for generations to flash clogged kidneys and stimulate them to ac- tivity, also to neutralize the acids {n urine so it no longer causes irri- tation, thus ending bladder disorders. _ Jad Salts is inexpensive and can- not injure; makes a delightful effer- vescent lithia-water drink whic all regular meat eaters.should take now and them to keep the kidneys "lean and the blood pure, thereby, avoiding he A AA Pe At PAA A A tN A AA A AN BIG Feby Furniture Sale A HUGE SUCCESS Children's Drop Side Cots. Brass and Iron Beds. Springs and Mattresses and Pillows. The Leading Undertaker SPECIAL TO-DAY MOLASSES WALNUT CHEWING TAFFEE AT THOMPSON'S GROCERY Hot Water Battle Special This Bottle is Guar- -anteed for one year. Special price 89c. Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82. Opposite Bt. Andrew's Church A A tri Many a woman years a drug store complexion while posing a¢ a nature lover. serious kidney complications. } co : : 1 : a . ¥ HH ; ». & ; gy x

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